MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 85 city

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The ancients once said that when a woman’s battle started, it is best for a man not to interject, or it would become the biggest victim of a woman’s campaign.

At least everyone in Dali Temple saw the Fule County Lord and Miss Shi fight against each other, and could not help but let the light breathe.

"Ban, you have to be crazy, this is not the right time for your class!" Shi Feixian said, "I will not let you bully."

"Of course, this world is not the responsibility of my class, this world is the next step," said the class, stepping forward to Shi Feixian's hand to the back, in the scream of Shi Feixian, tied her hand Together, "Since it is under your command, then you are suspected now, it is time to go to Dali Temple to make it clear."

"You let me go!" Shi Feixian did not expect the class to be so daring. She earned a bit and didn't make a profit. She turned to want to go to Shijin for help. As a result, the head had not turned, and she was forced by the class. She turned back, "Miss Shi, please."

Dali Temple everyone: ran to someone else's house to grab people, but also tied people in front of the brothers, Fule County, this courage...

"Counter!" Shi Jin stopped the class, his hand was not close, and the class said, "What do you want to do, men and women don't understand?"

Everyone looked at Shi Jinxuan’s hand, and his face was full of helplessness and helplessness.

Liu Banshan coughed aloud: "Please ask the stone master to rest assured that as long as the sister tells the cause and effect of the matter, we will let her back, and will not let her be wronged."

"You must bring the dog girl to the Dali Temple for trial, and say that she will not be wronged?" Shi Chonghai walked in from the outside and saw his daughter's hand was tied behind him, sinking his face. "Liu Daren, you. What means?"

"Shi Xiangye should not misunderstand, because Miss Shi refused to cooperate with the investigation of Dali Temple, I was forced to tie her up," Ban Yi took a blessing to Shi Chonghai, "also ask the stone phase not to be so angry."

"This case is responsible for Dali Temple. Why did the Fule County owner intervene?" Shi Chonghai was not polite to the class. "I am afraid there are some irregularities."

"Shi Xiangye please rest assured that the little woman has asked for her sire. The little girl has the right to follow up." The class was swept away and fell on Shi Chonghai's body. "If the stone man is dissatisfied with the little girl's move, I can only ask you to bear with me."

This is tantamount to picking up the stone and worshiping the sea. Even the emperor has no opinions. Do you have any opinions?

In the high position, most of them carry a majesty that makes many people fear. Some low-grade officials in Dali Temple don't even dare to look directly at Shi Chonghai, because they can't help but feel timid when they stand in front of him.

But who is the class, she is even the emperor in front of the spoiled and crying master, how can she fear this kind of momentum on Shi Chonghai, she pushed Shi Feixian to the front of the Dali Temple guard, Pi Xiao meat does not laugh: "Stone Adult, Miss Shi, can only temporarily offend you."

"Fule County Lord!"

Shi Chonghai's face was very ugly. He reached out and wanted to pull his daughter, but the class was stopped in front of him: "Is it a guilty conscience?"

"Fule County, please be cautious!"

"Since Shi Daren is not afraid of the truth, why should we stop us from taking Miss Shi. Miss Shi, a daughter who has not left the cabinet, is not good at taking the crimes. It is better to check the case earlier and return her to be innocent." The class is not allowed to move. Now if Shi Chonghai has stopped Shi Feixian, it will be difficult for them to take away Shi Feixian in the future.

Shi Chonghai face Shen Rushui: "Is the Fule County owner really planning to do this?"

Ban Yidao said: "I don't want to do this. This is the process of investigating Dali Temple."

Shi Chonghai no longer looked at the class, he turned to look at Liu Banshan: "Liu Daren, you Dali Temple case, is this the process?"

In his eyes, there is a threat. In his view, Liu Banshan is just a Dali Siqing from Sanpin, and he does not dare to confront him.

"Shi Daren," Liu Banshan smiled slightly, and told Shi Chonghai: "The rules of my Dali Temple are really the same, please forgive me."

Shi Chonghai did not speak. He looked at Liu Banshan with a squint. Liu Banshan looked back at him respectfully, and his smile remained unchanged.

"Adult, Cheng Anbo asks!"

"Don't see!" Shi Chonghai heard the words of Cheng Anbo, and he sank his face. "Please come back to Anbo."

"Wait," Shi Chonghai glanced at the crying daughter, remembering the consequences that might have been caused after the incident, and calmly said: "Let him come in."

Although the daughter is important, the stone family is more important.

Banyan didn't think that Rong Rong had come along. She turned her head and looked out. She saw that Rong Rong, who was wearing a light-colored robes, strode forward. In her memory, it seems that she rarely walks so fast.

"Shi Xiangye," Rong Rong walked into the inner hall and arched Shi Chonghai and Shi Jin. "The next officer took the liberty to come, Shi Xiangye forgive me, don't blame the next harassment."

"Don't dare," Shi Chonghai said faintly. "Rong Daren is the red man in front of the emperor. Shimou dare to blame."

"Is the stone man saying this, how can the lower official behave?" Rong Rong walked to the side of the class and stood up and smiled. "The lower official is under the sacred order to assist Dali Temple to thoroughly investigate the case of Jingting."

"Oh?" Shi Chonghai raised his eyebrows. "Rong Daren is a sacred book, how can he still go to the Dali Temple?"

"It’s not to manage Dali Temple, but to assist," Rong said. "It’s the duty of the people to pay attention to your subordinates. It has nothing to do with the position of the lower official in that department."

"Father, not me, I have not done this kind of thing," Shi Feixian saw Rong Rong coming in and struggled even more. "I was detained.

"Miss Shi," the smile on Rong Rong’s face was gone. "This case has been under review by Dali Temple. What is the relationship between you and the suspected material in your body? What is the relationship with the Fule County?"

Shi Feixian looked at Rong Rong: "You don't believe me?"

"In the evidence of the letter, the results of the investigation of Dali Temple," Rong Rong held a fist to Shi Feixian, "I still have a word to say to Miss Shi, please don't be angry when Miss Shi listens."

"What do you want to say?" Shi Feixian was somewhat disoriented. Looking at this handsome and ruthless man, she felt like a joke.

"Being a human being, talking and doing things while staying in the mouth," Rong Rong said slightly cold, "The fiancee who is under is a good girl, why do you want it, but also ask the stone girl to be cautious in the future."

Shi Feixian lived, was he still fighting for the class?

She was **** by the back of the class and was searched around the yard. Isn't this all brought by the class?

If it is not a class, how can she be ashamed of today?

"Stone girl, I want to ask you to bear with me," Rong Rong said this sentence, facing the guards on the outside, "take people away."

"You..." Shi Chonghai took a step forward.

"Shi Daren, the lower officials advised you not to resist the purpose," Rong Yu stopped and looked back at Shi Chonghai. He said that "the person who was killed, but the management of Hui Wangfu."

Shi Chonghai did not know what he thought. He suddenly changed his face. He looked at the daughter who was praying for his eyes. He sighed and turned away and stopped looking at his daughter's eyes.

"Father?" Shi Feixian looked at the father who turned around in disbelief. Wasn't his father even willing to help her?

She looked around and finally fell to Shi Jin: "Big brother, I am embarrassed, I really did not do these things."

Shi Jin wanted to say something, but he saw his father slowly shook his head, and his open mouth closed hard. However, he did not escape the gaze of Shi Feixian, but walked up to her and touched her head gently: "Sister, you are at ease, and my father and I will bring you out as soon as possible."

Shi Feixian wants to say that she does not want them to bring her out, but wants them to stop these people to take her away.

But she knows that she is not that important in the face of family interests. She should understand this from an early age. When she was born, she learned the strategy of the plan. After the house was under the shackles, the mother always said to her, you are the daughter of Shijia, and you can't be willful.

They are all nobles, why can't they be careless? Does the class family need a daughter to win a good reputation and gain power for the class?

When she was brought out of the stone gate, Shi Feixian’s mind was blank. She looked up at the gray sky and the tears fell.

"Miss Shi, please go to the carriage."

The carriage in front of her was clean and even exquisite, but she knew that as long as she sat in the carriage today, her reputation would plummet in the future, even worse than now.

She stopped and turned to look at the class. "Are you happy?"

The class was slightly stunned, and then Shi Feixian was smirked with a sigh of relief: "I have something unsatisfactory, hello and bad, what influence does it have for me?"

Shi Feixian glanced behind the class and suddenly smiled: "You are targeting me everywhere, isn't it because Xie Qilin was happy with me after I settled with you in the same year? I have already advised him not to approach me again, but he did not like it. You, what can I do?"

Standing behind the class, Rong Rong looked at Shi Feixian quietly, and the expression on her face did not change because of her words.

"He likes you, I like you, what does it have to do with me?" Ban Yi slightly lifted his chin. "My fiancé looks better than him. His status is higher than him. He is talented and considerate. What do I rarely do? He is such a person." It is also worthy of your deliberate statement?"

"But it," Ban said that Shi Feixian's expression was very ugly. "If you want to make you happy, then you think so, I don't care about such small things."

Shi Feixian saw a gentle smile on his face, and his heart was like a needle. She turned and got into the carriage, never looking at the class again.

This monk!


Shi Feixian hated to bite the lips out of the blood. At this moment, this day of hatred and shame, she can not forget this life.

Banyan rides on horseback and walks side by side with Rong Rong.

With a smile on the face, it seems to be in a good mood. Banyan turned his head and glanced at him. He looked at him again and couldn’t help but say, "What are you laughing at?"

"Well..." Rong Rong touched his chin. "If you are in a good mood, you will laugh."

Ban Yu thought that when Xie Qilin and Shen Yu saw her doing some behavior beyond ordinary people, she never laughed.

“Why are you in a good mood?” Ban Yi thought, “I saw that I ran to Shijia to make trouble, you... what do you think?”

"You really didn't do it right." Rong Rong frowned. "It's too impulsive."

"Oh." Banyan felt that his expression was definitely a little cold.

"The next time I want to find someone's trouble, let me know in advance, so that I can count on my heart. If I encounter something that I can't solve, I can help you with it." The eyebrows are slightly wrinkled. "You are straight, I am afraid that you will suffer when you encounter a reckless generation."

After a short break, the class reacted to what it meant.

"Do you think that my brain is not enough, will you suffer?" The class said, "My martial arts is still good."

Rong Rong dumbfounded, how did this become a dislike of her?

"There is a saying that is good, saying that men and women are not tired when they work together, and they are both heavy and civil, and they can beat the bears." Rong Yan said with a smile. "You will be martial, I will use the text, and both will meet each other. More disadvantage?"

The class suddenly realized: "You said this is also very reasonable, then I will call you next time?"

"Well, okay." Rong Xiao smiled and should be down.

Du Jiu, who was behind Rong Rong, maintained a numb face and pretended to have nothing to hear.

For example, he did not hear the uncle to go with the county owner to make a bad, for example, he did not hear the uncle to help the county owner out of bad ideas.

The classmates... are terrible, and they have a magical power that can bring people to their knees.

After the class and Rong Rong followed the people in Dali Temple, they went straight to Dali Temple. After seeing Shi Feixian being locked into a clean cell, Banyan finally showed a smile on his face.

Dali Siqing had already received the intention of His Majesty, saying that Cheng Anbo was going to assist in the investigation, so he was happy to be the treasurer of the hand. Everything was left to Liu Banshan to worry about, but after seeing his own subordinates, Miss Shijia After closing into the prison, he still scared his legs.

How does this matter involve the daughter of Shi Xiangxiang?

"Qingfeng," Dali Siqing secretly took Liu Banshan to the corner and whispered, "What is going on here, how do you put Miss Shi Jia in?"

"Adults, this is also a helpless thing," Liu Banshan said through the incident with Dali Siqing, "I didn't think of the subordinates, Miss Shi is so bold, will do such a thing."

"Killing and killing the mouth?" Dali Temple Qing screams, this Miss Shijia looks like a petite drop, even dare to make □ □, killing people to destroy things?

“Is there any misunderstanding in this?” He still doesn’t trust, “Do you want to check it out?”

"Check the nature to check," Liu Banshan sighed and looked helpless. "If it was the past, this matter would not involve Miss Shi himself. But today, the Fuk Lok County is present, and Cheng Anbo also co-administers the case. Missing Miss Stone is also a helpless move."

"You are not easy, I understand," Dali Siqing patted Liu Banshan's shoulder and bitterly said. "You have to work hard these days, become Amber and Fule County."

"Please rest assured that the lower officials must handle it well," Liu Banshan looked around and whispered. "I am reassured by the adults. Since this happened, Amber entered the company and went out in the future. Naturally, Cheng Anbo is responsible for it. Even if there is a relationship with Dali Temple, the relationship will not be too big, and the adults will be relieved."

Dali Siqing heard the words and smiled. He was very satisfied with Liu Banshan's interest. "If you tell Rong Daren, you will say that I am ill. This case is the responsibility of Cheng Anbo. What he needs, you try to cooperate."

After that, I took a shot of Liu Banshan’s shoulder again and walked away with a smile.

"Adults walk slowly." Liu Banshan looked at his back and respectfully performed a ceremony. After Dali Siqing walked away, he turned and walked toward the prison.

When he walked into the prison, he saw that Rong Rong and Ban Yi actually sat on the side of the tea, and the smile on his face was a bit stiff: "Rong Daren, I wonder if you asked anything?"

Rong Rong put down the teacup. "Liu Daren is still in the future, can I be good at it?"

“Yong Daren is polite,” Liu Banshan said with a smile. “The Shangguan’s Shangfeng is unwell and needs to be recuperated for a few days at home. I am afraid that this case will be the sole responsibility of the adults.”

"This is not appropriate," Rong Rong shook his head. "I have a marriage contract with the Jingting Government. I am afraid that it is not suitable for the case alone. It is better to invite Li Shilang from the Criminal Department. We all negotiated this case together?"

Li Chengkai, the right-hander of the Criminal Department, is a mediocre person. He was born to be a fearful person. He is considered a marginal figure in the Stone Party. Especially after he was recently transferred to the Criminal Department, he was even more unaffected by Shi Chonghai.

Rong Rong let the people of the Stone Party participate in this case, which is also blocking the long-awaited mouth.

"Rong Daren said that the lower official sent someone to ask Li Shilang."

Li Chengkai is teaching his son to study at home. Recently, he didn’t know what it was. His baby son didn’t like to mess around with things. He was so happy that he let people even put three strings of guns.

Although he is a minister in the criminal department, he has not been used to it, so he is happy.

The person who heard the Dali Temple invited him. Although he was puzzled in his heart, he did not dare to refuse. He could only change his official uniform and prepare to take a trip.

"Father," Li Xiaoru came back from the outside and saw Li Chengkai wearing his official uniform, ready to go out, and said, "You want to go out?"

"Yeah, for the father to go to Dali Temple," Li Cheng opened a smile and said, "Your brother is studying in the yard, you look at some."

“Dali Temple?” Li Xiaoru remembered the case that had recently been raging, and the people who turned to see the Dali Temple outside the courtyard were waiting, and whispered, “Be careful when you used to, I heard that people from Dali Temple just now. Into the stone family, took Miss Shi away."

"No," Li Chengkai’s face changed. "Do you have such a courage in Dali Temple?"

Dali Siqing had contacted him. He was a very courageous person. He dared to bring his subordinates to Shi Xiangye’s house to grab people, and he was still Miss Shijia?

This is not like what he will do.

"It’s not him who is the person, it’s Dali Temple Shaoqing.” The news outside has already been rumored. Li Xiaoru also rushed back home because of listening to these things. "It is said that the Fule County owner took the guard and broke into the stone." At the door of the family, then Cheng Anbo rushed over and took the person away."

“Fule County Lord?” Li Chengkai said. “The temperament of this county owner is really strong. If you meet her in the future, you can remember to be far away, otherwise you will suffer.”

Li Xiaoru didn't bother to tell her father that she had already suffered several losses in the county's main hand, so that she now sees the Fule County owner guilty.

"But why did Cheng Anbo go?" Li Cheng looked at his daughter inexplicably. "Is he helping his fiancee?"

Li Xiaoru couldn't help but smile: "Which is so simple, Shi Xiang and Cheng Anbo can't deal with it very much. And I heard that Cheng Anbo was in charge of the case, and he can understand it."

"Li Daren," the official of Dali Temple stood outside the door and opened a hand to Li Cheng. "Are you still not ready?"

"Okay, okay," Li Cheng said with a smile. "This is coming."

Li Xiaoru looked at the back of his father's departure and sighed low. He only hoped that this matter would be settled soon, and he should not be involved in his father. Although she does not understand politics, she intuitively told her that this incident would be very troublesome.

The prisoners in Dali Temple are all suspected in major cases. The general criminals do not have this qualification even if they want to be imprisoned in Dali Temple. Banyan was also the first prisoner to come to Dali Temple, so she deliberately looked at what was in her cell.

There are no bloodstains everywhere on the wall, and there are no torture tools hanging over the wall. The room is dark, the windows are small, the fence is iron, and it looks cold and cold, but if there is a fire, the house will not burn.

She sat outside drinking tea, and Shi Feixian was in a daze. Ban Fei thought that Shi Feixian would make a big noise or yell at her. After entering the place, Shi Feixian quieted down, but his face was pale and his look looked a little scared.

Just as she was about to look away, Shi Feixian suddenly looked up at her, her eyes full of deep hatred, as if everything she suffered today was caused by the class.

The class stunned and immediately showed her a bright smile.

Shi Feixian scratched the grasshopper sitting under him.

"Rong Daren, Liu Daren," Li Chengkai walked into the prison, laughing and yelling with Rong Wei and Liu Banshan. He looked at Shi Feixian in the prison, and his face was shocked: "This is not a stone girl, this is what happened?"

Liu Banshan secretly swears in the heart that this is an old fox. He does not believe that Li Cheng did not know that they brought Miss Shi Jia into the prison of Dali Temple.

"This case is too difficult. The following officials and Rongda people want to ask Li Daren to find out the case together," Liu Banshan said with a smile. "Your Majesty had made a decision and asked the Criminal Department to investigate the case, so recently I am afraid I have to trouble Li Daren."

Li Chengkai waved: "The lower officials are only shallow, but I am afraid that it is not as helpful as the two adults."

"Li Daren," Rong Yu turned to look at Li Chengkai. "How can you be a prisoner?" This joke is not funny.

Li Chengkai was in a stalemate. How did he forget that Rong Rong was a book?

If he does not agree to it today, then the position of the assistant minister of the criminal department may not be able to keep it.

Thinking of this, Li Chengkai can only smile with a smile: "The lower officials can only be limited, but if there is a need for Rong Daren, the lower officials must help each other."

How can he be before power?

Liu Banshan smiled and smiled: "Since people are already present, we can ask."

As soon as the voice fell, he turned and walked to the front of the prison. He told the stone flying fairy: "Stone girl, may I ask you yesterday afternoon, why go to the inaccessible temple?"

Shi Feixian looked at him and did not speak.

Liu Banshan saw that she ignored her and was not angry. Instead, she asked again: "The lower official feels very strange. You are a rich family. You should have been a nobleman. Why do you want to go into the temple alone? What is the person in the temple that you want to see?"

"Yeah, I do have people I want to see," Shi Feixian suddenly turned to look at Rong Rong. "Because someone sent me a letter, I made an appointment with me to wait for him."

"Who is your person?" Liu Banshan asked.

Shi Feixian was silent again.

"Miss Shi, since you said that you are embarrassed, but if you don't tell the truth, how can we prove your innocence?"

"The person who is about me does not say who he is."

"Miss Shi, an unknown person, about you, why are you going to the appointment?"

"Because I know the word of this person," Shi Feixian looked at the eyes and looked at Rong Rong. "I have read his words many times, so I only need to take a look. I know that the word was written by him."

"Who is it?" Liu Banshan looked back and looked at him, still asking.

"Cheng Aibo, Rong Junpo."

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