MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 82 city

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"Fortunately, Jingting’s luck is good, and it happened to have escaped," Yun Qing’s face was still angry. "These monks are too crazy!"

Prince Edward didn't know if he was lost or something else. She turned her head and looked at Xie Wanzhen. The other person was so sullen, and her face was not obvious. When she saw the emperor, the two of them were very concerned about the class. They said: "It is God who knows the father and mother after the gods are very concerned about the class, and can't bear to be sad for the class, only to protect them."

"The Prince said," Xie Wanxuan took the message. "Jingting is indeed a good luck man."

This Yun Qing Emperor did not refute, because in his memory, Ban Huai's luck is indeed better. Every time he messed up, he just happened to meet the father’s mood. When Hui Wang deliberately used the little trick to scare them, every time they only took the class, Hui Wang’s little trick would be difficult to succeed.

After thinking about this, Yun Qing Emperor smiled: "He is the son of the aunt, the grandson of the grandfather, naturally blessed by God."

The Queen breathed a sigh of relief, and Jingting Gong had nothing to do: "This makes the lazy person lazy."

The Prince thought to himself, and there was another saying that the scourge would last for thousands of years.

"Your Majesty, Niangniang." Ban Yi soon came out, his clothes changed for a set, and the hair was also combed again. Indeed, as the Queen said, this set of plain clothes fits well, like tailor-made for the class. General.

"Sit down and talk," the Queen greeted the class and sat down, softly saying, "I have already heard the matter after I have heard the child, you are shocked."

Banyan took over the milk tea from the palace lady and took a big sip. The whispered: "The woman is in a hurry, and the guard has beaten the assassin."

"Since it is an assassin who hurts people, it is not too much to kill. Just keep a mouthful of talking." The Queen said this sentence and noticed that the two daughter-in-law were still there, and said, "Your father has been Frightened, don’t blow the wind for these days, or the body may suffer.”

The Queen has always been grateful for the benefits of the Princess. She married her Majesty at the age of fifteen. At that time, she was not attached to the Emperor’s attention. She was named Prince. The days she passed were not as good as a prince. Everyone felt that the prince was not stable. Treat them cold.

Only the long princess really treated them, and finally saved the position of the prince. Although Jingtinggong has been stunned, but he has not been enthroned for a few years, he is often guarded by his majesty, and he is not allowed to be bullied by the two emperors.

If there is no big princess, there is no such thing today. Everyone in the world always likes to add icing on the cake, but how many people are willing to give in the snow? The Queen has never forgotten the class, but the class members are embarrassed, but in her opinion, the class is better than many people.

"Well, the younger brother of the daughter has been with her father," Ban said nod.

The Queen saw the dejected look of the little girl who had been alive and kicking. She took her hand and patted it gently: "And don't worry, there is still a palace and a majesty, and you will not be wronged."

"First use lunch, I let the people in the kitchen do the dishes you like," the Queen saw her look like a sly look, and reached out and ordered a smooth forehead. "Go, eat a meal and have the strength to go." Look for an assassin to settle accounts."

"Yeah!" Ban Yi Zheng focused on the head and took the Queen to sit down.

The Queen pointed to two vacancies and said to Prince Edward and Xie Wan: "You don't have to wait for me, sit down and eat."

"Thank you mother." The Prince was sitting under the banter, and Xie Wanzhen was the first in the prince. This position is like a banter who is more honorable than a prince.

Xie Wanzhen did not care about herself. Anyway, she saw that the Prince was in a bad mood and she was happy. She used to hate people in the class. Now she finds that the Shi family is more annoying than the classmates. The two are lighter. Compared with the Shi family, the class members are also cute.

A fine dish served on the table, Prince Edward found that there were indeed a few dishes on the table that were not used by the mother, and all these dishes were placed in front of the class. She had no appetite at all, and after eating a few mouthfuls, she felt that the meal was very bad today.

She once thought about this. If the class is not seven or eight years younger than the prince, then the queen will be the master and let the class marry the prince. The enthusiasm of the Queen, who is waiting for the class, is not worse than the Princess of Anle.

After a meal was finished, the Queen saw the class sitting in a restless manner, knowing that she was relieved to go to work, and said: "You go back to accompany your Laozi, I have some medicinal herbs here, and you bring them back together."

Banyan wanted to quit, but was stopped by the Queen: "You don't have to quit, I don't leave you here for a long time, go back quickly."

"Thank Goddess." After the banquet of the two emperors, Ban Yi left in a hurry.

The Queen said to Yun Qingdi: "It is a filial child."

Yun Qingdi nodded: "This child is pure, that is, the temper is fierce. Fortunately, Rong Qing has a good temper, and the two are complementary."

The Queen heard the words and laughed: "This is not the case, the whole Beijing seems to be awkward, or Cheng Anbo is the most suitable. You have done a good job, I think, Cheng Anbo is better than the first two." The Queen did not Counting the one that Zhao’s family had prematurely, no one stood up, so I won’t talk about it.

Sitting next to the Prince Edward and Xie Wanzhen heard this, and some of them were blocked, but obviously the Queen did not consider their mood.

Before the prince listened to the family, the younger sister became the Amber, and she thought that she would pay attention to Cheng Aibo. Even the Prince appreciated it very much. He thought that this was a good deed, so he nodded and agreed to arrange for the family to explore. Bokou. I didn't think that Cheng Anbo would just refuse it, and hesitated.

In her opinion, Ban Hao is more than his sister.

However, my sister has been confused recently. How can I tell the rumors of the proverbs with the two emperors and Xie Qilin? Is it because Cheng Anbo refused this thought and broke the can?

Compared with the depression of Prince Edward, Xie Wanyu is more embarrassing. The Queen said that the two fiances in front of An Bobiban are good. These two people naturally said that her second brother and Shen Yu, as the sister of the party, how can Xie Wanzhen not be embarrassed?

Since the Queen can speak in front of her face, does it mean that the Queen Empress is dissatisfied with her second brother or Xie family?

Regardless of how the two royal daughter-in-laws had a slap in the face, Banyan returned home with a lot of medicinal herbs delivered by the Empress Empress, and saw that his father was burying his head and eating noodles. There were nearly ten kinds of side dishes on the table, which was gorging, not I know if I was shocked or hungry.

She floated her eyes to Ban Heng. What happened?

Ban Heng sneaked a finger at Yin’s, and was trained by his mother. Only then did he eat.

The class was suddenly gone, and went to the side of the Yin’s side and said, “Mother, have you used your meal yet?”

"The gas is full and you still have something to eat."

When Ban Huai held the hand of the chopsticks, he had to put down the chopsticks.

"You eat yours." Yin looked at Ban Huai, and was distressed and angry. He thought that he would go out today, and he would not come back a little bit. His eyes were sour and he could not speak.

Ban Huai sees Yin, so he can still eat it. He wipes his mouth and wipes his mouth. He walks over to Yin’s side. "Madam, I am not good, you are not annoyed. I have not been in recent days." Going out, won't worry you anymore."

"I really don't understand, our family is already low-key, don't intervene in politics, don't take power, why are these people still not willing to let us go?!" Yin's anger, "Did we not do enough in these years?"

The power is too big, attracting royal suspicions. Now that the family is awkward, there are still people who count them. What do they want them to do?

"Mother," Ban Heng put the tea in front of the Yin. "You don't get angry, but our brains are not very good, but aren't we having a good future son-in-law?"

What Yin wants to say, but glanced at the class and shook his head and sighed softly.

The class banquet kept a glance: "You are stupid, and the son-in-law also sells the Yue family for the prosperity of the glory."

When Ban Heng heard this, the scalp was a little numb: "Sister, you can't say this in front of Rong Bo."

"I didn't say him again," Ban said, coughing. "It's not a good thing to tell him at home now."

"Actually, I think Rong Junpo is quite good," Ban Heng whispered. "If other scholars see you as if the assassin is not known to the aunt, I have already become scared and changed my face. I think Rong Junpo is better than other scholars, and can help us draw the avatars of the monks. This alone can bring a lot of readers to the 99 streets."

"He was a champion at the age of seventeen, can he not be so many streets?" Ban Huai said this, and looked at his son with a disdain. "And you can't even take a show."

"Father, you said this..." It seems that you have been admitted.

However, Ban Heng did not dare to say this sentence. When he said this, he would be fined for the ancestors.

When the husband and wife of the husband were in trouble, the panic feeling in Yin’s heart disappeared. She thought about it: “Now our family of four must go out less, don’t let the bad guys get through the loopholes. If you have something wrong, how can I feel this? ""

"Don't go out, don't go out," Ban Huai thought. "We will take the guards to the hot springs for a few days tomorrow."

"When you go to Zhuangzhuang, you just have to bring more guards," Yin said. "I will arrange for people to prepare."

"Guogong, my wife, Cheng Anbo asked."

"Hurry up, please." Ban Huai asked the next person to remove the tableware on the table, and then finished the whole shirt and sat in the upper position.

When Rong Rong walked into the inner court of the class, he saw several people rushing away from him with a food box.

"Bo, please go here."

When Rong Rong saw the housekeeper to lead himself into the second door, some hesitated: "This is the inside of the two doors?"

"The uncle doesn't have to care. Our family and wife are there. There are no other son-in-law in the house. Since the grandfather is his own person, you don't have to pay attention to those folk rites." The housekeeper has heard that Rong Rong helped the county master to draw portraits. The horrible thing, so the smile on Rong Rong, is a little more true.

Since the retreat of Shen Yu, the class members have had a prejudice against the readers. Fortunately, the behavior of the class has made the classmates feel good about the readers.

The scenery inside the second door of the class is even warmer than the imagination of the room. It is not as elegant or luxurious as other people, and the inner courtyard of the class looks more popular. At a glance, I know that this family is very enjoyable in life.

Read The Duke's Passion