MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 75 city

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Like this kind of light-small sedan, it is not like a sedan chair that is worn by a daughter. It is more like a dancing tool used by a female singer or a dusty woman.

Seeing the sedan chair stopped in front of him, Rong Rong patted the horse quietly, ready to go around the sedan chair.

"The slave family has seen Cheng Amber." A woman dressed in a snow gauze came out. She was full of body, like a ripe peach, exuding the charm of a woman who attracted men. Compared with her body, her appearance is slightly inferior. However, although she was covered in dust, but in front of Rong Rong, it converges very well.

Rong Rong looked at the strange woman in front of her eyes.

Du Jiu still had an impression on this woman, but the last time he saw her mother, she was wearing a normal woman's dress, and her hair was simply wrapped in cloth. She didn't think that it was like a change in the past few months. A person, from a simple tea flower into a glamorous beauty snake.

"Girl," Du Jiu said. "I don't know what the girl has to do?"

"The slaves came back with incense, and happened to meet Cheng Aibo, and they wanted to see a gift to the uncle." My mother said to Rong Fu, "I thanked my grandfather for helping my mother."

After she came to the capital, she waited for Xie Qilin for more than a month. She also visited Xie's family. However, the doorman of Xie's house did not let her enter the door. She even degraded her a low-lying woman who was tempted to marry. The door to the Xie family is really ridiculous.

Yes, she is ridiculous, she has a delusional heart, but these delusions are not the ones they gave to her two sons?

Yes, she is a dusty woman, not worthy of the Xie family threshold, but at the beginning was Xie Jia Erzi wants to take her elopement, not that she asked Xie Qilin to take her away, who is more shameful, who is more ridiculous?

Therefore, she is not reconciled. She wants to find Xie Qilin to make it clear, but she is a woman who has no helplessness, and she has left the capital for several years. She has nowhere to turn for help, and can she find Xie Qilin?

When she was desperate, she was also seen by the guardian of Cheng Anbo.

When I remembered the love, he painted her eyebrows for her. She called him Erlang. He said that she is Qinglian, the most beautiful and clean. However, this man who has been full of sweet words in the past, but now she is allowed to be insulted by the Xie family, as if the past feelings are all over the eyes.

When she saw him, he was working with a few literati in poetry, even wearing a silver mask, still does not detract from his elegance.

He didn't seem to think that she would appear. After a long time, she came to her and looked at her with a strange expression.

It seems annoyed, like awkward, but more is awkward.

"芸娘," he said the first sentence, "How come you come to Beijing?"

Yes, a woman who has no way to lead, a woman with limited money, how did she come to Beijing?

Yan Niang looked at Xie Qilin with a sneer: "Jiro, I am a woman, you said that I have any other way?" After saying this, she saw the expression on Xie Qilin's face became more ugly. Then he seemed worried that other readers would see her and took her to a quiet place.

"芸娘, I can't help you." Xie Qilin gave her a purse, which has a lot of broken silver and a few silver tickets, enough for her to comfortably spend many years, even enough for her in Beijing. Buy a small single hospital.

"It’s good to be your Xiejia Erzi," Yan Niang smiled and took the purse. "Only this purse with silver is only worth a few dozens of silver. Unlike the same year, it is useless to raise me. Woman, asking people to sell calligraphy and painting."


"Xie Ergong doesn't have to say anything more. Although she is a low-lying person, she also knows how to write the four words of Liyi and shame." Yan Niang gave a blessing to Xie Qi. "Xie Jun gave me a happy dream, now dreams." Woke up, my mother should go back."

"Where are you going?" Xie Qilin said. "You are a weak woman. I have nothing to do in the capital. I will arrange a place for you..."

"Don't Xie Gongzi still have to raise me to be an outside room?" Yan Niang sneered, "The son is escorting with a sly mother. It is already a woman. Is it going to bear your future lady? It is Xie Gongzi’s willingness. My mother is also reluctant. Hey, I have done it once, and I don’t want to do it again."

Xie Qi looked at her mother in disappointment. She didn't seem to think that she would say this. She said halfway: "The past has nothing to do with you. You should blame me. You don't have to be angry with me. I just want to find you a safe life." I didn’t mean to make you an outside room. You are in the capital without any reason. How can I let you be alone?”

"There is no such thing as a son, but people are mixed. Who can guarantee that your future lady will not misunderstand?" My mother laughed softly, not knowing whether she was smiling or laughing at herself, "I am alone in Xuezhou." I have lived for nearly two years. Isn’t it still good? In addition, my daughter’s heart is very soft, and I ask the son to pity your future wife.”

"Where are you going?"

"Where are you coming from, then go back," said Ms. Niang, pinching her purse. "The slave is supposed to be a jade arm, and the person who tastes the lips, is a son who gave the slave a happy dream. When you wake up, you should naturally be yourself."

"The son, the slaves leave. I wish the rest of the life and well-being, and the descendants of Jin Yu are full."

"芸娘!" Xie Qilin seized the hand of her mother.

Yan Niang looked back at him: "The son is reluctant to marry the mother, is it because he wants to go to the house?"

Xie Qilin’s hand was loose like a fire, and he looked at his mother with a sly look: “I’m sorry, my mother.”

"Xie Gongzi doesn't have to say much," she said, and she looked down at her wrinkled clothes. She hadn't been willing to wear this dress. It was specially changed today. The skirt is also embroidered with his favorite lotus flower, but he will not notice this now. "If the son is really worried about his mother, he will ask the son to answer a question."

"Are you asking."

"When you ran away with your mother, was it really because you are happy with your mother?"

Xie Qilin was silent and did not speak.

Yan Niang smiled palely: "The slaves understand."

Once again, I saw Du Jiu, and the memory hidden in my mind came out. She smiled casually and turned to look at the plaque on the door of the class. "The slaves have no intention, but they have a chance to meet today. Grandpa, I want to thank him."

"In addition..." Yan Niang smiled and the wind was full of dust. "Fule County is a good woman. Please ask her to treat her."

When she thanked Rong Rong, she did not give a big gift. After saying this sentence, she actually implemented a big gift.

No one knows that for her, the past ridiculous, the only thing that was fortunate was that she met a good woman. In the past, when the class was a little bit guilty and unreasonable, she had long since lived in the same place. How can she live to this day?

She thought about it more than once. Perhaps the owner of Fule County had already guessed that she and Xie Qilin would not last long, so she not only did not hate her, but sent her a sum of money.

Relying on this money, she was able to go to the capital and see the man who made her go alive again.


The front door of the Banfu opened, and Ban Heng walked out from behind the door and saw so many people standing at his doorstep, looking at Rong Rong with doubt.

Bold and daring, even running at the door of their class with a woman*, is this a pick?

"What are you doing at the door, can you still go out?" The classmate who walked behind saw the class standing in the doorway, reaching out and poked him, and stretched his head to look out.


Ban Heng had no time to stop, but had no choice but to touch his face and walked out behind his sister.

Banyan saw a lot of people standing at the door of his house, but he also stumbled, but the first thing she saw was not Rong Rong, but her mother.

“Is it you?” Ban Yi looked at her in amazement. Although she had been more beautiful than ever before, she was recognized at the first sight.

"County Lord," Yan Niang looked at the class and respected him. "The slave family met Anbo, because Cheng Aibo had a grace for the slaves, so the slaves gave him a thank you." This is to explain to Ban, why she is referring to her. I stood together at the gate of the class.

Ban Hao only noticed Rong Rong, she looked at the sky, the sky is not early: "It's late, have you eaten?"

For class members, eating and not eating is a very important issue.

Rong Rong came down from the horse and walked over to the class: "I am not hungry, I just heard someone coming to trouble you, so I will come over."


After staying in the class for a while, I realized that Rong Rong was talking about who she was crying. "I didn't see him. People have been taken away by Yan."

Rong Rong smiled and said: "I know."

However, his gentle smile can not attract the class at this moment, because the attention of the class has already floated to the mother. She walked to the side of her mother, looked at the light gauze behind her, and the makeup on her face. She didn't ask where she lived now, just said: "When are you going back to Beijing?"

"I went to Beijing in the last year," she said. She didn't mention the fact that she used the window struts to get into Amber. It was just saying, "Can the county owner do everything?"

"Everything is fine," Ban said, thinking of the things that happened when Xie Qilin ran away with the niece, and sighed, "You shouldn't come back."

"Yu Niang grew up in Beijing, but other places are good, but after all, it is not my hometown. It doesn't make much sense to live alone." Yan Niang looked down and smiled. "Seeing the county owner is all good, my mother is relieved." It is."

Banyan knows what she is saying, and laughs with a sigh: "The past is like the wind, you don't have to mention it, let him go."

"Yeah," said Ms. Niang, laughing. "The slaves didn't understand things at the time, and the county lord suffered so many grievances. I was afraid that I could not repay the county lord in this life."

"What does this do with you," Ban said, shaking his head. "I haven’t mentioned it yet, why are you jealous?"

Yan Niang looked up and saw Rong Rong standing in the distance between them. I was worried that I would like to thank him again. It would make Cheng Anbo misunderstand the county owner and would not open the case. She was embarrassed about the class and heard the rumors outside, worried that Cheng Anbo was not good for the class, and the class would be wronged.

The woman is afraid of marrying the wrong lang, and the Fule County owner is so different from Cheng Anbo. She is really worried that Cheng Anbo would care about the past of the county owner.

She consciously squats in her own identity. If she is standing with Banyan for too long, she will provoke others to say gossip, and she will say: "The county owner, the time is not early, the slaves retire."

"It’s so late," Ban said that the sedan chair that she was sitting on was not too tight, so she called two guards. "They are all good hands of the class. At this time, there are fewer black people, let them accompany you. go back."

Yan Niang was busy shaking her head: "How can this be done?"

"You don't have to quit. If you let me go back, I don't feel relieved." Ban Yi waved his hand. "That's it."

Although Banyu used the language that was no longer necessary to discuss, the mother-in-law was warm in her heart. She did not refuse any more. She only took a ceremony at the class and sat in the light-small sedan.

Several bearers originally had some contempt for the woman who was a dusty woman, but she saw that she was known to the nobles of the county. The nobles also personally sent the guards to send her, and I could not help but have a bit of awe. In the eyes of ordinary people, the people who give the door to the nobles are also very great. They are even less likely to offend.

After the mother-in-law walked, Ban Yi turned to look at Rong Rong: "You still don't go back, do you want to stay at my door and report to God?"

"I don't know how to make a report to God, but it is also to make a groom." Rong Rong looked at the light gauze car that was far away. I don't know why. He thinks that this woman named Miao Niang is not just passing by, she is Looking for you?

But why did you not say anything after seeing you?

Is it because of his sake?

"But it, if you let others know that I will make you a modest gentleman to be a groom, then I have to be pointed by the thousands of people," Ban Yi touched the neck of the mount. "Come back soon, tomorrow, the two emperors are married, You are going to the palace early in the morning and go to bed early in the evening."

"Okay." Rong Xiao smiled. He didn't have anything to say to him. The class did not explain anything to him. The two men looked at each other and smiled.

"This is a good horse," Ban said, patted the horse's neck. "Can you have a name?"

"Not yet." Rong Rong's mount is a red horse, with a white hair on the forehead, bright hair, eyes and eyes, four hoofs strong and powerful, is a rare good horse.

The horse snorted on the banter and seemed to be close to her.

Rong Rong sees this horse with a bad temper. He is so close to the class, he said: "Is it better to give it a name?"

"It's so red..."

Du Jiu suddenly set his ears, this horse is a rare treasure of the king, the reputation can not be too casual.

"It's called a white jade cake."

Why is Maohong called Baiyu cake, shouldn't it be called red jade cake, red jujube cake?

No, why are such awesome horses called such a rustic name? !

"Why... would you think of taking this name?" Rong Rong did not expect that his love horse would be taken such a casual name, seeing the horse still stupidly squatting. As a master, with a serious and responsible attitude towards Aima, Rong Rong feels that he can still fight for the horse.

"It's red, the white hair on the forehead is the most conspicuous," Ban Yu gently touched the horse's neck, "called white jade cake is right."

Rong Rong opened his mouth and finally nodded: "You are right, this name is quite suitable."

Du Jiu: You... just happy.

“Do you like horses very much?” Rong Rong saw that all her attention was placed on her horse, and she looked at the class on horseback. “There is still a horse of this breed in my house. Tomorrow I will let you send it to you."

"No," Ban said, shaking his head. "The one must be a companion of the white jade cake, or leave it in your house to accompany the white jade cake. I have my own mount, but I like horses from a young age and see beautiful horses. I can't help but want to touch it."

When she was very young, my grandfather took her to sit on the horseback, tell her about the battlefield, and the story between the general and her horse, so that she formed an idea from an early age, that is The horse is his own partner. Even if it is old, it is necessary to raise him, not to discard it, and not to replace it at will.

Rong Rong remembered that Ban Hao often rode a white horse: "Is that white horse?"

"Yes," Ban said nod. "It's called Moyu, it's under the sire."

"Muyu?" Rong Yu dumbfounded, a white horse named as jade?

"Well, its eyes are very beautiful, just like ink jade," said his classmate, who is very proud. "If there is a chance in the future, I will bring it to you than riding."

"Good." Rong Rong should have come down.

Du Jiuyan thought with no expression, his horse is called Moyu, the horse of other people is called Baiyu cake, isn't it good to add the word behind it?

"Well," Ban’s hand pulled back from the horse. "Go back."

Rong Rong looked at the class, her eyes were beautiful, like a lake, clean and clear, so clean that he almost could not move his eyes. However, in these clean eyes, there is no disappointment, no nostalgia, and even no friendship.

She didn't like him, or... didn't tempted him.

She looked at his eyes as if he were looking at a favorite piece of ornaments, a beautiful peacock, amazing, and appreciated. The only thing missing was the relationship between men and women.

"Farewell." Rong Xiao smiled.

“Well,” Ban Yi smiled and bent, and shook his hand to Rong Rong. “Slow down.”

The sound of the hooves rang softly. After the invisible figure could not be seen, Ban Yi turned to Ban Hengdao: "Go, go back."

"Sister, don't we go to Zhuang?" Ban Heng had thought about going to bury some money again. He didn't expect to go out and meet Rong Rong. When he came and went, he dragged the time to the present.

"Don't go," Ban Yi looked up at the sky. "Heaven is going to be dark, next time."

"Okay." Ban Heng was somewhat lost. After burying the money twice, he suddenly felt that the feeling of digging holes and burying silver was quite cool. He fell in love with this game.

The area where the nobles lived was a long way from the building where the mother-in-law lived. Several bearers were fast-moving all the way. When they had not arrived at the building, the sky had gradually darkened.

The closer to the red light district, the more complex the identity of the people coming and going. Sometimes, when encountering a few unreasonable drunkards, they have to be careful. Just entering the alley, there was a messy clothes, and the young man dressed as a scholar came out.

He walked up and swayed, and his mouth was still mourning, seemingly complaining about the unfairness of the officialdom, and he seemed to curse his relatives and friends. Then he slammed into the sedan chair and fell to the ground and turned two heels. He was about to open his mouth, and he knew that a man had come to him and pulled out a big knife with a faint cold light. He suddenly became scared.

Dayechao can wear weapons to walk on the street, all of whom have specific identities, such as soldiers, servants, high-class noble guards, and ordinary people who dare to take such a knife on the street, no more than twenty steps will be Was sent to Tuen Mun.

He thought that this small gauze was sitting in the glory of the nobles, so he sent the guards back, so he waited for the pedestrian to leave, and then dared to curse.

"It's just a □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ □ ...... Climbing up on the ground, even the ash on the body did not shoot, then stumbled and walked away.

Walking to a sparsely populated alley, he saw two black men smashing a knife from the belly of a fat man, and he scared almost to spit out the contents of his stomach. However, perhaps because he was scared by a knife before, he resisted and did not speak until the black man left for a long time, he dared to hold the wall and move closer to the man lying on the ground.

I don't know what step on the ground, he rushed forward, just fell in front of the fat man. The hand was supported on the ground and sticky and greasy. He used the light of the moon and the moon to see what seemed to be on the palm of his hand. He looked down and smelled it. He finally couldn’t help but vomit.

"Killing... killing!"


The poor reader, shouting out the loudest voice of his life, stunned hundreds of lights and attracted people from the door.

The identity of the deceased was quickly determined. One of the five divisions of the Ministry of Industry, in the capital of the land of the nobles, this person is not high. However, this person surnamed Zhao, is the partial support of the Zhao family, and the ancestors are also aristocrats of several generations.

The patriarch of the Zhao family is Zhao Li, his eldest son Zhao Jun is now the left minister of the Ministry of Military Affairs, and the second son Zhao Zhong is the history of Xuezhou. The Zhao family acted very low-keyly. It was not conspicuous in the capital on weekdays. The only thing that could be used as a talker was the third son of his family.

The reason is that the third son of Zhao’s early family had set up a doll with Fule County. Later, the child died and the family member was automatically invalidated. Later, Xie Jia retired from the class. So Zhao Jiasabran’s death was a sign of Ban’s. Although the Zhao family explained again and again that their own children are not in good health and have nothing to do with the class, the people who love the gossip do not care about the opinions of the parties. They even think that the Zhao family is saying this in the class. I guess it is very happy.

When there is talk, there is a topic, who cares about the opinions of the parties, who knows if the person is lying?

The deceased is Zhao Jia, the cousin of the patriarch Zhao Li. Zhao Jia is a person who does not want to be a business person. He is a prostitute who is proficient in eating and drinking, and is a representative of Ban Huai who does not love to play with him. Class, but these two types of cockroaches are not pleasing to each other, so there is very little between them.

Zhao Jia has two stab wounds. He penetrated his back from the front abdomen. It is obvious that the murderer is very strong, and there may be two people.

Who will put so much effort to kill a flaw that is not useful? To know that tomorrow is the marriage of the two emperors, in order to ensure that there is no accident in the marriage tomorrow, many people have been sent to the city for close monitoring.

In this case, there are still people who have succeeded in assassination, and they still can't find the half-small shadow of the murderer. The water inside is deep.

In order not to let the marriage happen, the assassination was temporarily pressed. Early the next morning, there was a red color in the capital. The dowry prepared by Xie’s family was lifted and lifted out of the door. Although it was not a real “10-mile red makeup”, it also made the people of Beijing feel a lot of excitement.

Banyan was sleeping, and when she heard the outside blowing, she pulled the quilt to her head and covered her head to continue to sleep. But the blow was over, and it was the sound of firecrackers. She was so angry that she sat up from the outside. Why are you so noisy?!"

"Counter, you forgot, today is the day when the two emperors and Ms. Xie Jia are married," Ruyi knows that the county owner has gotten up, and whispered and calmly said, "There is a crowd of busy people outside, just to be busy. For a while."

"You don't say I forgot," the class licked the temple, and the whole person lay down on the bed, too lazy to be like a soft noodle. "I really don't want to get up."

"You can't afford to be okay, the slaves will wait for you to wash your face," said the gentle smile. "I have people give you a house for breakfast?"

"Yeah." The class squatted weakly on the quilt, and didn't even want to lift his face.

"The bridegroom is coming to pick up the bride!"

"What about the groom's officer?!"

The horse team that greeted the bride arrived at the door of Xie's house. Only then did everyone discover that it was not the second emperor who came to meet Xie Wanzhen, but the official of the Ministry of Rites. The smile of the Xie family is somewhat stiff, but the face is not good.

According to the rules, the emperor greeted the emperor, and he did not have to come in person, but he could also be greeted by the comrades of the Ministry of Rites. However, if they live together in the capital, the average princes will give the Yue family a face and personally come to marry the bride. Even when the prince married the prince, the Prince also personally appeared.

What is the meaning of the second emperor, so why not give Xie Jia face?

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