MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 66 city

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Shi Feixian's next stroke, the plum blossom branch has an ugly branch, she put down the pen, took the handcuffs handed by the prostitute and rubbed her hand, faintly said: "Today is a small gathering between us, why not mention irrelevant People."

"Yes, yes, who is who he is, what is the relationship with us," a noble woman attached to the Shijia smiled and played round. "There are two tea time, if your paintings have not been made yet, rest assured. Punished.

"Oh, who have you taken my pen?"

"What about my paint?"

The ladies suddenly panicked and seemed to really care about the paintings in their hands, afraid of being punished.

A woman standing in the corner turned her eyes in a small arc. Shi Feixian was so high in this moment, and her heart could not be hated. Who wouldn’t know that she was interested in Cheng Anbo?

If you feel that you are beautiful, you are still talented. If you don’t like it, you don’t like it. Can you still force people to swear? If it is someone else, Cheng Aibo is their stone family can handle it at will?

"Miss Yao, what are you painting?" A girl took a look at it and asked some questions. "Cockfighting? How do you paint this?" The strangest thing is that the chicken's hair is still in a mess. It seems like being defeated.

“Just play with you,” Yao Ling’s eyes are like two apricots. It looks a bit squeaky. “You don’t think this is quite interesting?”

Her companion shook her head inexplicably, and she was speechless about the strange aesthetic of Yao Ling.

Yao Ling is the youngest of them. Her father is the prince of the family, Yao Peiji, so even if she has been raised in the field before, she has only recently returned to Beijing, and no one dares to look at her face. In addition to Yao Peiji's skill in painting, Yao Ling inherited his style, so she is only fourteen years old, and she has already gained a lot of fame.

"What flowers and grasses are dead objects, and what is clear and dusty is that these mediocrity themselves attach to them," Yao Ling added a few pieces of feathers that fell to the ground next to the cockfighting, and suddenly the chicken More vivid, "I love to paint living things, I still love the fresh people."

"But it, you are full of words, I am talking about you."

Yao Ling smiled and said nothing more.

Shi Feixian looked at Yao Ling with a slight head and lowered his eyes slightly to cover up the haze of his eyes. I don't know why, she doesn't like this little girl of Yao family. Although she is a young lady from Yao, she is like a person from a small country. If she doesn't need the support of Yao Peiji, she doesn't even have it. The law stays with such people.

The mood is irritating, and when she paints, it is inevitable to bring out a few points, so the plum blossoms are a bit dark.

Li Xiaoru, who is closer to Shi Feixian, hides and hides, secretly letting the ink splash on his painted plum, so that the painting does not look so good, then he secretly sighs in his heart.


A fat sparrow suddenly fell from the forest. When the noble women were still screaming at the gods, the two guards ran out of the woods and picked up the sparrows on the ground.

The guards who stood outside the pavilion watched the two men who suddenly popped out with their hands on the handle.

The atmosphere became very tense until a familiar figure came out.

"Look, kid, I said that you can't do it," Ban said, taking the sparrow in the guard's hand and giving it to the child behind him. "This is called the head, can't understand?"

When Li Xiaoru saw the little boy standing behind the class, he dropped the brush and ran towards the class.

"I have seen the owner of Fule County," Li Xiaoru carefully guarded the little boy. "The younger brother is not sensible and has trouble for the county owner."

"Isn't it a problem?" Ban said with one hand on his hips. "This little boy took a slingshot and shot it around. He almost shocked my horse. If it wasn't for me, I would fall off the horse."

"Ah?" Li Xiaoru looked at his brother in desperation, brother, what is your departure, and then provoked the god?

"This little broken child is also very embarrassed to say that he is a sharpshooter," Ban Yi proudly looked at Li Xiaolang, and reached out to his forehead. "Hey, I have already done it, you should fulfill your promise."

Li Wang grew up in Li Jiajiao and grew up, wanting the stars not to be the Lord of the Moon, and then letting the classmates poke and poke without snoring.

Li Xiaoru looked at his brother in surprise, what is going on here.

For a long while, Li Wangcai whispered: "Boss!"


"Large, I didn't hear it!" Ban said with his hands around his chest, and he didn't feel the guilt of being bullied by himself.

"Boss!" Li Wang came out from behind Li Xiaoru and stood face to face in front of the class: "I am willing to gamble and lose. From today, I am your younger brother."

Li Xiaoru:...

"I have seen the county lord," Shi Feixian came over, bowed his head gently and rubbed the forehead that Li Wang was poked by the banquet. He gave a blessing to the class. "The county owner, Li Xiaolangjun is still a child, there is I will apologize to you on his behalf, and if he is still a child, don't care about him."

Li Wang looked at the class and moved to the side.

"Children?" Ban Yi raised his eyebrows. "If he hurts people with a slingshot today, would anyone else blame him for being a child because he is a child?"

Li Xiaoru pinched the skirt and whispered: "The main lesson of the Fule County is."

Shi Feixian looked at Li Xiaoru with a slight look, and his face was not talking.

"I knew that Miss Shi was gentle and kind, but I was teaching my younger brother at this time, how could I be bullied?" Ban Yi took Li Wang to his side and lifted his chin to him. "Come, come and talk to Miss Shi." What is the relationship between the big sister and the younger brother?"

"Being the younger brother of the big sister, I have to take the horse, dress, and errands for the big sister, and I have to wait for the wind and rain, no regrets." Li Wang stood up and said, "I am a man, and I will speak for sure."

Li Xiaoru’s heart is almost collapsed. Brother, you don’t want to see that the head of the class is beautiful. I think she is a fairy. But even people who are talking about smoking, you don’t have a long hair, you are a man.

But I don't know why, when I saw my brother's appearance for the first time, Li Xiaoru did not say a word. Perhaps in her heart, Banyan is not a rude woman, and her brother is followed by her. Maybe... maybe a good thing.

Shi Feixian is trying to help Li’s sister to speak. Who knows that the big timid is like a rat, the little stupid is like a pig, and even she has lost a small face. She looked at Li’s younger brother and smiled a little. “Since Li Xiaolangjun is voluntarily bullied by the county magistrate, that’s how I am nosy.”

"Big sister teaches the younger brother, is that bullying?" Banxi is the least likely to listen to other people's needles in the cotton. In general, she is more direct.

"Not counting!" Li Wangxi shook his head straight. "This is called honing."

Shi Feixian smiles cold, how does the Li family teach children, so ignorant?

"Counter, how come you come here?" Shi Feixian looked at the little sisters behind his eyes. "Is the county owner also interested in poetry and painting?"

She made an appointment today to go to see the peacock with Rong Rong. I know that when I met this little boy who was playing with a slingshot, I let the little kid know what it is called a real slingshot, and Rong Rong is still outside the forest. Waiting for her.

"Miss Shi doesn't make fun of me. Who doesn't know my poetry and songs, and the chess and calligraphy paintings don't work." Ban Yi took Li Wang to Li Xiaoru. "I have given you this kid, go back and teach, don't let him." It’s too late to make trouble.

“Xie County’s main reminder.” Li Xiaoru really bowed to the class with a sincere dedication. “After I go back, I will let my family teach him well.”

"That line, I should go." When the class turned around, he saw Rong Rong walk over and thought that he had let Rong Rong wait too long, and his heart was very embarrassed. It was really a sin to let the beauty wait.

Of course, half a month ago, she was relieved that she had let her wait for half a minute, and she was automatically ignored.

The beautiful person can't affect her sleep beauty. In addition to this time, she still pity the beauty.

Rong Rong saw the class ran to himself, worried that she was stumped by the newly grown bamboo shoots on the ground and stepped up to the front of the class. "The time is still early, not urgent."

Ban Yi smiled at him.

“Rong Boye?” Shi Feixian looked at Rong Rong with shock and looked at the Banyan in front of him. The smile on his face could no longer be stretched. The whole person was horrified and glaring, as if he did not want to believe all of this. it is true.

"Miss Shi." Rong Yan smiled and met Shi Feixian with a sigh of relief. He looked down at the classmates around him and smiled. "In the next time, I will disturb your Yassin with your fiancee. Please forgive me, and we will leave." ”

"Fiancée ... Banyan?" Shi Feixian nails into the flesh, the expression on his face seems to cry like a smile, it is extraordinarily weird, "originally Rong Boye's fiancee is actually a class ... Fule County, I do not know the two The marriage was fixed, and the little girl was not aware of it before."

"Why do I want to let you know about my marriage with Rong Boye?" Ban Yi turned to look at her. "What does this do with you?"

Is this going to dig the wall in front of her face?

"I am not asking you," Shi Feixian sneered. "You don't have to care so much about the county owner."

Ban Yan raised his eyebrows and looked at Shi Feixian with a look of mental retardation. "You asked me when I asked Rong Bo, when I asked, did I ask me, is it in front of me, ask my fiancé?"

The noble women who are painting have put down their pens and curiously watched the scene outside the pavilion.

"Hey!" A drop of ink splashed on the paper, destroying the entire painting, but Yao Ling did not care at all, her eyes were like being fixed, and looked at the outside.

A beautiful person, the men and women she has seen before are actually turbid. Only the person in front of me is the moon in the sky. The stunner in the world, if it is common to be this person, to paint for it, it is to give her Kim does not change.

"Yao girl, Yao girl," she pulled Yao Yaoling around her, and she saw a smile on her face, and couldn't help but sigh in her heart.

When it is over, 80% is fascinated by Cheng Anbo.

In ancient times, there was a red-faced disaster, saying that this became Anbo’s blue water disaster. The girl of Yao’s age, can she stand up to the attraction of such outstanding people?

It is a pity that Jun has a fiancée. If you go to entanglement, it will be too ugly.

I just didn’t think that Cheng’s fiancée was actually a classmate. This is really... it’s incredible.

"Shi girl," the smile on Rong Rong's face dissipated. "The words of the Fule County are the meaning of the next."

Read The Duke's Passion