MTL - I Am This Type of Woman-Chapter 144 Two extra

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In the imperial kitchen, the chefs looked at the food that was withdrawn from the Great Moon Palace, and they all showed anxious color.

"Today's soup, didn't move?"

"That's not it, the niece is eating and spitting, and it is said that her wife has lost a lot of hair for her maiden."

Fortunately, your majesty is not a king, otherwise they have long since they landed and went to the underground to see their ancestors. These chefs are famous masters all over the country. They are proficient in frying and cooking, but they are very difficult to be pregnant.

In the past few days, there was a cook who made a dish of dim sum, and the goddess used a half dish, and he was rewarded with dozens of silver. I know that the second day, the goddess did not like it. In order to allow the niece to use more things, not only did they hang their brains, but even these cooks, I can’t wait to ask in front of the niece, what do you want to eat?

His Majesty and his maiden have been married for four or five years, and there have been no children. The ministers who have gone up have been anxious to jump on their feet. They want to persuade the next squatting, and they will not understand what they are, and they will ignore it. There are still people who want to go to persuade the empress of the empress, so that she can be generous and generous. As a result, the goddess does not say anything, and directly brings people to the front of the donkey, naturally it is irritating.

They are the ones who make the royal chefs. Many of them also have one or two small rooms in their homes. Like the wealthy and powerful men who are under the arm, they are observing a woman’s life. They are even worse than those in the town. The chefs are puzzled. .

Man, it’s hard to be an emperor, isn’t it just to enjoy the beauty, the hero’s knees?

No solution, but no one in the entire harem dares to provoke the Empress. It is rumored that a palace woman wanted to seduce her majesty the year before, and the Queen’s Empress had not had time to say a word. This palace lady was treated cleanly by the eunuch’s general manager.

"Wang Gonggong, how come you are, you are careful, don't fall."

"Nothing, the miscellaneous family is to run a leg for the empress of the empress." Wang De wore a purple gown of the eunuch, holding a whisk, the whole person looked mild, but no one in the entire imperial kitchen Offended him half a point.

From the former to the **** general manager, to be the **** chief of the Dynasties, Wang De is also a single.

"Grandfather, even though you told me, the slaves must do it." The director of the Royal Diet House nodded and followed Wang De, seeing a pool of water in front, and rushing to clean it with his sleeves. "You are careful."

Wang De nodded. "The girl said, I want to eat something sour and spicy. You look at it."

The director of the Imperial Diet House nodded and said that everyone had written down the words of Wang De.

After the royal dining room manager sent Wang De to the door, it was a little bit more difficult: "Gonggong, the empress and the dragon in her belly, we are very concerned about the meal, just this meal..." He put a purse Into Wang De’s hand, “I don’t know what the goddess liked to eat in the past.”

"Your intentions, the miscellaneous family looks in the eyes, and the squat is clear," Wang De took the purse at random, and his face remained unchanged. "But you still need to do more with your heart. What the niece likes to eat, you think about it." The law is done. But one thing that must be paid attention to is that the eating of the goddess is not good, even if there is something that can't be done."

The eyes of the imperial kitchen are bright, and the hand is said: "Small understand."

"Yeah." Wang De nodded and turned and left.

His Majesty is always in front of the niece, and there has always been no position. He didn't dare to say no words in front of the goddess, but he had to make trouble for them. Today, he ran this trick, that is, he was worried that the goddess had eaten some bad stomachs, but he didn't want to provoke the maiden to be angry, let him deliberately come. The person who wakes up the imperial kitchen.

He returned to the Great Moon Palace, and he saw that his majesty was screaming at the maiden to eat, and the maidens also cooperated, but they only ate two things and spit them out. His face is white, as if he is more painful than the maiden.

Seeing that he was not in the mood to take care of him, he stood honestly in the corner, waiting for the call of His Majesty.

In his capacity, he had no need to watch the night in the outer hall at night. However, if he is a slave, how can he be too far away from his knees. If he is replaced by other nephews, then his Wang De is white in the palace.

When the dragon was seven or eight months old in the belly of the maiden, the girl always slept in the night. During that time, he could always hear the voice of his wife in the room, sometimes telling the girl a folk story. The time is to tell the goddess about the gossip of some ministers.

Poorly squatting down the king of a country, the gentleman is romantic, in order to please the goddess happy, but also learned those long-lost women, and said the private affairs of others.

After the dragon had been in the belly of the maiden for nine months, he did not like to listen to the minister in the face. The first thing to do was to run to the back hall, and the hand of the goddess was not finished.

If you feel uncomfortable, be sure to send someone to tell him no matter where he is.

Since the Queen's pregnancy to the present, His Majesty has already found a lot of doctors and nurses, and the eight characters are not good, the life is not very good, and the dystocia has been encountered during the delivery. This nervous state, I really don't know whether it is a child, or a girl.

In May of the fourth year of Cheng'an, the city has not rained for nearly a month. Fortunately, there are wide rivers in the capital, and there is no drought. It is just because crops are short of water and the growth is not good.

Just when His Majesty and the courtiers discussed the irrigation of the canal, the Great Moon Palace suddenly sent people to report, and the goddess was born.

Half of the squats were thrown down by the courtiers. The whole person was like a birth of a wing, and he went out from the dragon chair. When he looked up, he saw only a shadow that had been swayed at the entrance of the temple.

Wang De took his life and swears that he has never seen anyone running so fast in his life.

"The adults, the empress of the Queen, the birth of the dragon, is the joy of a country, please come back to the adults." He bowed to these courtiers.

However, no one of these serious ministers left, and the reason for "worrying the Queen" was left bright.

It’s all lively.

In the crowd, Wang De saw the Jingting and Jingting Gongzizi who were in a hurry and took them to the inner palace.

Then he saw three men piled together, like a carrot with a carrot on his head, and circled in the temple. He looked at the delivery room where there was no movement, and silently lowered his head.

To be an eunuch, you must always develop a habit that you should not look at.

"Father, why didn't my sister call for pain?"

"I haven't been born yet, how do I know?" Ban Huai sipped his sweaty palm. "When your mother gave birth to you, it took me all day and night to give birth to you. It shouldn't be so fast."

"Father-in-law," Rong Rong looked at Ban Huai with a white face. "Is that mother-in-law, is it so quiet?"

"That's not the case," Ban Huai touched his nose. "When she sympathized with the ancestors of our class's 18th generation." He remembered that after Ban Heng was born, he gave birth to a child with no strength, and gave him a hand. a slap.

That slap is not heavy, but looking at the woman on the bed, he is determined not to have children.

Looking at the closed door, thinking of the daughter who has loved her for many years, and to be guilty of such crimes, he will see that he is not pleasing to the eye. But thinking of this is the emperor, he feels that he should control this emotion.

"The 18th generation ancestors..." Ban Heng turned his head and looked at his eyes. His sister waited if he asked for the 18th generation of his ancestors.

At this time, Rong Rong also did not take into account the mood of the father-in-law and the brother-in-law. He was turning around in the house, and from time to time he went to the door and secretly looked at his eyes. In the middle of the class, I drank half a bowl of chicken soup and looked at the empty bowl that came out. The three men were relieved.

"Your Majesty," Wang De saw his face fainting and fainting, could not help but open his mouth and said, "You don't worry too much, the lady of the country is inside, the goddess has her to accompany, there will be nothing."

There are no other son-in-law in the palace, and the mother of her majesty has died prematurely, so Mrs. Jingting’s wife often enters the palace to take care of the maiden, so that she can rest assured.

"You are right, there is a mother-in-law in it, and you are relieved." Rong Hao nodded, but his face was still not much better.

Seeing His Majesty, Wang De no longer persuaded him to say anything, because he really couldn’t see where he was.

After half an hour, Ban Heng couldn't help but ask: "Father, why haven't you come out yet?"

"What are you anxious, early..."

The baby cries from the inside of the house, the sound is loud and bright, and even the roof is shocked.

"Congratulations, His Majesty, the Queen's Mother is happy."

Born, born? Ban Heng rushed to the door and was stopped by the palace lady who was at the door: "Shi Zi, you can't go in."

Ban Heng was busy with his footsteps. He was so happy that he was not suitable for this time.

"How is the girl?"

"The goddess is fine."

Ban Heng saw Rong Rong squeezed in from the door. It was useless to persuade anyone, and a smile appeared on his face. Looking back at my father, I know that my father actually screamed at the door. "Father, what happened to you?"

"I am happy." Ban Huai wiped his eyes and pointed to the outside. "It's raining."

Ban Heng followed the hands of Ban Huai and looked over. It actually rained. The rain was soaring, and the whole capital was covered in rain.

As the saying goes, the dragon has rain. The little prince was born with a rain, and in the eyes of many people, this is the symbol of the dragon, and it is full of celebrations.

Everyone can see how much he values ​​the little prince, not only hangs his bow, but also personally takes care of the emperor, visiting the empress of the confinement day, which many men can't do.

Children who are under the full moon, except for crying, sleep, many men are going to slap a few eyes on weekdays, other things do not matter, like this kind of personally, although not very common, can also praise a father's heart.

Many foods in the month need to be eaten, and the appetite is not very good. When I see the soup, the water is a headache. I always want to let her drink. This day she is really annoyed, it is actually the bowl in her hand. Overturned to the ground.

In fact, even she did not know why, after giving birth to a child, the temper was somewhat bad.

“Hey,” Rong Rong grabbed her hand. “Is it hot?”

Looking at the color of his face, the class slammed his forehead. "I'm fine."

"If you don't like to eat, we won't eat, don't get angry," Rong Rong gently patted her back. "I didn't do it right. You don't like to eat. You shouldn't force you to eat."

"Sorry, I……"

"Stupid," Rong Yan smiled and reached out and hooked her nose. "You are just too tired. The child has me to look after you. Don't worry. Everything is important to your body. If you break your body, then I am sorry for me."

Ban Yi touched his face. "Others say that a woman will become ugly when she gives birth. Is it ugly?"

"Good-looking, you always look good," Rong Rong pinched her tender and tender cheeks. "If you go out, people who don't know will think that you are a double-eight girl, which is like having a child."

Ban Yan smiled and twisted his waist. "And say good words."

"When did I fool you?" Rong Rong looked at the class with a grievance. "My lady is better than all the women in the world. Am I wrong?"

The class blinked: "They are right, because my husband is better than all the men in the world."

Rong Rong’s heart was warm, and she kissed her in the cheeks on her cheeks. After she slept, she got up and walked out of the apse.

"Your Majesty, the stone man only asked for it."

Rong Rong nodded and changed a suit to the royal study.

Shi Jin, who was outside the royal study room, saw Rong Rong appear and was busy giving him a ceremony.

"Shi Qing does not have to be polite," Rong Rong took the letter in his hand. After roughly reading it, he smiled and nodded. "Yes, Shi Qing is doing very well."

"We are not afraid to be a micro-minister."

Seeing Shi Jin seems to have what he wants, and Rong Rong raised his eyebrows: "I don't know what else is there?"

"Wei Chen wants to ask for a grace from His Majesty, and asks him to sue the blame of the sister. Rong Weichen picks her up and returns to Beijing." Shi Jin privately found the file that was distributed to Xizhou, but because of the dynasty, many former prisoners Information, there is no record in the capital, if you want to find a younger sister, you must be a local Western official. But in this way, as long as he is involved with officials in the West, his Majesty will find out that he is worried that his Majesty will misunderstand him to collude with local officials, and he has to open his mouth to ask for grace.

“Shi Qing’s sister?” Rong Rong’s indulgence for a moment, “is it to send people to assassinate Shi Feixian’s father?”

"Yes..." Shi Jin Gong Gongdao, "Chen has been checked in the past two years, the assassination of Jingtinggong behind the scenes is really fierce, there may be others, please kneel down to Mingjian."

“Shi Qing may have forgotten one thing,” said Rong Rong’s expression on the face. “This case was reviewed by several other adults. The sister also confessed because you think Impossible, it will save her guilt, is it not to let the grievances and the father-in-law?"

Shi Jin remembered this, and in this case, Rong Rong was also one of the responsible persons. His pale face was in front of Rong Rong. "Please kneel down."

"There were no doubts about the case in the past. Only Yunqing Emperor knew that because all the evidence collected by him was related to the sister," Rong Yuyu’s temperature was a little warmer and seemed to become soft. "If you are a distressed sister, You can ask someone to take care of her."

Suddenly, his brow froze: "I remember that Xie Qilin and the sister have a bit of friendship, and just happened to be the state of Xizhou, you let him care more, it is."

"When Weichen entered the palace, he met Xie Daren." Shi Jin felt a loose heart, as long as he was willing to let him privately care for his sister.

"Yeah." Rong Hao nodded. "You step back."

"Wei Chen retired."

In the five years of Cheng'an, the eldest son of the eldest son was given a year of "reunion" and he finally had a serious name, Rong Sheng.

As the only female host in the harem, the birth mother of the emperor's eldest son, Ban Yi's words and deeds have received much attention. Which female son-in-law has got her a smile, and she has won a compliment, which is the talk of the women.

The eldest son’s birthday ceremony was very grand, and the things on the week’s ceremony were all carefully selected, and there would be no things that should not appear.

Banyan sat in the chair and looked at the son with the meatballs on the blanket. Looking around, he whispered to him: "Your Majesty, what did you catch when you were a child?"

"Blood jade, the peony figure of the former celebrity, and a pen," Rong Xiao smiled. "It's all boring stuff."

The husband and wife were talking, and they saw the group move. He climbed to the middle of the carpet and sat down, grabbing the thing closest to him.

A jade bow.

The ceremonial officer praised for a while, and the good words continued to come out of his mouth. There is a palace man who goes up to take the jade bow in the hand of Rong Sheng, who knows that he is holding tightly and does not let go. The palace people did not dare to take it, but had no choice but to look at the emperor.

Ban Yi got up and walked up to Rong Sheng and reached out: "The emperor, give the bow to the mother, and then grab the same."

Rong Sheng saw his mother talking to him. He finally let go of his hand and extended his arms to let the class hold.

"Catch the thing and hold it again." The child who just turned a year old couldn't understand too much, but he could barely understand some of the meaning expressed by his mother. Rong Sheng saw the class on the ground, turned over and grabbed two things, then trembled from the ground and continued to open his arms.

The meaning is: I have got everything, now you should hold me.

He has a jade pen in his left hand and a jade dragon in his left hand. The things are small and look very cute. Ban Yi remembers that this was a long time that Ban Heng picked in the class library and found a good jade. The craftsman specially carved it.

The pen is the text, the bow is the martial arts, and the dragon is the power.

The meaning is really good, the ministers boasted that the sky was falling, and Rong Sheng had already joyfully arched in the arms of his father and mother. He took his father’s hand for a while, and kissed his mother’s face for a while, occasionally the niece. Beautiful jewelry, no one else can enter his eyes.

"The small hall is really good. I don't know how many daughters will be fascinated by him in the future," a son-in-law whispered to the companion. "People can't wait to take him home and take it with him."

"The maiden is the first beauty to win, the sire is the first beautiful man, their children..." The companion secretly stunned the first family of three, couldn't help but patted the chest of his heartbeat, "all long It’s all like a god.”

"Isn't it a god," said a woman wearing a Xia Palace costume, nodding her head. "If you can squat every day, it is really dead and willing."

"Miss Yao, you have to be a younger brother and sister in a few months, but you can't be a Queen Empress?" Mrs. Zhou Changyi heard this and whispered, "Wake up and wake up, look silly." ""

"You don't understand," Yao Ling slowly shook his head. "After some women become married, they will be eclipsed by life. The goddess is different. If she is not a pro, it is a beautiful night pearl, then she is the world now. A rare pearl, beautiful people can not move their eyes, such a person, I will look like a lifetime, painting will not be tired for a lifetime."

Grandma Zhou Shao was busy holding her mouth, whispered: "You don't want to talk about it, let others hear it, and think that you are married to the Jingting Gongzi."

"How come, the body of Ban Shizi has the same aura as the maiden," Yao Ling smiled. "I feel that living with such people will be very happy."

Before Zhou Shao’s grandmother was not married, she had a good relationship with Yao Ling. Zhou Changyi and Ban Heng were friends with their shoulders, so the friendship between the two had always been so close. It’s said that Zhou Changyi is awkward, but Zhou Shao’s grandmother feels that the days after becoming a relative are very happy. There is no need to pay attention to the rules everywhere. There is no mess in the room. The husband is a funny but not sinister person. This day is better than her. Imagine it.

Ban Shizi and her husband are good, and they are the younger brother of the class queen. It is not a bad person to think about it.

"I don't understand the aura." Grandma Zhou Shao smiled. "I only know that you are close."

Yao Ling’s cheeks are reddish. “Then you are not ready for the big gift.”

Ban Yi and Rong Rong played with the child for a while, and when the child fell asleep, the nurse would hold the child down. As usual, there was no new feast. After the feast ended, Ban Yu deliberately left Yin and Ban Heng down.

"Mother, Hengdi will be married next month. I have prepared some things here, so that Hengdi can take the dowry. It is also a face for Yao parents." Ban Yi looked at some blushing Ban Heng, "Why, finally Do you know what you mean?"

"Sister, there are so many things at home, what are you going to do?" Ban Heng touched his face and smiled. "You are a queen, how can you do something good in the private library?"

"My private library is under my control. Can I still have something missing?" Ban Yi couldn't help but say that he had put the list on Ban Heng. "If you marry our family, you have to treat others well. Others have raised prostitutes for more than ten years. Marrying you is to make you hurt, to live with you, don't learn the messy things, or I will interrupt your legs personally."

"Sister, am I such a person?" Ban Hengdao, "I have your sister, who wouldn’t know how to be your own lady. Yao’s girl’s appearance is not as good as you, but it’s also very interesting. You can rest assured, I must Will be good to him."

"You," said Ban Yi, who smiled and reached out to understand his clothes. The temperature was warm and the words were "you have already twenty."

It seems that the younger brother was still the one who was beating the day before, and the little boy who was behind her, it was a big moment.

"Sister..." Ban Heng has grown half a head higher than Ban, but he still bends his legs and makes it easier for his sister to sort out his clothes.

"Okay," Ban said, releasing his hand and laughing. "My brother, I finally grew up."

Ban Heng touched the clothes that had been arranged by the class, and smiled stupidly.

Yin’s eyes looked at his own children and smiled red.

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