MTL - I Am Invincible From the End of the World-Chapter 8 first shot

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When the girls heard Lin Xinghai say that after the members of the security team had left, their faces turned pale, and they all looked at Lin Xinghai.

After all, the reason why they asked Lin Xinghai to be this roommate was to seek shelter at this moment.

And Lin Xinghai also fell into contemplation. He was not afraid of the so-called Axe Gang.

No matter how much these little gangsters can fight, their strength is limited. If they have the ability to challenge genetic optimizers, who would want to stay in Xiacheng as gangsters?

Therefore, according to Lin Xinghai's estimation, as long as the number of these gangsters who come here is not too many, he has the confidence to win.

But the problem is, he is not sure if he wants to make a move?

After all, when he is finished, he can leave by patting his butt. But Liu Miaomiao and the others are expected to live here for a long time.

"How much protection fee do they charge?" Lin Xinghai asked after pondering for a while.

"One month, three points." Shen Yimei replied.

When the girls heard it, they all breathed a sigh of relief, and Liu Miaomiao gave the other party a direct glance, "Yimei, you should have said it clearly from the beginning."

"It's not unacceptable if there are 3 points in a month. After all, it's better to have less than one thing." Liu Miaomiao kept paying attention to Lin Xinghai's expression when she said this.

She was most afraid of Lin Xinghai's stubbornness, and she would not pay the protection fee if she died, and she had a conflict with the people from the Axe Gang. At that time, let's not say whether we can win or not. Even if we can win, it is estimated that there will be troubles in the future.

Lin Xinghai did not object, and even the expression on his face was still so calm.

This made Liu Miaomiao quite surprised. In her impression, the other party was not so easy to talk to.

Lin Xinghai did not express his position, and the girls quickly reached a unified opinion.

Next, there was a little anxious waiting, everyone could hear it, the noise was getting louder and closer, and occasionally there were quarrels and punches and kicks in the sound. Obviously, it was still constant. Someone tried to resist.

But these resistances are doomed to be futile, because the noise has come to their door.

Bang bang bang!

The door was kicked, the dilapidated door was shaking violently, and the door bolt was creaking, making people suspect that it would be kicked off the next moment.

This scene made Lin Xinghai frown, but he still didn't say anything.

Shen Yimei, who was closest to the door, opened the door, and the door was immediately kicked open by someone outside.

Five young men with dyed hair and axe tattoos on their arms walked in scoldingly, "Are you courting death? The door is so slow to open, I don't know about us..."

The young man at the head lowered his voice after scolding, his eyes swept over Liu Miaomiao and others, and his eyes gradually became hot and greedy.

Not only him, but also several gangsters who followed up with similar eyes. In the lower-level area, beautiful women are definitely quite rare.

Especially Liu Miaomiao and Wang Yao, one has excellent appearance and temperament, and the other has a hot body. Anyone can make these gangsters unable to take their eyes off.

"Cough!" The thug in the lead looked at it for a while before he finally regained his senses. He coughed lightly, pretending to be polite, and said, "Ladies, I'm here to collect protection fees. 5 points."

"What! 5 points per person? Isn't it 3 points?" Liu Miaomiao said repeatedly, her face becoming a little ugly.

She had already felt something wrong.

The headed gangster smiled, "The average person is 3 points, but a few are beautiful women. It's not easy to protect you. The protection fee is higher, which is not too much!"

"Of course, if you feel that your money is tight and you can't get so many points for the time being, you can actually pay for it in other ways." When he said this, his eyes were constantly aiming at some sensitive parts of Liu Miaomiao's body. Go, the meaning of which is self-evident.

The rest of the gangsters also had wicked smiles on their faces.

This time, the expressions of Liu Miaomiao and others really changed, which was completely beyond their expectations.

When this matter developed to such a point, Lin Xinghai knew that he had to take action, so he stepped forward and stood in front of several women.

Before standing up, he had used the exploration technique on the gang headed by him.

Name: Wang Damao

Constitution: 15 points

Strength: 19 points

Speed: 11 o'clock

Degree of genetic optimization: 19%

Seeing such an attribute of the other party, Lin Xinghai was determined that he could play five at a time.

"5 points per person, right?" Lin Xinghai asked indifferently, his eyes a little cold.

At this time, the five gangsters discovered that there was actually a man in this dormitory, and instantly there was jealousy in their eyes.

This kind of benefit, it is estimated that any man will be jealous when he sees it.

"Sorry, the price has gone up now, 10 points per person." The gangster headed said with a sarcastic smile on the corner of his mouth.

"Okay! 10 points per person, give it to me!" Lin Xinghai stretched out his palm.

From the gazes of these gangsters and the constant scrutiny of the women, he knew that this matter could no longer be good.

Of course, if he took out the mercenary badge now, these gangsters should retire.

But this is very uncomfortable.

My backstage is bigger than the other party, UU reading www.uukanshu. com is stronger than the other party, and they have stepped on their faces. If they just let the other party retreat, they will be too sorry for their golden fingers.

What's more, he is short of money! These gangsters received so much protection fee, he was quite envious.

"Cough! I'm upholding justice!" Lin Xinghai found a glorious reason for himself in the center.

As for Wang Damao and the others, when they heard Lin Xinghai say this, they looked at him like a fool.

Even Liu Miaomiao was not optimistic that Lin Xinghai would be able to defeat the people in front of him.

In addition to what Shen Yimei described, these yellow-haired youths were able to knock down 200-pound strong men with one punch, but they also learned about the existence of genetic optimizers from the papers distributed by Jiyuan.

"Lin Xinghai!" Liu Miaomiao shouted nervously.

"Don't worry, it's okay!" Lin Xinghai smiled slightly, his expression relaxed, as if he didn't take these gangsters as a threat at all.

"But you're in my way." Wang Damao's eyes flashed fiercely, and then he punched Lin Xinghai in the head.

How could he tolerate a new "white pig" who acted so forcefully in front of him.

"It's so slow!" Lin Xinghai just turned to one side and dodged Wang Damao's punch.

At his speed of 26 points, it was impossible for the opponent's fist to touch him.

"What!" The punch failed, and Wang Damao's pupils shrank slightly.

However, before he could react, Lin Xinghai's counterattack came. It was also a punch, but Wang Damao couldn't dodge at all, and received a solid punch in the chest.


The dull crash sounded, Wang Damao felt his chest, as if being hit by a giant hammer, and his body retreated again and again, until he knocked over a companion, and it was difficult to stabilize his body.

Read The Duke's Passion