MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 448 ask for directions

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Zhou Yi returned to the house and found that there were two more teenagers.

The older one was twelve or thirteen years old, and the younger one was only eight or nine years old, lying weakly on the bed moaning.

The father-in-law Gu in the clean room told the two to pay attention to food and prevent wounds and sores. He left with the medicine box amidst the gratitude of the young man, and nodded slightly to Zhou Yi before going out.

"Thank you, Mr. Gu."

Zhou Yi skillfully stuffed a bank note with a moderate denomination, fifty taels.

If the denomination is too large, it does not meet the status of "Xiaoshanzi", and if the denomination is too small, it will be difficult to ask for help.

Eunuch Gu said with satisfaction: "Xiaoshanzi could have been so sensible long ago, so he wouldn't have looked at the gate."

"Your father-in-law taught you that."

Zhou Yi bowed to send Eunuch Gu away, and returned to the house with a kind smile on his face.

"My Xiaoshanzi, where are the two friends from?"

The younger boys shrank and dared not speak, while the older ones endured the severe pain and replied, "My name is Qian An, the monkey, and I am from Wannian County."

"You can't call me in the palace, you have to call yourself our family."

Zhou Yi said: "Meeting a narrow-minded father-in-law, hearing you call yourself me, I feel unhappy, and it will definitely make people stumble."

Qian An showed gratitude: "Thank you, Grandpa Monkey, for your guidance."

"The supervisor and admiral's surname is Qian. I can't call you Xiaoqianzi, so let's call you Xiaoanzi."

Zhou Yi drew closer with a few words, sat down beside Xiao'anzi's bed, and asked, "Wannian County is close to Qujiang River, and most of the people under his rule are high-quality paddy fields, how did he end up selling himself into the palace?"

"I... our family used to have five acres of paddy fields, which were close neighbors to Mr. Wang's field. I never thought that his family would move the fields every year, and five acres would become four acres, and then three acres."

Xiao Anzi said bitterly: "Father argued with Mr. Wang, but he was beaten severely. He was so angry that he sued the yamen. The dog officer sentenced us to pick quarrels and cause trouble!"

As a result, I was hit by the board and lost money.

Xiao Anzi's father was seriously injured and died. He filed lawsuits, lost money, and got medical treatment.

The magistrate of the broken family is nothing more than that!

In order to avenge his father, Xiao Anzi cut off the roots of his troubles and sold himself to work in the palace.

"Officer Dog!"

Zhou Yi said with the same hatred: "Our family was also ruined by the dog official, so we entered the palace as a last resort. Fortunately, the dog official has already executed him!"

He scolded himself a few words, and taught Xiao An the tricks of messing around in the womb. The two quickly got closer and began to call each other brothers.

Xiao Anzi said gratefully: "Our family is fortunate to have met Brother Shan, otherwise we would have committed a taboo, and we wouldn't know how we died."

"Ji Jie Jie!"

Zhou Yi laughed strangely, and a cold light flashed in his eyes.

There is no luck or coincidence in the world, everything is arranged by someone with a heart. Zhou Yi needed a **** to explore the way, so he asked Eunuch Gu to send two servants.

Eunuch Gu is good at touching the bones, so he took advantage of the cleansing time to find out the bones of the servant.

Xiao'anzi has first-class talent in martial arts, and with Zhou Yi's guidance, he can get twice the result with half the effort in practicing Epiphyllum, and he will surely stand out in the palace.

After the upheaval in the palace, it is time for the internal servant to employ people.

Xiao Anzi has a clean background and high talent, so he is bound to be promoted and reused in order to reduce the legacy of Yi Gonggong's internal servants.

Zhou Yi looked in the direction of the supervisor on duty, and the chief admiral, Eunuch Zhong, was sitting inside.

"Little Faithful, do you dare to accept this cadre who came to your door?"

Dare to accept it, it shows that Xiao Zhongzi really holds the real power, and it also shows that he betrayed Zhouyi before the palace change, and secretly informed the Queen Mother and others.

If you dare not, you are a puppet at the front desk.

Zhou Yi is more inclined to the latter. After all, if King Pingxi does not rebel, the Queen Mother's family will undoubtedly die.

"Whether Xiao Zhongzi or Xiao Xuzi is incapable of killing a king, and occupying a high position without great achievements, it may be a trap to lure our family to revenge!"

Nothing to say all night.

the next day.

Zhou Yi and Xiao Anzi

Go to Dongzhifang for dinner.

Another young servant, named Xiao Wuzi, was restrained and followed behind the two of them silently, like a small follower.

When Xiao Wuzi talks to people, he always looks scared.

Ordinary people only think that Xiao Wuzi is timid and cowardly, but he can't hide the Zhou Yi who knows countless people.

No matter how superficially they appear, it is difficult to conceal subtle habits, such as tidying up the skirts before eating, eating vegetable leaves first and meat slices, and not making any movement while chewing...

There are various indications that Xiao Wuzi was not from a poor family as he said.

Zhou Yi didn't care about Xiao Wuzi. No one in the palace had any secrets, and they wouldn't force him to be a pathfinder. Xiao Anzi was enough.


In a blink of an eye, it is the end of the twelfth lunar month.

At noon.

Zhou Yi was on duty at the gate of the palace when he heard footsteps.

Civil and military officials came down to the court and rushed out of the palace. Most of them had gloomy faces, and the hot-tempered ones even cursed, obviously dissatisfied with the morning court.

"The man in the north has never been short of military pay, and the court keeps sending money!"

"Drought to death, waterlogged to death, who made you not a prince?"

"This official is loyal to the court, so don't be a king with a different surname!"

"Speak carefully, speak carefully!"

All the officials talked with each other, discussing the matter, and asked the queen mother to withdraw the decision to allocate military salaries to the northern Xinjiang army.

After the death of the first emperor, King Zhenbei became more and more unscrupulous in his actions.

First, he cut off his head on the pretext that Xuanfu Yin was greedy for Mo's military salary without going through the three divisions. Later, he demolished the office offices of Dongchang and Zhenfusi, and set up law enforcement envoys to supervise local officials.

With such an operation, Northern Xinjiang can be called a country within a country, but the imperial court still has to pay military salaries!

Zhou Yi stood outside the palace gate and wrote down all the officials said. Those who are dissatisfied with the court are allies, those who support the queen mother must be eradicated, and those who are vacillating can be wooed.

Return to the house next time.

Xiao Anzi and Xiao Wuzi have come back and are reviewing the characters they learned during the day.

Zhou Yi glanced at Xiao Wuzi, who clearly knew how to read, and pretended to be studying hard, such a mind would lead to great things in the future.

Seeing Zhou Yi's smiling face, Xiao Anzi couldn't help but ask, "Did brother Shan meet a happy event?"

"Barely count."

Zhou Yi pretended to be hesitant to speak, hesitated for a moment and said, "It's okay to tell Brother An, when our family was on duty this morning, I heard Minister Qi from the Ministry of Rites scold King Pingxi's old mother!"

Xiao Anzi showed doubts: "Why are you so happy?"

"Prince Pingxi is a celebrity in front of the Empress Dowager, a newly promoted Minister of the Ministry of War, powerful and powerful, no one in the palace wants to curry favor with one or two."

Zhou Yi said: "Let's find an opportunity to tell Admiral Zhong about this matter, and we will definitely be rewarded, and we won't have to guard the gate in the future!"

If you want to achieve great things, first sell your allies.

Guochao will remember Qi Shilang's achievements, and in the future, he will definitely get the title right for him!

"I see."

Xiao Anzi's eyes flickered, and he congratulated repeatedly: "Congratulations, Mr. Monkey, our family has long believed that you have a bright future, and you will definitely be a superintendent in the future!"

Zhou Yi patted Xiao Anzi on the shoulder and said with a smile.

"When our family is prosperous, we will take good care of Brother An, ransack the house of the Wannian County dog ​​official, and take all the land from Master Wang's house!"

"Thank you, Mr. Monkey."

Xiao Anzi bent over and stretched his tendons, and learned the tricks taught by Zhouyi to the fullest.

"Ji Jie Jie..."

Zhou Yi smiled triumphantly, lay down on the bed with his clothes on and fell asleep.

the next day.

After getting up early in the morning, Zhou Yi saw that Xiao Anzi's bed was empty, and was about to ask Xiao Wuzi.


The door of the house was opened, and Xiao Anzi's face was flushed with excitement.

Zhou Yi asked: "Where did Brother An go early in the morning? There are many taboos in the palace, UU reading can't just wander around!"

"Xiaoshanzi has a heart, our family

I will never forget your teaching. "

Xiao Anzi straightened his chest, with a rather condescending attitude: "Our family went to the watchman, to greet the loyal admiral, and by the way, I told you about Minister Qi."

Zhou Yi didn't dare to believe it: "You, how could you..."

Xiao Anzi continued: "Eunuch Zhong is very happy. He transferred our family to the Supervisor of Rituals to serve His Majesty's paper and pen."

Hearing this, Zhou Yi slumped on the bed like a deflated ball.

Xiao Anzi patted Zhou Yi on the shoulder: "Xiao Shanzi, the friendship between the two of us is as good as anyone's, so don't be too fussy."

Zhou Yi tried his best to squeeze out a smile, bent over and bowed to salute.

"Eunuch An taught me the lesson!"

Read The Duke's Passion