MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 422 old deer dead

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Lin Fu.

The door was closed and there was no sound.

A head poked out of the wall, glanced at Fanzi Dongchang outside, and shrank back in fright.

There were constant exclamations, crying, and cursing in the courtyard. The members of the Lin family shouted to face the saint in the palace, while the servants coveted the gold and silver antiques of the lord's house, stealing two of them whenever they could.

At noon.

There was the sound of treading footsteps, and dozens of people in black came to the gate of the Lin Mansion.

Just as Zhongyindingba carried the big sedan chair to a complete stop, Xiao Yinzi bowed through the curtain and said, "Godfather, the Lin residence is here."

Zhou Yi put down the history book in his hand, opened the curtain and looked at it.

"Is everything ready?"

Xiao Yinzi said: "Godfather, don't worry, the dragon robe, jade seal, sword, gun, sword and halberd are all buried, if you just dig them out, it will be a crime of treason!"


Zhou Yi said: "Your Majesty's investigation is for the crime of betraying an official. Our family must handle it properly. Let people go to Wantong Bank and Rishenghao to borrow two million taels of silver and put it in the back house of the Lin Mansion."

These two banks are well-known in Daqing, and bank notes pass through the north and south, and there are plenty of cash in the treasury.

Its background is naturally strong, but it is not enough in front of Dongchang. The supervisor borrowed money on the pretext, no matter whether he has it or not, he has to raise it.

Xiao Yinzi asked, "Do I need to pay back the money?"

"Why do we have to pay back the money our family borrowed based on our ability?"

Zhou Yi snorted coldly, and ordered: "A few days ago, the head of Mount Hua caught a spy from the north, found two letters, and sent them together when borrowing money."

"One million taels buys the lives of the nine clans, our family is really a great benevolent person!"

"Godfather is wise."

Xiao Yinzi flattered him, took the letter and went to the two banks to borrow money.

About an hour.

Xiao Yinzi returned to the gate of Lin's residence and reported: "Godfather, the silver has been delivered, the current silver is three million taels, and the extra one million taels is a gift from the two banks."

The owners of Wantong Bank and Risheng were so frightened that they collapsed on the spot when they saw the letter, how dare they refuse to borrow money.

Not only did he give Zhouyi a million taels, but he also gave an additional 200,000 taels to Xiao Yinzi, all he needed was to say a few nice words in front of Duke Du.

"It's pretty sensible."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, sparing the two banks and nine clans.

Now Zhenbei King has become a taboo in the Daqing Dynasty. His Majesty and all the officials know who the separatist party is, but no one wants to mention it.

The spies' letters found will only severely punish the two banks, and King Zhenbei is still safe and sound.

Since King Zhenbei couldn't be eradicated, Zhou Yi didn't provoke him, and just let him go if he got a few million taels of silver.

"Set aside 200,000 taels and give it to the head of Huashan, and tell him to do things well. In the future, everyone from Huashan can come to the Supervision Department to be on duty."

Zhou Yi got off the official sedan chair and waved for Fanzi to open the door.

The servants of the Lin clan who eavesdropped behind the door ran away in fright and hid in a corner trembling.

"Everything that is alive is captured!"

One order.

Dongchang fanzi rushed into Lin's mansion and skillfully caught people hiding in corners, bushes, under beds, latrines, and water tanks. They even checked the chimney of the stove carefully to prevent any fish from slipping through the net.

There are also masters who are proficient in organ skills and ground hearing skills, and they check the house and underground for darkrooms and caves inch by inch.

Dongchang ransacked the house, and it was superb.

The Dugong said that there should be no living things, and the egg yolks had to be shaken apart!

The clan servants in the front house were caught clean, and the Dongchang fanzi blocked the back house. Inside were the descendants of the Lin family, as well as many old and young women and children.

Zhou Yi stepped in and saw Lin Zhengyuan who was tasting tea under the tree.

Leisurely content, without fear.

"Master Lin is worthy of being a heavenly official. He still has such a good mood when he is about to die. Our family will send a letter to the king of Hades. After Master Lin goes down, he will be entertained and still be able to drink tea every day!"

Lin Zhengben has white beard and hair, and he is meticulous in grooming.

"The East Factory is so big

Is it possible that Lord Yan can also control the prestige of the king?"

"As long as there is, our family can take care of it!"

Sitting opposite Lin Zhengben, Zhou Yi poured a cup of tea by himself, took a sip and spit it out: "What does this tea taste like? Could it be made from fried peach leaves?"

Lin Zhengben sarcastically said: "The Duke is used to drinking imperial tea, so this ordinary tea is naturally unpalatable."

"My lord Lin's words are still as murky as ever."

Zhou Yi said: "Our family knows that Mr. Lin is not afraid of death, so we have prepared the embezzlement money. In the future, it will be recorded in the history books that you sold your official position for millions of taels of silver. You are one of the most corrupt officials in the country!"

Lin Zhengben's face suddenly changed, and he said angrily: "This old man has been upright all his life. He has served the country and the people. No one in the country knows about it. How can you, an eunuch, be qualified to judge?"

"History is written by the victors!"

Zhou Yi said faintly: "Lord Lin, our family has found a million taels of ironclad evidence, the three divisions will try and convict you, and the official historian will record it in a book. Later generations will only say that you are a big corrupt official."

Lin Zhengben was silent for a moment and sighed.

"This old man is dead, so why should he care about the name behind him? It doesn't matter if you are a corrupt official or an upright official, as long as you live with a clear heart!"

"Without shame..."

Zhou Yi raised his brows, waved his hands back to the left and right, and said in a deep voice: "Master Lin is dead, but his family members are still alive. Just answer a question about our family, and I will definitely take care of you."

"Jiaofangsi's border is unattended, so life is worse than death.

When speaking, he pointed to the female family members of the Lin family who were arrested by Fanzi, crying bitterly and looking for death and life.

Lin Zhengben said, "What does Duke Du want to ask?"

"Master Lin is honest and upright. The three divisions did not find evidence of any crime. He can be said to be a first-class official in the country."

Zhou Yi wondered: "Our family can't figure it out, why Master Lin supports the one in the harem, don't you know that it is taboo for women to interfere in politics?"

"The lesser of two evils!"

Lin Zhengben said solemnly: "Compared to a woman in power, this old man can't watch His Majesty tamper with the ancestral system, resulting in the loss of morality, the collapse of ritual and music, and the collapse of the country's dynasty!

Zhou Yi frowned slightly: "Your Majesty will measure the acres of land, reform the tax system, and benefit the people of Li. How could it endanger the country?"

"Your Majesty is thinking more than that!"

Lin Zhengben said: "There is news from the palace that after the tax reform, His Majesty will abolish the tax-free land for scholars, and the gentry will also have to pay food as errands..."


Zhou Yi gasped, startled by these words.

The royal family and the gentry ruled the world together, and the orthodox emperor dared to collect taxes from the gentry, and would change the dynasty if he said otherwise.

"Is this true?"

"The old man is about to die, why should he lie to the duke?"

Lin Zhengben said: "If Your Majesty implements such tyranny, soldiers will not be soldiers, and the country will not be the country. Even if I die, I will stop it!"

"Our family came from a poor background, and we often have doubts when we were young, why the old man with land and land didn't pay the food, but our family is almost unable to eat, and we can't afford to pay two taxes for one grain!"

Zhou Yi said: "Master Lin, can you tell our family why?"

Lin Zhengben said: "The majority of the people must be ruled by a few, so that the country can be stable!"

If Zhou Yi realized something, he called Xiao Yinzi to give instructions.

"Send Mr. Lin to the dungeon, so that he can be kept in custody, and don't go to prison for now!"


All the nine clans of the Lin family were arrested in the dungeon.

The dragon robes and jade seals found in the search were sent to the Third Division, and Lin Zhengben's "sale of officials" earned two million taels, which was handed over to His Majesty's internal funds.

Dongchang handles the case, and the evidence is as solid as a mountain!

The case was settled, and Zhou Yi returned to the prison on duty.

The chief admiral of the internal affairs department has an exclusive palace, but Zhou Yi is still used to being on duty in the palace. Maybe it's nostalgia, maybe it's an unwarranted sense of security, or the feng shui of the chief admiral's office is not good.

Since the establishment of the imperial court, none of the successive chief admirals has been able to die well!

Zhou Yi ordered: "Xiao Yinzi, the Palace of Mental Cultivation and the Palace of Diligence

The servant called me, we have something to ask. "


Xiao Yinzi bowed to accept the order, and soon brought more than a dozen servants who were not on duty, knelt in front of Zhou Yi and shouted in unison. .

"Meet the Duke!"

"Get up."

Zhou Yi blew on the hot air in the teacup, and sipped it lightly. The aroma was rich and long-lasting, far from what Lin Zhengben drank.

It is difficult to change from extravagance to frugality. If you are used to drinking imperial tea, you will not be able to drink ordinary tea.

Having enjoyed the splendor, wealth and power, it is difficult to be an ordinary person again.

"Our family asked you to come here and I have something to ask. Has Your Majesty said anything strange, such as gentry, taxes, or dissatisfaction with scholars?"

The servants on duty thought carefully and shook their heads.

Among them was a servant named Xiaopingzi, with a slightly unnatural expression on his face, he looked around and said.

"Duke, when our family was serving His Majesty at night, we vaguely heard something in our dreams, and we don't know if it's true or not."

Zhou Yi winked, and the left and right servants stepped back immediately.

"What did your Majesty say in your sleep?"

Xiao Pingzi said: "Your Majesty's voice was intermittent in his dream, and our family didn't hear it clearly. He probably just scolded scholars, saying that he was a moth of the Kingdom Dynasty, hollowing out the foundation of the Kingdom Dynasty..."


Zhou Yi nodded slightly, stared at Xiao Pingzi coldly for a long time, and finally said slowly.

"The supervisor on duty is short of a steward, and I will take up the post tomorrow. I will work hard in the future, and our family will not treat you badly!" ..

"Thank you Duchess."

Xiaopingzi was full of surprise and kowtowed repeatedly.

Zhou Yi waved his hand to signal Xiao Pingzi to step back, and sat alone on the grand teacher's chair, thinking how likely it was that His Majesty would do something to the scholar.

"It's as difficult as climbing the sky!"

"Your Majesty does not have the power and power of the Great Ancestor, nor does he have the reputation of the hearts of the people. Such a drastic change of government will definitely cause turmoil in the country... Maybe it is an opportunity for our family!"


Xiao Yinzi's voice came from outside the door: "Godfather, Miss Linglong from Kunning Palace is here."

"Please come in."

Zhou Yi's complexion changed from cold to enthusiastic, and he watched Linglong enter the door with a smile.

"Miss Linglong, I don't know what to do with our family?"

Linglong said: "Please Eunuch Yi go to Kunning Palace, Empress Empress has something to ask."

Zhou Yi was slightly taken aback, his mind turned to pondering the queen's plan, but his superficial skills were impeccable: "Please ask Miss Linglong to lead the way, our family will go to see the empress right now."

Linglong had no expression on her face, she turned around and left, as if she was doing business.

The last time I conveyed my mother's oral order, I never thought that the Supervision Department had arranged for a few old eunuchs to go there.

Zhou Yi bowed and followed Linglong. Even if he was promoted to the chief admiral, he was still a slave to the empress; there was no way to overstep.

Secretly made a fist gesture to Xiao Yinzi, indicating that he designed Linglong's outsiders to lure them into breaking the law, and then sent them all to the Supervision Division's dungeon for interrogation.

Xiao Yinzi nodded indiscriminately, and sentenced the Linglong family members to death.

There are no more than three or five people in this world who are qualified to give Duke Du a face, and there is absolutely no Linglong among them!

While hurting the whole family, Zhou Yi took out a stack of silver bills from his cuff and stuffed them into Linglong's hands: "Our family doesn't know what Miss Linglong likes, so I give some silver to buy as I please, and if I don't have enough, I go to the Queen's Office to get it."

Linglong touched the thickness of the bank note, her face paled.

"Thank you duke, be careful when you see your empress later, I'm in a bad mood these days."

Zhou Yi narrowed his eyes slightly, I'm afraid the Queen's situation is not very good.

After all, the governor of Dongchang belongs to a foreign minister and is a loyal confidant of His Majesty. The empress's direct summons did not take into account His Majesty's thoughts at all. It was obvious that Zhou Yi had to make a decision.

Go to Kunning Palace.

The head of the harem, one of the three halls of the imperial palace.

Zhou Yi Suiling

When Long entered the hall, he smelled a strange fragrance as soon as he entered the door, which was vaguely familiar, but he couldn't remember what it was like for a moment.


The queen sat on the phoenix chair, looked at Zhou Yi who slid and knelt all the way, and said with a smile.

"Calm down, come and give Eunuch Yi a seat."

"Thank you, Empress, for your gift."

Zhou Yi said: "I don't dare to call you father-in-law in front of nobles. Your Majesty often calls our little Yizi. If you don't mind your empress, you can also look close by calling me that."

A coldness flashed in the queen's eyes, even the mere eunuchs and servants dared to pester her with titles.

To mention His Majesty specifically is obviously a deliberate demonstration.

"Worthy of being the God of Swordsmanship, the governor of Dongchang who is so powerful in the world, the chiseling point has opened my eyes."

"Humble and dare not."

Zhou Yi stood up from the brocade pier, bowed and said, "Our family is His Majesty's servants, we have to follow His Majesty's wishes for what we say, what we do, what we call our names."

The queen's aura suddenly erupted, and UU Reading www.uukanshu.comFire ​​killing intent enveloped the entire palace, as if a scorching sun had risen.

It really is Sanyang Sect!

Zhou Yi's bowed body suddenly stood up straight, his old and cloudy eyes looked directly at the queen, without any flinching.


Seeing this situation, the queen didn't know that Zhou Yi supported Emperor Zhengtong, and said coldly: "Don't forget, Duke Du, that Cui Gui had a miscarriage back then, and His Majesty died of his son. Someone will pay for this matter in the future."

"Thank you for reminding me, ma'am."

Zhou Yi glanced at Linglong, and said with a smile, "Our family has already found the real culprit, and we will hand it over to His Majesty when the time is right!"

All power and martial arts are useless, so the queen issued an order to drive away the guests.

"Duke is good at doing things for himself, I'm exhausted, please step back!"

"Resign in humility."

Zhou Yi bowed slightly and left.

Originally, I heard the old deer talk about fate, cause and effect, and in the end His Majesty would die like a rabbit, and I also heard that the orthodox emperor wanted to risk the world's disgrace and implement unprecedented reforms, so I was a little biased towards the queen.

However, after entering the Kunning Palace and identifying the source of the strange fragrance, Zhou Yi fell to the orthodox emperor again.

Pepper aroma!

"The prickly ash mentioned by Lao Lu refers to the queen. He is reminding our family that what we hear and see is the queen's intentional guidance, and the purpose is to make our family follow the palace change and rebel!"

Thinking of this in Zhou Yi, he walked quickly.

Leng Gong.

Open the door and go in, there is no old deer on the steps.

When Zhou Yi came to the sleeping room, he smelled a strong smell of blood, and there was an inhuman skeleton lying on the bed.

The runes are weird, and the bones are dense.

The sharp blade peeled open the viscera, the iron nails penetrated the meridians, the hands and feet were twisted and folded, the head was turned twice, and the face was turned downwards. It could only be discerned from the clothes that it was an old deer.

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