MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 419 prince

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I Immortal in the World of Immortal Cultivation Chapter 419 Prince of the Palace

Orthodoxy for six years.


The Governor of Dongchang was ordered to return to Beijing.

General Xie was promoted to the fourth rank of General Xuanwu, and all the generals under his command were promoted, and they were ordered to guard Lingnan.

Lingnan is thousands of miles away from the capital, so the thoughts of Emperor Zhengtong are self-evident.

It is important, and it is also beating.

When the Jianghu Zongmen heard about this, they burst into tears of joy and celebrated like a new year, thanking their ancestors for protecting their descendants from the catastrophe.

In less than two years, there have been more than ten battles between good and evil, with dead and injured masters and destroyed sects.

The horror of encircling, suppressing and killing by the army has become the nightmare of people in the rivers and lakes.

The Duke of Dongchang is the Lord of the Nightmare!

All the Jianghu people who have experienced these two years no longer have the courage to provoke Dongchang, but they will not admit defeat, but will instill hatred in their disciples.

He was looking forward to the day when a peerless genius would be born, behead the governor of the East Factory, and avenge his dead comrades.

Isn't it written like this in the scriptures, justice will eventually defeat evil!

As for how many justices died before justice defeated evil, no one paid attention or cared.

early March.

The drizzle is like smoke and mist.

Tread Tread...

More than a hundred cavalry galloped on the official road, with black horses, black hats, black cloaks, and standard double swords around their waists.

Dongchang Fanzi!

After recognizing the identity of the cavalry, no matter whether they were gentry officials or wealthy businessmen, they hurriedly drove out of the way and waited for the fan to disappear under the rain on the side of the road before continuing on their way.

Dongchang, which was established by Zhengtong three years ago, has already reached a state of great reputation and power.

After a while.

In the misty rain and fog, I can see the shadow of the towering city wall.

Joy flashed in Zhou Yi's eyes, he shook the reins vigorously, and Wu Yun stepped on the snow to run a little faster.

outside the city gate.

The eighteen cadres are eager to see through, and the officials of Dongchang are eagerly waiting.

The Dongchang fanzi occupied the city gate early in the morning, and drove the soldiers and civilians aside. If they dared to make any complaints, they would go through the dungeon of the supervisory department and find out the conspiracy even if they were not guilty.

Since the establishment of the Supervision Department, there have suddenly been more officials hiding dragon robes!


The dark clouds raised their hooves on the snow, and Zhou Yi looked down from above.

"Meet godfather!"

"Meet the Duke!"

Gan'er and the officials fell to their knees together, no matter if they were sincere or not, their eyes were full of excitement and excitement, as if seeing a dear relative who had been dead for many years.

The great governor of the East Factory has returned to his loyal supervisory department!

"Get up."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly: "Did something happen to the Supervision Department when our family was away?"

Everyone shook their heads: "Relying on the prestige of the Governor, no one dares to disobey the Supervision Department, but there are more and more court officials."

"One day there will be fewer participants, and that will be a big deal!"

Zhou Yi got off his horse and got into the official sedan chair surrounded by everyone.

All the way south. `

The noisy and lively streets on weekdays are empty, and there are Dongchang fans on duty every ten feet or so.

It's not overbearing to clean the streets, it's just telling the people that it's a very bad day and it's not suitable to go out!

Sitting on the official sedan chair, Zhou Yi was dozing off, when he suddenly heard a commotion and scolding of stray dogs and lackeys, he suddenly opened his eyes.

"Who's up there?"

The voice of Ganer Xiaoyinzi came from outside the sedan chair: "Godfather, Feng Ze, Prince Pingxi's heir, seems to be drunk, and the guards and Kailu Fanzi started arguing."

"King Pingxi..."

Zhou Yi moved his mind slightly, opened the curtain and looked forward.

In the middle of the street lay a young man in white, with a lot of muddy water on his body, holding a jar of wine in his arms, and was so drunk that he didn't know what to say.

There are seven or eight majestic men next to him, each with a fierce breath, and they are confronting Fanzi.

There are few people in Daqing who can be compared with the Supervision Department, King Pingxi is one of them, and he is even more powerful than him.

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Several soldiers and barbarians dare to make trouble in the capital, behead them!"

"As ordered."

Cruelty flashed in Xiao Yinzi's eyes, and he leaped forward, two short knives slipped out of his cuffs, the blades flashed continuously, and there were several corpses on the street.


The master of the palace who was protecting him in the dark yelled at him sharply, and quickly appeared to protect Feng Ze, lest Xiao Yinzi hurt the crown prince.

Standing in the rain, Xiao Yinzi glanced at the drunken Feng Ze, with contempt flashing in his eyes.

The first of the three major wastes in the capital, these people are luckier. If they were of the same background, they would have froze to death and starved to death in famine years.

"If you dare to block the way of godfather, no matter who it is, our family will not let it go!"

Hearing this, Dongchang fans all stepped forward and drew out their waist knives. As long as Xiao Yinzi gave an order, they dared to hack Prince Pingxi to death with their knives.

"Dongchang is so majestic!"

The head guard looked gloomy, but surrounded by hundreds of people, the situation was stronger than others, and motioned to the left and right to take the prince away to make way.

The two guards supported Feng Ze, and they didn't care about dragging their legs on the floor, and placed them in the corner of the street at will.

Seeing this situation, Xiao Yinzi's eyes became more and more contemptuous, and even the guards of the palace looked down on the eldest son. He was worthy of being a famous tiger father and dog son in Daqing.

The official sedan continued to move forward, Zhou Yi stared at Feng Ze who was drunk like mud.

Hearing and breath technique has already been practiced to perfection, and he can clearly distinguish the sound of a person's heartbeat. Feng Ze's heart is majestic and powerful, similar to a master of martial arts.

If you look closely, the mud on Feng Ze's body is only a layer on the surface, and the inner lining is as clean as new.

Zhou Yi spit out a ray of true energy with his fingers, and pierced Feng Ze's chest from a distance of several feet, testing whether the other party should hide his strength and bide his time, or pretend to be a ghost.

The zhenqi fell on Feng Ze's body, as if a mud cow had entered the sea, even his outer shirt was not torn.

Feng Ze seemed to have sensed something, and slowly opened his drunken eyes, facing Zhou Yi who was looking over, with helplessness, determination and sternness flashing in his eyes.

"Jie jie jie!"

Zhou Yi couldn't help laughing a few times, and said in admiration.

"The people in the capital are really interesting!"

Supervision Division.

Gan'er are surrounded by officials and officials.

Zhou Yi sat on the grand teacher's chair, looking through the eucalyptus that Dongchang had investigated in the past two years.

"What's the matter with the Governor of Water Transport? Our family has long said that it is better to go to the elders of the court than to provoke Water Transport!"

Dongchang is fierce and powerful, but it doesn't just check whoever it wants.

For example, the successive governors of water transportation are all greedy, but there are millions of water workers under his command, and they are in important positions in food transportation.

Feel free to find an excuse for the blockage, the water transportation will be suspended for two months, and the price of rice in the capital will skyrocket!

"Godfather, this matter is supervised by His Majesty."

The cadre next to him, Xiao Changzi, said helplessly: "Your Majesty asked Eunuch Yuan to issue a secret decree. Governor Zhu is greedy and the water transportation is corrupt. He must be dismissed as soon as possible and searched the house."

"It was His Majesty's intention!"

Zhou Yi frowned, everyone knew that the Governor of Water Transport was greedy for ink, so this must not be the reason for raiding the house, it must be the wrong team somewhere.

"Your Majesty is the co-lord of the world. The only people who can oppose him are either from the north or from the palace..."

"The north is too far away from the capital, and Governor Zhu was personally promoted by His Majesty, and the water workers formed the famous Cao Gang, which belongs to the boundary of half court and half rivers and lakes."

Zhou Yi's thoughts turned, and he quickly analyzed who Governor Zhu was, and then deduced it to the depths, probably because His Majesty couldn't help but want to do something.

"Governor Zhu's head is our family's vote!"

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi asked, "Do you still have dragon robes and jade seals in the Sizhong, send some to Governor Zhu's house, and bury some Jiawei flags. Since it is His Majesty's intention, then the nine clans must be punished!"

"Godfather, don't worry, our family will arrange it properly."

Xiao Changzi looked happy, the governor of water transport was the richest man in the world, and one fortune was worth ten years of others.

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment, and then ordered: "Contact Sizhong Jianghu secret agents, assassinate Governor Zhu to eliminate harm for the people, and keep an eye on the movement of the Cao Gang."

The Cao Gang is close to the capital, and there are tens of thousands of young and strong gang members, which can be called an extremely powerful force.

The one in the palace is most likely a remnant of the Sanyang Sect, who was under siege by the imperial court and did not show up to the world. Perhaps he was secretly controlling the Cao Gang to plot unspeakable things.

Zhou Yi is only speculating, and he needs to scare the snake before making follow-up plans.

Little Changzi asked, "Will the assassin really kill Governor Zhu?"


Zhou Yi said: "Tell those Jianghu secret agents, whoever can kill Governor Zhu, his sect can be exempted from taxes, and his disciples can be on duty in the Supervision Department."

Fake officialdom, all kinds of conspiracies and calculations.

The real officialdom, directly destroys the body!

After making clear arrangements for the Governor of Water Transport, Zhou Yi asked a few more key questions. Zhou Yi put the file aside and glanced at the officers and officials present.

After a while.

"Little Faithful stay here, let the others do their work."

Zhou Yi retreated to the left and right, leaving only the usual inconspicuous Ganer, and said: "There is something in our family, you can do it in private, and you will be rewarded if you do it."

Xiao Zhongzi didn't care about other people's jealous eyes, and knelt on the ground: "Godfather ordered, we have nothing else in our family, only loyalty is unmatched!"

Leaving himself alone, obviously distrusting other people, this is the opportunity to win the favor of godfather and become the head of eighteen godfathers.

"In the entire Dongchang, our family trusts you the most!"

Zhou Yi gave a few words of encouragement in hypocrisy, and said: "Someone in Dongchang hooked up with King Pingxi, or took advantage of it. You should find out who it is. Our family must be cleaned up!"

Dongchang can frame up and murder, and can be greedy for money, but he can't get close to the military and political ministers.

For example, the Commander of the Zhen Fu Division, which one did not cut himself off from the court, the more the court is full of enemies, the more His Majesty will value it.

If there is any entanglement with King Pingxi, His Majesty will deal with it as plotting rebellion no matter whether he has other intentions or not!

Xiao Zhongzi said: "Godfather, don't worry, our family will investigate as soon as possible."

"One more thing."

Zhou Yi said: "Send masters to keep an eye on Prince Pingxi's son. Even when he sleeps at night, someone will watch him in rotation, and record his words and deeds clearly."

Xiao Zhongzi bowed to accept the order, wondering how his godfather would treat King Pingxi.

Just now, Xiao Yinzi killed the guards of the palace. On the surface, he looked like an enemy. No one can tell what the truth is. Maybe he deliberately acted for outsiders to see.

If a few fathers have a good relationship with King Pingxi, then our family must prepare for the future before asking other people to be godfathers.

Guochao will never allow a second King of Zhenbei to appear!

As for the so-called loyalty, Xiao Zhongzi will always be loyal to power...

Hall of Mental Cultivation.

After notification.

With an excited expression, Zhou Yi slid and knelt all the way to Emperor Zhengtong.

"My servant pays homage to Your Majesty. Long live Your Majesty. Since we left the capital the year before last, we have thought about Your Majesty day and night, and today we can finally be with you again..."

As I spoke, I was moved to tears.

"Xiao Yizi has worked hard!"

Emperor Zhengtong nodded slightly, and praised: "Xiao Yizi is my right and left hand. If I can leave a few records in the history books in the future, Xiao Yizi's name will definitely be indispensable."

"Thank you, Your Majesty, for your gift!"

Zhou Yi was touched and said: "The slaves don't ask for a name in the history books, and they are satisfied if they can serve His Majesty. It is recorded in the history books that we are His Majesty's lackeys, which is a great compliment."

The orthodox emperor became more and more happy, and signaled to the servant on duty: "Give Xiao Yi a seat."

These servants belonged to the on-duty palace supervisor, moved in Jindun, nodded slightly to Zhou Yi without a trace, and returned to the original place on duty.

Zhou Yi immediately understood that His Majesty is in a good mood today.

Thank you His Majesty for giving me the seat, buttocks rubbed against Jindun slightly, and I supported my sitting posture with my true energy.

"Your Majesty, I was ordered to step into the rivers and lakes on horseback. Today, I ordered back and forth. I destroyed seventy-two sects of the rivers and lakes, took back five million acres of mountains and fields, and stole 22 million taels of gold and silver..."

Following one incident, Emperor Zhengtong felt more comfortable.

These things have been counted by the servants for a long time, but they never get tired of hearing them. Everyone who is an emperor wants to be rich in money.

At the same time, the wealth of the Jianghu sect far exceeded the expectations of the orthodox emperor, which further strengthened his determination to reform. These non-taxable acres are digging the foundation of the country.

"Xiao Yizi has made outstanding achievements and deserves a big reward!"

Emperor Zhengtong said: "The decree is to promote Xiao Yizi to be the chief admiral of the Internal Service Department, to supervise the officials of the Twelve Divisions, so as to rectify the atmosphere in the palace."

"Thank you Your Majesty!"

Zhou Yi hurriedly got up and kowtowed, and at this moment, he was really excited and burst into tears.

During the fourteen years, after repeated favors and disgraces, he finally climbed to the top of the Internal Servant, and became the number one **** in Daqing just like Eunuch Chu did back then.

Emperor Zhengtong said meaningfully: "Let Xiao Yizi take charge of the internal servant department, don't let me down."

Zhou Yi's heart trembled, and he said quickly: "This servant will be loyal and dedicated, and I will repay Your Majesty's kindness with all my heart!"

"I believe in Xiao Yizi."

The orthodox emperor waved his hand, signaling Zhou Yi to back down.

Leave the Hall of Mental Cultivation.

Zhou Yi took the badge of the chief admiral and walked all the way to the supervisor on duty. As the place where he made his fortune, he always felt that it was different from the Duzhijian and the imperial supervisor.

"Eunuch Yi."

A voice came from the corner, and the person who spoke was a handsome court lady: "Your Majesty was unwell a few days ago, and killed a few servants, and Eunuch Yi needs to send some capable men over there."

Zhou Yi recognized the identity of the palace lady, the palace maid next to the queen empress, who took charge of Fengyin to manage the chores of the harem.

"It turned out to be Miss Linglong. I haven't seen her for a while."

Zhou Yi's eyes rolled wildly, and he said: "Our family will send someone over here, he must be a good internal servant, and please be gentle, don't be angry."

Linglong was slightly taken aback, her brows frowned slightly, she stared at Zhou Yi for a long time, turned and left.

"What Eunuch Yi said, I will tell the empress verbatim."


Disdain flashed in Zhou Yi's eyes, if it wasn't for the fact that he couldn't tear himself apart with the queen, Linglong's head could be crushed with just these words.

"Our family is still too kind!"

Go back to the supervisor on duty and call Gan'er Xiaoyinzi.

"Go and check Linglong's Nine Clans. It must be an unusual family background to become a court lady."

Zhou Yi killed people and decided to cut the weeds and eradicate the roots, so as not to go down to be lonely, and then ordered.

"Our family remembers that the cloth of the Su family in Jiangning is holding a sticker of the First Prince's name, telling them that the quantity and price of the purchases in the palace will double this year!"

Read The Duke's Passion