MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 4 Anonymous formula

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Full of food and drink, Zhou Yi was about to leave, but unfortunately he couldn't learn the secret technique.

"I'm going to die!" Wei Chang suddenly said.

There are still more than ten days before the period of questioning.

"The hero has gone well all the way. Before leaving, I will definitely find a bottle of century-old wine!"

Zhou Yi said slowly, "That's all I can do."

After more than half a month of delivering wine, Zhou Yi and Wei Chang have developed a lot of relationship. They know that he has been working hard to eliminate poison, but Jin Yiwei's feeding poison is like gangrene, which is in vain after all.

"That's enough!"

Wei Chang said, "Wei never owes favor. If he can escape, he will pay you back a hundred times the wine. Now that the punishment is imminent, he can only pass on your martial arts to repay the debt."

Zhou Yi is not hypocritical and polite, he cupped his hands and said, "I also ask the heroes for advice!"

"Wei came from a humble background, but he was just a hunter in the countryside. He only cultivated martial arts at the age of fifteen, and he was all over the place at the age of twenty. At the age of thirty, Yuzhou was almost invincible. Everyone says that Feihong Swordsman is talented, but it's not true!"

Wei Chang said: "The real reason is that Wei was lucky enough to enter the cave of his predecessors while hunting and obtained an unnamed formula."

Zhou Yi looked surprised, secretly guessing that it was some kind of peerless cultivation technique.

"This formula is quite mysterious. After Wei established a family and established a business, he tried to pass it on to his children, but none of them succeeded. Later, he passed it on to his clan, and it's still the same!"

Wei Chang said, "I will pass this formula to you today. If you can't sense the mystery, I will pass you another exercise."

"Thank you hero!"

Zhou Yi said, "Even if I fail to cultivate, I will pass on this formula when I meet the descendants of heroes in the future."

"Humph! You are so clever, and Wei does not bother to use tricks to harm people."

Wei Chang said this, and he was still relieved. He originally planned to teach ordinary martial arts, but when he heard this, he replaced it with high-level exercises.

"You listen carefully!"

"Heaven and earth are those who create yin and yang, and transform all things..."

There are more than 300 words in the whole chapter of Wuming's formulas. Zhou Yi remembered it after listening to it several times. He recited it silently twice to Wei Chang, and he just sat cross-legged in the cell.

"...Ning the heart naturally, breathing slowly, gathering divine light, reaching the heart of heaven..."

Zhou Yi followed the instructions of the nameless formula, and calmly realized the world, but there was no response, and he couldn't sense the clear spiritual energy that Wei Chang said.

After half an hour passed, Zhou Yi's legs were sore from sitting cross-legged, so he had to get up and move.

Seeing Zhou Yi's expression, Wei Chang knew the result: "There is no need to be discouraged, no one of Wei's hundreds of clansmen can succeed."

Zhou Yi's frustration was not because the exercises had not been completed, but because there were other guesses in his heart.

"The origin of the nameless formula, has the hero investigated it?"

"There is no trace of the origin of that cave dwelling, but..."

Wei Chang hesitated for a moment and continued: "Maybe it has something to do with the legendary immortals, but the theory of Xiuxian's question is illusory, and Wei gave up after a few years of investigation."


Zhou Yi muttered to himself, he was sure that there were immortals in the world.

The practice method of this nameless formula is to sense the clear spiritual energy between heaven and earth, while the martial arts methods such as body forging and internal energy on the market are based on the human body itself.

There are totally different ways of practicing, nine out of ten are the cultivation methods of the immortal way.

Based on this, it is speculated that cultivating immortals may require some kind of talent, such as root bones, spiritual roots, and spiritual veins.

Conversely, those who can't practice the immortal way have no talent for immortal cultivation!


Zhou Yi shrugged helplessly. Sure enough, there are gains and losses in the world, and there are some who are discouraged.

The fruit of longevity has an infinite lifespan.

This represents infinite hope. Since immortal cultivation techniques require special talents, then create techniques that do not require talent.

The Great Dao is fifty, Tianyan is four or nine, everything has a ray of vitality!

"What's more, the nameless formula is not necessarily an immortal cultivation technique, it may be some kind of martial arts secret technique that requires a special physique."

Zhou Yi is not a person who complains and feels self-pity, and in an instant he will regain his energy: "Master, I have no relationship with Wuming's formula, and I need to ask for an ordinary practice method."

Wei Chang asked: "Martial arts practice is divided into forging the body and internal energy. Which one do you want to learn?"

Zhou Yi said decisively, "Inner Qigong!"

Wei Chang said: "Young people, don't be greedy. Do you know why the inner qigong method is rare?"

Zhou Yi guessed: "Rare and precious?"

"Not precious."

Wei Chang shook his head and said, "The method of exercising outside the body has low requirements for talent and fast progress. If you train your skin for three to five years, you are a third-rate master. If you train your muscles and bones for seven or eight years, you are a second-rate master."

"If you don't have bad talent, you will be able to reach the first-class state of zang qi after practicing for 20 to 30 years!"

"Compared to that, cultivating inner qi requires a lot of aptitude and comprehension. The average person has been meditating for 20 to 30 years, and the fighting strength of martial arts is similar to that of the skin."

"In 50 years, qi can be second-class, and a hundred years will be first-class, and only two hundred years of skill can be comparable to the strength of refining marrow!"

"Two hundred years? Who can live for two hundred years!"

Zhou Yi was stunned. He thought that the inner qigong method was precious and rare, but it turned out to be too tasteless.

"This is an ordinary person! Those big sect disciples are very talented. Since childhood, they nourished their bodies with medicinal baths, and used their infuriating qi to train their muscles and bones. The speed of inner qi cultivation is three to five times faster than ordinary people."

Wei Chang said, "Adding the mysteries of the gong method and taking various medicinal herbs, you can achieve two hundred years of gong power after 20 or 30 years of hard work!"

"The requirements for fitness qualifications are low, and the strength increases rapidly, so why do you have to work hard to cultivate true qi?"

Zhou Yi was puzzled. He didn't care that it would take hundreds of years. There must be a reason for the disciples of the sect to consume huge resources.

"Body training and inner qi belong to the acquired realm, and there are innate masters above it. Cultivating inner qi is easier to break through the innate than horizontal training!"

Wei Chang pondered for a moment, then said, "Wei once participated in the Jianghu League, and listened to the innate masters teaching martial arts. Some of the essence of practice is somewhat similar to that nameless formula."

Zhou Yi thought: "Please also ask the heroes to teach the inner qigong method!"


Wei Chang reminded: "Wei only has one story, UU reading is enough to repay your kindness for sending wine!"

Zhou Yi nodded and said, "People always have dreams. What if they can break through the innate masters?"

"Grandmaster Xiantian... If you can really break through Xiantian someday, please go to the northern border and take care of my wife, children and children."

Wei Chang suddenly thought of his family and was exiled to a land of bitter cold: "Apologize for Wei, it's me who has caused them!"

Zhou Yi said solemnly, "I will live up to my trust!"

"The internal qigong method that Wei cultivated, called Guiyuan Gong, is upright and peaceful in nature, and it is the true inheritance of Qingcheng Taoism..."

Wei Chang recited the Guiyuan formula word by word, and the entire text was several times longer than the nameless formula.

Zhou Yi recited silently for over two thousand words for an hour before writing it down.

Zhou Yi asked, "Master, is it possible to cultivate both body and inner energy?"

Forging the body can strengthen the bones, bones and organs. After the completion of the body, the bones will be reinforced and iron bones will be hard to be injured by swordsmen. Internal refining of true qi can nourish the viscera, and after getting sick and poisoned, it can cure the disease and remove the poison with luck.

One inner and one outer cultivation to the realm of Dacheng, in the mundane world, Zhou Yi is enough to live without worry!

Body forging can effectively reduce injuries caused by external forces. True Qi can nourish the internal organs and prevent illnesses. One can cultivate one's external and one internal cultivation to the realm of Dacheng, which is enough to live without worry in the mundane world.

"Yes! Wei is both internal and external, and minoring in internal qi to nourish the viscera can speed up body forging. Most of the experts in the arena are like this!"

Wei Chang reminded: "Manpower will eventually be poor. When you are old and weak, your martial arts cultivation will not advance or retreat, so you must also choose the importance of training concurrently."

"Thank you for your teaching!"

Zhou Yi bowed his hands to thank him. He has the fruit of longevity. No matter how slow he is to cultivate both internally and externally, and cultivate his skills for hundreds of years, it is estimated that a slap can kill the innate master!

Read The Duke's Passion