MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 378 reincarnation

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For ordinary monks, it has no effect.

On the contrary, without the source of loss, the aura of heaven and earth will dissipate more slowly, and it will not be completely destroyed in the future.

It doesn't have a big impact on the true god, and it can't break through anyway. The only regret is that I don't have the opportunity to be a lackey of the gods.

"It's just a great karma with all the immortals in the future..."

Zhou Yi shrugged indifferently, as long as a person lives in the world, karma will be formed, even if he hides in the cave and does not go out, there will be aftermath of fighting skills and meteorites falling from the sky.

"The poor Taoist has practiced for tens of thousands of years, can't he still beat the arrogance of the times?"

Fighting skills is impossible to fight skills, Di Shitian's lessons learned from the past will be kept in mind, why would an enemy who can run away to die, why fight for that.

Zhou Yi has never known what face is, and it is better to lose face than to lose life.

I am thinking about it.

The purple air manifested in the place where the sky leak was repaired, and three divine lights fell in a row, condensing into three branches and falling into Zhou Yi's hands.

"The treasure of heaven and earth!"

Zhou Yi's face showed joy, and these three branches were forged into magic weapons, and they would definitely become the most powerful in this world.

The rest of the treasures are nothing more than the evolution of the original source. To the heaven and the earth, they are no different from the mountains, rivers, vegetation, and air aura. This branch is a part of the heaven and the earth.

After pondering for a moment, he opened his mouth to spit out the spiritual fire to refine the branches, but the spiritual fire extinguished itself when it fell on it.

I also tried the method of water refining, and it disappeared when I touched the branches.

After using more than a dozen kinds of refining methods in a row, the branches did not change at all, and any spells falling on them would lose their magic power.

"What is this? Fancy but not useful!"

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment, calculated with his fingers and deduced the use of the branches, and he saw the obvious secret.

"One for the spirit ginseng doll... Well, the cake that has been painted for ten thousand years, God helped the poor to realize it, I really can't forget it, there must be an echo!"

"One is used to entrust distraction... This thing is transformed by the origin of heaven and earth, it can be integrated into barriers that are weaker than this world, and finally pass through with distraction."

"After the distraction dies, the heavens and the earth can be taken back at any time!"

Zhou Yi curled his lips, God has already reached the point of devouring the source of the outside world, and is urging him all the time.

"The third branch is used to refine the magic weapon for body protection, which can ensure that Pindao will be invincible in fighting in this world, and don't have to be afraid of being beaten to death for Tianjiao!"

"A majestic celestial master, invincible in the world, God, you really look down on poor people?"

Zhou Yi was cursing, but he swallowed the third branch directly into his stomach, and it took a long time to cultivate and refine.

Lingshen doll received the summons, she fell on the top of the mountain, and said excitedly.

"Immortal Elder, has Jianmu forked?"

Zhou Yi handed over the branch and said, "Jianmu is a pillar of heaven. This is the origin of heaven and earth. After refining, you can transform into a natural heel."

Lingshen Doll swallowed the Jianmu branch in a hurry, and said with tears in her eyes: "Someone told me that the fairy is lying to me, Jianmu is straight to the sky, and it will not fork at all."

"I don't believe these words, wait and wait, finally it's here!"

"Cough, cough, cough! How can you lie to a child if you are a poor Taoist master, honest and reliable, and full of reputation?"

Zhou Yi counted with his fingers, and immediately knew which guy said bad things about him, and it wasn't for framing or sowing discord, but for arguing with Lingshen Doll while chatting.

One said it was recorded in the classics, and the other said that the immortal would not lie.

"Hmph! If you dare to speak poorly behind your back, since you're bored, let's go to Suibu to patrol Shenzhou!"

Zhou Yi comforted Lingshen Doll, and looked at the remaining branch.

"Try carrying the consciousness."

A strand of thoughts separated from the body and fell into the branches, feeling unprecedentedly clear.

Under the nourishment of the origin of heaven and earth, the thought grows at a speed visible to the naked eye, until it turns into a strand of soul, and it grows to the limit of the thought.

"God also considered it comprehensively!"

Zhouyi combined the three spells of the Taoist Sutra of Reincarnation, the Distraction Curse, and the Gate of the God Realm into one, and fused them into a new magical power, which is still named after reincarnation.

The reincarnation curse can separate a ray of divine soul, refine it into component souls, and carry out reincarnation.

After the reincarnation, the split soul is restrained by the distraction mantra, and Zhou Yi can sense it at any time, and it can also be destroyed with one thought, which makes up for the uncontrollable reincarnation scriptures.

When the reincarnated body reaches a certain level, it can open the gate of the gods, or the gate of the fairy world, which can also be called the passage of ascension.

After the channel is connected, you can fly to this realm and plunder the origin of the lower realm along the way.

After the distracted ascension, the channel will not be closed, and the lower realm monks can continue to use it for ascension.

"Pimpedao is not trying to plunder the origin of the world. It is purely because the creatures in the lower world cannot live forever, and life and death are too painful, so they try their best to open the ascension channel."

"This is a great merit!"

Zhouyi did not have any psychological barriers to plundering the origin of the world, according to divination.

Excessive loss of the origin of the world does not have much impact on the living beings, it is just that they cannot cultivate, that is, they are completely in the state of mortals, passed down from generation to generation until the world collapses.

Perhaps, it is still a good thing for mortals!

When Zhou Yi was thinking about it, he pinched the formula with his hands to sacrifice the soul, and a series of spiritual lights fell and turned into prohibitions and formations.

After refining the divided souls, refine the refined gate of ascension into the branches.

The prohibition formation used by the gate of ascension has been completely transformed into an inscription of immortality, and under the blessing of God's cheating, Zhou Yi is always in a state of epiphany.

It took a thousand years to finally figure out how to make the Gate of Ascension locate the two realms.

In the original Gate of the God Realm, there were coordinates of the two realms. Through the description of the coordinates, Zhou Yini deduced the positioning method in the sea of ​​realms.

Among the difficulties, most of them only know one plus one and two, and deduce advanced mathematics by themselves!

It may be different from the method of locating in the God Realm, but it does work.

The divided souls who travel through the world are separated by two layers of boundary walls and boundless void. The additional formation restrictions required can be called massive, which is more troublesome than the large formation of the Butian Sect.

Zhou Yi has been refining for a hundred years, and finally completed the refining of the soul.

The branches of Jianmu changed and turned into a big purple compass with hundreds of millions of inscriptions engraved on it.

It can be said that Zhouyi has integrated everything he has learned in Wannian into it.

And it can be refined in just a hundred years, so cheating tools are indispensable. God spared no effort to manifest the breath of heaven, so that there is not even a single mistake in the refining process.

"Hope it works."

Zhou Yi weighed the compass, missed one, and was about to fall to the ground.


The thunder in the sky manifested, and it seemed that it was about to strike down at any time.

Zhou Yi waved his hand and photographed the compass: "It's just a little joke, don't be so rude, let alone the treasure made from the origin of the world, can it be broken?"


The thunder continued to roar, warning Zhou Yi not to joke.

"Cut! God has new people forgetting old people, no wonder there are no good people in this world..."

Zhou Yi looked at the increasingly dense thunderclouds, stopped joking, and threw out the compass with a wave, only to see a void that could not be broken by humans and immortals, and the gap opened and quickly closed.

The compass got into the gap and wandered in the endless void, never to be seen again.

Zhou Yi pinched the magic formula with his hands, and a light curtain fell in front of him, and what manifested above was the void outside the boundary.

It's dark, deep, without any light, like a black hole, as if swallowing everything.

"The world was born from the void, and returned to the void after it was shattered!"

Zhou Yi's eyes were cold, looking at the dark light curtain in a daze, maybe after living for countless years, all the worlds would be shattered, and he would live alone in the void.

Not to mention congratulations, there is not even a living creature!

"If I'm really the only one left, then the definition of life and death will be lost, and the meaning of living will also be lost!"


The light curtain of the spell was shattered, and nothing could be seen anymore.

"Have you found another world so quickly?"

Zhou Yi counted with his fingers, and suddenly understood the reason.

In the void near the boundary wall, although there are turbulent winds, the time and space are in a stable state.

In the depths of the void far away from the boundary wall, there is not only no concept of space, but even time will be distorted. Perhaps a hundred years have passed in the void for a moment in this world.

It is also possible that a hundred years in this world is only a moment of emptiness.

The chaos of time and space makes crossing the two worlds a luxury, even the true immortals in the fairy world are unwilling to take the risk of wandering in the void.

The original passage of ascension was a safe passage found by the ancestor of the Golden Immortal of the Three Immortals in the chaotic void, and he flew to the fairy world in a twisted and crooked way.

Back then, those great religions and imperial celestial beings did not dare to look for the fairy world in the void, because they were afraid of the chaotic time and space deep in the void.

"Okay, all that's left is to wait."

"Wait for the compass to merge into the boundary wall, wait for the distraction to be reincarnated, and then slowly awaken Su Hui after reincarnation. I don't know how many times I died during this period..."

There is a method of communication between the two worlds in the compass. Zhouyi set up that every time there is a death, a message will be sent out, but it will take many years to receive it through the endless void.

Perhaps a hundred years after death, it came to this world.

It may even not be sent back at all, and the message will be involved in the void and turn into nothingness.

"Poverty Dao's longevity is endless, and distraction has the opportunity to reincarnate countless times. In theory, one day you can build the gate of ascension, so you just need to wait!"

Zhou Yi looked up at the sky and said, "God, I've done what you have done for you, and it's time for the poor to take revenge!"


There were bursts of thunder, and the dark clouds in the sky slowly dissipated.

God knows not to force it too much, the immortal Zhou Yi is too special, not only unique in the world, but even in the endless sea of ​​​​worlds.

Only Zhou Yi can successfully implement this method of distracting reincarnation and constructing a way to ascend to the same path.

Even a golden immortal with a long lifespan can hardly guarantee that the deity will survive hundreds of reincarnations. When the deity's life is exhausted, the deity will die, and the compass made by the origin will be lost.

"That's right, don't hit people with lightning if you have nothing to do!"

The Book of Changes summoned Yang Xuanhaosheng to guard Dongsheng Shenzhou, and the next four emperors had already been determined, and only a little adjustment would be needed at that time.

Since the heavenly court has been in operation, the model has become closer to the way of heaven, and there will be no problems in a short time.

After a while.

Yang Xuan's light fell on the top of the mountain. The celestial master is related to the stability of the heavenly court, so he must ask him face to face.

"How long has the third brother been out?"

"Two thousand years, three thousand years, I don't know how long it will be..."

Zhou Yi said with a smile: "You don't have to worry too much. If something happens, you can just point at God and curse a few words. I, who is far away in Jiuzhou, can sense it, and I will rush back immediately!"

God's will enveloped the whole world, Yang Xuan cursed a few words, and Zhou Yi's head immediately fell into thunder.

"It's so good."

Yang Xuan breathed a sigh of relief, he really didn't have the confidence to run the Heavenly Court well, it wasn't for selfishness, but because he was too upright and stubborn.

Governing a big country is like cooking a small fish, and the same is true for governing Shenzhou. Only if it is not right or evil, it will last forever!


Zhou Yi was not of the nature of ink marks, and immediately turned into a light and left, flying all the way west.


The scalper nodded to Yang Xuan as a greeting, and hurriedly chased after Zhou Yi.

The spirit ginseng doll squatted on the bull's head, with golden leaves on the head, and a hazy purple mist, like a delinquent boy dyed gold and purple.

a day later.

Paint Wushan.

Zhou Yi Dunguang fell outside the mountain temple, looked at it silently for a moment, and didn't push the door to go in.

"I still remember that year, Pindao had no choice but to escape from Jiuzhou, and 13,000 years passed in a blink of an eye, and finally waited for revenge!"

Say it.

Duan Guang soared into the sky, broke through the waves of the East China Sea, and flew towards Jiuzhou.

After hundreds of thousands of miles.

The spiritual energy was almost cut off, Zhou Yi stopped to escape the light, and the spiritual light fell from his cuffs, turning into a black-covered boat.

In the boat there is a two-hundred-foot-high giant tree with a purple body, which is Jianmu.

Jianmu exudes a strong aura, and the black canopy boat manifests the forbidden aura, confining the aura within a radius of ten feet.

Zhou Yi stood at the bow of the boat, the ox was lying beside him, and at the same time, the mana of the human, fairy, demon and saint was blessed, and the awning boat turned into a speeding aura.

"This speed is more than ten times faster than back then. It takes about three or four hundred years to return to Jiuzhou..."

The years are long.

A hundred years is fleeting.

Zhou Yi sat cross-legged on the bow of the boat like a statue, motionless, meditating on Taoism and supernatural powers.

Even though he became invincible in name, Zhou Yi never let up, and continued to chant scriptures and enlightenment to deepen his foundation.

A hundred years of hard work has added a ray of mana, which is also worthwhile!


The void trembled slightly, and the invisible aura came out of thin air and fell into Zhou Yi's body.

"This is…"

Zhou Yi's eyes sparkled, and the message came from the world traveled by the compass.

—Three thousand seven hundred years, the tenth reincarnation message...

The content of the message is quite a lot, including the news of the previous ninth life. In order to prevent the message from being missed, Zhou Yi specially set up every message sent to include the previous message.

"In the first life, distraction fell into a country called Daqing, and the continent where it was located was called the vast continent..."

Zhou Yi's spiritual sense scanned, and the hundreds of thousands of words of the message were read, and he had a general understanding of the experience of the Ten Life of Distraction.

According to the records of the compass time restriction, it took a full thousand years to wander in the void before discovering a weak world barrier, and then it took another thousand years to integrate.

Five hundred years later, he was reincarnated as an adult.

In the first life, he was the son of a peasant family, who died before he was ten years old.

The second life was even worse. Parents were drowned at birth, and then turned into ghosts and ghosts. Unlucky, they met a passing Taoist priest.

In the third life, he lived longer and was reincarnated as the son of a wealthy merchant, only then did he know that his location was the Boundless Continent. However, when he was an adult at the age of fourteen, the wealthy businessman was suspected of collaborating with the enemy and traitorous country, and the nine clans were all punished!

In the fourth world, UU Reading lived to be seven years old.

The fifth world lived to be eleven years old.

The sixth world lived two years old...


Zhou Yi frowned, sympathizing with the tragic experience of distraction, but it was also reasonable.

According to the description in the message, the countries in the vast continent are similar to Fengyang and Dagan back then, and one-third of the children of ordinary people died prematurely.

Sixty percent lived past the age of five, three percent lived to reach the age of fourteen, and the average life expectancy for the entire country was only twenty-five.

So distracted reincarnated nine times, and only lived to adulthood once, which can only be said to be relatively unlucky.

"The tenth reincarnation is a child from a poor family. I guess I won't live to be ten years old..."

(end of this chapter)

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