MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 370 Qinglian boy

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Establish a prince!

The Emperor of Heaven stared at Yu Chanzi for a long time with cold eyes.

"I'm old, I didn't hear clearly, Ai Qing say it again? "

"Your Majesty, please make a crown prince!"

Unafraid of the coercion of the Emperor of Heaven, Yuchanzi bowed and said, "Your Majesty, the Heavenly Court cannot be without a ruler for a day, and I also consider the peace of hundreds of millions of people in Shenzhou."

"This sounds familiar. Isn't it the mantra of Butianjiao? When did Aiqing learn it?"

The Emperor of Heaven sneered and said, "Could it be that Aiqing sneaked into Butian Sect?"

Yuchanzi was originally just a mortal, and he chanted scriptures hard in the Taoist academy, and finally passed the examination of immortality. Later, he was valued by the emperor of heaven, and he became a **** in just two thousand years.

Such a humerus minister actually favored the Butian Sect, which made the Emperor of Heaven even more angry!


They are all traitors!

The Emperor of Heaven stared at Yu Chanzi, but if he dared to contradict him again, he would find an excuse to throw him into the prison.

Yang Xuan came out, stood in front of Yuchanzi, and said: "Your Majesty once said that to pass on the position of Emperor of Heaven to mother, it is reasonable to establish a prince early and get in touch with the affairs of the heavenly court!"

Yuchanzi breathed a sigh of relief, sent out the certificate, and hurried back to the group of gods.

Behind is the battle between Qingyun Guan, Butianjiao and Tiandi, but the gods in the temple are optimistic about the former, after all, the strength gap between the two sides is too great.

The Emperor of Heaven said coldly: "Okay, since I have said so, I will send your mother to the Heavenly Court."

Yang Xuan said: "Some things are hard to say, old ancestor, let go when it's time to let go, lest nothing will be left behind!"

If these words fall into the ears of the gods, they are a naked threat to their lives. You are probably not decent, so let me help you to be decent!

The emperor's pupils shrink slightly, but it has another meaning. The deliberately heavy word "ancestor" is very likely to touch one of his most fundamental secrets.

"I'm tired today, the matter of setting up the crown prince will be discussed at another day!"

"Farewell to Your Majesty. "

The group of gods bowed to salute, neither side wanted to tear their faces apart easily, this struggle must last for a long time, it may last for a hundred or eighty years.

Yang Xuan snorted coldly, turned into light, and flew towards Taoshan.

After a while.

The light escaped to the village at the foot of the mountain.

There are about 2,000 people in the village, and it expands in all directions with the Temple of the Witch in the middle.

As Yang Xuan's light fell, the middle-aged, teenagers, and children in the village opened their mouths one after another, either admiring, or humming, or innocent.




Yang Xuan nodded slightly, and said with a smile: "Cultivate well, don't be lazy."

Many sons agreed in unison, and the middle-aged urge the young ones to pick up the children and go to the martial arts arena to practice qi and blood martial arts.

The qi and blood of the witch clan are inherently extremely tyrannical. Children who are just sensible can condense qi and blood, and they can refine the orifices when they are young.

With such physical talent, there is no spiritual root.

According to the witch god, the spiritual root is a unique talent of the human race, which can sense the aura of the world.

All races in the world have their own uniqueness, such as the blood of the monster race, the divine power of the witch race, or the witch **** who once captured visitors from outside the sky. They look like worms and have no intelligence themselves, but they can be entrusted in the minds of living beings and transform into complete creatures. creatures.

"I don't know if there will be a chance in the future to travel to the heavens and see the real vast world!"

Yang Xuan entered the Wushen Temple, offered incense to his ancestor Wu Jumang, and came to the apse to meet his parents.

"Why is it so early today?"

Yang Jin changed from Daheng Capital City God to Taoshan Mountain God. It seems that his authority has been lowered, but his rank has been upgraded to third rank. In the future, he will have the opportunity to be canonized as a true god.

Yang Xuan said: "Yu Chanzi brought up the matter of appointing the crown prince again, His Majesty became angry from embarrassment, and broke up unhappy."

Yang Jin raised his brows: "Yu Chanzi's name is like thunder, he is known as the most talented casual cultivator for thousands of years, and he is the model and leader of all casual cultivators in the world of cultivating immortals. How can he be so **** His Majesty?"

It is difficult for monks to brainwash people, no matter how Heavenly Court promotes Yuchan

Son, everyone knows that he was promoted by the Emperor of Heaven, so he has his current fame and status.

But it doesn't matter, casual cultivators all dream of becoming the next Jade Chanzi!

"Scattered cultivators, I don't have any position. It's just because His Majesty is getting old, so I took refuge in Butian Sect in advance."

Yang Xuan said: "It's just that Yu Chanzi never imagined that His Majesty has the secret art of blood, which can pass on consciousness. It has been nearly six thousand years since he practiced it!"

The lifespan of a human immortal is five thousand yuan, and Taizu Daheng was only a **** of transformation.

Zhao Yao frowned: "Is this really true?"

Ever since hearing the news, Zhao Yao was so frightened that she almost gave birth to a demon. Even if the high-level monks don't pay attention to the appearance of men and women, they still find it difficult to accept that the old ancestor used the cover to prolong his life.

"God reminded, there is nothing wrong with it. "

Yang Xuan said in a deep voice: "If the third brother hadn't obtained the destiny, it is very likely that the Emperor of Heaven will take over it. At that time, what he wants will come true, and we will have no power to resist!"

"When will the Emperor of Heaven be asked to abdicate?"

Yang Jin kept urging, it was hard for him to imagine that one day his wife suddenly became an old man.


Yang Xuan said: "Third Brother asked me to be aggressive and try to make the Emperor of Heaven give birth to demons. When the time comes, if someone disturbs the Heavenly Court, the gods will use this as an opportunity to ask him to abdicate!"

Yang Jin breathed a sigh of relief, and said again.

"Xuanyuanzong sent a message that the ancestor Xuanyu died, and I must go back to worship."

Hearing this, Yang Xuan said in a deep voice: "Father, mother, my child will definitely find a way to prolong life, not to mention three thousand years, even ten thousand years!"

"Don't force me, I have lived 1,500 years, and I am already better than 99% of people in the world."

Yang Jin said: "I still remember that in the past, I was lucky enough to be promoted to Jindan after being taught by the ancestor Xuanyi. And as the ancestor said, if you don't like to chant scriptures, it is difficult to become a Nascent Soul!"

"It's a pity that when I was young, I didn't understand the importance of the foundation, and secretly accused the ancestors of being lazy and stingy!"

Yang Xuan had heard it a long time ago, and Yang Jin still couldn't help admiring Xuanyi's ancestor when he told about it.

"It's a pity that such a strange person is trapped in the golden core!"

Xuanyuan Mountain.

Thousands of miles around are shrouded by the formation prohibition, and escaping lights fly in and out, all of them are monks with mysterious aura.

The mountain **** moved the temple to the branch to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding.

He Bo, the nearby land, was even more respectful and respectful. The superiors let them monitor, and they first passed the news to Xuan Yuanzong.

Who made someone produce an ancestor of the God of War!

Two thousand years ago, Xuanyuanzong fell to three or two big cats and kittens, and the inheritance was almost cut off. Later, two golden elixirs came out to maintain it. Among them, Xuanyu Patriarch, was promoted all the way to Yuanying and Huashen, and was ranked among the city gods of the Six Houses when he was sitting in transformation!

With such strength, it is just an ordinary sect, and Heavenly Court is not even interested in taking a look.

The ancestor Xuanyi, who never wanted to be unknown, unexpectedly taught a father of a God of War. Xuanyuanzong immediately wiped the spiritual throne clean, and asked Yang Jin to return to the sect to confirm the relationship.

In this way, it will not work if you don’t want to develop!

Even though the God of War has never returned to Xuanyuanzong, Yang Jin often comes back to show his face, and everyone is in awe!


Xuan Yuanzong was wrapped in plain clothes.

The arms of monks entering and leaving are wrapped in black gauze, which shows that there are important figures in the sect sitting down.

Xuanyuan Hall.

One Huashen, three Nascent Souls, and dozens of Golden Elixirs sat cross-legged and recited the Sutra of Feathering and Flying Immortals together.

Xuan Yu sat cross-legged in front of her, her eyes closed, her breath was withered, and her body, which had been tempered for more than 2,000 years, could remain intact for a thousand years after death.

The incense was burning, the scriptures were chanting bursts, and the breath was very depressing.

A figure suddenly appeared next to the corpse, bowed to Xuan Yu who was sitting at the end of his life, and took out three spiritual incenses to offer.

To this day, Zhou Yi still does not know whether the reincarnation technique succeeded or failed.

"Originally I was not sure whether there was reincarnation in this world, but now I know that the origin of heaven and earth does not increase or decrease, so that a touch of true spirit in the dark is naturally unique."

"Even if the memory disappears, the world

Similar flowers also appear. "

Zhou Yi stood in the palace for a long time, and the days when he lived in seclusion in Xuanyuan Mountain were peaceful and peaceful in Shenzhou. Maybe there are strict rules of heaven, maybe the heavens are slightly oppressed, but they still tend to be cheerful and relaxed.

"Hope to meet again in the future! "

The light flickered and disappeared.

Yang Jin, who was sitting cross-legged in the front, sensed the mana fluctuations, his spiritual consciousness swept over without any breath, and when he looked up, he saw three different spiritual incense sticks on the incense table.

"It's probably the story of our ancestors."

Yang Jin didn't take it seriously, and continued to recite scriptures and pray for the ancestors.


Xuan Tie Guan.

Zhou Yi held the scriptures in his hand, recited for a while, and stopped feeling restless.

"Another old friend is gone!"

"A person's lifespan is limited after all. In the future, Niu'er and Lingshen dolls will be sent away. You must find a reliable method of reincarnation beforehand, and you can't go back to Jianmu!"

Jianmu is a pillar of heaven, based on which he reincarnated, his feet and luck are unparalleled, but he is also trapped in this world and it is difficult to get out.


Hunyuan Qinglian's hazy consciousness couldn't understand what Zhou Yi said, so she kept shaking and urging the chanting.

"Okay, okay, continue..."

Zhou Yi restrained his mind and continued to recite the classics.

Too many people have been sent away in 10,000 years. Besides, it is quite hypocritical to say that it is sad, and it is even more lamenting that the world is like a cloud of smoke!

Even though he worked hard during his lifetime, Shouyuan did everything he could to achieve nothing.

at the same time.


The Emperor of Heaven was fishing alone, without even a heavenly soldier on the left or right, and his back looked very bleak and lonely.

Looking at the school of fish in the pond with cold eyes, it is different from fighting in the past, all of them can't avoid the hooks, as if biting them will cause great disaster.

"Okay, a group of little monsters dare to show me face!"

The Emperor of Heaven shook the fishing rod, and the entire Tianchi Lake turned into ice, and all the creatures in the pool were froze and froze.

"I have worked hard to govern Shenzhou for three thousand years. It can be said that my merits are immeasurable. What is wrong with finding a younger generation to be the furnace? Those who do great things never talk about personal virtues!"

"What's more, my succession as the Emperor of Heaven has saved Shenzhou from turmoil, so what a great merit and little evil..."

The Emperor of Heaven muttered to himself, and suddenly looked up at the sky.

"I have immeasurable merit, you pretend to not see it, why do you help that big devil with endless karma?"

"In this world, even God is unfair!"

The Emperor of Heaven asked for a long time, but the sky was still clear and there was no response.

Such ignorance made the Emperor of Heaven burn with anger, and his eyes flashed fiercely. Since God doesn't help him, he still cares about merit and karma, so he simply sold this world!

"I originally wanted to be a good person and govern Shenzhou forever, but you forced me to do so!"

After Yuchanzi.

More and more true gods in the heavens choose to stand in line to make up the sky.

The old fox who has lived for at least a thousand years doesn't care about his face, as long as he can guarantee his position and power, he can change his dog to Tiandi.

Spring goes and autumn comes, year after year passes.

Nearly half of the true gods in the heavenly court clearly supported Zhao Yao as the crown prince.

The other half of the true gods are not supporting the Emperor of Heaven, but the true gods of the Jietian religion, Buddhism, and the great pope dynasties. They have a long history, and they cannot make decisions casually like casual cultivators.

Go to court every year.

The Emperor of Heaven looked at the left and right factions in the hall, and couldn't even raise his anger.

In the 3500th year of the Tiandi calendar, Zhangjiao Butian delivered a speech again, shouting the slogan "Make the three religions great again".

the next day.

In order to commemorate the merits of the Three Immortals, they should be freed from the system of immortals, and they can accept disciples at will.

"Zhu Aiqing has already made a decision, can I say no?"

The Emperor of Heaven stood up and glanced coldly at the group of gods.

"Heaven, it's in your hands!"

Make up the heavens.

Xuan Tie Guan.

Zhou Yi stretched out his waist, counting with his fingers.

"More than a hundred years have passed, and the realm has reached a higher level. This time really flies by!"

"After working so hard for so long, it's time to celebrate."

Zhou Yi pinched the magic formula with his hands, hundreds of restrictions fell, sealed the Hunyuan Qinglian, and immediately turned into a light and left.

After a long time.

Qinglian shook lightly, touching the restrictions in all directions, as if she was testing something.

Until it is confirmed that the prohibition is touched, the old Taoist chanting will not be called back, the lotus petals slowly opened, revealing the lotus platform in the middle, and a child sat cross-legged on it.

Three inches tall and short, with a jade crown on his head, and a navy blue Taoist robe, he was dressed in the same way as Zhou Yi.

The child slowly recuperated, stood up and kowtowed three times to the empty futon, and said crisply.

"Qinglian, a poor Taoist, has received the teaching of Master, and there will be rich rewards in the future!"

Qinglian got up and pinched the magic formula with her hands, the gap in the void was opened, and she stepped into it, even though the formation was restrained and mysterious, it couldn't seal the magical power of the void shuttle.

just left.

Zhou Yi's figure appeared, and waved away the mature Hunyuan Qinglian.

"This person seems to have a complete mind, and I don't know which reincarnation it is. There used to be golden immortals in this world, and there must be no lack of inheritance from ancient immortals and gods."

"God placed such a big bet, which puts a lot of pressure on the poor Taoist. If he really failed to mend the sky, UU Reading Seeing that the situation is not good, the poor Taoist slipped away... I don't know what the consequences will be?"

Zhou Yi never believed that one thing could be 100% successful, let alone the so-called Son of Destiny.

If the Destiny is really invincible, then the patriarchs of the Lich and Demon clans would not be instigated by foreign enemies to both perish, and let Butianjiao take advantage of it.

The light in Zhou Yi's eyes flashed, and he continued to calculate and deduce, this time the heavenly court is a catastrophe.

"In the past two catastrophes, both were accidental and unintentional actions of the poor, or they were planted by the heavens. This time, they were promoted by themselves. There is an essential difference between the two, and some violate the bottom line of the poor and not to do evil!"

"However, even if Pindao refuses, various accidents will happen, and the result will not change."

"Is there any other way to expedite karma? I can't slaughter the gods of heaven again and again, so who would dare to be a god?"

Zhou Yi thought for a long time, but still couldn't find a way.

The fastest way to accumulate karma is to slaughter living beings, and killing a righteous **** with meritorious virtues and powerful cultivation is worth tens of thousands of mortal beings.

"I hope there are no surprises..."

The words are divided into two ends.

On the west side of the Tianshan Mountains, there is Mt.

The void split open, and Qinglian walked out from it.

At this time, there are monks all over Miao Mountain, all of them are casting spells to detect and search for the treasure of inheritance.

The place where innate spiritual things grow must be different. I don't know how many monks have searched Miao Mountain in a hundred years, but they didn't find anything unusual.

A dignified congenital spirit, as if it grew out of the soil!

Qinglian found a secluded place, and was about to pinch the formula, when she heard a voice with a playful smile on her face.

"It's not in vain, Lord Bai, I used the heaven-cutting technique, and I came across a treasure when I went out. It's three inches in size, fellow daoist, and it's full of spiritual energy... It's perfect for alchemy!"


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