MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 368 Immortals come

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【I live forever in the world of cultivating immortals】【】

Lingxiao Palace.

The emperor of heaven sits upright, and the ministers stand upright.

In the middle is a mirror for monitoring the sky, on which is displaying the picture of Mt.

The current Headmaster of Butian, Jing Lingzi, mobilized the treasure, and with one sword, one monk, the mountain **** and the miners were all killed. He also cast a spell to lower the magic fire, and the mountains and the mountains were burned to ashes.

Afterwards, various soul-killing and concealing techniques were used to clean up the scene of the crime. Even if the true **** of Jietianjiao used magic and divination, he could not find out who the real culprit was.

Yang Xuan was at the left head of the group of gods, he couldn't help laughing when he saw this scene.

"What a headmaster of Butian, what an righteous **** of Tianshan Mountain, the majestic true **** of heaven, the leader of the righteous way is more skilled than the devil in this job of killing people, how many people died in vain?"

The faces of the gods in the heavenly court twitched, and they looked at Yang Xuan very strangely. Early this morning.

Yang Xuan, the **** of war who had never been to court, suddenly came to Lingxiao Palace and said that there was something good for everyone to watch, and then this scene happened.

The gods murmured in their hearts, Yang Xuan let the ancestor of the Heavenly Emperor deny him, saying that his seniority is too far away, in the future when Zhao Yao ascends the throne as the emperor, he should stand on the side of the Heavenly Court, but in the end, he just messed around like this for the first time .

It is obvious that he is alienated from Tianting, and he does not know what ecstasy soup has been poured into Qingyun Mountain! top.

The Heavenly Emperor's face was gloomy, and he recognized Hunyuan Qinglian.

This treasure ranks innate, and it is a rare treasure that has been rare for thousands of years. After Tianjun takes it, it can increase the probability of crossing the catastrophe by 10-20%.

Don't underestimate one or two percent, the monks who have completed the three teachings and transformed into gods, which one is not talented, has countless magical skills, and may be able to pass the catastrophe with just one step at the door.

"Lu Aiqing, what does Butian Sect want to do?"

This kind of questioning is already harsh, and the only thing left to do is to ask if the Butian Sect is planning to rebel!

Lu Xin, Minister of the Ministry of Officials, came out, bowed and said: "Your Majesty, brother must have been confused for a while, so I will go back to the mountain to persuade you to return Qinglian to the heaven."

"Is it really persuasion?"

Yang Xuan sneered: "I'm afraid I have returned to Tianshan, closed the gate of the mountain, don't ask about world affairs, and wait for the immortals to be born!" Lu Xin snorted coldly: "God of War, don't slander randomly, the Heaven-Mending Sect is one of the founders of the Heavenly Court , how could he rebel, but the origin of the **** of war is unknown, and he has repeatedly instigated!"

"My origin is unknown?"

Yang Xuan's face turned bitter, and he said aggrievedly: "Old Ancestor, if your ministers say this about me, it means that you are denying our relationship, and the junior still wants to offer the innate spiritual objects after suffering!"


Lu Xin was so angry that she wanted to vomit blood, one was that she had never seen such a shameless human being, and the other was that she felt distressed for Hunyuan Qinglian and dripped blood.

If the Butian Sect is really a human immortal, the Emperor of Heaven will be abdicated on the same day, and the virtuous will live there! The Heavenly Emperor glanced at Yang Xuan, and didn't believe a word he said.

This kind of personality is somewhat similar to that of Tian Tianshi back then, don't be superficial and have no bottom line, no wonder he is close to Qingyun Mountain, it is really passed down in the same line!

"Lu Aiqing, although what God of War said is unreasonable, but in order to avoid suspicion, I still invite other people to ask."

The Emperor of Heaven didn't give Lu Xin a chance to speak, and continued: "Headmaster Bu Tian teaches the slaughter of righteous gods, commits massacres, practices magic skills, violates the rules of heaven one after another, and the Ministry of Punishment, Ministry of War, and Ministry of Taisui obey orders!"

"The minister is here."

The person in charge of the Ministry of Punishments is Jietian Sect True God Jing Huazi, who couldn't wait to come out and said: "I will live up to your majesty's expectations and recover the treasure of heaven!"

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【I live forever in the world of cultivating immortals】【】

The gods of the Ministry of War and the Ministry of Taisui received the order, but their expressions were aggrieved.

When something happens in the Heavenly Court, they will step forward and change to another idle department when the matter is over! But it is said that the twelve true gods in three parts have ordered one hundred thousand heavenly courts and flew all the way to Tianshan Mountain on the clouds.

Following the will of the Emperor of Heaven, there was no cover on the way, the mighty and powerful, the divine light was dazzling, and the thunder drum was beating along the way, lest the monks would not see or hear.

The world of cultivating immortals suddenly became lively, and they followed the heavenly soldiers to watch the excitement.



Jing Lingzi took care of the funeral, took Hunyuan Qinglian away, and returned to the main hall of the head teacher. Think carefully about who this thing is for.

"There are seven Heavenly Sovereigns in the religion who are determined to overcome the catastrophe, and all of them have completed their transformation into gods, but..."

Jing Lingzi's complexion changed, how could he not know that after the appearance of the human immortal, he will definitely give up the position of head teacher, and even reopen the ascension channel.

Once ascended, the Patriarch of the Upper Realm would be furious if he knew the situation in the Lower Realm.

"The sect belongs to everyone, and the power belongs to the poor, so we can't think like this. As the head teacher, the poor should put the sect first..."

Jing Lingzi raised his head to look at Hunyuan Qinglian, the spiritual thing was floating in the air, and the roots directly penetrated the void to absorb the Qi of Hunyuan to grow.

"I knew that there was an innate spiritual thing in Ao Mountain. The poor Taoist should not be enshrined with incense! One thought, the road to eternal life will be broken! Or should the poor Tao hide Qinglian and be reincarnated?"

"Or to live and cultivate, to seize the consciousness of Qinglian..."

Jing Lingzi's thoughts were racing, and suddenly the body of Xianghuo shook, and there were a few cracks, as if it would collapse at any time.

"Damn it, demon!"

Rolling up the green lotus with a wave of his hand, Jing Lingzi fled into the cave to cultivate. After a few days.

Jing Lingzi, who was dispelling his demons, heard a loud noise that shook the entire Tianshan Mountains, and heard the mocking voice of his old enemy.

"Old miscellaneous hair, greedy for the treasure of the heavenly court, breaking the rules of heaven, follow the official heavenly court for a while!" Outside the Tianshan Mountain.

One hundred thousand heavenly soldiers formed an formation and surrounded Butian Sect, ten true gods sat in it, immeasurable incense and divine power shrouded thousands of miles around, and no monk could escape.

Jing Huazi took the lead, read out the Heavenly Emperor Yuzhao, and announced the evil deeds of Jinglingzi to the public!

When the following monks heard the content of the Yuzhao, most of their original thoughts of watching the excitement were extinguished, and they all ran away in all directions with the escape light.

With such a battle, it might be a battle between Heavenly Court and Butian Sect, and the aftermath will destroy thousands of miles. Three thousand miles east.


Zhou Yi stood on the top of the cloud, looking at the Tianshan Mountains in the distance, his thoughts tumbling.

Back then, when people were kicked out of the Heavenly Court and the Three Religions, anyone would have resentment, and they usually take it lightly, but now that they have the opportunity to get back everything they lost, they will feel happy!


The scalper let out a long roar. It knew the foundation of Zhou Yi, so it could understand the situation, and asked Zhou Yi if he wanted to make a move. "Let Heavenly Court and Butian Sect fight first, and find out the details of this Immortal Sect!"

The Shangshui Dragon Palace is not even considered a great religion, it can have such treasures as six dragon rings, but the Butian Sect is a branch of the Golden Immortal Sect, so how could it not have a trump card.

Sun Changsheng asked suspiciously: "Although the innate spiritual objects are precious, the Butian Sect wouldn't tear their face apart, right?" "Naturally not in normal times."

Zhou Yi pointed to Tianqiong and said: "Now, Pindao has the destiny in his body, and everything comes true, and the Butian Sect will naturally fight against the Heavenly Court!"

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【I live forever in the world of cultivating immortals】【】

Yang Xuan was thoughtful when he heard the words.

The witch **** once said that the theory of destiny is more terrifying than the son of destiny. In the world where the person of destiny lives, he cannot compete with him at all.

Obviously won a complete victory, the next moment a meteorite fell from the sky.

Seeing the beheading on the spot, inexplicably powerful came to save him.

"Third brother, the witch **** once told me that the destiny is not easy to bear. It is said that there is a debt and a repayment." "Fourth brother, don't worry."

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, and said, "Pindao's bank card... has no limit!"

Yang Xuan was inexplicable, but he also knew that Zhou Yi knew something in his heart, so he turned his eyes to Tianshan. ...

The two sides routinely sparred with each other, and the anger of each other surged up.

The Heavenly Court side has the upper hand, and they still have the patience to suppress the situation, and never thought that the Butianjiao would take the lead.

The head teacher Jing Lingzi was already attacked by demons, and felt that this true **** was inappropriate, but he was ridiculed by his old enemy, and directly urged the Qiqing Sword to cut Jing Huazi in two.


The gods of heaven were at a loss for a moment, and then flew into a rage.

For thousands of years, Dongsheng Shenzhou has long been ruled by the Heavenly Court, and the Three Immortals are only a part of it. Now that he violates the rules of heaven first and provokes him later, how can he not be angry!

Do you think everyone is Sun Changsheng?

Jing Huazi recovered his divine body, sensed the slow-healing wounds in his divine soul, and gave the order immediately. "Break through Butian Sect and capture Jinglingzi!"

boom boom boom-

The attacking drum sounded, and the formation formed by one hundred thousand heavenly soldiers turned into a millstone that covered the sky and the sun, and collided with the large formation of the Butian Sect Protector, annihilating each other and collapsing.

The disciples of Butian Sect were shocked by the bravery of the sect leader. Seeing that the sect was attacked, they didn't care about talking about right and wrong, and shot at the heavenly soldiers one after another.

"Kill!" "Dare!" "Look at my **** thunder!"

One after another voices resounded through the sky, and under the blessing of ten true gods, the guardian array quickly shattered. After countless years, Tianshan appeared in Dongsheng Shenzhou again.

Immeasurable coercion swept across, pavilions and pavilions collapsed, palaces and Taoist temples collapsed, and the fairyland of Butianjiao turned into a piece of broken walls in an instant.

"Immeasurable Heavenly Venerable!"

Jing Lingzi soared into the sky, holding the Seven Emotions Sword in his hand, with red blood and tears streaming from his eyes, he looked up to the sky and howled mournfully.

"Pin Dao is ashamed of his ancestors and his ancestors. Today, with this ruined body, please ancestors and ancestors come down to the common world, in order to correct the prestige of Tianjiao!"

"Damn it! He wants to summon a real fairy, this madman!"

Jing Huazi's eyes were tearing apart, and he couldn't understand Jing Lingzi's thoughts. Although the Hunyuan Qinglian was precious, it was not worth giving up the life of a true god, and it was not worth alarming the ancestors in the upper realm.

The real **** next to him asked: "Then what should we do?" "Kill him!"

Jing Huazi took the lead, tapping the infinite thunder light with his fingertips to tear through the void and blast towards Jing Lingzi. The other true gods either activated magic weapons or cast spells, vowing to interrupt Jing Lingzi's madness. far away.

Seeing this change, Zhou Yi counted with his fingers, and said helplessly.

"This fate is too unreliable. Jing Lingzi actually noticed it. He sensed the catastrophe of the Butian Sect, so he sacrificed his life to summon the ancestor!"

Zhou Yi said so, but he was relieved in his heart.

This also proves that the so-called God and the way of heaven are nothing but mysterious laws, which cannot distort the will of living beings at all, that is to say, man can overcome the sky.


The scalper barked and asked if he would make a move.

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【I live forever in the world of cultivating immortals】【】

The three immortals fought over, and Jing Lingzi turned into flying ash in an instant, and there was no way to invite the real immortals.

Sun Changsheng scratched his head and scratched his head. With such a troublesome temperament, he wished he could hit him with a stick now and make the mess even bigger.

Zhou Yi shook his head and said, "We're just watching the fun, so don't get involved. This time we prevented the arrival of the real fairy, and next time it might be the golden fairy!"

After living for ten thousand years, being cautious has become a subconscious habit!

Even if Zhou Yi is full of enthusiasm and wants to go to Tianshan and take back everything that belongs to him, the passion will dissipate in the next moment, and he will retreat indifferently.


The magical powers of the gods shrouded Jing Lingzi and shattered his body dozens of times.

However, Jing Lingzi recovered in an instant, and it was difficult to kill him completely, so he could only watch him cast spells helplessly.

Jing Lingzi's eyes were red, he looked like a demon and more like a real god, his cold eyes swept around, his voice was shrill and cruel. "late!"

"The patriarch has come, and you all must die!"

As soon as the words fell, the crimson eyes faded instantly, turning into iron-like indifference, and the restless and chaotic mana breath returned to calm, but continued to skyrocket to the limit.

Jing Lingzi stood in the air, without needing to cast spells or move, the void around him was constantly shattering. This kind of mana is almost unbearable in the world!

His indifferent gaze swept across the gods, and his eyes fell on Jing Huazi, and he waved his hand to catch him, pinching his neck like a chicken.

"Senior, you are wronged!"

Jing Huazi said loudly: "The younger generation is just obeying the orders of the Heavenly Court, and has no intention of overthrowing the Butian Sect. It was Jing Lingzi who took the initiative to provoke!"

The rest of the gods opened their mouths one after another, telling the story of Jinglingzi clearly.

"Jing Lingzi" said slowly: "I, Immortal Iron Crown, built the Heavenly Court with my own hands back then, but I have never heard of it. The Heavenly Emperor has the right to punish the Headmaster Butian!"

"Iron Crown Immortal?"

All the true gods immediately thought that after engraving the name behind the list of gods, Tie Guanxian ranked in the top ten! "Senior, today is different from the past, Butian Sect has not been promoted to a human immortal for thousands of years..."

Needless to say later, Immortal Tie Guan realized instantly, and even guessed that the celestial dynasties had something to do with Heaven, but when he came,

With limited time, it is difficult to really rebuild the heavenly court.

"I will report this matter to the sect, and a true immortal will handle it in the future."

Tie Guanxian waved his hands over Hunyuan Qinglian, and said: "This thing belongs to Butian Sect, do you have any objections?" "No."

"As it should!"

The gods looked at Jing Huazi, who was having trouble even escaping, and shook their heads again and again, who dared to have the slightest opinion.

Immortal Tieguan squeezed Jinghuazi into pieces with a little force, and said coldly: "For the sake of the Jietian Sect's true immortal, the magic power is banned for five thousand years, as a warning to others!"

Jing Huazi didn't have time to speak, he just felt that his body was so empty that he couldn't even maintain his flight, so he fell to the ground and turned into a pulp.

After a long time, the body of the true **** returned to its original state.

Due to the absence of divine power, the recovery process could be described as a thousand cuts, and Jing Huazi's thousand-year-old Dao Xin almost collapsed. Immortal Tieguan glanced over, and the gods backed away again and again in fright, until they turned their heads to look east, and scolded.

"You villain, why don't you come here?"

Zhou Yi sensed that the breath was locked, and knew that he could not escape. UU Reading drove the escape light and flew over, bowing and saluting. "Poverty Taoist Tang Xuan, seven generations of celestial masters of Qingyun Temple, pay homage to the seniors in the fairy world!"

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【I live forever in the world of cultivating immortals】【】

"Seven generations of heavenly masters? Not bad, not bad!"

Tie Guanxian nodded slightly, looked at it for a moment, and then sighed: "I don't know what evil you have done, and your karma has increased twice, and you are destined to have no hope of ascension!"

Zhou Yi frowned slightly, pretending to be puzzled and said: "The cause of karma is unknown to the junior, can the senior give some pointers?" "As a teacher..."

Seeing Zhou Yi's bewildered look, Tie Guanxian suddenly felt sad, and changed his voice: "Poverty Dao sees you pleasing to the eye, and your heels are good. This Hunyuan Qinglian is bestowed on you, and you will surely become a human immortal in the future!"

Zhou Yi said: "You don't get rewarded without merit, such a treasure, the younger generation can't bear it."

Immortal Tie Guan possesses the lower realm, and he can't take Hunyuan Qinglian away, as long as he stays in the Butian Sect, he can pick it up when he turns back, and there is no need to owe additional karma.

"I didn't give it to you for nothing."

Tie Guanxian said: "Teacher Butian has fallen, how about you take care of this person?" Zhou Yi said in a deep voice, "It's hard for the younger generation to take on such a big responsibility!"

"In charge for a thousand years, you will pass on the throne after a thousand years, and you can also serve as the Supreme Elder!"

Tie Guanxian said: "What you do, you are still so slippery no matter how many times you have been reincarnated. It is difficult for me to go down to the world once in thousands of years. I just want to make up for the regrets of the past."

"My wish is fulfilled, I have nothing to do with this world!"

Zhou Yi pondered for a moment, no matter how he thought about it, it would be beneficial and harmless. He got the authority of Butian Sect for nothing, and was blessed by the ancestors of the upper realm, and said with a bow.

"The junior agrees!"

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