MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 363 ancient legend

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Witch Temple.

A lump of dirt protruded from the ground, and a head poked out.

Yang Xuan looked around, and the strange pig that was desperately chasing after him finally disappeared.

"This fellow is too vengeful, chasing me for a whole year!"

Since entering the Temple of the Witch God, I have encountered too many strange monsters, few of which are recorded in the classics, such as Chongming, Feiyi, Suzaku and the like.

The ancient alien species, also spread in Dongsheng Shenzhou.

There are more people who can't recognize their origins at all, such as giant eagles with crying babies, strange cows with one leg spraying thunder, strange birds with three heads and six tails...

Yang Xuan tried to communicate, but the strange beasts whose strength was comparable to that of the Demon King and Demon King did not have any intelligence, and only relied on their natural instincts to cultivate and hunt.

A year ago, Yang Xuan killed the first four-toothed green-skinned wild boar, but his parents found out before he finished eating it, and he escaped for a whole year before getting rid of it.

"We'll be at the foot of the mountain soon!"

Yang Xuan looked at the mountain peaks that were close at hand, and couldn't help but marvel at the size of the Witch Temple, which spanned more than ten thousand miles, like a small world.

"Sorcerer gods are comparable to true immortals in the upper realm. Could it be that immortals have such great supernatural powers to mediate good fortune?"

Reining in his mind, Yang Xuan hurried on his way lightly, carefully avoiding the strange beasts, and finally arrived at the foot of the mountain a month later.

Looking up at the peak piercing into the sky, it is like a pillar connecting heaven and earth, immortals and mortals. I don't know how high it is, and I don't know where the end point leads to.

There are steps on the side of Tianzhu, one step at a time, obviously not prepared for people.

Stepping up, Yang Xuan suddenly felt more pressure on his body. After careful sensing, the pressure was equal to his weight.

One more step, and the pressure doubles.

After going up more than a hundred steps in a row, the body weight just happened to be a hundred times more.

"Is this a test? Each step doubles the weight. If there are 100,000 steps and tens of millions of catties are added, the only thing left is physical training."

"Sure enough, the witch clan values ​​physical fitness!"

Yang Xuan's face showed joy. He couldn't figure out how his senior brother's outside world would affect the selection in the Wushen Temple. After all, he still had to strive for self-improvement.

The front steps are brisk, and after more than 10,000 steps, they start to slow down.

After 100,000 steps, Yang Xuan would have to rest for a long time when he stepped up a hundred steps, and he would not be able to walk up to 10,000 steps in a month.

"Sorcerer God's test is really not easy. After going through one hundred thousand steps, this Tianzhu still can't see the end!"

Yang Xuan looked down behind him, he was in a daze and saw no bottom. Standing at a height of 100,000 feet and looking into the distance, a small half of the Temple of the Witch God came into view.

"There are undulating peaks, not a complete plain."

After looking at it for a long time, Yang Xuan showed doubts on his face, and always felt that the Wushen Temple was a little familiar.

"Could it be influenced by inherited memory?"

After resting for half a day, continue to climb up, the endless steps are like the boundless way of heaven waiting for Yang Xuan to explore.

The Temple of the Witch God is empty for ten days, and there is never night.

Yang Xuan didn't know how long he had been climbing, maybe a year, maybe ten years, or maybe a hundred years...

As the height increases, the pressure becomes heavier, like climbing a mountain with your back on your back, trying your best with every step.

"One hundred and fifty thousand…"

"How many years have passed? It's not over yet!"

"Twenty-two thousand five hundred and forty-two steps..."

"Could it be that this mountain has no end, so it's not where the witch god's inheritance is?"

"300,000 steps! I can't climb anymore, why don't you give up, no one will get this inheritance..."


Yang Xuan was already tired and in a trance, and began to doubt his life, and even planned to ask his senior brother to help him save his parents and let him pass on the inheritance of the witch god.


I don't know the exact age, but Yang Xuan was lying on the steps hunched over, sweating profusely and panting.

After resting for half a month, I finally withstood the pressure of several mountain peaks, and was about to climb another step, when the pressure on my back suddenly disappeared.

Yang Xuan suddenly lost his balance, walked in disorder, and rolled down

It took dozens of steps to stop.

"Stress gone? Did someone else make it to the top?"

Yang Xuan showed frustration, recalling that since he was born, he has never had any tribulations relying on his natural divine power, but now he has entered the Temple of the Witch God, but he has lost so thoroughly.


A spiritual light shines ahead, condensing into a portal.

Yang Xuan tried to step into it, but felt dizzy, and came back to find that he was standing on the top of the mountain.

The top of the mountain is a platform with a radius of hundreds of feet. Yang Xuan looked around and found eight steps leading to this place.

"It seems that I made the right choice. No matter which direction I enter the Temple of the Witch God, I can reach the top of the mountain. However, why is it only me and the others?"

Yang Xuan showed doubts on the front, and a simple and simple altar was raised in the middle of the platform, on which a glowing red heart was enshrined.

The fist-sized heart floated in the air, constantly shrinking and expanding, it turned out to be a living thing that existed outside of the physical body, making the sound of thumping, thumping, drumming, and thundering.

The moment the heart appeared, strands of information came into Yang Xuan's mind.

"The top 100 climbers will open the portal on the top of the mountain and get the qualification to compete for inheritance. The final winner will integrate the heart of the witch **** and transform into a witch clan..."

Yang Xuan looked at the empty platform, alone.

"Top 100? Could it be that I am the only one in the Witch Temple?"

At this time, Yang Xuan recalled his senior brother's promise, and suddenly realized, no wonder he can guarantee his victory, as long as the number of participants is one!

"Thank you brother!"

Yang Xuan bowed towards the void, walked slowly to the altar, and stretched out his hand to grab the heart of the witch god.

bang bang bang!

As soon as he touched it, Yang Xuan's heart beat violently, and the beating frequency of the two hearts was synchronized.

After more than half an hour, without any contestants disturbing Yang Xuan, the Heart of the Sorcerer God officially recognized its owner, turned into a streamer and penetrated into Yang Xuan's chest, and the two hearts quickly fused.

Yang Xuan jumped onto the altar and sat cross-legged, feeling the red gold blood gushing out of his heart.

The witch god's blood kept replacing his own blood, instead of merging. Yang Xuan's own blood was separated from the pores, and his whole body was wrapped in black and red blood scabs.

I do not know how long it has been.

Yang Xuan circulated the qi and blood in his body, turning it completely into gold. Where the blood flowed, it continuously strengthened his physical body.

There are more chaotic and complicated memories in the consciousness, which come from the inheritance of the Jumang Wu clan.

There are incantations performed thousands of miles away, there are weird and mysterious life-saving witchcraft, there are also innate magical powers to ripen elixir, and more are combat skills to operate and exert power!

Yang Xuan stood on the altar, circulated his Qi and blood, and punched the sky with his fist.


There were bursts of thunder, and the clouds in the sky turned into circles of ripples from the center to the surroundings.

"Such power is enough to collapse the mountain peak, not weaker than Yuanying Daojun. Now only the blood of the witch is replaced, and there will be bone replacement and flesh-changing in the follow-up to completely transform into the witch clan!"

With the inheritance in hand, Yang Xuan began to look for a way out.

I don't know the age in the Temple of the Witch God. If it takes hundreds of years to climb the steps, my parents will have passed the life limit after I go out.

According to the inherited memory, Yang Xuan searched for a long time, but there was not a trace of witch marks on the entire mountaintop platform, and finally looked at the altar dedicated to the heart of the witch god.

Turned around a few times, folded his arms, and violently pulled out the altar abruptly.

A deep cave was exposed under the altar, and the bottom could not be seen. Yang Xuan frowned slightly, and suddenly thought of the shortcomings of the Wu Clan.

"Witches focus first on the physical body, second on witchcraft, but do not cultivate the primordial spirit..."

"This cave is only covered by the altar, and another foundation-builder cultivator can find it with a scan of his spiritual sense, but I searched for a long time, and I have to gamble to open it!"

"Isn't this a pure savage who won't be counted to death when fighting?"

Yang Xuan sighed, even though he knew that he had such a flaw, he had no choice. Without spiritual roots, he had already blocked the way of cultivating the immortal way.

The witch clan does not need spiritual roots, and the innate supernatural powers come from the ancestral witch, which is somewhat similar to the method passed down by the monster clan.

Leaping into the cave,

With the sound of the wind brushing against his ears, the falling speed became faster and faster. Yang Xuan felt that he had fallen for a long, long time, and the hole above his head had long been submerged in darkness.


With a loud noise, it fell to the bottom of the cave.

Yang Xuan fell more than ten feet into the ground, shook his head to regain consciousness, crawled out of the pit, and looked up to see a hundred-foot-high statue standing in front of him.

The body of a bird, the face of a human race.

The hands protruding from under the bird's wings hold the green branch in one hand and the sun in the other.

The sun radiated dazzling light, illuminating the depths of the cave, shining brightly.

"Meet the Witch God!"

Yang Xuan fused the heart of the witch god, and immediately recognized the origin of the statue, and it was the builder of the witch **** temple.

Jumang family, ancestor punishment.

In the memory of inheritance, all the witches have a unified surname "Wu". Only the great witches and above will have a unique name according to their skills, experience, position, etc.

For example, the witch **** in front of him has been in charge of the laws and punishments of the Jumang clan since his ancestors, so he changed his name to Zu Xing after he broke through the great witch.

Kowtowing three times and bowing nine times, Yang Xuan was about to get up when he suddenly felt immeasurable pressure.


The sun in the hands of the witch statue slowly rose and fell into the center of the statue's eyebrows. The bluestone sculpture of the face of the witch god, the lines gradually become soft and vivid, until it is completely transformed into a human face.

"You finally came!"

Yang Xuan thought about it, and said, "Senior, are you the ancestor of the witch god?"

"I am a strand of Zu Xing's obsession, sealed in blood essence, lingering until now. "

The idol asked, "What year is it?"

Yang Xuan replied: "The heaven and earth have a history of more than two thousand years, the exact year is not clear to the younger generation."

The idol said, "What is the Celestial Calendar?"


Yang Xuan was helpless, for this old antique who didn't know how many years it had been sealed, he could only explain from the beginning the way of incense and fire, the conferment of gods by the heavenly court, and briefly talked about the changes in Shenzhou during the two thousand years of conferring gods.


The statue frowned slightly, and then asked, "Do you know about Butianjiao and Jietianjiao?"

"Of course, that's the second of the current Three Immortals."

Yang Xuan lived with his parents and made good friends with the demons of Qingyun Mountain. He knew Shenzhou very well.

"Hahaha, Butianjiao has calculated and calculated, after all, it is making wedding clothes for others!"

The idol let out a rumbling laugh, and said again: "Little baby, don't believe in the theory of ascension, it's just the people who betrayed their ancestors and smuggled to another world!"

"Smuggling? Another world?"

Yang Xuan showed doubts on his face. With his current level, the matter of ascension is too far away.

"Those guys who have achieved success in cultivation have swallowed a large number of spiritual things, refined infinite spiritual energy, damaged the world to make up for themselves, and then went to the so-called fairy world. Isn't it a smuggling?"

The statue's eyes were dim, as if recalling the past, it was silent for a long time before opening its mouth.

"In this world, there were originally only witches and demons. The ancient witches whose realm can break through the witch gods are equivalent to immortal golden immortals. Until the battle between the two tribes of liches broke the pillar of heaven, a hole appeared in the barrier of the world... "

Yang Xuan said, "Could it be the sky leak that the Butian Sect suppressed the seal?"

"Sky leak?"

The statue nodded slightly, and said, "This name is very appropriate. It is true that there is a loophole in the world, and practitioners from other worlds can easily get in."

"At the beginning of the sky leak, it didn't have a big impact. Occasionally, there were a few outside visitors, who were either beaten to death or thrown back into the endless void."

"Until the Patriarch of Butian Sect discovered Tianlou, he spent tens of thousands of years making good friends with the two races. In the name of trading between the two worlds, he established a market near Tianlou, and then slowly evolved into a branch of Butian Sect. !"

Yang Xuan frowned and said, "Could it be that the Patriarch of Butian Sect is a golden immortal?"

"That fellow Hunyuan, what kind of **** Golden Immortal, is a **** and shameless..."

Patriarch Butian

, with a distorted face, obviously extremely resentful: "After the Hunyuan established its foothold, it began to secretly bring the human race over, and put it in the sea of ​​​​extreme spirits to multiply."

"After this matter was exposed, that guy licked his face and said that the immortal world was overpopulated, and they couldn't kill wantonly. He prayed to the ancestors of the two races to show mercy and create immeasurable merit!"

"At this point, one wrong step, one wrong step, this world begins to have human race!"

Yang Xuan said: "The ancestors of the two races are as powerful as Jinxian, even if there are a few human races, it won't affect the overall situation, right?"

"The witches and demons have been fighting for hundreds of millions of years, and the **** hatred for each other is already in an irreconcilable situation. The man of Hunyuan provoked left and right, causing the two clans to fight, until the ancestors of the two clans collapsed on one continent!"

The idol sighed, "Infinite karma fell, and the body died on the spot. The two clans lost their ancestors, and the Hunyuan guy turned his face on the spot, and ordered the Butian Sect to keep bringing the human race over to occupy the blessed land of Lingshan to practice!"

Yang Xuan shrugged his shoulders, UU Reading didn't think Patriarch Hunyuan did anything wrong, or there was no right or wrong in race disputes, or his own thinking was in the human race.

"So, later on, the human race became the ruler of this world?"

"It's not that simple. That servant of Hunyuan is too powerful to completely pass through the sky leak, so he can only lower his avatar and command the disciples to attack the city."

"After the high-level officials of the two clans found out, they put aside their blood feud for the time being and joined forces to resist the Butian Sect!"

"Even though the ancestors have fallen, there are still many demons and witch gods in the two clans, and occupying a favorable location and people, they will soon be defeated by the Butian Sect..."

The statue slowly told about the ancient legend that happened in an extremely distant era, and even lost records.

"When Hunyuan saw this situation, he also recruited helpers from the outside world. First, Jietian Sect came in through the sky, then Buddhism, and even the all-pervasive Demon Sect."

"These forces alone are not weaker than the two Liches, and they are even more unrivaled when they join forces!"

The idol said with hatred, "When I see my home, I will be taken over by others. My seat and several witches and gods went to the monster clan to discuss the complete collapse of the pillar of heaven, and then cut off the spiritual veins and disperse the aura of heaven and earth."

"Those immortal monks rely on aura to practice, once this world becomes a place of utter desolation, there is nothing Jinxian can do. "

"In this way, first expel the foreign enemies, and then find a way to seal the sky leak, and isolate the stowaways from the outside world, which can barely be called a victory. Who would have thought that those demons would be greedy for life and fear death, agreeing to the witch clan on the surface, but secretly joining forces with the foreign enemies! "

"Under the internal and external attack, the witch clan was finally destroyed!"

When the statue mentions the Yaozu, its hatred exceeds that of Butianjiao and Jietianjiao. Obviously, female gangsters are always more hateful than enemies.

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