MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 314 Grace and kindness

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Jiajing Mansion.

city ​​gate.

The soldiers on duty were leaning against the wall and dozing off when suddenly there was a rumbling sound in their ears, and the ground under their feet trembled.

Waking up suddenly, he looked up and saw hundreds of black riders approaching from a distance.

The headed person wears black gauze on his head, a purple red cape, and an embroidered picture of a dragon soaring through the clouds.

"People from the East Factory!"

The team was screaming, and hurriedly rushed the people into the city, completely emptied the city gate, and scolded the lazy soldiers to stand up, they must use the energy to go to Yihonglou to stand guard.

Dongchang's original duty was to supervise and measure land, but after the crony case, it has the power to supervise officials.

If you see which soldier is not pleasing to the eye, put it on the label of dereliction of duty, and then investigate the charges of blackmailing the people, at least it is a confiscation of the house and exile.

After a while.

Hei rode to the outside of the city gate, Zhou Yi glanced at the team, and rushed into the city without paying attention.

Hundreds of black knights followed closely behind, all of them full of evil spirits.

Especially the old eunuchs including Eunuch Wen, who hadn't been out of the capital for many years. They traveled through mountains and rivers along the way, and felt that the depression accumulated in their hearts had dissipated a lot.

"Our family joined the servants at the age of twelve, and we haven't been out of the palace for thirty years. We thought that one day we would die of old age quietly."

Wen Tongzhi said with a smile: "Thanks to the governor, after joining the supervisory department, he also went to various interesting places in central Beijing. Now he has seen the scenery of Jiangnan again. Even if he dies, he will have no regrets!"

Zhou Yi asked: "Where is Mr.'s home, you can let the younger generation come to be on duty in the Supervision Department."

Wen Tongzhi took a deep look at Zhou Yi, and he must have investigated our family behind his back: "Our ancestors went to the northwest, and were overthrown by an earth dragon, and we are the only ones left in the nine clans!"

"It turned out to be like this."

Zhou Yi was dubious in his heart, but the Supervision Department did not find any members of Duke Wen's clan, so he pondered for a moment and said.

"Sir, find someone who will take care of you in the future. Our family will arrange his future. If he likes to study, he will become a civil servant. If he likes to practice martial arts, he will become a general."

"If you can't make it, you can't make it. Our Dongchang has plenty of positions. Since then, Mr. Wen has been the first page of the family tree!"

Wen Tongzhi's face showed emotion, he has a few cadres under his command, but they are all servants in the palace, they can only serve and order around on weekdays, they cannot carry on the family line.

"The duke is so kind, our family will be smashed to pieces to repay it!"

No one can deny that the genealogy starts from itself, and how many generations will be passed on in the future. When worshiping ancestors during festivals, they must offer incense and recite a sentence of the ancestor's kindness. People are doomed to die, but the name can be passed down, and it can survive for the alternative.

when speaking.

Heiqi walked through several streets and came to the gate of the government office.

Zeng Fu Yin led the yamen and the subordinate county officials, who had long been waiting at the gate of the yamen.

"Your Majesty, Zeng Zhiyuan, pay homage to Lord Dugong!"


Zhou Yi tightened the reins, and the horse's front hooves were raised high, almost stepping on Zeng Fu Yin's head.

Zeng Fu Yin's complexion changed slightly, and then he returned to his smile, patted his horse and said: "Your Excellency Du Gong is really good at riding!"

"Master Zeng, there is no need to be like this, our family and yours are not in the same system."

Zhou Yi immediately looked down at Zeng Fu Yin: "Your Majesty said that officials don't need to be afraid of the Supervision Department if they don't corrupt ink or break the law. Is there something wrong with Mr. Zeng?"

Doesn't it mean that the Supervision Department has the final say on what's going on!

Mr. Zeng's Fu Yin slandered in his heart, how can there be no problems with being an official, even if the famous and upright officials are strictly targeted according to the law, they will often violate the system.

"Duke is joking, I am not afraid of you, but I admire you very much! The Mao family in Fucheng is a relative of the emperor, and wantonly occupying acres of land, I dare not control it."

"Fortunately, the Superintendent reported it to His Majesty, and the whole family was exiled in Lingnan. This action saved countless people!"

"It's a matter of duty."

Zhou Yi stood up and got off his horse: "Our family is here to investigate the rebels of Tianjianmen. Master Zeng, as the official of the parents, needs to know a thing or two."

"Please, Governor!"

Zeng Fu Yin bowed in front

Leading the way, his appearance and posture are the same as those of the servants in the palace.

There is no difference between eunuchs serving nobles and junior officials serving superiors.

Those scholars scold the eunuchs for sycophancy every day, but compared to the sycophant routines of literati in official circles, there are many kinds of names, and the servants can't catch up even if they try their best.

The back hall of the government office.

Half a month ago, Zengfu Yin heard the news, and immediately recruited craftsmen to transform it, and specially used it to entertain people from the East Factory.

When Zhou Yi entered, he saw a maid serving food.

There is no need to describe the delicacies of mountains and seas. What is rare is that in this inland city, all kinds of sea food can be kept fresh.

"Master Zeng has a heart!"

Dongchang set off from the capital city and traveled for more than a month. It is not sure when it will arrive here, so fresh ingredients have to be brought in every day, so sit down and wait.

If Zhou Yi doesn't come for a day, a table of banquets will be wasted.

"This is the job of the lower officials."

Zengfu Yin led Zhouyi to the top, and two beautiful women on the left and right served wine and vegetables, and then stepped back to serve Wen Tongzhi, Yu Qianshi and other internal servants.

Once the internal servants were done serving, the officials who were waiting outside were allowed in and sat down on the seat under the Supervision Department.

Fortunately, the back hall of the government office is extremely spacious, and it was converted into a banquet hall after the craftsmen worked overtime to accommodate more than a hundred people at the same time.

Zhou Yi sat at the head, tasted a century-old wine, and glanced at the officials.

"When the Supervision Department ransacked Mao's house, he got a lot of account books and letters, and sent them to our family for inspection. You should know what is written in them."

After the words fell, nine out of ten officials in the hall looked pale.

The Governor of Zeng Fu was the most terrified, and no one in the court knew that the governor of Dongchang liked to arrest the governor and the county magistrate the most, but he often let off the judges and the like.

According to the Dugong's original words, if you catch him, you should grab the leader, and don't take the blame on a subordinate official!

"However, our family is the most kind-hearted. We covered up the matter and reported to His Majesty that you were forced to indulge the Mao family because of the pressure from that concubine!"

"Thank you Duchess."

Zeng Fuyin reacted the quickest, he went out and knelt down in the lobby, not paying attention to the strange eyes of his colleagues.

Other people related to the case of enclosing the fields of the Mao family also had to come out and knelt on the ground to thank them. This time, 80% of the officials knelt down, and only a few of them were still sitting in their seats.

Zhou Yi nodded slightly, looking at the remaining officials.

There was no need to speak, and they were so scared that they were sweating profusely. There was no choice for such a situation.

If they dared not kneel down today, they could be squeezed out to death by the colleagues of the Jiajing Mansion without the intervention of the Supervision Department, not to mention that Zeng Fu Yin is the immediate boss.

"Thank you Duchess!"

After all, the six people were reluctant to part with their black hats, so they left their seats and knelt down on the ground.

Zhou Yi waved his hands in satisfaction, and the officials returned to their seats.

"Master Zeng, how many soldiers are there in Jiajing Mansion now? Don't report those false numbers, our family needs soldiers who can fight!"

It is a well-known fact that the local government soldiers have long been corrupted, and the reasons for it are quite complicated.

According to the regulations of the state, there should be 5,000 soldiers in a mansion, but excluding the empty-paid and the old, weak, sick and disabled, it is not bad to have 3,000 soldiers who can fight.

"Reporting to my lord, the Jiajing Mansion is located in the interior, and it is in a time of peace, so the mansion cannot afford to support so many soldiers..."

Zeng Fu Yin found three plausible reasons: "Those who are capable of fighting today, counting the city gates, warehouses and other soldiers, there are about... two thousand?"

Unsure of the real number, he turned his head and looked down to Xie Guerrilla.

Xie Guerzilla said, "Grand Du, it's the busy season of farming, and most of the soldiers go home to farm, so we can only get together a thousand."

"Hmph, it's really nonsense!",

Zhou Yi didn't bother to find out why it was still busy in September, and he ordered: "After half a month, our family will see five thousand young and strong soldiers. Can Master Zeng do it?"

"Yes, I can!"

Zeng Fu Yin issued a military order: "It doesn't take half a month, and the officials can be assembled in five days."

As long as the Yamen is willing to spend money, five thousand young adults are easy

It's easy to get together, not to mention that there is no need for large-scale recruitment, and more than half of the number is enough to call the servants raised by the various clans in Jiajing Mansion.

These guards danced with guns and clubs on weekdays, and their physique was much better than that of the soldiers. With a little training, they became elite soldiers!

"Master Zeng, you are very good."

Since Zhou Yi came to the government office, he finally showed a smile: "Next year the Ministry of Officials' assessment will definitely be the top one. If there is a vacancy in the capital, our family will be able to serve as an official in the same dynasty as you!"

The Prime Minister of Zengfu said gratefully: "The Dugong's kindness, I will never forget it. If there is an order in the future, I will do my best."

Zhou Yi took the fine wine served by the maid, raised his glass and said.

"Gentlemen, drink up!"


Tianjian Mountain.

Located in the south of Jiajingfu.

A solitary peak rises from the plain, its shape is like a sword, and it is more than three hundred feet high.

It was late autumn.

The maple leaves all over the mountain are red, and the setting sun shines like blood like fire.


The disciples on duty at the mountain gate saw a large crowd coming from the north.

More than 5,000 people gathered together, and there was no end to it.

Most of the people who came were dressed in the uniform of government soldiers, and a few were dressed in black clothes. Among them were more than five hundred cavalrymen, and the sound of horseshoes was like thunder.

"The dog is coming!"

The disciple recognized the Tiqi in black, immediately screamed, and rushed to the door to report the news.

The government soldiers stopped at the foot of the mountain and divided into five army formations, surrounding Tianjian Gate like a semicircle.

"Our family doesn't understand military formations, so everything is under the command of Xie Guerrilla."

Zhou Yi said: "The extermination of Tianjianmen this time is a major event to quell the rebellion. If you can thank Guerrilla for your contribution, our family will ask His Majesty to ask for credit for you." "Duke, don't worry."

Xie Guerrilla was full of confidence: "There are only three hundred soldiers in Tianjianmen, and five thousand soldiers encircled and suppressed them. Even the master of martial arts can only escape for his life."

A martial arts master can easily kill ten soldiers, but when soldiers form an army formation, they can easily kill eleven martial arts masters.

After Xie Guerrilla finished speaking, he reined in his horse and entered the army formation.

It has been more than a month since Zhou Yi entered the government office, and the five thousand soldiers have undergone simple training and already know the flag orders.

"Kill! Kill! Kill!"

With three shouts in a row, the five armies rushed to Tianjian Gate.

The pace is a little chaotic, but it can maintain the formation and looks quite imposing.

Riding on the horse, Zhou Yi couldn't help feeling a little emotional as he watched the army rushing to kill.

"It's only 5,000 soldiers. The man in the north is said to have 300,000 soldiers. How powerful is that? That man really used the banner to rebel. Even if Daqing doesn't fall, it will hurt the foundation!"

With his thoughts turned, Zhou Yi pondered how he could use King Zhenbei to achieve his own goals.

There is no permanent enemy in the world. The current Zhouyi is targeting the north, all out of the need of the orthodox emperor. One day, if it is no longer needed or the dragon chair is replaced, it is completely possible to join forces with King Zhenbei.

While thinking, Zeng Fu Yin asked.

"Duke, why did Your Majesty let you destroy the Heavenly Sword Gate?"

This time the supervisory department went south, of course it was under the banner of the orthodox emperor, and it had to be ordered by His Majesty, otherwise the deployment of troops would be suspected of treason.

"Master Zeng, what you said is wrong, Your Majesty did not want our family to destroy the Heavenly Sword Sect..."

Zhou Yi pointed to Tianjian Mountain and said, "Have you paid the tax for this mountain occupied by Tianjianmen?"

The Prime Minister of Zeng Fu was puzzled and said: "Of course not. After all, people in Jianghu founded a sect, and there has never been any talk of paying taxes."

"According to the law of the country, you must pay taxes!"

Zhou Yi said coldly: "Our family destroyed the Heavenly Sword Sect to give other sects a choice, either obediently pay the money, or the imperial court takes back the land." "That's how it is."

Zengfu Yin frowned and said: "Duke Gong, this sect's tax is not easy to collect."

The martial arts sect of Jianghu Zongmen is powerful, and the tax collectors dare not go up the mountain to ask for money, saying that they may fall into the cliff by accident, or feed the wolves, tigers and leopards in the mountain.

"Ji Jie Jie..."

Zhou Yi laughed strangely: "Our family and His Majesty have asked for an order. If any sect reports any resistance to the tax, the tax of the same amount of land can be exempted."

The sects of the rivers and lakes are not united, and there are many **** cases in each sect and faction, not to mention the feud between good and evil.

When this rule is promulgated, they must report each other's enemies and sects.

Even if someone calls for cooperation, it is not necessary. Human nature is selfish and greedy, and they will report each other no matter what.

"The Duke is wise!"

Zeng Fu Yin thought about it carefully, and felt that this method was more and more wonderful: "I don't know if the lower officials can learn a thing or two from it?"

Zhou Yi asked, "What kind of reference?"

"Mr. Du, it is very difficult to clear the acres of land at present. Those big families are trying their best to hide it. The number of local officials is limited. UU Reading investigation is extremely troublesome, and many people have concealed it from the past."

Zeng Fu Yin said: "Your majesty will write a memorial to His Majesty, just like the Dugong, whoever reports and hides the land, can be exempted from the corresponding amount of taxes."

Zhou Yi shook his head and said, "This method is absolutely impossible!"

Zeng Fu Yin wondered, "Why?"

"The mountainous land occupied by the sect has no taxes. The imperial court collects more or less, which is an extra income. Moreover, the people in the Jianghu are fierce, so they cannot be forced too hard."

Zhou Yi said: "It is reported that the tax exemption for the acres must be exploited by someone, and in the end many acres are tax-free, and the original intention of measuring the land is lost!

Zeng Fu Yin scratched his ears and said, "This official is stupid, please ask Duke Du for advice."

Zhou Yi glanced at this fellow, as expected of being a scholar, the **** of Bi Nei Shisi can speak, with Zeng Fu Yin's mind, how could there be no perfect method.

"Master Zeng, you will report the tax reduction and exemption, and instead attribute the hidden land to the whistleblower!

In this way, the whistleblower is full of motivation, and the court will not collect less taxes.

"The governor is wise, it's not a case of dismissal."

Zengfu's Yin applauded repeatedly: "After returning to the government office, the subordinate officials will immediately play the performance, and will sign the name of the governor at the end, explaining the origin of the country's good policy."

"No need."

Zhou Yi shook his head and said: "It is inconvenient for our family to communicate with the courtiers. Mr. Zeng will write this down. He will go to work in the capital next year, so he must remember our family."

Emperor Zhengtong was determined to measure the acres of land, and Zeng Fu Yin made a memorial, which would greatly speed up the process.

Being able to find out many hidden land acres is exactly what the emperor wants. Next year, Zeng Fu Yin will surely be promoted, and he is likely to be on duty in the Ministry of Household Affairs.

Fu Yin took this crucial step, and may join the cabinet in the future!

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