MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 10 no desire

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Heavenly Prison Office.

Zhou Yi pushed open the door and went in, bowed and saluted.

"Uncle Niu, are you looking for me?"

Captain Niu put down and motioned for Zhou Yi to sit down: "This method of your kid makes it too rough, aren't you afraid of Jinyi Wei's investigation?"

Just after listening to the jailer's report, Captain Niu concluded that it was Zhou Yi who killed Liu Shilang. When officials send their political enemies to the heavenly prison, they will spend a sum of money to buy their lives if the political enemies are turned over.

"What do you mean by Uncle Niu, we are delivering meals honestly."

Zhou Yi pretended to be stunned, neither denying nor admitting.

The bodies of Liu Shilang and Luo Hu were both cold. It can be said that there is no evidence of death, but it is not without risks. The Fengyang Kingdom is not the supremacy of the law. Guilty and innocence are all determined by the above. What can I ask for under Miki?

Captain Niu snorted: "No wonder Mr. Lei told me that you are the most cunning kid in the prison today!"

"Lord Lei is very praised."

Zhou Yi said with a smile: "Luo Guanzhu has a house in the capital and has hidden several thousand taels of silver. The silver belongs to Uncle Niu, the boxing manual belongs to me, and the house belongs to the widow."

"Pay attention!"

Captain Niu praised, seeing Zhou Yi becoming more and more satisfied.

He would rather share his own interests and complete what he promised Luo Hu, but Niu Xiaowei thought he couldn't do it. After all, it was quite common to bully widows and eat dead families.

"After all, Master Luo and I have the grace to pass on art."

Zhou Yiben didn't want to be in the limelight, and the nourishing prescription was not the most important thing, but he really wanted Liu Shilang to die.

Liu Shilang, he is a real villain!

This kind of person has no bottom line in what he does, and if he is not beaten to death with a single stick, the consequences will be endless.

Captain Niu said curiously, "I knew for a long time that you were addicted to martial arts, but what kind of fame can you develop?"

"I've had a weak body since I was a child, so practicing martial arts means strengthening my body."

Zhou Yi picked up the lid of the teacup on the table, and twisted it in his hand, turning it into a handful of powder in an instant.

Niu Xiaowei also went to the martial arts hall in the past. He couldn't bear the hardships of training his body on duty. He didn't even train the skin, but he knew the division of martial arts.

"Reinforced and iron bones, holding stones into mud, how could you have such strength without making a sound?"

"Ten years of uninterrupted work, and never stopped nourishing decoctions, the talent is already inferior."

What Zhou Yi said was not humility. According to Wei Chang, one could train muscles and bones in seven or eight years in the arena, but those who were in the rivers and lakes had no time to practice every day.

Master Luo's true disciple, he has accumulated qi in his body since he was a child, and he has become a master at the age of sixteen or seventeen. He claims to be a promising innate master in the future.

Zhou Yi was envious but not jealous. After all, that genius disciple had already died in the chaos of the army.

Living is the foundation of everything.

Whoever lives long enough to die, you are the master of a generation!

Captain Niu sighed in admiration: "You kid is also a second-rate expert in the arena. Why don't you go out and explore? It's much more enjoyable than staying here to deliver food to others."

"Second-rate is a piece of shit. The top ten martial arts halls in the capital are all masters of dirty refining. It is rumored that Master Chen of the Golden Sabre martial arts hall has already begun to wash the marrow. Leave!"

Zhou Yi shrugged and said, "Fighting and fighting will end up with the whole family. How can I be so safe and comfortable?"

At the end of the universe is Kao Gong!

Zhou Yi has already stood at the end of the universe. Besides, Tian Prison is a humble and powerful person, rich in oil and water, and does not involve official struggles. It is simply perfect!

When Captain Niu heard the words, his eyes flickered, and he suddenly asked, "Tell me, boy, can I be promoted to the prison this time?"

Zhou Yi was silent for a moment, then shook his head and said, "Difficult!"

"How to say?"

Niu Xiaowei straightened his body. He asked a lot of people this question, and all of them were congratulating and flattering.

Everyone thinks that it must be Captain Niu to be appointed as the chief of the prison.

Outsiders dare to come in, they don't understand the rules of the prison, and it won't take long for them to live in the cell!

Zhou Yi thought about it and said, "Lord Lei must explain Long Ni's plan to the imperial court in order to reduce the crime. How dare the new majesty trust the officials in the prison? It is very likely that a confidant will be parachuted into the prison."

Zhou Yi had already discovered the ten years of his tenure in heaven.

The fluidity of official positions in Tianlao is too low, and it has almost become a hereditary replacement.

Lei Siu's father was a school captain, Niu Xiaowei's grandfather was a former prison guard, and even Zhou Yi's father and grandfather were prison guards.

The residence of the fourth-grade imperial censor in the courtroom is all rented, and Zhou's father, a subordinate minister, bought a house in Shenjing. Of course, the censor may be pretending to be poor, but it is enough to explain the problem of Tianjing.

Captain Niu snorted in disapproval: "We have various rules here and there, and there are those who don't know how to do it. Can you handle it?"

"People really don't understand the rules, but Jin Yiwei can be arrested. Who can resist the investigation? In the end, everyone changed, and all the rules are set by others!"

It is not the dragon who is unlucky to cross the river, but the local snake that has been crushed into slag.

Zhou Yi saw that Captain Niu's face was dark, and he quickly expressed his loyalty, "Don't worry, Uncle Niu, I will definitely support you."

"What's the use of your food delivery?"

Captain Niu sighed: "Lord Lei persuaded me the same way. He went to Long Ni in the past, and then he had the disaster of confiscating his family and exile. Otherwise, there will be no shortage of wealth and honor for several generations of the Captain of the Lei family, no matter which dynasty or generation. !"

The nobles of the imperial court will also reduce their titles from generation to generation. After the fifth generation, the ancestral shadow is exhausted, and it is no different from the common people. Tianlao is an iron rice bowl that can be passed on to future generations.

"Uncle Niu, don't worry, if you are a new adult, you will help!"

Zhou Yi comforted: "Tianjiu has existed since the previous dynasty, no matter who comes to be the prisoner, it won't be long before he becomes a family of Tianjiu."

Tian Prison is relatively independent and has little contact with various yamen. When the prison door is closed, it becomes a place outside the world.

Whoever is the boss of the prison and has such great power and interests will not think about changing the prison!

Captain Niu nodded slightly in agreement, and the topic changed: "Isn't your kid seven or seven in his twenties this year, and you still go to Chunfenglou to hang out every day? My eldest brother has a niece who is born dignified..."

"Uncle Niu, I have an appointment with Miss Nongyu tonight to talk about the Dao, let's go first!"

Zhou Yi waved his hands again and again, and even though he passed through, he couldn't escape the marriage and blind date.

It is acceptable to be just a jailer. In his later years, he had the pleasure of entertaining his grandson. However, the existence of the longevity fruit made it impossible for Zhou Yi to stay with anyone.

First of all, he was afraid of revealing secrets. The longevity fruit was the treasure that Zhou Yi relied on.

Neither disguise nor the technique of change is absolutely safe. If you stay with the person beside your bed for a long time, things may go wrong at any time.

The second is that the beauty is easy to grow old. After a few decades, the youth of the woman will no longer be the same. Zhou Yi does not know how to deal with it.

How wonderful are the young ladies of Chunfenglou, no matter how many years later, they are still young and beautiful, and they only talk about money, not relationships, and no worries!

Captain Niu glanced at Zhou Yi and waved his hands in disgust.

"Bum, my niece is gentle and virtuous, but I can't let you kill me!"

down the value.

Zhou Yi did not go to Chunfenglou, and during the national mourning period, all banquets and entertainment were prohibited.

Of course, this didn't affect the business of Chunfenglou. It opened a back door to welcome customers secretly, and the price went up instead.

Back to the house.

Zhou Yi read Spring and Autumn for a while, thinking about reviewing what he did today.

"Young Master Long's affairs are a bit frustrating, but with this breath, it's not a loss to feel good physically and mentally!"

Being cautious is not about being humiliated and useless. Besides, martial arts practice is also about the state of mind, especially the practice of inner qi. If you don’t have a good idea, you will be slow to enter the state, or even stagnant.

Throughout the ages, the real powerhouses rarely rely on talents and resources to pile up, and most of them have a strong state of mind!

Zhou Yi is naturally an exception. As long as he lives forever, the strong are just dead bones in the mound, the stories in the storybook, or the people in the world have forgotten their names.

"There's no harm in exposing your strength with Captain Niu."

Zhou Yi had long planned to show it, not to compete for power, but to be more comfortable in the prison.

In the system, if you have no desires, you will be rigid, and no one can cure you if you do not seek for progress.

As long as it doesn't affect anyone's interests, others are even more reluctant to provoke him for no reason. A capable and nimble food delivery jailer will take care of him more on weekdays.

Three thoughts on my body, good luck today!

"Tomorrow, I'll go to see Master Luo's relationship, and send it to the countryside to avoid the limelight. As for the money and prescriptions in the house, wait a year and a half before going back, then it will be safe!"

Zhou Yi was carrying the most precious treasure in the world, and everything else was nothing.

Now Shenjing is the most chaotic time. Outside the forbidden army, black riders, and Jinyiwei are searching and arresting people. What if they have found Master Luo's house?

Zhou Yi went in and threw himself into the net. Tomorrow, someone else would bring him food.

Even if there is no Jin Yiwei, there are still Master Luo's disciples or clansmen, there will be a fight at that time... This is all dangerous!

After a few years of waiting for everything, the most important thing Zhou Yi lacked was time.

After thinking about everything before and after, Zhou Yi got up and punched a few times, then went back to the house to meditate and practice the Returning Yuan Jue.

Guiyuan Jue is slow to enter the country, UU reading www.uukanshu. com has not even reached the third-rate masters. However, the method of inner qi cultivation has always been one of the later ones, and it is hard to get overwhelmed!

The moon is bright and the stars are sparse, and the night is quiet.

A thin shadow jumped over the wall and landed in the shadows, and the night clothes merged with the darkness.

The figure followed the base of the wall and sneaked into the house.


His feet were soft, and his body fell sharply.

Shadow reacted quickly, his inner qi was running on his legs, he stepped on his left foot and moved his right foot a few feet to avoid falling into the pothole.

"Grandma's, who digs traps in the yard?"

Through the moonlight, Shadow saw the thorns in the pit shone with cold light, and his heartbeat accelerated with fear. Walking lightly and silently, he quickly touched the edge of the window of the master bedroom, and opened the window paper to blow the incense.

Shadow waited for a while, and determined that the effect of the drug was on, opened the window and got in, and rolled down to reduce the sound of the landing.


There was a shrill scream, and the shadow was pierced with more than a dozen nails on the ground, with holes all over his body.

I don't know what medicine was applied to the nails, and the shadow only felt numb and numb, and couldn't raise any strength.

"The secret medicine of Jinyiwei is known to be in the hands of top masters, and it is also being slaughtered by others!"

Zhou Yi's voice sounded from the window, and he found out from the shadow entering the yard, and he never meditated in the master bedroom, and the bed was just a dummy.

"Master, spare your life..."

Shadow lay on the ground and begged. He was about to find a reason to soften his heart, but before he could say anything, he saw several crossbow arrows shot.

After half an hour.

Zhou Yi used a shovel to level the land and looked up at the jujube trees in the yard.

"The jujubes that will be made next year will definitely taste good. I will give them to my colleagues to eat!"

Read The Duke's Passion