MTL - I Am Immortal In The Cultivation World-Chapter 1 longevity fruit

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Soap towel.

Tibetan blue bunt.

Black trousers.

There is a big white circle on the chest with the word "prison" written on it.

Zhou Yi looked at this outfit, still unwilling to believe it, he woke up and became a jailer of Fengyang Guotian Prison.

Last night, I ate hot pot, hugged my sister, sang love songs, and suddenly passed through!

The dark and gloomy cell, the strong stench, and the shadow of the prisoner curled up behind the iron fence made a faint humming sound.

Everyone reminded Zhou Yi that this was not a dream.

"I haven't crossed the first nine or ninety-six, and it is still nine and ninety-six. This is not a white time!"

Zhou Yi rubbed his temples to relieve the severe pain caused by the memory shock, and already understood his origins in general.

He shared the same name and surname. His father was a jailer of the Heavenly Prison. He unfortunately contracted a cold and died last year. His mother died of depression within a few months.

The jailer's household registration has been passed down from generation to generation. According to the custom, Zhou Yi was recruited into the heaven prison. Because he was born weak and sick, and he had no martial arts cultivation, he could only be responsible for delivering meals to the prisoners.

Tian Prison is directly under the control of the anti-imperial court. It holds political prisoners and serious criminals. The overall number of prisoners is small, and the work is easy.

Zhou Yi stretched his muscles and bones, and just a few simple broadcast gymnastics movements caused a series of coughing sounds and severe pain and convulsions in his chest.

"Cough, cough! This body is too bad, no wonder it disappeared at a young age..."

Zhou Yi was suddenly frightened. He remembered that he was a premature baby and was naturally frail and sick. He had already used up all the money in his family.

As a result, no matter how many nourishing decoctions you drink, you still cannot cure congenital defects!

"This is the beginning of my death!"

Zhou Yi checked his memory carefully, his heart froze completely.

The jailer of Tianjing seems to be a low-ranking and low-ranking business. Because the prisoners in custody are extraordinary, it can be said that they are rich in oil and water.

Zhou's father served in prison for more than 20 years. Not only did he buy a house in Shenjing, but he also invited the imperial doctor in the palace to personally prescribe medicine for Zhou Yi's diagnosis and treatment, but the result was still empty.

Thinking of this, Zhou Yi had only the last resort, summoning up the courage to shout softly.


no response.



"System Dad?"

Zhou Yi called out a few times with kindness, but there was still no response or ding.


The golden light in Zhou Yi's mind shined brightly, manifesting a round golden elixir.

"What is this?"

Before he finished speaking, Zhou Yi's eyes appeared scene after scene, spectacular, gorgeous, terrifying, and terrifying!

The giant beast galloped wildly in the wilderness, spitting out flames all over the sky.

The Palace of White Bone was built on a high mountain of several thousand feet, and a figure resembling a ghost controlled the billowing cloud of demons.

The monster with the head of a wolf and the body of a snake calls the wind and the rain, and the alien with wings and wings rides the thunder.

Tian Qiong slowly opened his golden eyes, staring coldly and ruthlessly at the mortal world. Countless purple divine thunders fell, and ashes vanished in a radius of thousands of miles.

The immortal steered the flying sword and ripped open the void with one blow.

The devil's head sat cross-legged in the blood pool, and the skull and bones floated up and down.

The Giant God of Baizhang, the Nine Dragons Chariot, the White Tiger Roaring to the Sky, the Mysterious Tortoise Covering the Sea…

The vast fairy sound buzzed, and the hazy picture slowly receded.

at this time.

The golden core in his mind has already restrained the divine light, just like the golden beads seen in ordinary life, slowly floating and spinning in the spirit, and a ray of information was transmitted to the spirit of Zhou Yi.

The fruit of longevity!

"Dao Guo!"

"This is not the game I played in my previous life. I cultivated to the highest level and obtained the longevity fruit?"

Before Zhou Yi Traversal, he was addicted to a simulation game of immortality. After working hard day and night for half a year, he finally reached the full level. After passing the Nine Heavens Tribulation, he could choose Dao Fruit.

Since Zhou Yi was a leopard head with zero charge, in the end he had no choice but the only free longevity fruit.

[Dao Fruit: Longevity

Attributes: No growth after adulthood, endless life and immortality. 】

Free Dao Fruit, without any additional values ​​or attributes!

"So my cheat is the game! Load the game? Open the game? Game panel? Digyu Studio?"

Zhou Yi tried to call a few more times, making sure that he did not bring other game attributes, so he could only helplessly shrug.

"So, I'm going to live forever?"

"Unfortunately, immortality is not immortality, it just doesn't grow old, life is endless, you can still get injured, get sick, have various accidents, and be killed."

Zhou Yi moved his arms and legs and found that his weakness and pain had disappeared, his breathing was long and even, and his limbs were strong and strong.

"The congenital deficiency has disappeared, it should be affected by the longevity dao fruit."

"If I had known that I would travel through time, I should have filled ten 648s, and produced the best Dao Fruit talents! However, although other Dao Fruits have increased talents and attributes, they alone do not have immortality..."

Zhou Yi thought about it for a moment, and found that reality is different from the game, and the Longevity Fruit is the best choice.

Due to the limitation of life essence in reality, and possessing other advanced attributes and innate dao fruits, one still needs to continue to practice for immortality, and fighting is inevitable during this period.

The soldiers are fierce and dangerous, and they will die!

On the other hand, if you have the fruit of the longevity, you only need to be careful and avoid grudges, and practice steadily and steadily. After tens of thousands of years, you can become an immortal and an ancestor.

Zhou Yi recalled the terrifying scenes in the world of immortality, moving mountains and reclaiming seas was only common, and tearing apart the void was a breeze.

Even with the help of high-level Dao Fruit, I don't know how much life and death struggle I have to go through to cultivate to longevity.

Immortals, Buddhas, Gods and Demons are not good seniors. Once they discover that Zhou Yi's cultivation speed is extraordinary, or some people whose life essence is about to expire, they need Tianjiao Cauldron!

If you are not allowed to give up your skin, UU reading www.uukanshu. com search for souls and houses, steal the fruit of the Tao!

Dao fruit is the ultimate goal of cultivating immortals, and there is no corresponding way of protecting Dao, such as children holding gold in the busy market.

"How can I, Zhou Yi, be a brave and ruthless person?"

Zhou Yi made up his mind, quietly go to the world to be invincible, and then go to the outside world at ease.

Tianlao is really a good place. From a geographical point of view, it is located in Ningdefang, the capital, with the gate of the capital to the west, Dali Temple to the east, and only two markets away from the imperial palace.

Thousands of imperial troops are heavily guarded, and they can leave the city at any time to run away. It is simply the safest place in Fengyang.

Even in the event of a drastic change of dynasties, people attacked the imperial palace, and the emperor of the new dynasty would not release the felons to harm his own people.

Enjoy the emperor-level defense without being trapped in the palace.

"Perfect! Set a small goal first, and live him for hundreds of years in the prison!"

Zhou Yi carried the rice bucket and came to the door of each cell, scooping a spoonful of gruel that had been boiled for some unknown reason.

Hearing the sound, the prisoner got up from the straw mat, and with his dark hands he took out the thick porcelain bowl. There were only a few grains of brown rice and a few rotten vegetable leaves, and the bowl was overturned with a clatter.

"This official is the servant of the Ministry of Rites, how dare you let me eat such pig food?"

This is a newcomer, and he has not left the pride of his original identity!

The prisoner next to him is very sensible: "Little brother, take another spoonful, I can't eat enough!"

Based on the humanitarian principle, Zhou Yi looked at the cell number plate, took a spoon of thick porridge from the bottom of the bucket and gave it to the prisoner, and reminded him.

"It's almost the end of the month, remember to ask your family to send money for meals."

"It's been another month!"

The prisoner sighed, picked up his rice bowl and ate a clean meal, burped, and went back to the straw mat to meditate.

Read The Duke's Passion