MTL - I am a Good Man-Chapter 594 The repentant cold and violent man in marriage (7�P�

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Malicious, but just like her. Now I have deleted the phone number from Dai's mobile phone. If she is free, she can come to see her in the future. If she is not free, she will be fine. The children will lose their enthusiasm after this period of time.

This makes her feel embarrassed.

Thinking back about something, Ji Yang has already seen the remarks and sneered, "Do you really think that a man will have a relationship with a woman for no reason?"

Yu Lu twisted her eyebrows, "What do you mean?"

"If he doesn't tell the phone number, the kid will know? After calling so many times, why didn't he delete it?" The words are correct, but the tone is too yin and yang, and she is not too happy, "So, what do you mean?"

"His purpose is not pure." He turned his head to look at her, angrily, "He is lying to you, do you understand?"

"This is my business, I will deal with it." Yu Lu was very upset with the tone of his words.

She has not been deceived, and is also dealing with this matter. She is not stupid, she will draw a line, and he doesn't need to make a face all the time.

"It's not your business alone!" He tightened his lips and his chest rose and fell slightly.

"So? I don't need you to fight to teach me how to deal with it, and I don't need you to point fingers." She was also very angry, "If you don't want to, you won't use it, I can go back alone."

Ji Yang sneered, "Did I send you something wrong?"

"It's your own business whether to send it or not. You don't need to think that you have given me or helped me, and you feel that you can get in with me." She was also rude.

"I didn't intervene with you, but I did not do this for you? You said you don't want to have a baby, okay, no, I will listen to you, I think you are too busy, I can help you, or hire someone , I’ll bring you food and pick you up. There is no credit, is there hard work?” Ji Yang looked at her and asked.

"Yes, that is a gift. You give a gift. I never said that I don't thank you. I am very grateful, but this is not a bargaining chip for you to point fingers and face." Yu Lu said, looking at him, her eyes a little red. He said every word, "This is my own business. It used to be and it is now."

Hearing that, Ji Yang was furious, "We haven't divorced yet!"

"Is there a difference? Do you think that you have treated me a little bit better? If I am not grateful for Dade, I will be blind to you? You must dispel the idea of ​​divorce, and whether you have children or not will be good to me. ."

After she finished speaking, she laughed sarcastically, "Yes, I am greedy for your kindness, so if you don't mention divorce, I will temporarily let it go. You think it has never happened before, and I think it has never happened. It can be communicated, it can be communicated, it can be saved, but Ji Yang, why do you release a little bit of goodness, and I should feel extremely lucky?"

"What about me? Do you remember how you treated me before? Am I not communicating? Am I not communicating? Did you care about me when I spoke?"

"You didn't pay attention to me at all." When she said that, tears kept falling, and she nodded indiscriminately, "Yes, I liked you first, so I can bear it. Others say it's hard work, but I'm bearing it. I think there is a price, if you get a divorce, you will be better, if I don’t follow you, I’m blind right?"

Her cries reverberated in the carriage, and she asked incoherently, "You won't care about my life or death, and you won't look at me too much. Why should I be grateful?"

"Others say you are good and everything is good, but I think you are not good at all. It was not good before, and it is not good now."