MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 66 Fruit wood roast duck

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The next day, the whole family went into battle. After the meal, they decided to accompany them both to the press conference.

The original plan was that Shen Dao Shen Ma Shen Yan did not need to go, because this kind of thing only needs the parties to explain, and then Shen Laozi came forward to admit it, but since Lin Biao’s intention, Shen’s family felt Lin I am so stupid, if I don't care, I will be bullied by others, so I decided to go. Lin Yiyi is already destined to be a Shen family, how can I be bullied by outsiders!

Shen Fu, who was ignored by the whole family, said that although you hurt my wife, I am still very good.

Lin Yiyi, it was not nervous, until I knew they were going... I was nervous.

Shen Ma is still "settled" on the side: "Don't be nervous, we will give you backing, come on... Hey, my husband, you lightly, licking my hair."

Shen Dad looked at the black line and wore a necklace and kept turning around to Lin Yiyi. Can you not lick your hair?

He is very satisfied with this daughter-in-law, but he is still very satisfied because his wife is very satisfied with him.

The two groups of the heart and the father and son were ignored by everyone and ignored. When they left, they were crowded behind.

Shen Fu: ...

Shen Dad: ...

Looking at Lin Yi, who was surrounded by the crowd, Shen Fu and Shen Da felt that the whole life began to darken.

Then when the two people walked outside, it was obvious that the distribution of the car had already been said, and the old man went straight to the co-pilot of the second car, and then Shen Ma took Lin Yiyi to sit behind.

Shen Fu looked at the face of Shen Yan’s unscrupulously, and then dragged his collar and undoubtedly threw it into the first car.

Shen dad looked at the face of the unlucky son, smiled proudly, and then strode to the second to open the door.

When I first opened it, I was pushed out by Shenan. "You go to the front of the car. We have something to say to Xiaoyi."

Then the door was closed.

Shen Da’s face is incompetent.

Can only open the door of the first car.

The unlucky father and son duo sat together again.

Shen Yan sat in the position of the co-pilot and looked back. The two men all said "I want to sit with my wife." Shen brother turned his eyes gracefully, can you make a little bit of a break..... .

The first car started slowly.

The second one was lasting and there was no movement.

In fact, the arrangement of Shen Laozi is not for no reason.

This matter is naturally to be explained first. Lin Yiyi’s going with him is good, but going together will obviously let the reporters’ gunfire concentrate on two people. Those reporters are all trained and ask questions one by one. Drilling, one is harder to answer, although the press conference reporters are very strict, it is difficult to ensure that there will be no unscrupulous people to mix in, if it is those entertainments based on gossip, the question is not just It’s hard to answer, and maybe it’s embarrassing.

Therefore, Shen’s father advocated letting Shen Dang Shen Yan accompany him. Shen Fu went first. Shen Fu has not yet entered the high level of Shen’s. In the eyes of these reporters, there may be no prestige in talking, but if Shen’s chairman and general manager sit together There, if you want to come to them, even if you want to ask any questions, you will ask for the future of your own studio.

And he and Shen Ma went with Lin Yiyi.

This is enough to show Shen's attitude towards this matter. Although he has been withdrawing from Shen's for a long time, he is still more prestigious than other fathers in other things. His appearance is enough for these people to understand.

Although Shen’s father was not optimistic about them before, but now he feels that Lin Yiyi can’t give him a grandson, but he’s not worthy of his grandson. It’s his grandson, I don’t know if he has the talent. Can make people always like him.

And after retreating 10,000 steps, even if Shen’s father can’t accept Lin’s intentions until now, those words can only be said that when Shen’s people turn to an outsider’s finger.

When Shen Fu went to the scene of the press conference, the scene was all ready, and the reporters had already been waiting for it, waiting for the protagonist to appear.

Shen Fu did not have any good market, but he still left a dim sum to ask the organizer of this press conference, Shen Yan, "Hey, is there really no such thing as a tabloid reporter?"

In order to publish a magazine, tabloid reporters usually report some of the most powerful gossips, and these gossips are mostly negative scandals, and some even do not hesitate to fabricate facts.

Shen Yan will wait for the questions he will be asked about, and the correct answers to these questions have been printed on a few sheets of paper. They are looking through the examinations. He listens to Shen Fu’s question and slaps the paper in the face. On, "Good back, don't give me shame, other things don't have to worry about you."

Shen Fu has a charming face. "Brother, you are the best. Please eat fruit-roast duck at night."

Shen Yan was screamed and used his eyes to signal him, hurry to see!

Then things will start smoothly.

Accompanied by Shen Da and Shen Yan, Shen Fu entered the game.

Sure enough, as soon as he entered the scene, he attracted everyone's attention. All the reporters began to greet the accompanying photographers, and locked the camera to the handsome and alienated handsome man in the middle of the smile. He is the purpose of everyone today, Shen Jiaer Less and less.

It is said that Shen’s family is also a household name in the city of H. The Shen’s group they founded, the real estate company, is now one of the top-selling snake companies in the city. Although Shen’s current powers seem to be mild, they actually It is a resolute and discerning eye, and it will be the wind and water that Shen’s management will be. Whether it is a long-established enterprise that is longer than him, or a rising star who is eager to make a fortune, it can only hope that it will not shake the position of Shen.

The Shen family under such conditions is nothing more than the object of everyone climbing the knot.

In particular, Shen Jia, two brothers who have not yet been married, and who are known as golden singles in the circle, Shen Yan and Shen Fu, have become the dream lovers of all unmarried girls in the city of H.

However, it is a pity that Shen Jia Er has not been chased by anyone, and he is rumored to be a homosexual.

The news is simply the heart of the girl who has been hurt, but it is still sad, and it is still not long before he is rumored that he is a homosexual. He personally held a press conference and prepared to clarify his sexual orientation. He is indeed a no-fold. Not deducting homosexuality.

How can such important news not be published?

After a brief introduction to myself, the question time is up.

The microphones really came together, and the reporters started asking questions one after another in an orderly manner.

All the questions that his brother gave him on the list, even if they don't need to think, just follow the answer written on the list. This is the most official answer without loopholes. He doesn't need to explain more.

Although they all want to dig deeper internal news, it is obvious that this young master will not say anything more, then the rest can only wait for another protagonist to come back.

Yes, this press conference is not only to explain the sexual orientation of Shen Ershao, but the most important thing is to announce the person who likes to sink. I am the focus of everyone’s gossip. I don’t know the gossip on the previous gossip. People are not the same one.

Then Lin Yiyi was late.

Father Shen, holding a cane, walked aggressively next to Lin Yiyi, and this is a person from my family. You can be careful.

Lin Yiyi was a bit nervous. Seeing Shen’s father is such a laugh, and then he is not nervous.

It’s a mother, she rarely appeared in the media news. So even though I’m here with Lin Yi, I’m not planning to enter the market. I’m just outside, I’m nervous, “Don’t be nervous, everything has them. No matter what other people ask, just let the smile pretend not to hear it, and the rest of the others will help you solve it."

Lin Biao, who was comforted by the warm-hearted Shen Ma, comforted her and hugged her. "Auntie, don't worry, it's okay."

Sinking aunt, then smiled. "I don't worry, you can go in."

When Lin Yiyi left, Shen Han smiled. She could still see that she was worried, and her heart was very thin. Isn’t it that the wife’s mother-in-law is more and more happy? How does she look at her daughter-in-law is also more and more happy.

Lin Yiyi appeared on the scene. The reaction of everyone below was much more exciting than seeing Shen Fu, because anyone can see it. This is another person in the photo. It is really a **** man.

The person who asked the question is also a good question, and immediately more.

"When did the two people know each other?"

“Is both parents already aware of it?”

“Shen’s father’s opinion on this?”

"Does the two have the idea of ​​raising and raising children in the future?"


Problems such as this are endless.

Lin Yiyi did not speak, just sitting between Shen Yan and Shen Fu, and pinching Shen Fu’s hand on the table.

Shen Fuxin’s music is open, and the face is still the official smile. Then he answers the question word by word. It’s not bad. In fact, he gently scratches Lin Biao’s palm in the private, scratching Lin Biao’s face. They are all stiff, and in the face of everyone, they are too embarrassed to move their hands too far.

Shen Yan, who was so close that he could see everything, said that he was caught off guard and was so unhappy.

Things are exceptionally smooth.

Until the corner came a voice of a strange man who had never heard of it. It was a bit sharp and ridiculed. "Do you think that the two don't feel **** and disgusting?"

"Isn't the two big men together afraid of AIDS?"

“Is it publicly announced that the policy of provoking the same **** in the country is not allowed together?”


Everyone was a little bit stunned, and Shen Fu squinted his eyes and stopped the small movements of the two private men, looking in the direction of the man.

Everyone has unanimously removed the body. The thin man standing at the end of the camera alone showed up and saw everyone looking at him. He looked up and smiled and was a bit smug. "I am just Ask everyone who wants to ask, see what I do, don't thank me."

Shen Yan stood up first, and Jun’s face was covered with a layer of frost, and the tone was low and scary. “Which entertainment are you?”

The man does not look at Shen Yan, and continues to look at the cold venomous snakes like Shen Fu and Lin Yi. "Why don't you dare answer me? Since I dare to publicize me on the street, I am still doing a show. Pretending to be a pure look, people here don’t know what the **** is going on?” said the man laughing badly.

Looking at this way, it is not like asking questions, but it is like deliberately creating a messy topic, because there are already tabloid reporters pointing the camera at the man, constantly changing between the man and Shen Fu.

When Shen’s father and Shen Da’s mother came in, they saw Shen Yan raise the pager in his hand. “Security, throw this fake journalist without permission!”

The few brothers of Shen’s family showed such a bad mood in public. The security guards at the door of the door did not dare to open the door in a vague way. As a result, Lin Yiyi stood up, "...and so on. ”

Shen brother:...

The security guard just broke into the door and put the man up and heard it.

Shen Fu has not spoken. He does not want to lose the face of Shen in front of everyone. But this man, he has already thought about how he "dead" in other places, so Shen Yan said when he threw him out, Shen There was no objection to the resumption, but neither of the brothers thought that Lin Yiyi actually stood up and opposed it.

Shen Fu looked at Lin Yiyi, and some did not quite understand what he wanted to do.

Lin Biao smiled slightly, and in fact the anger in his heart was about to overturn the roof.

He walked over to the man, and he was a little taller than the man, and he lowered his head and looked down at the man. "Is homosexual disgusting? I don't think, I think that you who are so swearing and deliberately hurt people are obviously more disgusting. I thought that a person born in this world, the first thing is to learn how to behave, obviously you have not learned."

The man was seen by Lin Yiyi as a swearing man. Actually, a dirty word is not robbed of white teeth. "You are not a rabbit who is sleeping? What is it! What is it! The rabbit who is sleeping? The dead duck that sells **** !"

This time, the next step was to stand up, and the look of the face was chilly, so that the man unconsciously shrank his neck.

"What are you talking about? Do you say it again?!"

The man shrank his neck and wanted to say it again. He was shocked by Lin Biao’s eyes and smiled. What did this person laugh at? Is it not crazy?

Lin Yiyi squinted his eyes and reached out in front of the man. The man suddenly narrowed his neck and thought that Lin wanted to beat him, and then found out that Lin Yiyi did not seem to have that mind.

Lin Biao raised his hand, and between the **** was a thin press card. It looked very inferior. At first glance, it was forged. Lin Yiyi bent his mouth and smiled. "Everything you said. In a word, I believe that all the cameras here are remembered. As evidence of the crime of insulting sin, contact the lawyer now. As for the fake journalist card, it is fraud. I believe that no matter who instructs you, you will soon be willing to tell us. It is."

Onlookers are all dumbfounded.

If you care about the chaos, you just want to give your wife a thumbs up. The brain can turn really fast. When do you see the fake reporter card?

Shen Yanmu looked at Lin Yiyi and looked at his younger brother.

Shen Dao Shen Mama Shen Laozi face each other, who said that this daughter-in-law (Sun Hao women) is bullied? Who said that? ! The whole big tail wolf with sheepskin!

Lin Yiyi said that the security guard finally came back to take people away. The reporters have come back from the stupid state and announced the end of the interview. They are so personally like, they can't play, they first leave. .....

When the people were gone, Lin Biao’s face was calm and he went to Shen Fu and asked for praise.

None of the dumbfounded people knows that these lines are nothing more than Lin Yiyi’s follow-up of the legal system of TV drama in the evening, and he’s so good at learning. He is awesome.

In fact, Lin Yiyi did not understand the meaning of the few sins he said. Natural black high IQ can not afford to hurt.

The tears of everyone who knew the truth finally fell.

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