MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 61 Noodle soup

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The two people who were going to see the parents just turned around and found that they had forgotten one thing.

Today is November 10, only ten days before the opening of the Xiqin restaurant.

That is to say, they only have ten days to bring back.


Lin Biao's face is expressionless, how can I get the parents within ten days? Urgent online.

As a result, I didn’t wait for two people to get the old man, and the old man took the slap in the face to fix them.

In the middle of the night, Lin Yi’s door knocked loudly.

The next day, the neighbors thought they were forced to be demolished here.

Shen Fu still slept on the sofa outside, although he was very eager to sleep in the bed of Lin Yiyi, but I also know, don't say no, no windows at all, Lin Yiyi did not show a love. People should be reluctant to reluctantly, but resolutely shut Shen Fu outside the door.

Shen Fu: ...

Although he is not prepared to do anything at this time, but is locked out of the door or something, think about it or not.

Lin Yiyi is not trying to refuse to welcome, but... he needs to study it carefully. What should be done about this kind of thing?

As a result, both of them fell asleep in the toss and turned, and then they were awakened by the "forced demolition" sound.

Shen Fu first reacted and then changed his face.

Then Lin Yiyi also walked out of the room with a sleepy eye. "Why don't you open the door? Who is here?"

Shen Fu said, "My grandfather."

Except for him, no one will knock on the door in the middle of the night. What's more, this forced demolition knocking method is simply the patent of Shen Laozi.

Lin Yiyi's sleepiness also disappeared.

They haven't figured out the way, and the result is that people have come to the door and how to get it.

Shen Fu got up from the sofa and took Lin’s hand.

"Don't worry, I will solve it."

Lin Yiyi is actually not worried that Shen’s father will be embarrassing him, because if he wants to be embarrassed, when he first sees it, he will not say that, but now the situation is forced, and Shen’s father will surely let Shen Fu bow. Can be a heavy temper, Lin Yiyi can be understood, if it will bow, it will not be like the father.

What's more, he didn't want to sink into his head at all. Until the face of such problems, Lin Yiyi discovered that he had long been used to Shen Fu by his side, getting used to Shen Fu and his gag, no face, no skin, about him. I have long felt good about Shen Fu but I don’t know it. This can explain why he thought that he had to go away long ago and he was uncomfortable.

Lin Yiyi has never known what he likes, but if he can't do without Shen Fu, I hope Shen Fu has been with him like this, which is probably like it.

Therefore, he did not want to sink into his head at all. He was also very happy. Shen Fu liked him and did not leave him when he already liked him but did not know.

Then, facing Shen Laozi is not a matter of sinking alone.

Lin Yiyi held back Shen Fu’s hand and turned his eyes to the door that was still ringing.

"go together."

If Shen’s father knows that two people are enemies in it, it’s hard to divide them. It’s estimated that they will slam the door down.

Shen Fu thought a lot, all kinds of convincing Shen Laozi's words, there is only one central idea, he will not leave Lin Yiyi, regardless of Shen's father disagree, he will not, only this, he will never compromise.

If you think about your stomach, you can't say it after you open the door.

Because Shen’s father came up and chased Shen Fu, he raised his cane and started to fight.

Lin Yi was shocked and quickly went up to block. As a result, Shen’s father stopped when he saw him, and he played Shen Fu as if he was doing it. He didn’t even touch him at all.

Father Shen is a grievance and nowhere to vent. As a result, people are mistaken to think that they have to work with Shen Fu. The chest of the gas is ups and downs faster.

"You are a little rabbit, I am not mad at me, I am not willing!!"

Pointing to Shen Fu, blushing neck thick.

Shen Fu did not hide at all, although he did not know why Grandpa’s cane did not fall on him, but even if Shen’s father was really angry to beat him, he would not hide. He had made him angry, if He didn't care if he beat him to let him dissipate. He didn't hate his grandfather. He knew he was good for him.

Shen Fu looked at Lin Yiyi's eyes and straightened down.

Men have gold under their knees, but there are some things that are more precious than gold.

Lin Yiyi knew what he wanted to say, so he followed him down and then held the hand tightly in front of Shen’s father.

Shen’s father opened his mouth and wanted to speak. He was interrupted by Shen Fu.

He looked up, his eyes were very firm, and his anger was gone.

"Grandpa, you hurt me the most from childhood, I know."

Shen Laozi’s mouth is pumping. This is playing a love card. Although I know it, I can still feel the trepidation of Shen Fu. I know that I always make me angry! The old man originally wanted to make it clear, but he didn't say it now. He still listened to what he said. He also wanted to know how deep he liked the boy next to him.

Shen Fu lowered his head and looked at the hands of the two men. Everything Shen’s father did was good for him. He also knew that he would face more criticisms and rumors in the future. I hope that he will be hurt, and he does not want him to be old and even have no children or grandchildren. Shen Fuchang is so big. He has done more headaches for Shen’s father. Shen’s father has never beaten him. This time, Shen Fu I know that he is really angry, and that he is not in compliance with the rules, and that he is embarking on this extraordinarily difficult road, and he will not return.

"You can say something yourself. If there is something that is impossible, don't hesitate, regret will be a hundred times more difficult than choosing."

"Grandpa, I have nothing to do, but I have a person who is not loved."

"Grandpa, sorry."

Shen Laozi, who has been fighting for a lifetime in the mall, said that his mother’s love words, he is about to be touched!

But does he look like a good guy? Although I beat him once in the last time, I didn’t regret that my intestines were green! !

Also, if you squat down, why should you pull someone down to kneel down, even if you make a mistake, he is doing it wrong! ! It hurts a little boy, and the face is called to be with him! !

Shen’s father’s heart has been soft and messy, and his face is still not loose.

"Get up, go out first."

It’s a good idea to have such a big oolong. If you let Lin know it, don’t think that their family is stupid.

The two people who looked at each other looked up at him and found out that he was talking about Lin Yiyi.

Lin Biao was a bit stunned. Although he thought that Shen’s father would not be embarrassed, he did not expect that Shen’s father would not even want to talk to him, so he shook his head. “Shen Grandpa, I don’t go, I know you are angry, can sink. It doesn't matter if he likes me, I don't like him."

Father Shen wants to raise his hand and face. He really doesn't mean to be a good fight. He is a young man, and he has to be looked at by his grandson. Can you still be good, tangled? Love can't wait for him to go and say it? Do you want him to say that he and Shen Fuji and the ducks in the face of everyone will be so embarrassed to say something?

Looking at the death of two people's faces, Shen Shengzi finally sighed, it seems that the short is necessary, otherwise everyone will think that he is an unreasonable old-fashioned parent, or a good fight.

"Shen Fu, no matter what you say, this marriage is not a knot."

Shen Fu suddenly looked up, his eyes were disappointed and heartbroken, and Lin Yiyi also widened his eyes, his face was unbelievable.

Shen’s father suddenly felt that it was not bad to sink and sink, and there was an illusion of finding the way back.


Shen Fu blushes, he knows that this thing will not be so easy, but Shen’s father said so arbitrarily, is it necessary for him to choose one among the two? He obviously does not want to choose at all.

Looking at his grandson and eating his cockroaches, Shen’s father, who has been eating for half a lifetime, finally raised his eyebrows and suppressed the impulse to burst into laughter. He continued, “But I thought about it and thought it was a bit too hasty, or give you some time to prepare. Ok."

Shen Fu clenched Lin Yiyi’s hand and would not have any preparations. Apart from Lin Yiyi, he would not marry anyone.

"But before that, a press conference was held, lest they report."

The faces of both of them are exceptionally ugly, but Shen’s father and son are dancing.

"I count, there are still ten days, and the press conference will be chosen in the day after tomorrow."

Shen’s father said to himself, no one wants to talk, no, no thought.

Father Shen said for a long time, no one cares about him. He turned and saw Lin Biao's intention to bite his lip. He didn't say a word. He felt that he was a little bit off, and he had to put the grandmother and daughter into it.

I didn’t want to play the rest of my mind any more. Finally, I said, “Remember, big day! Bring him together.”

Two people still don't talk.

Father Shen is strange, how can I react at all? This is not right, right?

In fact, Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi thought that Shen’s father said that Lin Yiyi was brought together to clarify that Shen Fu is a homosexual. Is it not the most persuasive to bring the party together?

Neither of them gave up, but they still felt ashamed.

Lin Biao is thinking, even if Shen Fu does not give up, can not get the blessing of his family, they are together, the rest of Shen Fu will not be happy.

Father Shen did not know that the thoughts of the two people had already lost a hundred thousand miles.

The doubtful turn turned and said, "Shen Fu, did you hear it?!!"

Shen Fu blinked his eyes and bit his teeth. He knew that Shen’s father was good for him, but he was very uncomfortable now. He didn’t want to talk back to Shen’s father, but he couldn’t help but refute. “What will he do with him? Let him When is a laughing stock being laughed at by others?"

Shen Jiajia has a big career. Everyone naturally dare not say anything. But Lin Yiyi is not the same. Even if everyone thinks that Shen Fu is a homosexual, it will not be said because Shen Jia will not say it. It will only say that Lin Yi is perverted and intends to hook up. Shen Jia, the result was kicked off by Shen Jia, perhaps even more difficult to hear, how Shen Fu would allow Lin Biao to suffer this kind of sin.

When Shen’s father heard it, he knew that he had been misinterpreted. He only wanted to knock the head of Shen Fu with his cane.

Shouted, "I said you want to marry someone else!! Which ear you heard me say!! Let you marry him, you are not willing!! What do you say at the press conference!! Say that this little rabbit is a gay!! You are happy with a little bitch!!"

It took a long time for Shen to react, and then stayed alone.

Lin Yiyi’s brain was slightly slower than half a beat. After the reaction, he whispered to Shen Fu. “What does Grandpa say and you don’t seem to mean?”

Shen Fu certainly knows! ! So for the first time in history, I feel that my mother is a fool! !

Shen Fuzhen suddenly stood up, hugged his grandfather, and then trembled in the ear of the old man, "Grandpa, I love you."

The grandfather who had never been so numb by his grandson has pushed his grandson to the side, but his heart is very useful. He knocks his head with his cane and keeps counting. "I said your brain, I usually look smart." It doesn't matter when it's critical!! Since I promised you all together last time, I won't regret it. I am such a person who is so good! Ah?!"

Shen Fu, who has been stunned by joy, has endured the slap of the old man, and kept saying, "No, no, Grandpa has the most words and trust."

Father Shen snorted and looked at Lin Yiyi, then shouted, "Don't pull him up, what's wrong!!"

Lin Yiyi has been dizzy by this **** turning.

He was pulled up by the sinking, and some could not believe it.

The driver waiting outside was in charge, and everyone was finally invited to come in and drink tea.

Seeing the old man's eyebrows open his eyes, the management whispered in Shen Fu's ear. "Young master, after the old man called you in the morning, he didn't eat much in one day. When he heard your address, he was in a hurry. What's in the kitchen? Let the old man rush to eat a little, be careful of low blood sugar."

Lin Yiyi heard and turned around. "I am going to cook my grandfather."

I heard that the old man who had eaten his ears and turned his head turned his head. "You will cook for a small idea?"

Shen Fu, who has been called the little rabbit scorpion, said that it is really kind and small, but Lin Biao, who will cook, must be especially fond of his grandfather.

Sure enough, after Lin Yiyi nodded, the old man smiled with satisfaction.

"It will be good to cook, great!"

So after eating a bowl of noodle soup, Shen Laozi was completely bought by Lin Biao.

"What's added to the soup? Soup is delicious!"

He is not rare, but he has not eaten such a delicious noodle soup for many years. This grandmother and grandson, he gives full marks!

Read The Duke's Passion