MTL - I am a Chef in the Modern Era-Chapter 46 Heart fried omelette

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"Do you have something to say? Let's talk."

Chen Fang listened to Shen Fu and said that he laughed. "How do you feel like you are not worried at all?"

Shen Fu looked up and looked upstairs. Lin Yiyi had already walked through the stairs into the room and said, "What are you worried about?"

Chen Fang said "啧啧" and said, "I am secretive here, but I can only live for two or three days. After two or three days, Shen’s father is estimated to come to the door. What are you going to do?"

Shen Fu squinted his eyes. "I was going to take him back. Why are you afraid that the father will come to the door?"

Chen Fang was stunned by Shen Fu’s words. "Don’t you even catch up with people?"

Shen Fu straightened up. "What about that? Don't let him know if he can't do it. People can chase it slowly. If you have an attitude, you must let the father know first."

Chen Fang thinks that he can't understand Shen Fu's brain circuit.

If it is not because he likes men, he will not be fattened by Shen’s father. Now he does not avoid his edge and wants to meet up? The brain is stupid by Shen’s father?

"I know your attitude and know that you are serious, but the man who is the father, you are not afraid of you to stimulate him, he will give you a slap in the face of Lin Biao?"

Shen Fu narrowed his eyes. "The old man is not such a person. If I say that I like you, he may slap you a meal. If it is Lin Yiyi... my father can be less violent."

Just like the people who were thrown out a few months ago, Chen Fang turned his eyes and looked at the sky.

Shen Fu suddenly smirked and bent his mouth. He stood up and wanted to put Chen’s shoulder. “You said that I would like to tell the old man that I like you. Anyway, we are very happy, you can’t be beaten by the old man. He won't really take you like that. You will be tempted by me again. Can I take him back with a bright and straighteous look? When the old man didn't even dare to say it..."

Chen Fang only listened to Shen Fu and said that the goose bumps are full of body, one will be lifted, and the disgusting straight hand, "roll, I will take care of your affairs is a panic." Tell him seriously It’s time to take it yourself.

When he turned and went upstairs, Shen Fu laughed behind him. "Don't go, I think this idea is very good."

Chen Fang has gone without a shadow.

Shen Fu stopped the laughter and said, "You want me to be reluctant." He is driving the horsepower to chase the forest. The obstacles at home are nothing to hinder him. He I don't want to be so bad because of such a good solution. He said that it was just a funny play, and they didn't take it seriously.

Drinking too much sweet juice, Lin Yiyi now starts to have some pantothenic acid in his mouth. He originally wanted to go out to drink saliva. As a result, he went to see Shen Fu’s shoulder with Chen Fang. Two people said that they did not know how to laugh. What to say, the posture is not good, but Chen Fang did not hide at all.

Lin Yiyi sneaked in his mind and thought he understood a big secret of Shen Fu.

It turns out that Shen Fu likes it... It turns out to be his own friend!

No wonder he was beaten by his grandfather. The rabbit didn't eat the grass in the nest. Lin Yiyi looked down again and saw Chen Fang's hand on the Shen Fu. He frowned and said something, Shen Fu still smiled. Lin The arrogant but white is his sad, it seems that it is unrequited love, hey, really pitiful.

Then Chen Fang turned and prepared to go upstairs, although it was unintentional to peek, but after all, it is innocent to listen to indecent assault, he still avoids suspicion, after all, he just knows such a big secret.

Lin Biao was thinking about returning to the room.

Chen let go for a while, Shen Fu also went upstairs, but he did not hurry to sleep, but knocked Lin Yiyi's bedroom door.

"I won't sleep immediately?"

Lin Yiyi promised to say that he didn't sleep, and then thought about whether Shen Fu was stimulated by Chen Fang. Now he is asking for comfort, so he can't sleep anymore. He is sleepy and sits up. .

"Come in, don't sleep."

Shen Fu opened the door and went in.

Lin Yiyi looked at Shen Fu’s expression and felt that it didn’t seem to be asking for comfort.

"You... don't feel bad."

Shen Fu’s eyes are wide and unknown.

Lin Biao thought about it and thought that he should tell Shen Fu what he saw. After all, he had already read it. It seems a little difficult to pretend that he didn’t see it at all.

"That... I remember what I said before, come on."

Shen Fu feels that he seems to have missed what the plot has not seen. How can two people not be in the same space at all?

"what did you say?"

Lin Yiyi sat on the bed and saw Shen Fu walk into the point and patted his shoulder. "I have seen it, you still match him very much..." Lin Yiyi did not like anyone, I don't know what to say in this regard, but Shen Fu is also his only friend here. He doesn't care if he likes men, so it is just right to comfort him.

Shen Fu’s eyes narrowed and seemed to smell the essence of this sentence.

Then Lin Yiyi said, "Although he is your friend, your grandfather does not agree, but I can't force it to change because I like this kind of thing, so you cheer."

Shen Fu slowly reacted, and then his eyes widened, and finally burst into laughter.

" mean I like Chen Fang..."

Lin Yiyi feels that Shen Fu loves and must not be enchanted.

Shen Fu laughed for a long time before he stopped. He wanted to explain to Lin Yiyi that it was not what he thought. However, the eyeball turned and thought of another way to collect the smile on his face.

"How did you know?"

It’s as if he really likes Chen Fang.

Lin Biao’s opinion that he finally did not smile, said, “I just went out to see it. He doesn’t seem to know that you like him.”

Shen Fu took another step forward, sitting at the bedside of Lin Yiyi, completely put away the nervous smile, lowered his eyes, made a look of my confession unsuccessful, I was sad, said, "You said How can I let him know that I like him?"

Lin Yiyi was asked to fall down. Whether in this life or in his life, he didn’t know what kind of thing he liked, and how he could tell Shen Fu, but he felt that Shen Fu is probably the most need for comfort now. I thought about it for a moment.

"Actually let him know that you like him is not important, the important thing is that you should find a way to make him like you."

Lin Yiyi’s book was really pleased with Shen Fu, so he got closer and sighed softly on his cheek, tempting him to say, “How can I make him like me?”

This Lin Biao really didn't really know, so he didn't give Shen Fu an idea. Looking at Shen Fu's face, I don't know if I can't.

Shen Fu almost couldn't help but laugh out loud, his eyes were black and scary, and he finally stretched his face and said in Lin Biao's ear, "I know, thank you."

Lin Yiyi felt that he didn't help anything at all. Thanks to some people who couldn't afford it, they waved their hands. "Nothing, you still have to cheer for yourself."

Shen Fu smiled, "I will cheer." Then touched the head of Lin Yiyi.

Going out.

Lin Biao thought about it before going to sleep. It seems that it is not too bad to be liked by Shen Fu.

And when Shen came out of the door, he could no longer control his own mouth. He said that you should not be too cute when you refuel yourself. Of course, he will cheer up.

Shen Fu had a good night, and the next day he got up very early. He took a shower and went downstairs and saw Zhou Wei alone making breakfast.

"Shen Shen is so early? Why don't you sleep for a while."

"Sleep full." And still have a beautiful dream. "Is Chen Fang still not up?"

Zhou Hao shook his head. "The young master used to sleep late, and it was very late in the morning. It is estimated that there is still one hour."

Shen Fu nodded, looked around, and then asked, "Is Lin Yiyi? Didn't you get up?"

"Not getting up yet."

Shen Fu is strange now. It is reasonable to say that Lin Yiyi should be up earlier than him. Whenever Lin Bianyi will rise up behind him? It’s amazing today.

Shen Fu kicked his slippers and went upstairs.

Lin Yiyi’s door knocked for a while before someone responded. Sure enough, Lin Yiyi was still asleep, blindfolded, and when he saw that he was awake at once, his eyes looked around and he did not dare to look at Shen Fu.

"I didn't sleep well last night?"

Lin Yiyi continued to look around. "No, I slept very well."

Shen Fu looked at Lin Xiaoyi's slightly pale face, and it didn't seem to be what he said.

"Then you still have to sleep?"

Lin Yiyi shook his head. "Forget it, don't sleep, get up when you wash it."

"We have breakfast, go down and eat."

Lin Yi nodded and Shen Fu went out and closed the door.

In fact, he is so strange now because of a dream he made last night. He didn't know that it was because of what Shen Fu said to him last night.

He even dreamed of Shen Fu!

Still dreaming of Shen Fu holding flowers and telling him...

Sure enough, it’s a day to have a dream, can you dream of Shen Fu and Chen Fang being normal? Actually there are flowers, and it really looks like an eight-point file. Lin Biao’s faceless expression of self-spoken, full of thoughts... It’s a dog.

Therefore, Lin Yiyi did not dare to see Shen Fu’s face now, because even the secret in the dream was confessed to him. It is shameful that he still has not refused. Until now, he still clearly remembers the gentleness of Shen Fu’s face. The expression was so scared that I was suddenly awakened at the time, and then I couldn’t sleep without turning back and forth...

It seems that it is not easy to solve problems for others. In the future, it is better to try to reduce the amount of Shen Fu. Lin Yiyi secretly thought.

When he finished his slow washing, Chen Fang also got up.

With a messy head and a sleepy eye, I walked in front of Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi. After closing my eyes and touching a bottle of soda from the cupboard, I was a little awake. See Shen Fu and Lin Yiyi. Looking at him, wondering, "What's wrong?"

Down the line of sight of the two, I found that I was so sleepy that I didn’t even know that I was loose, and I showed a large white collarbone. Chen quickly reached out and tightened the clothes, and a string of nationals in her mouth.

Lin Yiyi didn’t have time to see what he was seeing, and he was blinded by Shen Fu’s eyes. Shen Fu’s teeth licked his teeth and let Chen Fang quickly roll to the room. When Chen Fang’s returning to the room, he let go of Lin’s eyes and found Lin. Looking at him arbitrarily, I don’t have to explain the expression I understand.

Shen Fu: ...

He said that he just didn't want Lin to see someone else's body believe in someone?

Zhou Hao finally made a good breakfast and took out three dishes of omelettes out of the kitchen, only to find that the people sitting outside looked different and were somewhat strange.

Zhou Wei:? ?

Shen Fu: ...

Chen Fang:? ?

Lin Yiyi:! !

Read The Duke's Passion