MTL - I Accidentally Picked Up the Villain By Mistake After Wearing the Book-Chapter 117

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Rong Xiao's blood dripped on the Buddha sandalwood beads and was swallowed in an instant.

Ning Yueyue saw the Buddha sandalwood beads stained with Rong Xiao's blood instantly radiant, jumping from her hands and flying into the air. On the other side of the sky, there seemed to be wisps of red light gathered together, like silk threads, condensing in front of them to form a circle-like circle of light.

You are with the woman you love."

But she couldn't bear to break up Lu Xueling and Wei Wuzhou.

I couldn't even control my heart and fell in love with Rong Xiao involuntarily.

Not only did he not protect him as the Demon Domain Elder said. Instead, he hurt himself many times, making the original plot a mess.

"Yueyue." Rong Xiao's voice was low and hoarse, but it was as clear and smooth as jade, and it was extremely pleasant to the ear. Tighten the flesh, blood dripping. He still reached out and held Ning Yueyue's hand regardless, and he whispered, "What are you talking about?"

Soon, he lifted Ning Yueyue's soft jaw slightly, forcing Ning Yueyue to look at him.

Rong Xiao looked seriously at Ning Yueyue's sparkling eyes, with obvious doubts in her eyes, "Isn't my beloved woman you?"

Ning Yueyue showed a far-fetched smile and couldn't help but look up at Rong Xiao's face.

She can see clearly.

Rong Xiao's black eyes were full of her face.


Ning Yueyue almost murmured, her nose was sour and she couldn't help but want to cry.

There was a hint of weeping in her voice, "You'll understand."

"You will hate me..." The last sentence sounded like a leisurely, desperate sigh.

Rong Xiao didn't know what Yueyue was talking about, but his mind was quick, and he guessed from Yueyue's worried and sad expression. Yueyue is afraid, afraid that she will hate her, afraid of losing him, and even afraid that the person he loves is not her.

Why is there such a fear?

Perhaps, from the beginning to the end, he did not give enough sense of security, and he did not do well enough.

It made Yueyue feel that he didn't love her enough, didn't cherish her enough.

Rong Xiao raised his eyes, looked at Ning Yueyue with burning eyes, and suddenly smiled: "Yueyue, I..."

But the words are not finished.

There was a loud bang, and the overhead was bright.

Within the sky, the dazzling rays of light gathered in colorful colors and then fell! Ning Yueyue recalled Tianming and stood in front of Rong Xiao. Before she could swing her sword, she saw Buddha Tanzhu prop up a red light from mid-air, firmly resisting Tianlei's attack.

Ning Yueyue's eyes flashed with surprise.

Looking at the Buddha sandalwood beads for a flash, then a vague voice sounded.

"Yue, Yue Shi!"

It is the elder of the Demon Domain!

"Who is attacking Yue Envoy?" It was estimated that the thunder was too powerful that day, and I could faintly hear the screams of a large demon that was knocked down over there, and the demon's body rolled to the ground.

Ning Yueyue had a smile on her lips, knowing that the Buddha Sandalwood Pearl had opened, and all the demons were gathered in front of the Buddha Sandalwood Pearl at this moment.

So she said, "You help me block the thunder!"

There was another scream, and Tianlei knocked down a large piece of demon again.

"Have you found... monarch, lord...?"

Ning Yueyue wanted to say that the monarch was right in front of her eyes, but for some reason, she held back her words, stretched out her hand to support Rong Xiao's body, and said, "Do you know how to solve the Tiansi Blade? "

After saying this, Ning Yueyue suddenly felt a pain in her chest, and she frowned.

I was speechless for a long time, and suddenly I heard Rong Xiao's low voice, "Yueyue, look. The flower of the devil is about to sweep the entire secret realm of the sky."

Ning Yueyue just now has been paying attention to Rong Xiao's Tiansi Blade and Tianlei Tribulation. At this moment, when Rong Xiao mentions it, she looks down and sees the Flower of the Demon God, which is still in full bloom not far away. , has spread far and far. At a glance, I saw almost all purple flower bones swaying in the cold wind, and the brilliance was flowing.

"The flower of the devil is a flower that is irrigated with devilish energy. When the devil flower blooms, the devilish energy is overflowing, and it will dry up the devilish energy for a long time! Who made the flower of the devil bloom?"

On the other side, they discussed: "What are you joking about? The Tencel Blade is an ancient fairy weapon. How can I wait for the demon clan to solve this?"


The Buddha sandalwood beads on the top of the head kept spinning, and Tianlei was really blocked above, unable to pour in at all.

Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue stood at the bottom, looking up at the ordinary string of Buddha sandalwood beads, flashing red light, from which came the voices of demons.

After a while, it finally returned to calm.

The elder of the demon domain was very helpless, "Yue envoy, your mission is to protect the monarch, don't worry about the rest, hurry up and run!"

Ning Yueyue snorted and wanted to say sorry, but she really couldn't run.

The Flower of the Demon God was ripened by me, and the Thousand Silk Blade is now on your monarch.

At this moment, Ning Yueyue heard the spirit in her arms calling her.

"Master, there is a monster that eats the flower of the devil. As long as it can be summoned, the flower of the devil will not be afraid even if it blooms in the world."

Ning Yueyue was a little surprised: "What kind of monster?"


Everyone knows that Qianqi is an ancient mythical beast.

However, few people know that Qianqi likes to eat all kinds of flowers, whether it is a fairy flower or a magic flower.

Rong Xiao also seemed to know that Ning Yueyue was communicating with Fu Ling.

He asked, "What did it say?"

Ning Yueyue said: "Tell the spirit that summoning Qianqi can devour the flower of the devil."

“How to call?”

"The Jade of All Souls."

There seemed to be a moment of silence in the air.

The Jade of Ten Thousand Spirits, the thing of Brahma, was taken out of Brahma by Jiuque back then…

Ning Yueyue was in a coma at that time and didn't know what happened.

But Rong Xiao knew that Fan Yin's obsession finally turned into a tear and fell into the spiritual aura on Ning Yueyue's forehead. So, if nothing else, the Jade of All Souls is now in Ning Yueyue's sea of ​​consciousness.

And just as Rong Xiao thought, Fu Ling told Ning Yueyue that the jade of all souls was in her sea of ​​consciousness.

Ning Yueyue looked shocked, closed her eyes and searched in the sea of ​​consciousness, she really saw the jade of all souls, lying quietly in her sea of ​​consciousness, her whole body was dim, she had already lost it Original brilliance.

"Yue Shi, did you hear us?"

"Leave the Thousand Silk Blade and the Flower of the Demon God alone, be careful!"

And here, tell Ning Yueyue.

"Although the **** of war Jiuque fell to the immortal body, but his mount Qianqi is still in the world, call it out, maybe it can know how to solve the thousand silk blade."

After all, it is an ancient monster, and it was a spirit beast of such a prominent person.

Summoning Qianqi out can solve the flower of the devil, and perhaps also the thousand silk blade.

Ning Yueyue naturally did not dare to delay, she closed her eyes and imagined the jade of all souls from the sea of ​​consciousness.

The piece of jade that was as clean as glass lay quietly in her palm, crystal clear and colorless. On the jade stone, her appearance can even be clearly reflected.

She asked: "How can I use the Jade of All Souls to summon Qianqi?"

The voice of the spirit is somewhat unusual, "With your blood, you can awaken the jade of all souls, and the jade of all souls can follow your mind and summon thousands of oddities."

It was exactly what she thought.

Ning Yueyue wanted to laugh, but she twitched the corners of her mouth, but found that she could not laugh.

"The price is that the jade of all souls will always be embedded in my heart."

Fu Ling seemed to have no idea that Ning Yueyue could guess, and was silent for a long time.


The Jade of Ten Thousand Spirits is a fairy weapon, and any ritual with blood is a contract.

Ning Yueyue thought that she could hear Jianxin before Fan Yin was because of the Jade of All Souls. At that time, the jade of all spirits replaced the heart and was embedded in the heart of Fanyin. Even Jiuque took a lot of effort to take out the Jade of Ten Thousand Spirits.

Now, with the strength of Ning Yueyue's cultivation today, she is the reincarnation of Fan Yin. If you drop blood on the Jade of All Souls, it can indeed awaken the Jade of All Souls. After all, she was the owner of the Jade of All Souls in her previous life. But if so, in disguise, he made a blood pact with the Jade of All Souls, allowing the Jade of All Souls to re-enter her body and occupy her beating heart.

Wandering around, it was fate.

"Yueyue, how is it?" Rong Xiao couldn't hear what Fu Lingtong said to Ning Yueyue, but just looked at Ning Yueyue with a worried look on his cold brows.

Ning Yueyue naturally couldn't tell Rong Xiao the truth.

She just opened a smile, showed a sweet smile, and said to Rong Xiao: "I found a way to unravel your Qiansi Blade."

The Jade of All Souls lay quietly in Ning Yueyue's palm.

Ning Yueyue bit her finger and was about to drip blood into the Jade of All Souls, when Rong Xiao grabbed her wrist tightly.

"Don't." Rong Xiao pursed his lips, his eyebrows were very deep.

He stared at Ning Yueyue closely, feeling that she was going to do something stupid, "You don't have to do anything for me."

Ning Yueyue was about to speak when she suddenly saw Rong Xiao's fingers move slightly, and a light talisman covered Ning Yueyue's body. It's a spell that binds people.

Rong Xiao stared at Ning Yueyue's eyes with pitch-black eyes, and said softly, "Flower of the Demon God, there are other solutions."

"What?" Ning Yueyue broke free, and found that she couldn't untie it for a while. She had a premonition that Rong Xiao was going to do something stupid, so she asked anxiously, "What's the solution?"

Rong Xiao looked at the Buddha sandalwood beads beside him.

"Ancient artifact Buddha sandalwood beads, which can solve the flower of the devil."

Although he was surprised by everything in Ning Yueyue's magic weapon, Rong Xiao did not tell Ning Yueyue. He knew that at this moment, the Buddha Sandalwood Pearl, which possesses the power of ten thousand demons, had extraordinary power. If he were to sacrifice his life in the Buddha Sandalwood Pearl, he would use the power of all demons and the power borrowed from sacrifice. It must be possible to use the Heavenly Evil Sword to slay the Demon God's Flower under the sword.

"What do you want to do?"

The catastrophe of the thunder above the head is long gone.

Only Buddha sandalwood beads were suspended in mid-air, Rong Xiao waved, and Buddha sandalwood beads flew in front of him.

At this moment, a vague and messy voice came from the Buddha sandalwood beads.

It is like a thousand demons whispering in a very distant place, mumbling non-stop.

Familiarity rushing towards the face, Buddha Tanzhu flew to the front.

Rong Xiao felt that a force was pulling his spiritual power.

"Rong Xiao, don't be fooled! Buddha sandalwood beads are just a magic tool that can pass through the past and the present! There is no other use!" Ning Yueyue said eagerly.

And the demon on the other end of the Buddha Tanzhu heard Ning Yueyue's voice and was quiet for a few seconds.

Suddenly shouted, "I'll wait! Welcome to His Royal Highness!"

"Welcome Your Highness the Demon Lord!"

Rong Xiao and Ning Yueyue were silent for a moment, along with the tide-like sound coming from the Buddha Tanzhu.

No response from the two of them.

Suddenly a sound pierced through the sharp air in the air towards Rong Xiao.

There was darkness in front of me, like a dark cloud covering it.

Ning Yueyue looked up and saw not far away, Jianyu in a black robe was standing in front, holding a magic weapon. She widened her eyes and couldn't believe it, because, seeing the magic weapon in Yu's hand, it was actually a broken fairy-killing weapon!

At this moment, he was chanting a spell in his mouth, "The devil is in this world! I respectfully call the gods, use the weapon to kill the immortals, break it!"

The Immortal Killer, no, it should be said that the furnace was flying towards Rong Xiao.

In mid-air, it collided with the Buddha sandalwood beads, the two immortal weapons collided, and the blades of light shot in all directions.

The spell on Ning Yueyue was pierced. As soon as she got out, she noticed a red light coming from behind. Ning Yueyue didn't have time to dodge, because she saw Rong Xiao's back, and saw that Yu's sword was stabbing towards Rong Xiao!

Ning Yueyue rushed towards Rong Xiao, who hugged her instead.

The two fell straight down, and there was a soft sound of "thump", and there were countless splashes in the Wanlu River. The blood on Ning Yueyue touched the flower of the devil, and the flower of the devil extended downward.

She and Rong Xiao fell into the Wanlu River Basin. Under the river Basin, the two were wrapped in the flower of the devil.

Ning Yueyue's consciousness gradually became chaotic.

She heard someone calling her softly.

"Yueyue, when did you wake up?"

The male voice was gentle and lingering.

Extremely familiar.

He seemed very lonely and sad.

The voice was low and hoarse, revealing a sense of loneliness.

"Wake up soon, you know."

"I've been waiting for you."


The author has something to say:

Thanks to the little angel who threw the mine: 2 doughnuts;

Thanks to the little angel who irrigated the nutrient solution: 15 bottles of Yu'an; 12 bottles of Mixi;

Thank you very much for your support, I will continue to work hard!

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