MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 9 festival sea

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It is very tiring to keep using the tangle and keep standing on the rickety boat. Lu Xiaoou has a solution once and for all.

Of course, I don't know if it will be successful or not.

Lu Xiaoou tried his best to stabilize his figure, and then asked, "Xiaojie, does Whale Island have the habit of offering sacrifices to the Sea God?"

There is really nothing to say about Xiaojie's physical fitness. Not only can he stand firm, but he can also jump up and down to save people.

When I was using a fishing rod to save another person who fell into the sea, I heard Lu Xiaoou's question, thought for a while and immediately replied: "Yes, Xiaoou, I remember Aunt Mitt told me that there are such things on the boat." custom."

That's right, the corner of Lu Xiaoou's mouth rose.

Lu Xiaoou said: "I have a solution, Xiaojie help me move a table over here."

Xiaojie responded, and hurriedly ran into the cabin. In this bumpy environment, the only ones who could move the table from the cabin were Xiaojie and Kurapika.

"Xiaojie still needs two plates." Lu Xiaoou looked at Xiaojie's back and shouted.

"What are you doing?" Leori is still fine now, he hugged one of the stakes tightly, and asked in puzzlement when he saw Lu Xiaoou's action.

"I remember I heard people say that in the sea, the boat will encounter waves because the sea **** is hungry, so he is angry." Lu Xiaoou said as he should: "Now I am going to use something to sacrifice to the sea to calm the sea. This tsunami."

Leorie looked at Lu Xiaoou like an idiot, and said, "Are you serious?"

"Of course, you just wait for the good news." As soon as Lu Xiaoou finished speaking, the efficient Xiaojie came back with the table and two exquisite plates.

"I still have some food, Xiaojie, go to the kitchen and get some more." Lu Xiaoou temporarily used his thoughts to stabilize himself and the table.

Xiaojie is definitely an honest child, and soon he will come with a roast suckling pig.

Yes, Lu Xiaoou nodded, and with Xiaojie's help, he set the dining table on the shaky deck, and the roast suckling pig obviously couldn't fit in two delicate small plates, but at present it can only be like this up.

To fix these things, Xiaojie alone is not enough, so another person is needed, Lu Xiaoou looked around.

Obviously, everyone on board remembered this stinky kid because of the Santo Airu fire before, so seeing him act differently at this time, many people turned their attention to him.

"Is that entanglement?" asked the red-nosed captain.

"What does he want to do?" Kurapika is very smart, but he said that he can't figure it out now.

Ever since Leorie heard for sure that Lu Xiaoou was going to sacrifice to the sea, he had an expression that I don't know him. Because in Leorie's view, Lu Xiaoou's behavior is too silly, and it's useless.

Lu Xiaoou cast his eyes on Leori, and said, "Leiori, give me face and help me stabilize this table."

"I..." Leori subconsciously wanted to refuse. He didn't want to do such a shameful thing, but before he could say it, he felt that if he refused, wouldn't it be too heartless and unreasonable? After all, Lu Xiaoou helped him so much.

So I changed my words to: "I'll only help you this time, don't think about a next time." After saying that, Leorio and Xiaojie started to stabilize the dining table.

"What are you doing over there?"

"It seems to be offering sacrifices to the sea?"

"That's right, it's offering sacrifices to the sea."

The series of movements of Lu Xiaoou, Xiaojie, and Leo Li are seen by people, and people are not stupid, so people soon guessed what they were doing.

As a result, the discussion became louder.

"The boat met the wind and waves and sacrificed to the sea. It seems to be right, but I don't know why, I really want to laugh."

"This kid told us to read more books before. I think he may be stupid now, but he really believes in Jihai."

"Sacrificing to the sea is just a legend. It is probably because I am too afraid of the wind and waves that I use such an unreliable idea."

"If you still want to take the hunter test, you should go home early."

Lu Xiaoou knew that at this time he should smile evilly and wildly, but that was not his style, so he just smiled sternly.

So, when everyone saw this scene, Lu Xiaoou smiled coldly with no expression on his face, and said, "Sea God is not angry anymore, I'll treat you to roast suckling pig."

As he said that, he threw all the roast suckling pig on the plate into the sea. Under the rough sea waves, there was no ripple at all.

"Sea God give me face, don't make waves."

Lu Xiaoou seemed to have a remote control, he pressed "Yes", that is, as soon as the voice fell, the violent wind just stopped instantly, the lightning and thunder were silent, the dark clouds in the sky also dispersed, the bright moonlight fell, and everything was quiet.

In just a few seconds, everything calmed down, the sea was as calm as a chicken, and the Poseidon moved forward leisurely in the sea.

It seems that everything just now was an illusion, but unfortunately, the mast that was damaged by lightning just now is clearly there, and it is hard for people not to believe it.

"???" Leorio's head was full of question marks.

Kurapika said that his brain is not enough.


The deck is also quiet as a chicken. UU reading

Everyone looked at Lu Xiaoou in unison, but the person involved, Lu Xiaoou, did a gentleman's salute to the ocean like nothing happened, and said, "Thank you Sea God for giving me this face."

"Xiaojie will remember to clear away the dining table and plates on the deck, and I will go back to the cabin to rest." Lu Xiaoou said, hiding his achievements and fame, and returned to the cabin.

In this sacrifice to the sea, he can use his special memory ability very proficiently, just like what he experimented, the ability of the fruit of face is not limited to humans or creatures, to be precise, it can everything.

Of course, it is very important to be able to do it. If Hunter World does not have a tradition of offering sacrifices to the sea, then this time it will not be established.

It wasn't until Lu Xiaoou's back disappeared in front of everyone's eyes that everyone reacted in shock.

"It was agreed that there will be a big storm?" The red-nosed captain closed his chin and muttered.

"It turns out that offering sacrifices to the sea is really useful. Aunt Mitt really didn't lie to me, but Xiao Ou is so good that he can think of this way." Xiaojie looked at Leori and asked: "Leo Li, you will help, and you must believe it. Xiao Ou will definitely succeed, right?"

After meeting Xiaojie and Lu Xiaoou, Leo Li felt very tired.

"How did this happen? It's obviously not a coincidence. The storm and dark clouds just now, if not using a special method, would not have disappeared suddenly." Kurapika tried to explain the situation in front of him with various explanations. things, but could not find a reasonable explanation.

"It seems that in the future, if there is a storm, just sacrifice to the sea." The red-nosed captain thought that he could borrow it for the next storm.

I just don't know how big the psychological area should be when the captain of the red nose sacrificed the sea, but it was of no use.

Read The Duke's Passion