MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 495 Heizi Wuxiang

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"Gudong, Gudong"

Inside a four-pillar tripod, there is a pot of unknown soup. There are a lot of bits and pieces mixed in, and some yellow, white, green, and black things are exposed during the tumbling, although it looks like a pot of miscellaneous. Vegetable soup, but a strong and rich taste is strengthened little by little, and it comes out little by little with the red flames.


Lu Xiaoou wiped the sweat off his brow, then used his thoughts again to focus on his two hands, and threw them into the burning fire.


Probably because of being stimulated by the power of thoughts, the already strong flames suddenly jumped up to Lao Gao. It was originally a golden and fiery red color, but now there is some blue. As Lu Xiaoou lasts longer, the blue will become Like the ink color on rice paper, a little smudged, with a kind of stunning beauty.

And the food in the cauldron was churning more cheerfully. Not only were there big bubbles of 'gudu, gudu', those ingredients that were originally very large, or ingredients that retained their original shape began to melt a little bit visible to the naked eye.

Just like spring snow meeting sunlight, the appearance of melting ice and snow has a strange beauty, and the smell is more layered, so profound that people want to find out.

"Tick tock, tick tock"

The sweat on Lu Xiaoou's head grew more and more as time passed. He had persisted for a round before, and this round had just begun, and he couldn't even stop, let alone wipe the sweat, which ran down his forehead As the drops fell on the ground, his expression became more focused. This is something that only allows success and not failure, and it is absolutely impossible to give up all previous efforts.

There was determination and courage in his eyes. Even though he was sweating profusely, Lu Xiaoou's hands didn't even shake. He was afraid that such a small movement would ruin all the previous efforts. He didn't have such a rich collection to store. Boil another pot of Shiquan Dabu soup, even if there are ingredients, there is only one Chimera Ant Queen in this world, otherwise I guess I have to go to another continent to find it, the time is definitely too late, and the strength is not enough.

Just as Lu Xiaoou was busy making the secret weapon, Jin and Nifebit reached a critical moment.

Everything before was a temptation, but after the temptation, Nephibit's desire to kill Jin became stronger, but this time it was not for food to satisfy the king's appetite, but to kill the king who was in it. It seems that it can bring food that threatens the king.

It is the responsibility of the guards to ensure the safety of the king. This is a virus implanted deep in the souls of the three ants of Nifebit. No matter what method is used, it is impossible to erase the attachment. Therefore, after realizing the danger of Jin, Neferbit has only one belief in his heart, that is to kill the danger, so that the king cannot be harmed in the slightest.

Therefore, its movements became faster and faster, and it became more and more unscrupulous, even if it risked its own life.

"This ant is really powerful. As expected, it wasn't at its full strength before." Mo Laowu looked a little dignified, touched his chin, and felt that the current situation should not be ignored.

"It's really strong, and it's backed by strong beliefs, so it's not easy to defeat." Nobu is very guest-official in his analysis.

"The teacher is definitely fine." Kate clenched her hands tightly, although she was very worried, but her trust in Jin was also very strong.

"It won't be a problem. The scary thing is when the king over there will make a move." President Nitero is not worried about Neferbit at all. The only thing he is afraid of is the king who is sitting there bored - Meluel .

Just sitting there and doing nothing made people feel the huge hidden energy, a power that Nitro himself was very afraid of.

"Sure enough, you are still old. If you are a few decades younger, you may not be able to compete for strength." Chairman Nitero's face has enlightenment, regret, and determination.

"The president is so powerful, even if we are not young, we are no match." Nobu said realistically.

"That king is indeed very strong, but we are not vegetarians." Mo Laowu also had understanding in his eyes, probably because he knew about this battle and did not know who would be able to return alive.

"I hope Xiao Ou will come back soon." Kate sighed from the bottom of her heart.

Although I don't know what Lu Xiaoou is going to do, but I just inexplicably believe that he will not disappoint.

"Maybe there will be surprises." Chairman Nitero's eyes were flickering and he didn't know what he was thinking, but his face was still smiling as always, as if nothing could shake his will.

"Yes, I hope." Mo Laowu and Nobu felt a little more expectation when they thought of the miraculous boy, and they couldn't explain why.


Nephibit followed Jin's strength to draw out the attack range again. This time Jin's strength was not weak. It drew a long trace on the ground and retreated five or six meters before it slowed down and stopped. It can be seen that the strength used to resist is not small.

"It's getting late." The light in Jin's eyes became stronger and stronger, and the momentum on his body also rose, giving people a feeling of facing an ancient giant beast.

"It looks really good." Wang Ban tilted his head on the chair, seeing Jin's state, his eyes became a little more interested, and he licked his lips with his I don't know if it means the taste is good. , or that the strength is good.

Wang acted very casually, but it was not easy for Xiaoyapf and Yubi. They were not much different from Nephibit in strength, but their focus was different, so the hairs all over their bodies stood on end. The natural reaction of a strong enemy.

The same is true for Niffbit, with a sense of crisis, it feels that Jin is going to make a big move, and in this case, it will also make a big move.

"Heiziwu thought, a dance beyond the limit." Neferbite said, a strange light flashed in the ruby ​​red eyes.

The two paws were picked up abruptly like a marionette, even one of the legs was the same.

The whole ant gave off a strange aura, especially the evil aura behind it became stronger and stronger, as if a devil had appeared out of thin air, treating Nephibit as a doll and starting the game.

On Neferbit's claws and one leg that seemed to be lifted by invisible silk threads, blue veins began to pop out one by one, which clearly showed how much effort was exerted.


Without any warning, Nephibit stomped one leg on the ground vigorously, and his whole body was like an arrow that left the string, and it went straight to Jin, and the speed was twice as fast as the fastest speed just now. , faster than lightning.

The sharp nails on his right hand shone coldly, and Neferbit used his right hand as his entire weapon to attack Jin's heart, intending to kill him with one blow.

It's a pity that even Xiaojie can use all his mental ability to grow up in an instant at the cost of avoiding this fatal blow, let alone Jin.

It's not as simple as just the grown-up version of Xiaojie.