MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 486 Doubt and probing

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"Swish Swish Swish"

Lu Xiaoou's figure flashed rapidly in the flickering corridor, the speed was very fast, and there were some dark places around the corner to cover up, even the ants passing by didn't notice anything wrong, it was as if no one was there The situation is general.

Now that he had finished what he wanted to do, Lu Xiaoou naturally wanted to leave the nest quickly, even with his strength, he didn't want to get trapped in the ant nest.

You must know that there are not only one or two ants, but there are tens of thousands of ants. Although many of them are not strong in fighting power, most of them are worker ants. The bold Lu Xiaoou didn't want to face the scene of being attacked by ants, that scene was so beautiful that he didn't want to see it at all.

In addition, now is the critical moment when the queen is going to give birth to a new king. Whether it is ordinary division commanders or members of the guards, their nerves are tense. Whoever dares to provoke will definitely attack in groups , or a crazy attack, no one who is sane and normal wants to provoke him at this time, and still go to someone's house to be arrogant, this is definitely not a good idea.

Even if he is as stupid as Leori, he won't do such a thing, let alone Lu Xiaoou who has never suffered a disadvantage.

Suddenly, Lu Xiaoou's forward figure suddenly stopped at a corner, and a warning sign suddenly appeared in his heart. Before he had time to react, he first used his own special thought power to mobilize the air around his body to fuse and form a thin film to wrap around his body. around.

This layer of film makes Lu Xiaoou's body and the air perfectly combined. As long as you don't see Lu Xiaoou's figure with the naked eye, no matter how powerful your perception is, you can't perceive his existence. After all, no one can feel his existence in the air. The middle separation feels different, especially just the air that fluctuates naturally.

Lu Xiaoou came up with a new use of thought power based on his feeling that he was becoming more and more sensitive to space fluctuations.

Mind ability is originally a kind of 'Qi' in the body, a manifestation of life energy, and has no specific shape and method of use.

They just figured out a set of effective ways to use it based on the attributes of their respective mind powers and the experience of their predecessors, while Lu Xiaoou's mind power belongs to the trait system, which is the most convenient and also the most changeable ability.

From Lu Xiaoou's point of view, how to use the trait-type telekinetic ability depends entirely on the user's needs and imagination, otherwise there wouldn't be so many strange telekinetic abilities.

And Lu Xiaoou, who had been baptized by the Internet explosion early in the morning, definitely had a strong imagination, otherwise he would not have thought of this application method.

If he hadn't had enough confidence and coping methods, Lu Xiaoou would not have rashly mentioned that he wanted to investigate the military situation.

Not to fight uncertain battles, this is Lu Xiaoou's code of conduct.

The next second after Lu Xiaoou hid his figure, Nephibit's figure appeared within two kilometers from the lair.

"Eh?" Nephibit stopped its fast-moving figure, even though it carried two very strong humans on its body, it did not affect its movements.

Carrying two human beings weighing more than 300 kilograms, Neferbit felt as relaxed as holding two pieces of tofu.

"Could it be that I feel wrong meow?" The red cat's eyes turned around, and the perception had quietly covered the entire nest and a two-kilometer radius.

But the surroundings are completely silent, and there are only ants' unique fluctuations in the nest, but when they first stepped into this range, they clearly felt a very inexplicable aura, but now there is no such thing at all.

After feeling it again and finding that there was no difference, Nephibit temporarily put away his doubts and ran towards the lair. The food prepared for the new king should not be delayed for too long, otherwise it will not be fresh.

As for Lu Xiaoou, following the direction of the wind and the flow of air, he got into a small gap and stayed there, planning to take advantage of the opportunity to slip away.

He will not underestimate Neferbit and the other two members of the **** team. Their strength is comparable to that of President Nitero, and they must not be underestimated no matter what.

Hajia pretended to be nonchalant and wandered around the lair, but found nothing special, so he followed Lu Xiaoou's instructions and began to move out of the lair, apparently wanting to hunt today.

Along with it were some other division heads. Haga's actions didn't look abrupt at all, and Lu Xiaoou also took advantage of the ants' actions to quietly follow behind.

Due to the disarray of the ants and the disparity in strength, no trace of Lu Xiaoou was found at all.

Soon everyone was out of the two-kilometer cordon, and the division commanders began to disperse. They were not used to hunting together at all. That would rob food, which was not good at all.

The moment Lu Xiaoou left the cordon, Nifebit's incomparable perception covered the entire lair again, and began to inspect it bit by bit. After all, it always had an inexplicable feeling about the perception just now.

It's a pity that Lu Xiaoou had already left the lair at this time, even Haga had already left, so Nephibit could only gain nothing.

"Let's go, let's go back and talk about it." As soon as Lu Xiaoou arrived at the appointed place, Jin and Kate jumped out, and he interrupted him before they could speak.

The two looked at each other without speaking, and directly stretched their bodies towards the gathered valley.


Just a quarter of an hour after Lu Xiaoou and the others left, Yubi's strong figure fell to the place where they gathered like a splashed a lot of dust.

Yubi's tower-like body looks very bulky, but apart from being a little heavier, the movement is still very fast. After searching around, he found no difference, so he stamped his feet and disappeared.

"How is it? Is there anything different?" Neferbit believed in his perception very much. Even though he didn't find anything abnormal in the lair, he still sent Ubi to check the distance of nearly three kilometers all the way.

Fortunately, Lu Xiaoou immediately asked everyone to evacuate, otherwise they might be discovered, and the battle would start in advance.

In the face of the crazy ants who want to protect the queen, everyone's chances of winning will be a little less. Even with Lu Xiaoou's wisdom, he can't analyze the situation at that time.

"No, nothing." Yubi said honestly.

"No?" Nephibit frowned, "Forget it, maybe I feel wrong?"

Although I trust my own perception, but after several times of investigation, I can't find any difference, so I can only give up.

Lu Xiaoou didn't know about this, if he knew, he would probably wipe the cold sweat off his brow and say 'fortunately'!

This should be regarded as Lu Xiaoou's lucky day. Although there were some twists and turns, he has always successfully completed the investigation mission without any danger.


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