MTL - Hunter’s Face Fruit-Chapter 436 See you again

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Leori was half kneeling on the ground, he hadn't recovered from the state just now, and his spirit was still left in the tense duel just now.

"Yo, it's coming out." The platypus had just been slapped in the face by Lu Xiaoou, and now another person finally came out.


Leorie coughed out, woke up, and stood up from the ground, only to find that he was in a mess, and it looked like he had gone through a **** battle.

Although the virtual arena is virtual, even if the wounds on his body have already recovered after he came out, there is no way to recover those broken clothes.

From the degree of damage to Leori's clothes, it can be seen what he has experienced in the training process just now.

"Someone came out?" Leorio took a moment to realize that the platypus had spoken to him just now.

"The master has come out." The platypus said about Lu Xiaoou, but he didn't feel as cheap in front of others as he did in front of him.

It is obviously a clean and clear baby voice, but I don't know how to make such a cheap look. It is really a miracle in the history of elves.

"It turns out that I wasn't the first to come out. It was really dangerous just now." Leorie wiped the unnecessary sweat on his brow, feeling that he had finally escaped from the previous state. Fortunately, he won the battle in the end, otherwise It is estimated that it failed.


There was a wave in the air, and Qi Ya's figure suddenly appeared in the hall, but his image was much better than Leorio's, but his aura was very strong and rather gloomy, probably because he had encountered some difficult test.

"How do you feel?" Leorio leaned in front of Qi Ya, ignoring any further arguing with the platypus.

"It's okay." Qi Ya raised his head, revealing a pair of murderous eyes, but he didn't reject Leori very much.

"It's fine, Xiao Ou has come out, but he didn't see anyone." Leo insisted.

"It is estimated that something happened to go out." Qi Ya said with the breath on his body.

"The master said he was going out to prepare food," said the platypus.

In fact, just now it has already notified Lu Xiaoou through a special method in its heart that someone has come out. After all, he explained it before, and it is probably coming back soon.


There was a knock at the door, revealing Lu Xiaoou's face, it was he who came back.

"You guys came out, how is it going well?" Lu Xiaoou saw the figures of Leori and Qi Ya as soon as he came in.

Although he knew that there would be no danger in this arena, he was still worried about his partners. This was probably the feeling every mother chicken would have when she released her chicks for free-range breeding.

"It's okay, I think it's pretty good." Qi Ya had already cleaned up his mood at this time, and it was no different from usual.

"I think my strength has increased a lot, which is very good." Leorio also expressed his satisfaction with this training.

Feeling that the mind power of both of them has increased and their aura has also increased, Lu Xiaoou is also happy for them.

"Xiao Ou, did you go, the reward is not big, let me tell you, I met a monster inside, bigger than Xiao Shuang, it is really difficult to deal with." Leori seemed to remember something, and went to Lu Xiao Ou began to share his training experience inside.

"I have participated in it, and I think this training is okay. In the future, we can come to train every once in a while." Lu Xiaoou said.

It has been a week since this training. Although I felt that the time did not pass quickly during the training, in reality time passed very quickly, but with this achievement, Lu Xiaoou still feels very satisfied .

"That's okay." Leori smacked his lips, thinking that Lu Xiaoou's idea was very good.

"I think it's fine." Qi Ya nodded in agreement.


At the same time, after a wave of fluctuation in the hall, the figures of Xiaojie and Kurapika suddenly appeared in the hall.

"It turns out that you all came out. How is it? Is it fun?" Xiaojie was very energetic as soon as he landed, and he didn't have any symptoms of other people's discomfort. He was simply Xiaoqiang with strong adaptability.

"It's not bad, my uncle must be good." Leo Li put on a smug posture, and began to praise himself without words.

"I don't have any here yet, and I have gained a lot." Qi Ya said.

"This place is indeed very good." Kurapika also looked very satisfied.

"I also had a lot of fun. Although I had to repeat it several times, I finally passed." Xiaojie was not frightened by the resurrection at all, and he still had a lively character.

If Lu Xiaoou hadn't known that this guy had already died twice, and thought that he would go to the end with one life, it would take a lot of experience to do it.

"Everyone must be hungry. I've already prepared food. After going out to eat, let's discuss the next itinerary." Lu Xiaoou said.

"Here we come." The few friends stopped their enthusiastic exchange and followed Lu Xiaoou out of the arena hall, without any intention of eating in the hall.

"Master, you must come here often." The platypus said very reluctantly.

Although it was a very normal child's voice, Lu Xiaoou could barely hear the meaning of nine bends and eighteen bends.

It is estimated that if you give it a handkerchief, you can perform a send-off at Shibali, which is quite a lot.

Lu Xiaoou waved his hand and walked out the door without looking back, thinking that he might want to try another elf in the future.

The meal time passed quickly, and with the addition of Xiao Shuang, Ah Da, and Ah Er, the three big stomach kings, the eating was even faster, otherwise it would not be enough to fill the teeth.

"Next, Leorie, we will send you to the city to transfer cars. You can go back to your hometown. As for Xiaojie, you can go directly from here. I will contact you directly if necessary." Lu Xiaoou took out the scarab Shaking.

This is a unified communication tool in the team. Everyone has one. No matter where they are, they can contact as long as there is a signal.

"Okay, then you have to contact me quickly." Xiaojie's hair on the top of his head was a little raised, and he seemed to be in a low mood.

Even if you want to meet Jin who has never met before, it can't comfort Xiaojie's depression about being separated from his I will finish the exam as soon as possible, don't worry, I will definitely pass the exam, and Xiao Ou You call me so I can come over. "Leo Li nodded. Although his emotions were not as exposed as Xiaojie's, it could still be seen that his mood was not as high as before.

"I'll let you guys know if there's anything interesting." Qi Ya had already integrated into the team, and was very reluctant to leave everyone suddenly.

"I will always tell you about our situation here." Kurapika also added.

"It won't be too long." Lu Xiaoou promised.

Hearing Lu Xiaoou's assurance, Xiaojie and Leo Li felt completely at ease.

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