MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 9 This 10 seconds...

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  Chapter 9 These 10 seconds...

  The unknown murderer dies at the hands of Moyu, and the crisis is lifted.

   However, Monica did not have the slightest joy in the rest of her life, and could only curl up like walking on thin ice, daring not to look at Moyou again.

   How did that murderer die?

   She was so frightened that she completely lost her ability to think, but she did not witness the process of Moyu killing that man.

   Just suddenly heard the sound of a broken throat bone and the dull sound of heavy objects falling to the ground, and then followed the sound and found that the man had turned into a corpse.

   Then, I saw Moyu's smile.

   Monica, who was on the verge of collapse, realized instantly—

   The overly good-looking boy in front of him may be an existence even more "monster" than that murderer.

  Moyu didn't care what Monica was thinking at all, he slowly put away his smile, and immediately sat cross-legged beside the corpse.

   "Finally, let's review it a little bit."

   Moyou folded his arms and tilted his head slightly to look at the dead man's corpse, then closed his eyes and recalled the battle scene that lasted less than a minute.

   Aside from his ability to read, the opponent is a very cunning guy.

   first pretended not to find himself hiding, then took the initiative to talk to Monica, and finally, when he was halfway through speaking, suddenly attacked himself to gain the upper hand.

  Although "there is another psychic here" is a message that both sides understand, but in order to get an opportunity to attack first, this guy who enjoys killing is not even willing to let go of any disguise opportunity.

"I have already prepared in advance for the location where I will be found, but the original idea... I didn't have this pre-process of 'talk to the bait first', but considered that the other party would use the 'bait' to launch a first-hand attack, such as directly using the 'bait' The bait' is thrown."

   "The opponent didn't do this, but used abruptly stopped words as an opportunity to attack. It can't be said that it has no effect, but I am vigilant."

   "Afterwards, I used my age advantage to deliberately show panic, but the effect was almost zero, and the weapons that were hidden in advance were noticed at the first time."

   "The other party is very keen and cautious."

   "However, the trap plan laid out in advance also takes these 'worst outcomes' into account, so the entire process will not change."

   "My only advantage is that the opponent doesn't know the existence of the 'Shadow Killer'. Only by taking advantage of this poor information can I end the battle with the least cost."

"What I didn't expect, that is, the opponent traded a palm for the opportunity to control himself, obviously he had the advantage in 'showing his energy', but he still had to take such a ruthless method to speed up the rhythm of the battle. "

   "But because of this... I don't need to perform a performance that may be clumsy in the eyes of the other party, and naturally there is no risk of being discovered by the other party's 'intent'."

   "So the other party's decision is to help me use the information gap of the 'Shadow Killer' to end the battle faster and with less effort."

   "If it's a head-to-head fight, because of the difference in 'showing stamina' and physical fitness, I will definitely only be pressed and beaten by the opponent all the time."

   "Maybe you can use 'Soul Echo' to regain some advantages, but it does not rule out the possibility that the other party will also read the ability."

   "Generally speaking, the opponent's energy, basic skills of mind power, physical fitness, strength, explosive power, etc. are much stronger than mine..."

   "But I can easily win."

   "Sure enough, the use of poor information and strategies to make up for the hardware gap, so that the weak can win the strong, may be the most interesting part of the battle of mind power."

   "The reason why I can get pleasure and satisfaction from it...not only because of the fun, but also because 'the weak wins the strong' is a satisfying thing in itself."

  Moyu opened his eyes and looked at the man's face, smiled and said:

"It's you who made me feel all this intuitively. Although our combat contact time only lasted about '10 seconds', I am sure that this '10 seconds' will become the most important direction for my ability to read backwards. nutrients.”

   Having said this, Moyu slowly got up and patted the dust on his pants.

   "Unknown killer, thank you for meeting you."

  Moyu withdrew his gaze towards the man's corpse.

   Win the battle and replay.

   Not only allowed Moyu to understand what he wanted, but also had a clearer understanding of the "variables" that existed in the battle of telekinesis.

   As soon as you wake up, you can defeat an opponent who is not weak...

  Moyu was not complacent.

  Because he knew that on top of the basic skills of the four basic lines of "entanglement", "absolute", "practice" and "fat", there were more advanced applied skills.

   A "Zhou" that can wrap psychic power around weapons or foreign objects to increase strength and attack power.

   Hide the existence of mind power, so as to achieve unexpected "hidden".

   Concentrates qi in one place to improve attack and defense, and can see through the "condensation" of "hidden".

   Let the Qi expand outward with itself as the center, so as to perceive the "circle" within the scope.

   "Ken" that wraps the body with the maximum amount of manifested air to obtain the highest offensive and defensive power.

   Quickly mobilize the flow of qi to carry out the "flow" of quick offensive and defensive battles.

   The "hardness" that gathers all the released energy in one place.

   The existence of these advanced application skills will make the battle of the mind ability more complicated and changeable.

  Moyu knew very well that he was just a rookie.

   In order to better cope with the battles that he may encounter in the future, he will do his best to constantly improve his understanding of "Mind".

   Silence returned to the monastery.

  Moyu went over the corpse and came to Monica.

   "Monica, it's alright."

   said, he looked at Monica's injuries.

  The clothes were torn in many places and bloodstained.

  The exposed skin was cut with many wounds by branches and leaves.

   If there are only a few wounds, it doesn't matter if you leave them alone, but there are so many wounds that it is necessary to deal with them.


   After observing Monica's situation, Moyu found that the other party was still curled up in a ball, and the tremor of his body was visible to the naked eye.

   "Are you frightened? But I can understand it. After all, that guy poured his 'killing intent' into the air inlet. Ordinary people are so close, it's not surprising to be scared to death."

   Moyu whispered to himself.

   He didn't know yet that he scared Monica.

   "Can you hear me? It's all right now, Monica."

   Moyu patted Monica on the shoulder casually.

   The force of this shot is clearly very light, and he deliberately avoided the wound.

   However, Monica was like an electric shock, her whole body froze at first, and then she rolled her eyes and fainted.


   Moyu looked suspiciously at Monica who was dazed.

   (end of this chapter)

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