MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 382 important reward

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  Losing his limbs, Yier fell into an abyss, unable to struggle anymore.

  In spite of this, Yier fans still stared at Moyou with that kind of eyes that devoured others.

   But Moyu has lost interest in Il fans.


  He dodged to Yiermi's side, and immediately stepped on Yiermi's head.

  Accompanied by a dull sound, Yiermi's head was buried deep in the earth pit, and then he lost consciousness under the violent impact.

   After dealing with Yiermi's eye attack, Moyou withdrew his foot, and with a slight movement of his mind, he released a shadow, preparing to take back the wooden board engraved with the word "read attack God".

  For this battle, Mowei has prepared two divine characters for Il fans.

  One is a divine character that can emit thoughts, and the other is a divine character that explodes directly.

  The former has a concentrated attack power and has sufficient damage against the standard release system.

  The latter's attack power is scattered, and the effect of the explosion is mainly used for interference.

  One board will be destroyed by itself after the explosion, while the other board with the characters of Nianbo engraved on it needs to be destroyed.

  The detached shadow rolled up the board in the form of tentacles, and then returned to Moyou.

  Moyu took the wooden board from the shadow tentacles, and the divine characters on it were still clearly visible.

  Just inject thought power into each link of the **** character in order, which is equivalent to charging once, so that this wooden board has the ability to release thought wave attacks again.


  Moyou broke the plank, and with a little force, crushed the broken plank in two, letting the sawdust fly to the ground.

   Tap —

  At this moment, there was a distinct sound of footsteps.

   Moyou followed the prestige and saw Hisoka walking slowly.

  The undisguised footsteps were obviously made by Hisoka deliberately, which was equivalent to knocking on the door, so as not to cause unnecessary misunderstandings to Moyu.

   Such thoughtful consideration also shows Hisoka's expectation for "a certain moment" in the future.

   "I know you're watching."

   Moyu saw Hisoka's small movements and looked calm.

   Hisoka was not the only one hiding in the dark to watch the battle, but also Satz, who had finished his work as an examiner...

   Moyou knows all these things.

  Hearing what Moyu said, Hisoka was not surprised, and seemed to treat Yiermi directly as air, and never looked at Yiermi from the beginning to the end, but instead looked at the scattered sawdust on the ground, narrowing his eyes slightly.

   I don’t care if others see the cards, but I still have to recycle the boards for destruction after the battle...

   "Then I accidentally saw your hole card, are you going to silence me~?"

   "The hole card?"

  Moyou followed Hisoka's gaze and looked at the many sawdust falling on the ground, and said calmly: "It's just a small trick."


   Hisoka fell silent for a moment.

   Small means?

  The man lying on the ground doesn't think so.

   Hisoka thought in his heart.

  Moyu glanced at Hisoka who suddenly stopped talking, thought for a while, and gave up the idea of ​​asking Hisoka about the recent situation of the Phantom Brigade here.

  Anyway, he has already left his communication number, and he understands Hisoka's action style, so there is no need to worry about such things.

   Moreover, Hisoka's help will most likely be needed in the future operations against the Phantom Brigade.

   But until then...

   While Moyou's thoughts moved slightly, he suddenly stretched out his hand towards Hisoka's back.


  Relying on the meticulous control brought about by the practice of divine characters, Moyou's thoughts flowed quickly, and he entered the fighting state in an instant.

   Hisoka did not expect Moyu to make a move.

   But he is not a newcomer, even in a non-combat state, he is always alert.

  So after Moyu made a sudden shot, Hisoka almost reflexively switched his mind power state to combat mode.


  Moyu's "flow" is too fast.

  Under the premise of seizing the first opportunity, even though Hisoka reacted fast enough, he still had no choice but to slow down a step.

   Moyun's right hand full of thought power scratched Hisoka's upper body.


  The seemingly random grabbing made the clothes on Hisoka's upper body suddenly burst, turning into many fragments and flying in mid-air instantly.

  At this moment, Hisoka retreated violently, then stopped abruptly, and looked at Moyou in astonishment.

   Rao is "experienced in many battles" and "well-informed", at this moment, Zhang Er is also at a loss.

What's the meaning? !

   Hisoka was astonished and quickly glanced at his upper body exposed to the air.

   When he reacted just now and retreated to distance himself, he knew very well that it wasn't that he hid fast enough, but that Moyou had been aiming at the clothes from the very beginning.

   It made some strange memories pop up in his mind, it was when he first met Moyu.

  " Hisoka, you said you joined the Phantom Troupe, about the spider number tattoo?"

  Moyou looked calmly at Hisoka, who was naked from the upper body, and after explaining the reason for the shot, he slowly opened his right hand, and a piece of cloth fell from his palm.


   Hisoka was silent again.

  It turned out that the purpose of grabbing clothes was to confirm the spider tattoo of the Phantom Troupe...

   Hisoka, who has always made others feel unreasonable, this is the first time he has experienced what is unreasonable in others.


   Quickly adjusted his mentality, Hisoka showed a smile that was not a smile.

  Moyou suddenly took a step ahead and said: "Don't say that you have tattoos on your buttocks. Besides, I don't have the time to listen to your meaningless nonsense here."


  Hearing Moyu's warning words, Hisoka was silent again. He really wanted to say that the tattoo was on his buttocks, and then planned to use "frivolous illusion" to make a temporary spider tattoo before taking off his pants.

  But I didn’t expect—

   Moyou's eyes seemed to be able to see through his thoughts and his next move.

  After realizing this, Hisoka stopped the idea of ​​swearing, and then obeyed Moyu's request, simply said:

   "I didn't really join the Phantom Troupe, so it's normal to not have a spider tattoo, right? As for why I pretended to join the Phantom Troupe, you should know better than me, right?"

   "Time is running out, it's time for me to prepare a whole pig roast."

  Of course Moyou knew it, but he chose to ignore Hisoka's words, took out his phone and checked the time, then turned around and left as if nothing happened.


   Hisoka looked at the back of Moyu who was leaving quickly, and for the first time after being unreasonable, he realized what it means to be complicated.

if you can-

  He really hoped that Moyou could talk a few more words along this topic, so that he could help Moyou recall what happened back then.

  Watching Moyu disappear from sight, Hisoka raised his head slightly, struggling to calm down the killing urge in his heart.

   This killing was not aimed at Moyou, but that he needed it to calm down his excitement.

   Hisoka stood there for a while, and felt a little chill after the excitement in his heart disappeared.


  Xi Suo suddenly looked at Yiermi, whose limbs were broken and whose head was buried deep in the ground.

  「Extensible Love」

  The floating bright thoughts turned into pink mucus, which precisely stuck to Yiermi's severed limbs, stopping the gurgling blood.

  After helping Yiermi to stop the bleeding, Hisoka took off Yiermi's long-sleeved shirt without any psychological burden, and then put the broken-sleeved shirt on his body.

   "Take it as a reward for emergency hemostasis."

   Hisoka glanced at Yiermi, who was ravaged and bare-chested, and the memory of the first time he met Moyu appeared in his mind involuntarily.

  He shook his head, suppressing these memories, then retreated into the shade and stood still.

  The stretchable love has a distance limit, so in order to prevent Yi Ermi from bleeding to death, he has to wait for Yi Ermi to wake up before leaving here.

  Ten minutes passed.

  Ilmi's body moved slightly.

   Hisoka noticed Yiermi's movement immediately, and with a slight hook of the corner of his mouth, he withdrew his ability and quietly retreated into the woods.

  As long as Yi Ermi wakes up, there is no need for him to stay here.


  Ilmi raised her head, her face looked very pale.

  Excessive blood loss, as well as quite serious internal injuries, made his current physical condition very poor, and it can be said that he was close to death.

   "Hisoka's ability..."

  Ilmi felt something strange at the severed limb when he woke up. Although he didn't see Hisoka, he could tell by the subtle touch that Hisoka used his ability to help him stop the bleeding.

if not-

   During this period of coma, he is likely to die from excessive blood loss.

   "Stop the bleeding first."

  Ilmi breathed a sigh of relief, and didn't have the extra energy to find out why the jacket was missing. She lowered her head and opened her mouth to bite a pearl needle from her chest, then swung her head and inserted the needle into her shoulder.

  When a bead needle is inserted, the bleeding speed of the severed limb suddenly slows down, and soon stops bleeding.

  After that, insert the second bead needle into the other shoulder in the same way, then straighten up with difficulty, lean over and insert the two bead needles into the base of the thigh respectively.

   After a set of hemostatic acupuncture, he basically pulled himself back from the gate of death.

  The next thing to do is to wait for the staff of the review committee to come and treat him.

  However, the review committee will wait until the roasted whole pig test is over before starting the rescue. Before that, Ill fans can only wait in place.

   Fortunately, the number plate on his body was not taken off by Moyou, nor was it dropped due to the battle...

   Otherwise, even if the review committee sees the miserable situation of the fans, they will ignore the situation of the fans with the reason of "lost number plate".

   This is one of the colder aspects of the review committee.

In the woods.

  Moyou set up a fire very casually, and then put the dead boar on top of the fire.

  He knew that Buhara didn't care about the taste and heat of the roasted pig at all, so he didn't bother to pay attention to the degree of roasting of the big-nosed wild pig, but immersed his mind in the space of consciousness.

  After stomping Yiermi's head into the pit just now, the perception that had been silent for a while finally emerged and gave Moyou two rewards.

  「Your sledgehammer test ended in a disastrous defeat for Il fans, and the impression is very exciting. Your operating system correction rate is +5%」

   "You have become the focus of everyone's eyes, and the impression is very satisfactory. Your upper limit of display capacity +10%"

  Both rewards increase the strength of thoughts.

  Compared to mind tools with unknown functions, Moyou still needs these attribute enhancements.

  Especially showing capacity...

  Through the two and a half years of dedicated practice, although he has cultivated the divine character and has reached a fairly high level of control over thoughts, the level of "displaying energy" has hardly improved.

  In the battle of mind ability, displaying aura is a very important value.

  Ilmi can kill the shadow clone so easily because his "manifestation capacity" is much higher than the shadow clone in the split state.

   What Moyou lacks the most now is the amount of display of aura.

  Compared to this, the accuracy of his mind ability and the ability to control his mind reached A level more than half a year ago.

   And the 10% rewarded by the viewer this time shows the upper limit of gas capacity, which can be described as a timely rain.

   After making up for the lack of displaying temperament, Moyou's current comprehensive level has officially entered the "A-level" stage.

   "It takes too much time and energy to show the improvement of gas volume and potential gas volume..."

  Moyou's mind was separated from the consciousness space, and he calmly looked at the big-nosed wild pig that was sizzling on the fire.

  He was thinking, it would be great if the look and feel could always give rewards in the aspect of "energy".

   Looking at the rewards in the past, there are not many rewards related to the performance and potential...

  And this type of reward has very high returns in the middle and late stages.

   "If you can get a 10% improvement in this test, you should be satisfied."

   Moyou whispered to himself.

  Before participating in the test, I didn't expect the battle to bring rewards.

   As a result, two rewards were obtained before the end of the second test, which can be said to be a bumper harvest.

   "If I go back and kill Ilmi now, I don't know if I can get another reward for improving the display capacity."

   This thought flashed through Moyou's mind.

  Somewhere in the woods.

   Yi Er, who was honestly waiting for rescue, suddenly felt a chill, subconsciously looked down at his naked upper body, and finally began to ponder a question...

  Where did my top go?

  The second test site, in front of the warehouse.

   Hisoka came to the flat ground in front of the warehouse. He carried a half-roasted wild boar on his shoulders. The fat slowly flowing from the pig stained the jacket he snatched from Ilmi.

   "It seems that I am the first to complete the exam questions."

   Carrying the big-nosed mad pig into the warehouse, Hisoka didn't see the other candidates.

  This shows that he is the first examinee to send a whole roasted pig to Bharat.

  In fact, his whole roasted pig was snatched from an unlucky examinee.

  He is not good at cooking, so he didn't think about the heat and whether it was cooked. Seeing that the roast was almost done, he simply brought the whole roasted pig to the warehouse.


  In the warehouse, Buhara, who smelled the smell of roasted pigs, let out a series of thunderous bowel sounds.

  He was already very hungry, and when he saw Hisoka carrying a whole roasted pig into the warehouse, his eyes lit up.

   Hisoka didn't think too much, and threw the whole roasted pig in front of Buhara.

   Buhara raised his hand to wipe the saliva from the corner of his mouth, and then swallowed the whole big-nosed wild pig into his stomach three or two times.

  Due to being too hungry, I didn't even spit out the bones.


  Bukhara licked his tongue, still wanting more.

on the sofa.

  Men Qi rolled her eyes, and said to Hisoka, "You passed the test."

   Hisoka curled his mouth slightly, retreated to the corner and closed his eyes to rest.

  After half an hour, Moyou came to the warehouse, ignored Menqi's excited reaction, and sent the whole roasted pig to Bharat, and became the second examinee to pass without any surprise.

  After that, as time passed, candidates one after another sent whole roasted pigs, all of whom received delicious comments from Bharat.

  That hasty approach made Men Qi roll her eyes.

  By the end of the test time, a total of 31 candidates passed the test questions given by Bharat.

  Men Qi used Bharat's food intake as a reference, and thought that at least 80 candidates would pass the test.


   There are not many candidates who died under the hands of Yiermi.