MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 378 so busy

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  Chapter 378 So busy

  Pengsi's poisonous bee is not a harmless bee, but a bumblebee carrying poison.

  Normally, it only takes a few bumblebees to sting the target at the same time to cause the target to have a strong allergic reaction.

  The general process is that redness and swelling appear at the sting site, and then gradually spread to the whole body, and finally shock and die in severe pain.

   That's the scary thing about her baby Bumblebee.

  Although it is not as good as the aggressive and violent killer bee in terms of habits, it will not get close to strangers as easily as it is now.

  So whether it was the examinee who was stinged with redness and swelling all over his body as if nothing happened, or the man in front of him surrounded by many bumblebees, Peng Si's cognition suffered the impact like a dragon's impact.

"who are you…!"

   Facing Peng Si's question full of strong emotions, Moyou casually threw away the bead needle that had lost the attachment of mind power, and thought for a while.

   After a few breaths, he looked down at Peng Si, whose face was full of disbelief, and said calmly, "A passing examiner."


  Peng Si was startled, subconsciously glanced at the number plate on Moyou's chest, and a series of question marks suddenly appeared in her head.


How can it be!

   Not to mention that only one examiner participated in the individual examination questions. Before the end of the test, no matter whether the candidates encountered accidents or unexpected accidents, even the review committee would not intervene in any way, let alone the examiners.

   And rescue operations like the man wearing the silicone mask in front of me usually start after the checkpoint test is over.

   This is something that most candidates already know before signing up for the hunter test.

  Peng Si is also very clear about this.


  Her eyes moved away from the number plate on Moyou's chest, and turned to the Nitro brand silicone mask that was perfectly engraved one-to-one.

  If you insist on finding out the inconsistencies in the man in front of you...

   Except for the somewhat strange number zero, which is the silicone mask of President Nitro of the Prank Hunter Association.

   Without these two strange features, Peng Si might be able to determine that Moyou was joking.

   "Are you really... the examiner?!"

  Peng Si looked at Moyou in surprise.

  Although the number plate and silicone mask are very strange, in her cognition, the examiner will not rescue candidates during the test.

   "I guess."

   Facing Peng Si's questioning, Moyou replied casually.

  His current status is both a candidate and an examiner.

  After answering Peng Si's question, he didn't look at Peng Si's reaction, but turned his head to look in a certain direction.

  The needle people in the action state will emit a clear breath of thought power, so they can quickly locate the needle people.

  But compared to dealing with these needlemen who are active nearby, the priority is to directly stop the Il fans.

  Peng Si looked up at Moyou in a daze, forgetting to get up for a while.

  What does it mean to be considered...

  She opened her mouth, but stopped talking.

  Deliberately want to ask clearly, but realize that it is wrong.

  If this unidentified man is really an examiner, then if I was rescued by him, wouldn't it mean that I have lost my qualifications? !

   Peng Si was thinking wildly.

  There are too many things beyond her cognition, making her head a little overheated.

   Moyou stared in a certain direction, suddenly thought of something, and raised his finger.


  A graceful bumblebee landed on his fingertips.


   Moyou looked at the bumblebee on his fingertips, and the corner of his mouth slightly hooked.

  Among the buff effects of Human Stars Shining, in addition to mental toughness, there is also an attribute called affinity.

  The initial affinity level was level 1, and then it was raised to level 2 because of the visual reward.

  The specific effect of this ability is just like its name, which is to increase the affinity at the biological level.

  Moyou experienced the effect of this ability when he accompanied Menqi to the deep mountains and old forests to discover new ingredients, and he will naturally be loved by many animals.

  But if the target is a monster or some rare and ferocious beasts, the affinity buff will lose its effect.

  But it does not rule out the possibility that even rare and magical beasts will be affected by this buff as the affinity level increases.

  Even if it doesn’t work—

  Moyou also has the deterrent "All Exhaustion" skill.

  So in a sense, Moyou has the potential to become a top creature hunter.

  What Moyou didn't expect was that the buff of "Affinity" could also take effect on animals raised and controlled by others, which made him very interesting.

  You must know that even without the blessing of the ability to read, there are still many people in this world who have the ability to control animals like Peng Si.

  Moyou's affinity buff is simply the nemesis of this type of people.

   "Go back to your master."

  Moyou shook his finger lightly, and the bumblebee flapped its wings and flew up.

   Then, he waved his hand.

  The bumblebees that had been hovering around him then flew towards Pengsi.


  Seeing that Moyou could command the bumblebees freely, Peng Si's eyes were straightened, and she was really dumbfounded.

   Is this still the group of big babies I raised? !

   Pengsi once again doubted life.

   But Moyou turned around and left regardless of how much impact his actions would have on Peng Si.

   There are still a lot of needles nearby that need to be dealt with.

  I'm so busy...

  Moyou was slightly moved.

   When Peng Si reacted, Moyou's figure had disappeared from sight.

   "What is his background..."

  Peng Si stared blankly at the direction in which Moyou disappeared.

   What happened in just a few minutes shocked her heart.

  In the forest.

   Moyou walked quickly through the forest following the breath of the needle man.

   "There is no reward, and I still need to form a relationship..."

   After saving Peng Si, the perception did not reward her.

   This is also normal, after all, the difficulty and risk of rescue are almost zero.

  Supporting characters like Peng Si who have less sense of presence can only obtain rewards from perceptions by forming relationships.

  Nowadays, with the increase in strength, it is difficult to obtain rewards by fighting.

  Because becoming stronger is equivalent to reducing the risk of fighting, and the risk is marked with the probability of reward.


  If you want to continue to get frequent rewards from the impression, you must actively interact with these original characters, so as to form a certain relationship...

   Such an obvious path fits the mechanism of the Hunter Association's promotion of a one-star hunter to a two-star hunter.

  Moyou intends to dig out the blind box reward from Peng Si, but the current situation does not allow him to do so.

   Now to save Peng Si, let's plant a seed first.

  And compared to Peng Si, Qi Ya and the others had a higher priority.

  Among these people, what Moyou is most looking forward to is the blind box reward from Qi Ya.

  If it weren't for the restraint of beating the enemy's family...

  When Moyu was in the Sky Arena, it was time to conclude a relationship with Qi Ya.

   Converging these thoughts, a new situation appeared in the vision shared by the shadow clone.

   Seeing that Il is fascinated...

   "If there is Qi Ya, this guy's action mode is really easy to guess."

   Moyou sighed in his heart.

  Somewhere in Biscayne Forest.

  The corpses of three needlemen lie on the grass.

  Kurapika squatted beside one of the corpses, examining the corpse.

  Kiya and the others watched Kurapika's inspection from the sidelines.

  Originally, Qiya would not be interested in the "corpses" that lost the threat, but these corpses exuded the same origin as Ilmi before they were alive, which made him a little concerned.

   Kurapika inspected the corpse carefully, and soon found a strange needle on the back of the head.


   It was quite difficult to pull out the needle that was deeply embedded in the corpse's head, and a strange color flashed in Kurapika's eyes.

   Is this root manipulating these three people?

   Kurapika stared at the pearl needle in his hand, doubts abounding in his heart.

  He thought of a technique called "acupuncture" that he had seen in books, but that technique was used in medical treatment.

   "This needle looks like..."

  Xiaojie saw the needle in Kurapika's hand, and immediately thought of the ugly man who kicked Hisoka away.

  Because he was so impressed, he clearly remembered that the man had many such needles inserted into his body.

  Kurapica was still in a coma at the time, and didn't see the spectacle of Ilmi kicking Hisoka into the air. Hearing Xiaojie's reaction at this moment, he couldn't help but look over.

   Tap —

   Just when he was about to ask, there was a sudden sound of undisguised footsteps in the forest not far away.

  Kurapica, Kiya, Xiaojie, and Leorio all suddenly looked in the direction of the sound of footsteps.

  The reason why they overreacted was not because they suddenly heard footsteps, but because they felt an extremely dangerous aura following the footsteps.

   "Is it Hisoka...?!"

   Everyone looked at the forest vigilantly, with a heavy heart, secretly guessing the identity of the visitor.

  The same dangerous breath, which they experienced from Hisoka not long ago.

  So when they felt this dangerous aura, although they didn't communicate with each other, they unanimously guessed that it might be Hisoka.

   But as the owner of the footsteps walked out of the woods, what Kurapika, Xiaojie, Kiya, and Leori saw was not Hisoka, but a man with needles stuck all over his body and a long and ugly face.

  The terrifying aura that was almost the same as Hisoka's was emanating from this man.

"It's him…!"

  Except for Kurapika, Xiaojie and the others all changed their expressions.

  The people who can get together with Hisoka and can kick Hisoka without the slightest temper, they can be said to be very impressive.

   Kurapika also looked at Ilmi in camouflage form, his eyes were extremely serious.

  He saw Hisoka's shadow from Yiermi's body, and his pupils turned slightly red.


  He took a deep breath, compulsively calmed down, and then quickly glanced at the bead needle in his hand.

  The same style of bead-head needles, there are at least 20 needles inserted on the man's body, the only difference is that the bead-head needles are different in size...

   That is to say—

  The person who controlled the three candidates was the man wearing the 301 number plate in front of him.

   "It's not a good habit to destroy other people's tools casually."

   Before Kurapika could tell Xiaojie and the others this information, Ilmi, who pretended to be Jitaraku, took the initiative to admit it.

   His voice has its own reverberation when he speaks, giving people a rather weird look.

   Afterwards, in front of Kurapika and the others, he slowly pulled out three pearl needles from his body and held them between his fingers.

  Three pearl needles represent that he is about to finish Xiaojie, Kurapika, and Leorio.

  But Xiaojie and the others didn't know the meaning of this move.

   "So, please go to hell."

  Ilmi raised her hand, and the three bead-headed needles wrapped in psychic power shot at Xiaojie, Kurapika, and Leorio respectively.

  Qi Ya reacted the fastest, seeing the three bead needles flying towards him, he dodged and rushed forward.

  The sharp palm that changed the shape of the bone swung on the bead needle.

   Only three sharp sounds are heard.

   The three bead needles that flew flying were knocked down by Qi Ya with a wave of his palm.

   "I am the one who killed them."

  Qi Ya crossed his arms in front of him, looking coldly at Yiermi, who was still in the motion of throwing the bead needle.

   Awakened mind can fully understand one thing.

   With only a small amount of thoughts, even an ordinary needle can cause devastating damage to ordinary people.

  This is the natural gap between those who read abilities and ordinary people.

  That's why Qi Ya made a move to block the three bead needles wrapped with chanting.

  Ilmi tilted her head slightly amidst a crackling sound, and carefully looked at Qi Ya who seemed to have undergone some kind of transformation.

   "Sure enough, the judgment of not letting you touch 'Nian' is correct."

  Ilmi sighed slightly, and said calmly: "Because this will only increase your unnecessary confidence."


   Qi Ya frowned, unable to understand what the man said.

Yiermi slowly raised her hand to pull out a bead needle on her forehead, and at the same time said in a tone so indifferent that she couldn't hear any emotion: "Qi Ya, I taught you that blind confidence that cannot see the situation clearly, It will only kill you."


   Qi Ya suddenly realized something, his pupils shrank sharply, and a look of horror appeared on his face.

  Ilmi didn't speak any more, but pulled out the second bead needle stuck in her face.

  As more and more bead needles were pulled out, his ugly horse-like face immediately undulated like waves, and then a strand of black hair emerged from the top of his head, and then fell down.

  Under the shocked expressions of Xiaojie, Kurapika, and Leorio, and under Kiya's increasingly frightened gaze, Ilmi quickly returned to its original appearance.

  Black hair with shawls, fair complexion, and a pair of eyes as deep as black jade.

  The Yier fan at this moment is very different from the previous one.

   It was exactly like this, causing Qi Ya's body to tremble as if falling into an ice cellar.

"elder brother!"

  Qi Ya looked at Yi Ermi in horror and disbelief.

  Xiaojie and the others couldn’t help being slightly taken aback when they heard Qi Ya’s address to Yiermi, and they were ready for battle.

  Ilmi stared at Qi Ya with her dark and deep eyes, and said expressionlessly, "Qi Ya, I have a lot of things I want to ask you now, but before that, let me kill these outsiders first."


  Qi Ya's heart trembled, and he opened his mouth, trying to say no to Yiermi, but he couldn't say it anyway.

   "Run, run away..."

   With his back to Xiaojie and the others, Qi Ya said in a trembling voice.

   "Qi Ya...?"

  Xiaojie and the others were tense, with cold sweat streaming down their faces.

   They don't know the status quo, even if they want to escape, they can't break free from the suppression of the aura from the Il fans.

Looking at Qi Ya's reaction, Il fans still said in that unwavering tone: "Qi Ya, I have told you many times that killers don't need friends, but it doesn't matter, I have enough patience to help you correct it."


  Qi Ya's eyes widened, and those innocent people who died under Yiermi's hands quickly flashed through his mind, his pupils trembled violently.

  He seemed to be able to see Xiaojie and the others lying in a pool of blood.

   "You... run away."

   Qi Ya said again with difficulty.

   But he actually knew very well that when Yier became obsessed with killing intent, with Xiaojie and his abilities, there was no possibility of escaping at all.

  Who can stop brother...?


  Only Moyu can stop brother!

  Feeling the heavy oppression from Il fans, Qi Ya breathed very hard.

  He didn't want to see Xiaojie and the others die at the hands of Yier fans...

   "I always feel...I'm so busy."

  Moyou came out of the woods on one side, and pointed at Yiermi with his eyes hidden under the silicone mask.

  His appearance immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

   When Qi Ya saw Moyou, it was as if a drowning person had hugged a piece of driftwood. The dull feeling accumulated in his chest was instantly swept away, and even his breathing became smoother instantly.

   On the other hand, when Xiaojie, Kurapika, and Leorio saw Moyu wearing a silicone mask, they also inexplicably gained a sense of security.

  But what are these people all about...

  Why just standing in front of them, there is a feeling of being stuck in a quagmire.


   What kind of existence is it? !

  Although they hadn't been involved in the battle yet, the three of them who encountered Kurapika twice in one day suddenly felt physically and mentally exhausted.

   After lying in bed for two days, I was still in poor condition, with pain in many places.

   I made an appointment on the 3rd, that is, I will go to the town hospital for a few tests tomorrow.

   I don’t know what’s going on, I’ll talk about it after I check it, I always feel like I want Barbie Q.



  (end of this chapter)

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