MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 374 reasonable pot

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  Chapter 374 Rational planting pot

  The voice from the walkie-talkie has nothing to do with Il fans.

  But Moyou was able to immediately confirm that the speaker was Yiermi, so he was able to dig a big hole for Hisoka so quickly.


   Moyou dug the hole with his own hands, not just for the purpose of pitting Hisoka, but for another purpose.

  Il’s fan on the other end of the walkie-talkie was not clear about the situation on the scene, so after hearing what Moyou said, he couldn’t control his killing intent immediately.

  The morbid brother-in-law attribute can be seen.

   "Hisso, what did you do?"

  Ilmi stared at the walkie-talkie, her dark abyss-like eyes filled with murderous intent.

on the grass.

   Hisoka heard Yi Ermi's voice that made no secret of killing intent, and didn't answer immediately, but slowly looked at Moyou who was smiling at the moment.

  Using "Nian" to attack Qi Ya?

   That's right.

  It is true that Qiya used his telekinetic ability just now, this is an irrefutable fact.

   As for whether to admit this to Il fans...

   Hisoka is more concerned about another thing now.

   "I didn't do anything."

   Hisoka held up the walkie-talkie, and responded to Yiermi's words without changing his expression.

  Yilmi didn’t believe it, or he could tell what Hisoka was covering up, so he asked straightforwardly, “Then what are you ‘covering up’?”

   "Sure enough, I can't hide it from you."

   Hisoka admitted it very simply, and immediately said in a light tone: "But that has nothing to do with what you care about."


  Ilmi was silent for a while, knowing that Hisoka didn't need to beat around the bush on this kind of matter, but the killing intent that surged from the bottom of his heart did not fade away.

   "So, I need to confirm one thing."

   "Ask whatever you want, but hurry up, because I'm now... cheep."

   Hisoka scratched the walkie-talkie with his fingernails in the middle of his speech, making a harsh sound, and at the same time murmured to himself in confusion: "Huh? Strange, there is no signal..."

   After finishing speaking, he squeezed the walkie-talkie with his bare hands, letting the scattered fragments fall from his palm to the ground.

   After dealing with the troubles from the Il fans in this simple way, Hisoka didn't pay attention to a certain murderous young man in the field, but stared at Moyou intently.

To know…

  Before taking part in the hunter test, Il fans not only changed their appearance, but also changed their voice drastically.

  But Moyou was able to determine in a very short time that the person on the other end of the walkie-talkie was an Il fan.

   This is what Hisoka cares about.

  He was very curious how Moyou knew this information.

   "I need to confirm one thing."

   At this moment, a cold voice sounded in the arena.

  Hearing that voice, Hisoka's swollen face like a pig's head moved slightly.

   This sentence, Yi Ermi said to him just now.

   Now, the one who said that was Kurapika.

  After hearing the word "Phantom Brigade", this orphan of the Kuruta tribe found it difficult to keep calm.

  Even after seeing Hisoka's insurmountable strength like a moat, Kurapika didn't flinch in the slightest. Holding the double wooden swords tightly, he walked towards Hisoka step by step.

  Moyu squinted at Kurapika who was slowly walking towards Hisoka. In the hazy white mist, a pair of eyes reflected in it were blood red like the setting sun.


  Leori and Gon also sensed that something was wrong with Kurapika.

   Hisoka looked at Kurapika, a look of interest flitted through his eyes that were so swollen that they could only open a slit.

   "Are you a member of the Phantom Troupe?"

   Kurapika's scarlet eyes, as if from hell, pointed straight at Hisoka.

   Hisoka said unmoved: "Your murderous way of asking questions does not meet the status of a 'loser'."


  Kurapika fell silent suddenly, then kicked his feet, and rushed in front of Hisoka in an explosive posture, and the two knives in his hands slashed at Hisoka's neck and waist at the same time.

   Hisoka looked at Kurapika with a hint of pity.

   But the pity is fleeting, replaced by a look of anticipation that exists in the future.

   Facing Kurapika's attack directed at the vital point, he didn't take any countermeasures, but looked at Moyu again.

  Kurapika didn't know why Hisoka didn't move, but the knife that was cut out didn't seem to stand still at all.

  Carrying the two wooden knives that wrapped his whole body strength, he chopped on Hisoka's neck and waist in this way.


  The moment the wooden knife that poured all its strength touched Hisoka's body, it seemed to be slashed on extremely hard steel, and the tip of the knife broke with a crisp sound.

  Kurapica's scarlet pupils reflected the broken and fluttering half of the wooden knife, and a trace of astonishment appeared on his face.

   Hisoka stared at Moyu without squinting, without Kurapika in his eyes.


  When the front end of the wooden knife broke, Hisoka punched Kurapika in the stomach without even looking at it.

  The sudden burst of power knocked Kurapika's body arched, causing him to lose consciousness for an instant, and then flew backwards.


  What happened in just a few breaths, Leori, who had finally recovered, and Xiaojie, who was terrified in his heart, all changed their expressions, and subconsciously ran towards Kurapika who was flying over.

   Hisoka withdrew his hand, and his eyes were always on Moyu from the beginning to the end.

  Moyu glanced at Kurapika who had been sent flying by Hisoka, without any reaction on his face.

   "Hisuo, time is running out, please add a contact information first, I have something to ask you later."


   Hisoka was a little surprised, and immediately said in a pleasant tone: "I'm glad to see you take the initiative, Moyu."

   "Since you are happy, then you should laugh."


   Hisoka's joyful mood stagnated slightly, and he was so choked that he couldn't speak.

  Moyou took out his mobile phone and asked simply, "Number?"

   Hisoka heard the words, and very cooperatively reported a series of communication numbers.

  Moyu entered the number into the contact form, and then noted the name of "perverted masochist" to Hisoka.

   "Okay, you can go."

  After recording the number, Moyu put away his mobile phone and looked at Hisoka with a pig's face.

   Hisoka thought for a while, first made a gesture of spreading his hands, and then obediently turned and left.

  From the moment Moyu asked for the communication number, Hisoka knew—

   There is no need to worry about what you want, and you are even looking forward to the call from Moyu...

  He thought that those who would also expect the same would be the "companions" of the Phantom Troupe.

  When he thinks that some possibilities are about to bloom from his hands, he has the urge to embrace tomorrow.

   But don't rush...

  Whether you are playing or being played, the more toys you have, the more fun you have.

Watching Hisoka disappear into the thick fog, Moyu turned to look at Leorio and Xiaojie who were checking Kurapika's injuries, and reminded: "Time is running out, if you don't want to be eliminated, you'd better Let's go now."

"who are you?"

   After confirming that Kurapika had just passed out, Leorio couldn't help but heave a sigh of relief, and then looked up at Moyu.

  Moyou said calmly: "You will know the answer to this question soon, provided you arrive at the second test site on time."

   Leori gritted his teeth and knew that time was running out, so he immediately carried Kurapika on his shoulders without saying a word.


  Before leaving, Leo Li thanked Moyu, and then hurried to one direction.


  Looking at Leori's back, Moyu shouted.

  Leo Li heard Moyu's yelling, instead of stopping, he speeded up.

   "You're going in the wrong direction."

  Afterwards, upon hearing Moyu's reminder, Leo Li staggered and almost fell to the ground.

  Xiaojie also pointed in the opposite direction at this time, and said in a timely manner: "Leorie, this is the way."


  Leo Li's cheeks twitched, and he obediently followed behind Xiaojie.

  Xiaojie glanced at Moyou and Qiya before leaving, and wanted to say something, but finally closed his mouth.

   Soon, their figures also disappeared into the thick fog.

  As they left one after another, only Moyou and Qiya were left on the grass.


  Qi Ya, who was happy and excited before, now has his eyes downcast and depressed.

  Moyou certainly knew the reason for Qi Ya's depression, and also knew that Yi Ermi had inserted a needle into Qi Ya's head.

   "Long time no see, Qi Ya."

  He walked over and saw Qi Ya bowed his head, so he raised his hand and rubbed Qi Ya's head, messing up the fluffy and soft hair.

  Qi Ya's little head dangled with Moyou's rubbing movements, but he was not angry at all.

   Didn't feel the slightest sign of alienation from Moyou's body, Qi Ya's originally depressed mood gradually disappeared, and a smile gradually appeared on his face.

   Moyou looked down at Qi Ya, and suddenly said: "Let me read for you, Qi Ya."


   Qi Ya looked up at Moyou, a little puzzled.

  Moyu didn't explain, but asked, "Do you believe me?"


   Qi Ya said without hesitation.

   Moyou smiled and said, "Then, let your body relax."


  Qi Ya did as he was told, letting his whole body relax.

   Seeing this, Moyou concentrated his thoughts in the palm of his hand, and immediately shot into Qi Ya's body.

  Helping others read—

   This is a risky way of awakening chanting, and it is also the fastest way to cross the threshold of chanting.

  Moyuna's thought power that penetrated into Qi Ya's body, under fine control, gently broke through Qi Ya's fine holes and acupoints.

  As the fine pores of Qi Ya's body were stretched open, the life energy in his body rushed out of the fine holes like a bank, and quickly gathered a torrent-like aura on his body.

"This is…"

  Ki Ya looked at the torrent of thought power that was radiating from his body, showing a surprised expression.

  Moyou reminded from the side: "You only have one minute to feel its existence, control its flow, and finally take it back into your body."


   In a hurry, Qi Ya couldn't figure out the situation, but when he heard the time limit of "one minute", he concentrated his mind and began to feel the power of thoughts bathing his whole body.

  Let a layman who knows little about "Nian" feel Qi and control Qi within one minute.

   This is obviously in the hands of others.

  But Moyou knew Qi Ya could do it.

  Why do the people who beat up the enemy's family dote on Qiya so much?

   More because of Qi Ya's talent.

  This ability of reciting can be learned by everyone.

  But on the basis of this kind of equality, there is also the variable of talent.

   It is cruel that in the world of mind ability, no amount of hard work can compare to outstanding talent.

   Moyu silently looked at Qi Ya who was groping.

  The beating enemy family has never let Qiya touch the ability of Nian. In order to dilute Qiya's cognition of Nian, he even let Yiermi insert a needle in Qiya's head that can tamper with memory.

  Moyou can roughly guess the reason for beating the enemy's family.

   It is nothing more than because Qi Ya's current thinking collided with the idea of ​​​​beating the enemy family, and he is very rebellious, and does not want to accept the killer path arranged by the family.

  If Qi Ya learns the ability to read during this growth process, then the possibility of Qi Ya getting out of control will become higher.

  Besides, things like mind ability often make people become stubborn in a subtle way.

   It is already a difficult thing to break Zheng Qiya's thoughts, so how can it be possible to increase the difficulty.

  So this is the reason why Qi Ya has not been able to read abilities until now.

  Moyou is now helping Qiya to read, which is tantamount to challenging the decision to beat the enemy family.

strictly speaking-

   It is somewhat irrational to do such a thing when you know the basics.

  That is very likely to make Moyou face the wrath of the family who beat the enemy.


   It will be different if someone is responsible.

  The words that Moyu specially said to Il fans just now, "Sisuo, how dare you attack Qiya with your thoughts"...

   Not only dug a hole for Hisoka to jump into, but also pinned the blame on Hisoka's forehead for helping Qiya read.

  After all, using "nian" to attack ordinary people is also a way to open up thoughts.

  So as long as Yier fans see that Qi Ya has passed the threshold of reading, they will definitely directly believe that Hisoka attacked Qi Ya with his reading, which caused Qi Ya to be forced to learn to read.

   As for Hisoka...

  He is not a time traveler, unlike Moyou who can grasp so much information from the "God's perspective".

  So before turning around and leaving, he thought that what Moyou said in front of Yi Ermi was just to disgust him, so how could he think that there was such a **** pot in it.

   One minute passed quickly.

  Sweat oozes from Qi Ya's face, and the aura on his body weakens at a speed visible to the naked eye, and then turns into a film and sticks to his body, but ripples will appear on the film from time to time, which shows that the stability is not high.


  Although this scene was expected, Moyou still felt the weight of a genius when he saw it with his own eyes.

  Qi Ya let out a long breath, raised his shiny and rippling right hand, and said curiously: "So this is Nian... just now I felt full of power that I had never had before,"

"Your current state is called entanglement. From now on, you have to find a way to make this state tend to be stable. As for more information about Nian, let's talk about it later. The most urgent thing now is to rush to the second test. Place."

  Moyou interrupted Qi Ya's curious state of mind when he just came into contact with Nian at the right time.

   If he procrastinates any longer, he doesn't care, but Qiya will be eliminated miserably.


  Ki Ya nodded.

  Biscayne Forest Park, the second level of the hunter test test site.

   Hisoka came here.

   On the way here, he had already covered up the redness and swelling on his face with a "frivolous illusion".

  Yilmi, who had bead needles stuck all over her body, had been waiting for a long time.

   "Hisoka, did you use Nun on Chiya?"


   Hisoka's mind flitted through the image of restricting Chiya's escape with stretchable love, thinking that it's no big deal, he nodded and admitted.

  From this moment—

  The magic called the Black Cauldron descended on this unknowing magician.

  (end of this chapter)