MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 368 A bounty hunter named Moyu

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  Chapter 368 A bounty hunter named Moyu

   Sending a drink with a strong laxative into Dongba's shadow is another ability effect of "Soul Echo".

   It's just that under the premise of lack of strong constraints, such an ability that can directly affect the target with both release and operation systems can only be used to deal with ordinary people who have no mind protection.

  What's more, the things sent into "Shadow World" need to go through three necessary steps: "upload process", "transfer process", and "decompression process".

  This means that the powerful laxative drink that has been integrated into Dongba's shadow will take a certain amount of time to produce its effect.

   The activation process is cumbersome, the strength of the ability is average, and the effect is almost zero at this stage.

   is the embryonic form of this ability, and it is also a true portrayal.

  Compared to this, the shadow space transfer attack that integrates the characteristics of the release system is simpler and rougher.

  However, Moyou is very clear that the ability of "Shadow World" has a huge framework and system.

  It was so huge that he didn't dare to plunge into it easily. It would probably make him step into the swamp and sink into the extremely heavy mud. It would be difficult for him to take a step forward after exhausting all his efforts.

  The current Moyu is not the Nitero who knew he had reached the limit of martial arts, so there is no need to choose the Prayer Fist without hesitation in order to break through the limit like Nitero.

   If you want to explore this ability in depth, you must first go through other paths, otherwise you will be putting the cart before the horse.

However, Moyou has the assistance of "look and feel". In theory, as long as he accumulates more than one "vowed reward" along the way, he can actually pry open the "Shadow World" bit by bit while becoming stronger. door.

   Withdrawing his gaze from Dongba, Moyou fell into samadhi again.

  The shadow clone placed in the dark, like a monitor, watched every candidate who came out of the elevator room.

   Gradually, more than a hundred candidates came to the channel, and there were only two hours left for the registration time.

   Due to the urgency of time, the frequency of opening the door of the elevator room became very fast, and candidates came into the passage one after another.

   Moyou then saw many "familiar faces".

  Snake charmer, bee girl, dart black man, bald ninja...

   There is also Hisoka, who is dressed as usual, and the Il fan who has a lot of bead needles inserted into his body and disguised himself.

  Many impressionable characters appeared one by one in front of my eyes.

  Although the protagonist group with the strongest "sense of presence" has not yet appeared, with the arrival of these supporting actors, Moyou has a vague sense of "being in the comics".

   His eyes flicked over these familiar people.

  Except for the strongest Leek Hisoka who "has a close relationship" and the Yier fans who hide their identities, there are only a handful of people who can name them, and only some vague impressions remain.

Oh, right.

   There is also this talkative ninja next to him.

   Moyu knew his name was Hanzo.

   "It's the first time I've seen a number plate with number zero. Isn't it troublesome to count the number of people like this? So you are the first candidate to arrive?"

   "By the way, this mask of yours is so strange. It is obviously made of fine workmanship, but it is easy to reveal the texture of the silicone material. It is fake to a discerning eye."

   "Let me tell you, the real mask, the focus is on the 'human skin', this is a very profound skill, in my country..."

  Hanzo stood beside Moyu and talked endlessly.

   But in the middle of the speech, he seemed to suddenly think of something, touched his bald head in embarrassment, and said, "Ah, I forgot to introduce, my name is Hanzo, how about you?"


  Moyu slowly turned his head, looked at Hanzo who was chattering non-stop through the mask, and casually announced the name of a certain president.


  Hanzo raised his hand and leaned on his chin, thinking he had heard this name somewhere.

   Forget it, it doesn't matter.

   Hanzo, who just wanted to chat with someone to relieve boredom, left the name issue behind and continued the topic of masks.

   "In my country, there are many masters who are proficient in this skill. If you want a better mask, I can give you a contact number."

"no thank you."

   Moyu still stared at Hanzo quietly.

  The zero card used as a clue, and the Nitro card mask to enhance the sense of presence.

   These two points really attracted Hanzo.

  But Hanzo, who was bored during the waiting process, would rather find someone to chat with than find a problem from it.

  So the silicone mask, which seemed strange to him, became the entry point condition for him to chatter in Moyu's ear.

   "Hey, that's a pity. If you can see the top-level imitation human skin mask with your own eyes, I think you will definitely fall in love with it. By the way, I haven't introduced my country to you yet, have I?"

   Seeing that Moyu lacked interest in human skin masks, Hanzo decisively ended this topic, and started another topic.

   Such a seamless connection made Moyou almost conquer the bald ninja's talkative nature.

   Presumably as long as you give this guy an entry point, even chatting all day and night is nothing, right?

  Moyu wanted to interrupt, but Hanzo suddenly came over and said in a very mysterious voice, "Actually, I'm a ninja!"


   Moyou was silent for a while.

Hanzo didn't care about Moyu's reaction, and continued: "I want to be a hunter because I want to find dream scrolls that record various advanced ninjutsu, because I heard that some countries are inaccessible to ordinary people, but as long as you have a hunter's license It's not a problem."

"I see."

  Moyu's masked eyes pointed directly at Hanzo, pretending to be curious and asked: "I've heard people say that powerful ninjas can clone themselves, so do you know Hanzo?"


  Hanzo suddenly pursed his lips tightly, and subconsciously raised his chin a little bit, feeling some kind of torture in his heart at this moment.

  Do you want to slap your face to make yourself fat, or admit that you are not the kind of powerful ninja Moyu said?

  Hanzo looked at Moyu's silicone mask. Although he couldn't see Moyu's eyes, he vaguely felt a look of expectation.

  Suddenly, fine sweat slid across the back of Hanzo's head.

   "I will."

  His chin was raised even higher, and he even reached out to touch his bald head a little uncomfortably.

  Moyu exclaimed appropriately, and asked expectantly: "Then Hanzo, can you show it? I'm too curious about the technique of avatar!"

   "Sorry, I can't do that."

Hanzo suddenly put on a serious expression, raised his hand to make a gesture of rejection, and explained in a deep voice: "Nitero, powerful ninjas will not easily show off their unique skills, we will only use them when necessary ability!"

   "That's it, that's really a pity."

  Moyou shook his head in disappointment, and sighed: "It would be cool if I could also do the avatar technique."

   "Avatar is a unique skill that can only be mastered by first-class ninjas. It is impossible for ordinary people to learn it, but you don't have to be discouraged, Nitero. Everyone has their own specialties."

  Hanzo gradually entered the state, and patted Moyu on the shoulder solemnly and seriously, as a way of reassuring.

   Moyou nodded and said, "Yes."

  Hanzo suppressed his guilty conscience and warmly invited: "Nitero, after the hunter test is over, you can go to my country..."

  Before he finished speaking, he was interrupted by a shrill scream.

  Hanzo's eyes were fixed, and he looked vigilantly in the direction of the screams.

  There, a candidate who lost his hands was kneeling and screaming.

   Hisoka, who was wearing a number plate 144, was standing in front of the examinee, with a dangerous smile on his face painted with tear-like makeup.

   "Nitero, that number 144 is a dangerous person, you'd better stay away from that guy."

  Hanzo looked solemnly at Hisoka who was standing at the center of the turmoil, and specially sounded a reminder.

  Most of the candidates around also looked at Hisoka seriously.

  Anyone with a little discernment can see that Hisoka is a dangerous element.

  Especially the examinees who also took the test last year, but knowing that Hisoka beat up an examiner during the test, the brutality is self-evident.

   "He is indeed a dangerous man."

  Hearing Hanzo's reminder, Moyu agreed, but his eyes were looking in the direction of the elevator room.

  Accompanied by a scream that was drowned out by screams and discussions, a silver-haired boy with a skateboard in his arms came out of the elevator room.

  Because of the noise made by Hisoka, the examinees in the passage did not pay attention to the silver-haired boy who just arrived.


  The silver-haired boy glanced at the crowded crowd in the passage, and couldn't help but whistle.

  In terms of age, this young man who stood out from the crowd among the candidates was actually Qi Ya who had run away from home.

  Same as the original book, he ran to sign up for the hunter test after leaving home.

   But unlike the original book, he didn't take the test for fun or fun...

   "There are quite a lot of people."

  Ki Ya clamped the skateboard inside his arm, put his hands in his pockets, walked into the passage, and casually looked at the candidates present.

  At this moment, the miserable screams of the unlucky candidate echoed in the passageway, and most of the candidates' eyes were on Hisoka.

  However, there were three people who immediately looked at Qi Ya who had just arrived here.

  One is Moyou, and the other is Yier fan who is disguised.

  The last person is Dongba.

  He is worthy of a rookie killer, and he immediately regarded the new face Qi Ya as the target, and just leaned over quietly.

  However, Qi Ya immediately noticed Dongba's sight and behavior, but he didn't pay much attention to it, and was also a little curious about what Dongba wanted to do.

   "Qi Ya is here too."

  Moyou paid attention to Qi Ya.

   So far, the candidates present seem to be the same as the original, but the order of arriving at the test site has changed.

  For example, Hisoka was assigned number 44 in the original book, but now he is assigned number 144.

   Qi Ya was number 99, but now it has become number 399.

   Moyou continued to pay attention to the situation on the scene.

   Also at this moment, the screams in the passage stopped abruptly.

   Moyou turned his gaze to the center of the storm.

  I saw the candidate who lost his hands and screamed lying on the ground, his body separated.

   Hisoka was not there, but instead was a samurai who was slowly sheathing his saber.

   Obviously, the warrior drew his sword and beheaded the examinee, thus making the noisy screams disappear.

   There is no such scene in the original book.

   Moyou thought to himself, and then controlled the vision of the shadow clone to look at Dongba.

  I saw that the other party was trying hard to "sell" the drink to Qi Ya, and then Qi Ya simply took the drink with a strong laxative added.

   And he also took the initiative to ask Dongba for an extra bottle.

  Dongba is of course very enthusiastic to meet Qi Ya's request.

  Ten minutes after Kiya arrived at the tunnel, Xiaojie, Leorio, and Kurapika followed the original plot and became the last candidates to arrive.

   Then he took the same number plate as in the original book from the bean-faced man.

  After this, no more candidates are present.

  Moyu withdrew his gaze, and leaned against the wall as if in a state of concentration, ignoring Hanzo's chattering pattern of restarting.

  Maybe seeing that Moyu was too lazy to agree, or that he was enjoying himself, Hanzo shut up in time and waited for the hunter test to start.

at the same time.

  Dongba followed Xiaojie and the three of them.

  The subsequent development is the same as the original book, the three of Xiaojie did not drink the drink.

  The difference was that the little fat examinee with the computer came over and dismantled Dongba's desk on the spot after Leorio poured out his drink.

  He didn't care about Dongba's face at all, and exposed Dongba as a rookie killer on the spot, and speculated that there was a high possibility that something harmful to the human body was added to the drink.

   Rao Dongba is thick-skinned enough, but he couldn't resist being torn off by the little fat man on the spot.

   Just when Dongba was about to leave in despair, Qi Ya came over to join in the fun.

   "Mr. Dongba, can you give me a few more bottles of juice? I don't know if it's because I'm too nervous, but I'm very thirsty now."


  Dongba looked at Qiya, who was the second one to drink the laxative drink today, and raised his hand to wipe the sweat from his forehead.

  Xiaojie and the others also looked at Qi Ya who was walking quickly.

   "Hey, there might be poison in that juice, have you drank it?"

  Looking at Qi Ya, Leori couldn't help asking.

  Qi Ya glanced at Leorio, nodded indifferently and said: "I drank it, but you don't have to worry, things like poison can't do anything to me."


  Everyone reacted in surprise when they heard the words.

   Qi Ya walked up to Dongba, and stretched out his hand with a smile on his face.

  Dongba's heart throbbed, only feeling that the level of this year's rookies was unusually high.

  In front of Qi Ya's smile that seemed to have a deep meaning, Dongba quickly handed over all the juice drinks to Qi Ya, then turned around and fled.

  Ki Ya opened a can of juice with his eyes shining, and then, under the surprised gazes of Leorio and the others, he raised his head and drank the juice in one gulp.

   "Ah... so delicious."

   Throwing away the empty can, Qi Ya showed a satisfied expression, and immediately opened the next can of juice.

  The fat little examinee murmured to himself, "Who is this person..."

  Xiaojie looked at Qi Ya full of curiosity.

   Kurapika is calm with a hint of scrutiny.

   After a while.

   Qi Ya drank all the juice, then suddenly looked at the little fat candidate.

  The sudden gaze made the little fat candidate take two steps back.

   "You just said that your computer can find a lot of information and intelligence?"

  Qi Ya's eyes fell, looking at the computer in the little fat man's hand, and without waiting for the latter's answer, he continued: "Then can you find out information about a bounty hunter named Moyou?"


   The little fat man was taken aback for a moment, he had heard of this name before.

  Xiaojie and Leo Li didn't respond, they didn't know who Moyu was.

   Instead, Kurapika's eyes changed, and he took another look at Kiya.

   "I seem to have heard an incredible name."

   At this moment, a low and charming male voice reached everyone's ears.

  Everyone couldn't help but look at the person coming, with different reactions.

  Only the little fat candidate showed a frightened and inexplicable expression.

   "Nishi, Hisoka..."

  He tremblingly called out the person's name.

   Hisoka grinned, narrowed his eyes slightly and said, "I also want to know about Moyu."

  (end of this chapter)

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