MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 350 Rare opportunity

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  Chapter 350 Rare Opportunity

  Milo's head was flying in the heavy rain.

  The headless body that remained in place lost its foothold and slowly fell to the ground.

  The main force of the Elimo bandit group who attacked the shed in order to plunder the antiquities was completely wiped out.

  Jin looked at Moyou who was walking against the wind and rain, smiled and gave a thumbs up.


  The battle he witnessed when he first arrived at the barracks allowed Jin to see Moyou's strength.

  Then in this battle now, I have seen Moyou's talent and growth.

  A young man who can break through the seal of the divine character and awaken himself...

   Is there some kind of magical secret hidden in your body?

   There was a glimmer of light in the depths of Jin's eyes.

   Today was the third time he saw Moyou.

  The second time was outside the Numao signing club building in Shivadani, and the first time...

   Accepted the entrustment of Qi Duo, and then "engraved" the **** word of sealing the awakening of mind power on the body of Moyou who was still a baby.

  Theoretically, the ability effect produced by the word of God is a dimensionality reduction blow to ordinary people. Unless there are external factors, there is absolutely no possibility of accidents.

  When Qi Duo talked about Moyou's self-awakening, although Jin thought it was impossible, he quickly accepted the fact and thought about the reason for the first time.

  So at that time, he thought of the most popular and popular novel Numao at that time.

  Because if an ordinary person wants to awaken his mind autonomously in that situation, the greatest possibility is that some kind of phenomenon similar to "rebirth" has occurred on his body.

  But at that time, he was just using the setting in Nuan Nan's book as a metaphor for Moyou's situation.

   As for whether Moyou was Moyou at that time, Jin didn’t doubt too much, because the intersection between him and Moyou was almost zero, and Hawke and Kido had more say than him.

  If Moyou is really replaced by some kind of existence, then people such as Hawke must be able to detect the strangeness.

   This kind of thing doesn't need Jin to remind.

  So at that time, Jin only gave Qi Duo a speculation that contained possibility.

   I just didn't expect that a year later, Davidson, the author of "Swamp Man", would reproduce the abilities and phenomena in the book with his recitation, causing a turbulent undercurrent without the public's knowledge.

   What was even more unexpected was—

  Moyou participated in the marsh male incident, and became an important contributor to solving the marsh male incident.

   It was also at that time that Jin, who always felt that "time" was not enough, took the time to pay attention to Moyou.

   "It has nothing to do with Numao."

   This is the conclusion that Jin came to after in-depth understanding.

   The basis is also very simple.

  For example, the head that is rolling in the rain and is about to fall now.

  If Moyou had something to do with the marsh man's ability system, then the person killed by Moyou would have been transformed into a marsh man long ago.

  Even so, Jin was very sure that there must be some kind of secret hidden in Moyou, which might be related to breaking through the seal of the **** character independently, or it might be related to something Qi Duo didn't want to disclose.

   Kim was curious about this.

   But since Qi Duo is unwilling to disclose, then he will not go to the bottom of the matter, and will solemnly put this tickling curiosity in the corner to dust off.

  But if Kido or Moyu is willing to tell him the secret...

  Then he will move out the dusty curiosity as quickly as possible, then prepare the low stool and melon seeds excitedly, and greet the soon-to-be-clear truth with anticipation.

  Kim is such a person.

   Now, he will not put any label on Moyou.

  What he wants to do is to accept Moyou's invitation to buy him a drink, and then let Moyou spend it without any psychological burden.

   Moyou came to Jin and asked, "Where to drink? Do you have any suitable recommendations?"

   "Just ask me about this kind of thing, I'm here to find a place."

   With a smile on Jin's face, he said in a very serious tone.

  In fact, he has already searched his head for any places related to expensive wine.

   Moyou didn't know what Jin was thinking, so he nodded with a smile.

Afterwards, Moyou looked back at Milo's body, and thought in his heart: "Is there no reward... Forget it, anyway, I got what I wanted. In other words, if I can establish a relationship with Jin... I don't know if I can What reward do you get?"

  Thinking of this, Moyou suddenly looked forward to it.

  In any case, he will not easily miss this opportunity.

  Originally, Jin is the type of elusive, and it is not easy to meet each other, even if they have saved their contact numbers.

  The chair covered with thick dust in the meeting room of the Twelve Branches of the Hunter Association can illustrate the problem.

if you can.

  Moyou wanted to ask Jin about the divine characters.

   At this time, Sarts and Quinn came close, looking a little restrained.

  After all, the two people in front of them, one is a living legend with great prestige in the industry, and the other is a bounty hunter supernova who suddenly appeared, and showed them the weight of the name spider killer on the spot.

  Even if it was possible, Satz and Quinn wanted to seize the opportunity to get in touch with Jin and even Moyou.

   "Spider Killer... really strong!"

  Kuin stared at Moyou intently, replaying the battle scene just now in his mind, and couldn't help sighing in his heart.

   And Satz was also shocked because of Moyou's performance in that battle just now, but now his attention is more focused on Jin.

  As for the nemesis master Hram, after confirming that the crisis was resolved on the spot, he ignored the treatment of his injuries and immediately turned back and ran back to the shed to verify Zaina's earlier statement that the ancient artifacts were missing.

  Facts are just as Zaina said, the boxes containing the unearthed objects that were neatly stacked in the shed are all gone.

   "If it wasn't the Elimo Bandit...then who?!"

  Hram stared at the empty ground with trembling eyes.

  As a site hunter, the most unbearable consequence is the loss of excavated objects.

  It is not about value, but that these excavated objects are the medium and key to explore history.

  In the corner of a tent in the rain.

  Xiao Di and Men Qi came out from the shadows, ready to meet Moyou.

  At this time the barracks is still in chaos.

  Obviously, the operator of the Elimo Thief Group's operating system who was responsible for creating chaos has not been resolved yet.

   "I seem to have forgotten something."

  Xiao Di walked towards Moyou, raised his eyelids a little suddenly, feeling like he forgot something.

  But she didn't think much, and quickened her pace.



  Men Qi and Xiao Di shouted towards Moyou not far away.

  Hearing the shouts of the two, Moyou followed the prestige and nodded to them.

  Jin also looked at Men Qi and Xiao Di, not surprised at all.

  He had already noticed the existence of these two girls.

  Satz and Quinn were unaware.

  There are other people with the ability to read here...

  At this moment, when they saw Men Qi and Xiao Di approaching, who were exuding thoughts all over their bodies, they were all secretly startled.

   Also at this time—

  At the entrance of the mausoleum, a strong sense of death suddenly emerged, full of ominous and evil meanings.


  Everyone, including Jin, looked in the direction of the breath with startled expressions.

  A black linear aura is rising into the sky amidst the rain.

  Inside the shed.

  Hram also felt the breath of death coming from the entrance of the mausoleum for the first time.

   "It's that dead desire, how could it be...!!"

   Sensing the strength revealed in that breath, Hiram was shocked.

  When he was in the depths of the mausoleum, he discovered that this deadly thought was in the process of recovering, and he was mentally prepared to spend time and energy to remove it.

  The attack of the Elimo Bandit Group was unexpected.

   But this death wish...

  How could it suddenly become so powerful?

  (end of this chapter)

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