MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 348 It's so good...

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  Aiming at the death thoughts that pervade the depths of the mausoleum...

  Hram tried to eliminate thoughts, but failed.

  This made him realize that short-term means of eliminating thoughts cannot eradicate the death thoughts in the mausoleum.

   It takes a few days or even a week to ensure the success of eliminating thoughts.

  However, the sudden attack of the Elimo bandit group left Hram with no time to take care of this deadly desire that needed to be suppressed and removed.

   And now, this unnoticed death thought seems to be stimulated by Hram's thought power, and it is currently growing at an extremely fast speed.

  Under the influence of this death thought, the countless skeletons buried here began to escape from the bottomless black ditch built around the Nether Palace, and immediately came to the huge platform in front of the entrance.

   On the surface and inside of the bone mass, there is a cloud of black thoughts flowing, exuding a dangerous aura.


  This huge group of bones seemed to be intelligent, but it was trying to get into the stone door leading to the corridor.

  But the stone gate that can allow six or seven people to pass through at the same time, in front of its size, is like a pocket gate of a small country, how can it pass through.

  The piled bones hit the rock wall next to the stone gate, making crisp and clear sounds.

  Maybe realizing that it is impossible to pass through the stone gate, the group of bones slowly stopped moving.

  If it has eyes, it must be staring at Shimen at this moment.

   In fact—

  The reason why the skeleton group wanted to leave here through the stone gate was because it was attracted by the fluctuation of thoughts outside.

  Hram's mind power poured into it before, in fact, only formed a short-term suppression effect.

  Afterwards, this power of thought, which contains the ability to eliminate thoughts, has instead become the fuel to make it grow stronger.

  After tasting the sweetness, the skeleton group naturally wants to get more fuel.

  But judging from its current structure and size, it is impossible to go outside through the corridor.

  The group of bones stood quietly in front of the stone gate.

   Moments later—

  A leg bone fell off its body and fell to the ground along the body surface, making a crisp sound.

   Immediately afterwards, another pelvis fell off and fell next to the leg bone.

  It seemed to cause a chain reaction, more and more bones fell off from it, and immediately under the traction of invisible thoughts, the bones of various parts were glued together irregularly to form a volume of a human unit.


  On the platform in front of the passage, deformed skeleton people appeared one after another.

  Some have a pelvis on their heads, while others put their skulls under their feet.

  Among these deformed skeletons, it is more common for arm bones and leg bones to exchange positions.

  They are like a bunch of glued parts, and then randomly kneaded into a ball by a pair of invisible big hands. There is no concept of "reasonable structure" at all.

  As more and more deformed skeleton people fell on the platform, the huge group of skeletons standing in front of the passage gradually became smaller.

   In this way, these skeletons manipulated by death thoughts will soon be able to leave the mausoleum through the passage.

  From this point of view, this dead thought seems to contain the most basic ability of independent thinking.

at the same time.

  The rain outside shows no signs of abating.

  The light of the searchlight covered every corner of the camp, where the eyes of many people gathered, Moyou and Milo looked at each other tens of meters apart.

  Moyou's expression is calm, and the "Qi" in his body is very stable.

   On the other hand, Milo made no effort to hide his cold killing intent, and the power of thought in his body was rushing back and forth like a torrent.

  The state of the two falls in the eyes of others, as if they are still and moving.

  The arena is quietly filled with chilling momentum, and the battle is imminent.

   Before making a move, Milo carefully checked the positions and distances of other people around him.

   It is not for escape, nor is it for guarding against possible sneak attacks from others.

  In the current situation, he knew that he would die after all.

  Just before facing death, he might be able to drag Moyu into **** together.

  In order to increase the success rate, it is necessary to take into account the possibility that other people may rescue Moyou, so as to prepare in advance.

   Taking a glance at this moment, he found that the bystanders were very relieved to hand over the final battle to Moyou.

   "You will regret it!"

  Milo exuded killing intent all over his body, pointed his fierce and cold eyes directly at Moyou, and shouted almost crazily in his heart.

  Moyou calmly endured the almost crazy killing intent from Milo.

  The last madness of the trapped beast is probably a true portrayal of the man in front of him.

  Of course, Moyou would not underestimate a master of telekinetic ability who knew he was doomed and was on the verge of madness.


   Give and get.

   It is to experience the life-and-death struggle that is as dangerous as a high-altitude steel cable in order to be eligible for rewards.

   Truth always has been.

   "This time, I'm not hungry for rewards."

  Moyou stared at Milo calmly, mobilized his thoughts quietly, and said to himself, "I want to see how far I can do it."

  When thoughts floated in his mind, Moyou suddenly moved, and pointed at Milo in front of him under the wind and rain.

   There are no tactics or skills.

  Just let the mind force cover the whole body tightly, and then attack the enemy in a straight line.

   "Being dubbed a spider killer by others..."

  The veins on Milo's neck suddenly popped up, and he shouted with a ferocious face, "Is this kind of thing just making you complacent!!"

  The loud shouting covered the sound of the rain in an instant, and also covered the breath and fluctuation when the ability was activated.

   "The Shape of Sound·Raging Waves Like Arrows"

  The end sound of Milo's roar was as stirring as the power of his body, and it didn't focus on any particular position.

  However, along with the passionate roar, arrows thick as index fingers shot out from in front of him.

  Each Nian arrow is wrapped with a little bit of white light, easily penetrates the rain curtain, and falls directly towards Moyou.

"very good."

  Moyou ignored Milo's shouting, his eyes flashed, and a black knife appeared between his raised hands, and then he stopped and swung the blades in front of him.

  The arrows of thought that flew from the sky hit the light of the knife, and instantly turned into dots of light all over the sky.

   There are a large number of mind arrows, and they show an endless stream.

  But Moyou swung the knife so fast that an impenetrable curtain of swords was intertwined in front of him, blocking all the flying arrows.

  Although he was able to block many mind arrows, he couldn't take another step forward.

   This scene was seen by Hram, Satz, and Quinn. The conclusion that can be drawn is that Moyu was suppressed by Milo's mighty and amazing release-type offensive.

  While Meng Qi and Xiao Di, who were watching the battle in the dark, saw this scene, their first reaction was not that Moyou was suppressed by the opponent's offensive, but that Moyou must be planning something.

   This is the difference between knowing and not knowing.

  Hram and other outsiders who are not familiar with Moyu will simply think that Moyu is suppressed.

  While Xiao Di and Men Qi, who are familiar with Moyou, are already thinking about what unexpected trick Moyou might have prepared.

  For example, let the shadow sneak around behind Milo...

  Jin raised his hand and squeezed his chin, and looked at Moyou who was swinging a knife to block the arrow in the field with strange eyes.

   "Did I think too much..."

  His eyes glanced at the flow of thought power every time Moyou swung the knife, and he could see that Moyou was trying to adjust the strength and speed of swinging the knife in the dazzling slash.

  It’s not increasing speed, but deliberately lowering and slowing down…


   Seemingly aware of Moyou's intentions, a smile appeared on the corner of Jin's mouth.

  Swift and powerful slashes can indeed create a barrier that blocks all attacks.

  But the frequency of slashing will definitely be higher than the number of mind arrows, and every slash that overflows from it that cannot target the arrows of the mind represents a waste of vigor and mind power.

  As the saying goes, the master is beaten to death with random punches.

  But what is really powerful is that he can kill the master with just one punch.

   Kim realizes—

  Moyou, who is in the midst of an attack of intensively releasing mind-linked arrows, is trying to crush a single mind arrow with every knife he swings, so as to minimize the output rate of energy and mind power.

   But this process is undoubtedly difficult.

  First of all, you must capture and locate the trajectory of each arrow in the blink of an eye, and then deliberately slow down the frequency of swinging the knife to find the most correct rhythm from thousands of choices.

  It’s like…

   There is only one second to get a bird's-eye view of a huge maze, and then within this second, you have to work out a route that can get out of the maze.

   If you make a wrong step, you have to overturn it and start over.

   Just try again and again...

   "Tsk, this is what you want to 'get'."

  Jin sighed slightly.

   I don’t want to miss any rare and valuable fighting opportunities, and then do my best to gain experience and sharpen skills in the battle of life and death...

  King knew that this was definitely not the first time Moyu had done this.

   “It’s no wonder that in such a short time…”

  Jin stared at every subtle movement of Moyou in the battle, and the smile on his face grew stronger.

  Under his close attention, the frequency of Moyou swinging the knife dropped significantly, and the light of the knife intertwined in front of him also became much weaker.

   But this is not a sign that "Raging Waves Like Arrows" is about to break through Moyou's defense line, but that Moyou has found the beginning of a certain rhythm.

  The speed of swinging the knife has indeed slowed down, and the number of times of swinging the knife has indeed decreased.

  But the many arrows covering Moyou were still blocked by the black knife.

  Hram and the others finally noticed this, and they couldn't help but look surprised.

   At the very beginning, even though Moyou was suppressed by the dense arrows of thought, the momentum of slashing with the knife revealed an edge that wanted to chop everything into pieces.

   Now that edge is gone, replaced by a kind of calmness.

  The only thing that remains the same is that the numerous mind arrows are still unable to pass through Moyou's slash.

  The position of the defending side has obviously not moved a bit, and the offensive strength of the attacking side has never diminished.

  However, Hram's perception has changed.

  In their eyes, Moyou was no longer suppressed by Milo's offensive, but calmly unloaded every thought arrow that flew past.

  In the dark.

  Xiao Di and Men Qi originally thought that Moyou was planning some kind of trick.

   Now it seems that they guessed wrong...

   "Moyo is using him to hone his skills."

  Xiao Di's eyes glowed, and he said slowly.

  Men Qi didn't speak, but she was engrossed in watching.


  Xiao Di could see that Moyu was honing his skills against Milo's offensive.

   Then, Milo, as the party being used, can naturally see it.

   For a moment, what Jin said before the start of the war flashed across his mind, and he also understood why Moyou jumped out when the dust had settled.

   "Stop being self righteous!!"

  Milo's eyes became more fierce and cold, and he suddenly raised the volume of his roar.

  The number of mind arrows born in the roar suddenly increased.

  The rhythm point that Moyou had just found was suddenly disrupted by the sudden increase in Nian Arrows. He was not as calm as before, but he was still able to accurately block all Nian Arrows.

  Milo knew that Moyou was using him to practice moves, but he wanted to see Moyou capsized in the gutter.


  Milo didn't change his moves, but increased the strength of "Raging Waves Like Arrows" almost crazily.

   Such an approach just met Moyou's needs in this battle.

"not enough."

  Moyou kept swinging his knife to smash the arrows of thoughts.

   "As far as I can do it...even if I can touch the corners a little bit."

   Countless thought arrows turned into mottled light spots in front of his eyes. What Moyou thought of at this moment was the skill of Jin's kick back to the air blade.

  want to do that—

   The prerequisite is to find a delicate balance between the offensive and defensive sides, right?

  Whether it is the quantity or strength of Qi, or even strength...

  None can be higher than the opponent's attack, but must be adjusted to an extremely close level in a very short gap.

  If it is too high, it will shatter the opponent's attack.

   If it is too low, it will not be able to completely block the opponent's attack.

   "I have roughly mastered the strength of each sentient arrow, let's try it... But before trying, I have to stabilize the rhythm."

   Moyou's eyes were shining brightly, and he swung his knife to create sharp rays of light.

  The many mind arrows that flew towards him were all shattered by the light of the knife in the heavy rain.

  Moyou adjusted his breathing, gradually mastered the rhythm, and began to swing the knife calmly.

  Horizontal knife, oblique cut, upward pick, vertical chop...

  All kinds of knife styles become a barrier that shatters the arrows in front of you.


  Moyou began to consciously mobilize the manifest energy wrapped around the black knife, making it flow back and forth with the swing of the blade like water waves.

  The Nian arrow that flew and then bombarded the knife body still shattered into mottled spots of light in the next second.

  As the confrontation continues steadily...

  Finally, an arrow of thought stood out from it.

  Its arrows hit the blade of the black knife, and a flower bloomed at the point of intersection in a trance, as moving as a morning star in the dark night.

  A delicate balance point was born at this moment.

  The result was that the mind arrow bounced upwards, pierced through the raindrops falling from the sky, and disappeared into the sky in the blink of an eye.

   This scene was immediately seen by Jin.


  The smile on Jin's face froze for a moment, and turned into surprise.

   Not a coincidence.

  Because there is no coincidence in this kind of gentle technique.

   "This is really..."

   After a brief surprise, Jin couldn't help but look at the increasingly calm figure in the field with his eyes shining.


  Jin soon saw the second, third, and fourth arrows of thought flying in all directions.

  It turns out that this is what you really want to get.

   "It's great to see you standing here..."

  At this moment, Jin saw an extremely dazzling light on Moyou.

  So he couldn't help but rejoice that Moyou was able to independently break through the seal of the gods he had entrusted by Qi Duo.

  If not, he would be a sinner who killed the genius with his own hands.

   Within the battle circle.

"How can this be…!!"

  Seeing Moyou throwing arrows with bullets, Milo was in disbelief.

  The miraculous display of abilities made Milo think of a certain possibility, and couldn't help but feel like falling into an ice cellar.

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