MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 345 gold strength

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  Chapter 345 Gold's strength

  Although the Erimo Thieves Group's reputation is not as good as that of the Phantom Brigade, its size is five times that of the Phantom Brigade.

  Most of the time, the Erimo Thief Group conducts criminal operations as "squads", and members can act freely among themselves without reporting to the leader Milo.

  Because of the existence of this rule, for those criminals who are extremely vicious and dehumanized, the Elimo Bandit Group is undoubtedly a place full of "breath of freedom".

  So many criminals who started to struggle as their wanted level increased would immediately consider joining the Elimo Thieves Group in order to reduce the risk of being eaten by groups of bounty hunters.

  And Milo, the leader of the Elimo Bandit Group, has only two criteria for recruiting members.

   One point is that the wanted level must reach B, and the other point is that the strength can be recognized by him.

  Based on these two conditions, even if there are many lone criminals who want to defect to the Elimo Bandit Group, they are basically turned away in the end.

   Even so, the number of members of the Elimo Thief Group is still gradually increasing, and there are currently more than 60 members.

  Erimo's band of robbers has never been fully assembled, but every criminal operation is a group.

   This time, of course, is no exception.

  Before doing it, they first sent an operation-type ability user to turn the tanks in the military camp into a source of chaos, and then sent a reinforcement-type ability user to rampage in the military camp to attract firepower.

   This arrangement is all to reduce the difficulty of getting rid of the ancient relics in the mausoleum.

   At the moment.

  There were several waves of thought power coming from the large shed.

  Even if he wasn't there, Moyou could guess the general situation.

Ainbo and Kages who died in his hands, as well as the operating system that manipulated the tanks to create chaos, are all used to share the firepower, and the real main force of the Erimo Bandit Group has already launched an attack on the large shed. .

   It's just that Moyou doesn't know how many people are in the main force of the Elimo Thief Group, and what level of strength it is.

  So before he sent Xiao Di and Men Qi to the large shed, he emphasized that the two of them should play by ear and not rush out.

   Now that the wave of thought power is perceived, it also means that a battle has arisen on the side of the large shed.

   Such progress was within Moyou's expectations.

   To talk about accidents, that is, the arrival of Kim Fulishi, and the rhetoric that "it will be resolved soon".


  Jin hadn't seen the battle at the big shed before he made his bold statement, but Moyu absolutely believed that Jin could do what he said.

  Because the identity of "the world's five major thoughts" alone is very convincing.

  However, Moyou's first reaction after hearing Jin's rhetoric was: let them go, let me do it!

   After all, the people at the large hut are the main force of the Elimo Thieves Group, and their strength must be higher than the level line, and they are very likely to be stronger than Ainbo and Kargos.

  Moyou can forgo the merits brought by these A-level criminals, but he doesn't want to miss the opportunity to fight with these A-level criminals.

   This is why Moyou subconsciously wanted to prevent Jin from making a move.

  However, in the next second, Moyou quickly gave up the idea of ​​preventing Jin from making a move.

  On the one hand, Jin can solve the Elimo bandit group as quickly as possible, which can reduce the sacrifice of military camps and even excavation teams in disguise.

  On the other hand, Moyou is full of curiosity about Jin's strength. If he can take this opportunity to witness Jin's fighting style with his own eyes, why not do it?

To know…

  In the original book, Pariston, the mouse, took great pains to figure out Jin's ability, but he failed in the end.

Thinking of this, Moyou did not speak, and made a gesture of invitation to Jin, and at the same time controlled the shadow to go to the large shed one step ahead, intending to pass this information to Xiaodi and Menqi, and find a place with the best angle by the way. Watching position.

  Jin looked at Moyou's gesture, smiled, and walked towards the direction of the large shed.

  Ainbo's arm cut off by Moyu and the chain iron ball were just on Jin's path to the large shed.

  Jin stopped beside the chain iron ball, bent down and reached out, and easily lifted the exaggerated iron ball with a diameter of one meter.

  His height and body shape, from the outside, are actually no different from ordinary adults.

  At this time, lifting the giant iron ball with one hand gave people an unreal visual impact, as if the giant iron ball was made of paper.

   "The ability to exchange places with shadows..."

Jin held the iron ball in one hand, looked back at Moyou, and said with great interest: "This is a very precious release ability, and your shadow should have the ability of 'vision', let the shadow go first, because you are worried about the other side. situation?"

   "A little bit, because my partner was there."

  Moyou raised his eyes slightly, and did not deny Jin's statement, but just explained the reason why he sent the shadow first.

  However, although it has the advantage of "bystanders can see clearly"...

  But Jin's terrifying insight still shocked Moyou.

  And the understanding of the "thought system" may have reached a rather terrifying height, so a lot of information can always be extracted from the subtleties.

   It's no wonder that this world's top expert has the talent of "replicating strike ability".

  Moyu even felt at this moment that if Jin in the original book wanted to reproduce Leori's ability, he didn't need to take Leori's punch at all.

   I'm afraid that with just one glance, he can see through the details of Leori's release-type ability, and thus rely on his understanding of the "mind system" and powerful mind skills to successfully reproduce the ability.

  This is the capital possessed by the world's five great powers of thought...

  A gleam of light flashed across Moyou's eyes.

   I'm not really worried about being seen through by Jin, but I'm thinking about...

   With such a strong telekinetic ability, what will happen if you give him a sword in the mirror?

   Moyou suddenly became very curious about this.

  Hearing Moyou's explanation, Jin just nodded without saying anything, and immediately stretched out his left index finger.


   A ray of thought power appeared on Jin's index finger, and he regarded the dense rain falling from the sky as nothing, burning quietly like a flame.

  Jin landed on the surface of the iron ball with the index finger of his left hand, like a pen falling on rice paper, and moved with a swipe...

   Moyou could see clearly from one side, his pupils dilated slowly.

  Under his watchful eyes, Jin actually used his finger as a pen and thoughts as ink to engrave the structure of the divine character on the surface of the iron ball.

   Less than ten seconds.

  Jin made the last stroke, retracted his left hand, and turned to hold the iron ball and walked towards the direction of the large shed.

   It looked like he was walking slowly, but the speed was so fast that the rain was left behind by him.

   "Then what is the use of the divine word...?"

   Moyou looked at Jin Yuanqian's back, full of curiosity.

  Because the shadow clone had already gone ahead of time, he was not in a hurry to follow Jin's footsteps.

at the same time.

  Where the large shed is located, there are many dead soldiers lying on the surrounding ground.

   As a venue for storing and excavating ancient relics, this place is naturally heavily guarded.

   Even if there is turmoil in the barracks, the soldiers guarding here will not leave easily.

   It's just that under the chaos, once this place is attacked, it will be difficult to have enough reinforcements.

  Erimo's Thieves Group was set up for this purpose, and when the time came, they did not hesitate to attack the large shed that housed the excavated artifacts.

  The soldiers stationed here couldn't hold back the four Nian ability users headed by Milo. They didn't last long before being disintegrated by the powerful offensive of Nian ability.

   But the real obstacle is not this group of heavily armed soldiers.



  Milo, the leader of the Elimo bandit group, looked at a man with wide eyes and thick brows who stood among the corpses of many soldiers and wore ten gold rings around his neck. A faint smile appeared on his handsome and fair face.

The man with the golden ring on his neck called Heram is the very famous nemesis master of Luluxi Kingdom, and also a relic hunter of the non-hunter association with a high reputation in the industry, so his strength is naturally weak. Where to go.

  Erimo's bandit group had already regarded Hram as the biggest threat and obstacle in advance.

  The current situation was already within Milo's expectations.

   But the existence of the two professional hunters who fought side by side with Hiram was a change that Milo hadn't considered.

  These two professional hunters are Satz and Quinn who were hired to repair the mausoleum.

  Although the content of their entrustment has nothing to do with protecting the excavated objects, as professional site hunters, it is impossible for them to sit idly by.

   "Mr. Hram, are you okay..."

  Satz quickly glanced at the bleeding wound on the side of Hiram's abdomen, and a look of worry flashed across his eyes.

  Although there are only four opponents, everyone is very strong.

  Especially the handsome man in the lead...

  Hram did not respond to Satz's concern, and stared at Milo coldly.

   His eyes turned slightly, and he passed the three mind-power users beside Milo.

  One has a bear-like body, simple and honest facial features, and a pair of big hands conspicuous like cattail fans. His name is Kabak, and his code name is Xiong.

  A thin and thin man with the appearance of an eagle watching a wolf, exuding a ruthless aura. His name is Andre, and his code name is wolf.

  A body like a pole, with an ugly face without eyebrows, garlic nose and buck teeth, but with slender and beautiful fingers, named Agathe, code-named Hedgehog.

  These three are the core members of the Elimo Thief Group, and their strength is at the top of the group.

  So even if there is no advantage in numbers, the heavy soldiers stationed here can be eliminated in a short time, and the most threatening Hram in the field is injured.

   "Erimo's Bandit Group, you **** who deserve to go to hell..."

  Hram looked at Milo and the others with extremely sharp eyes.

  However, no matter how sharp his eyes are, they cannot bring any help to the status quo.

  When Milo heard the words, he whistled suddenly.

  Hram heard the whistle, and couldn't help but focus his eyes, and the power of his whole body moved accordingly, quickly building a defensive posture.

   On the other hand, Satz and Quinn are the same, quickly making defensive postures.

  But there was no change in the field, only the heavy rain kept pouring down.

  Seeing the overreaction of the three of Hram, the smile on Milo's face grew stronger.

   This is the momentum he created after he wounded Heram by sneak attacking and wounding Heram by using the whistling action combined with the extremely concealed release ability.

   So much so that the seemingly dispensable act of "whistling" can influence the reactions of the three of them to a certain extent.

   "Our target is what's in there."

  After gaining the advantage, Milo did not take advantage of the victory to pursue, but pointed at the shed behind the three of Hram with a victorious attitude, and said with a smile:

  "Any obstacle in front of us will be wiped out by us. In other words, as long as you choose to escape honestly..."

   "Stop pretending."

  Hram interrupted Milo unceremoniously.

  As a veteran ruins hunter, he is very clear about the virtues of the Elimo Thieves Group.

  When Milo heard this, the smile on his face remained undiminished.

   Also at this time—

  A sharp female voice came from the shed.

   "Boss, something is missing."


  Hearing what the female voice said, Milo's smile that always hung on his face slowly disappeared, and he looked over the three of Hram with a questioning look, and looked at the half-open door of the shed.

  Hram, Satz, and Quinn were all shocked when they heard the voice suddenly coming from behind, they turned sideways quickly, and put part of their sights on the side of the shed.


  They saw a woman whose figure slowly appeared out of thin air as the sound fell.

  The woman had short hair, delicate features, and was wearing tights, outlining a graceful figure.

   Judging from the phenomenon of showing the figure out of thin air, it should be the ability of transparency.

   "There is no trace of secondary transport, but things are definitely missing."

  The woman is also a core member of the Elimo Thief Group, named Zaina, codenamed Chameleon.

  She met Milo's questioning gaze, briefly explained the situation in the shed, and at the same time quickly observed the reactions of the three of Hiram.

  Hram was startled by Zaina's appearance, and finally understood the reason why Milo didn't take advantage of the victory to pursue it. Now he heard that the ancient objects carried from the mausoleum had disappeared, and his expression changed.

  Although those ancient objects are only some sacrificial objects in the side room of the corridor of the mausoleum, they are also of great archaeological value.

  But now it suddenly disappeared?

  Before he responded to the attack of the Elimo bandit group, he only had time to let those excavation team members who were not capable of combat evacuate first, and there was no extra space to transfer these ancient relics.

   If it wasn't a member of the Elimo Thief Group, then who stole the antiquities?

  Hram's reaction was noticed by Zaina and Milo, but they still had doubts.

"very good."

  Milo no longer smiled, but looked at Hram, Satz, and Quinn with cold killing intent in his eyes.

   "I don't want to waste too much time, so..."

  However, he was interrupted before he finished speaking.

   But what interrupted him this time was a black shadow wrapped in the sound of chain knocking, cutting out a trajectory brutally in the rain, pointing directly at Milo's side.

   This sudden attack immediately attracted the attention of everyone present.

   Kabak, who was only a few meters away from Milo, who had a pair of big palm-leaf fans, moved his body suddenly, and stepped forward to meet the black shadow that was flying towards him.

   "Ainbo's iron ball?!"

  Kabak saw the face of the black figure clearly, narrowed his eyes slightly, and instantly realized that something bad might happen to Ainbo.

   While his thoughts were turning, Kabak mobilized his thoughts, and raised his hands flat to block the large iron ball that was coming with a sharp edge.

   There was a sharp buzzing sound.

  The iron ball was firmly caught by Kabak, and his bear-like body did not move at all, which shows his outstanding strength.

  But the moment Kabak caught the iron ball, Jin appeared above the iron ball out of thin air, and flicked Kabak's Tianling Gai with his fingers.


  A chanting ball the size of a thumbnail flew out from Jin's fingers, went straight through the rain, and simply sank into Kabak's head.

  Kabak's body was shocked suddenly, as if he felt something, a look of astonishment appeared in his eyes, and only then did he belatedly see Jin who appeared out of thin air and then stood on the iron ball.


  In the time of life passing by so fast, Kabak didn't even have room to think, and could only stare at Jin with stunned eyes.


  His strength vanishes along with his life.

  The iron ball that was firmly caught before also fell to the ground.


  The iron ball hit the ground, making a deafening sound.

   And Jin stood firmly on the iron ball all the time, and did not look at the corpse that fell beside the iron ball.

   With just one blow, a person with a very good ability to read was killed in seconds.

  The ability used is actually similar to Moyou's offensive method.

   Moyou, who saw this scene using the shadow shared vision, couldn't help but stir up waves in his heart.

   "Is it the ability of the word of God, or..."

  He looked at Jin standing on the iron ball in surprise.

  (end of this chapter)

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