MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 339 what happened?

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  Chapter 339 What happened?

  Large-caliber firearms, even if they are just pistols, can pose a threat to people with telekinetic abilities.

  Psychic ability users at the same level, that is, strengthening and releasing types, can resist damage from powerful firearms under the condition that the "manifesting energy" is dispersed and covered the whole body.

  Psychic users of other attributes need to use the technique of "condensation" to concentrate the power of mind in one place, so as to build a defense force that can offset the damage of powerful firearms.


  The army stationed at the place where the mausoleum was excavated, since it has the capital to invade a city, it can easily destroy a team of mind-ability users.

   This is national power.

  However, the prerequisite for the army to destroy a team of telekinetics is that the two sides are in a state of "frontal fire".

   It's just that no matter how high the Elimo Bandit Group thinks they are, they will not be stupid enough to confront an army head-on.

  One of the members of the Elimo bandit group directly controlled the tank soldiers with the ability of the operation system, and then ignited the riot in an instant.

   And this is just the beginning!

  Ordinary people don't have the capital to resist the ability of the operating system, even elite soldiers with extraordinary will.

  When the first shell of the tank exploded in the barracks, in less than ten seconds, another tank opened fire towards the barracks.

  These tanks were originally the strongest walls standing in front of the barracks.

  But in the face of the enemy's mind ability, the city wall that was supposed to provide strong protection for the soldiers suddenly collapsed inward, like a boulder falling into a calm lake, causing thousands of waves.


  The controlled tanks kept firing towards the barracks.

   One soldier after another was bombarded by shells, and the tents affected by the explosion ignited raging flames in the wind and rain.

  The tank that turned back without warning can be said to have beaten the nearby soldiers into a daze, and they couldn't figure out what was going on at all.

   After receiving the information about the status quo of "tanks out of control", General Danny gave the order to destroy the tanks without hesitation.

   As for who the "betrayer" was sitting in the tank, he didn't care at all.

   "Is it controlled by the ability of the operating system..."

   Moyou learned about the situation from the side, so he could basically guess what was going on.

  Steel monsters with ferocious firepower like tanks really can't do anything to the ability of the operating system with strong intrusion capabilities.

   Once controlled, it will pose a huge threat to one's own side.

  Thinking of this, Moyou glanced at Ada.

  This Vajra Barbie officer is a person with the ability to read, so he should be able to discern the situation.

   Just when Moyu looked at Ada, the latter took a step forward and said solemnly: "General Danny..."


  General Danny agreed without waiting for Ida to finish speaking.

  Although he is not a psychic, he has some understanding of "supernatural phenomena".

  In fact, in the eyes of the public, people with psychic powers are existences such as "superman", "supernatural person", "immortal", "dominant" and so on.

  General Danny has basic cognition.

  Although his point of view has always been the truth within range, he sometimes accepts the truth that "only magic can defeat magic".

  With the approval of General Danny, Ada immediately left the tent in a hurry and ran towards the position of the tank.

  Faced with the potential threat of "the enemy will control more tanks", Ada needs to race against time to contain or eliminate the unknown operator with the ability to operate.

  With Ada's departure, Moyou couldn't sit idly by. Before General Danny cast his gaze over, he took the initiative to say: "Give us three sets of military uniforms."


  General Danny raised his eyelids and turned his head to look at Moyou, with a gleam in his eyes.

  Moyou's initiative saved him the effort to speak.

  General Danny gestured to the soldiers a few steps away. The latter understood and left the tent quickly to prepare military uniforms for the three of Moyou.

   “The identity of the attacker is currently unknown.”

  Watching his subordinates leave the tent, General Danny turned his gaze, looked at Moyu again, and said, "But I have never doubted the information you provided, Spider Killer."


   Moyou looked calm.

   Obviously, the general has determined that the culprit of the riots is the Elimo Bandit Group.

   To say the basis—

   Not only because of the information he provided, but also because the timing of the opponent's attack was exactly when the excavation team was removing many boxes from the mausoleum.

  Actually, Moyou also knows...

  No matter who the attacker was, when the unusual phenomenon such as the sudden betrayal of the tank soldiers occurred, the general would directly determine the attackers as the Elimo Bandit Group in order to use his strength.

  General Danny narrowed his eyes slightly, put himself in the position of the requesting party, and said solemnly: "Thank you."

   "I'm just a new bounty hunter, so don't expect too much from me."

   Moyou calmly met the gaze of General Danny.

   Another meaning of this sentence is: If the attacker is not the Elimo Bandit Group, then don't expect him to be a shield for the army.

  General Danny understood.

   Before he could continue speaking, the soldier who had left earlier brought back three sets of military uniforms, and his movements were swift.

   Moyou took the military uniform directly, turned and left.

  Men Qi and Xiao Di have been watching silently, and when they saw Moyou leaving with his military uniform, they followed immediately.

  General Danny watched the three of Moyou leave calmly.

  After the three figures of Moyou disappeared from sight, General Danny took the headset from his subordinates and put it on.

   After a while, a solemn expression slowly appeared on his face.

   Any other general, after hearing the news that a fat and tall man smashed one of his tanks with a chain iron ball, might not have a dignified expression like him, but it is impossible to remain calm.


  General Danny frowned.

  The battle reports came from the headset one after another, as if the enemy was showing off his extraordinary power to him.

   Despite this, General Danny still firmly believes that the army can deal with this group of attackers who are different from ordinary people, but he can also foresee the huge losses that the army will need to suffer.

   This is already the established result.

   If there is a glimmer of hope...

   I am afraid that they are expecting this group of attackers to be the Elimo Bandit Group.

   In that case, at least the "Spider Killer" can be counted on to greatly reduce the losses the army has to bear.

   Right now.

   There were loud gunshots and explosions in the barracks.

  A fat, bald man with a beard rampaged through the barracks, attracting the hostility of most soldiers.

  Suddenly, countless bullets poured into the fat bald man.

  However, when the bullet landed on the man, it was like hitting a steel plate. It only splashed dense sparks, and there was no follow-up.

  Some soldiers throw grenades...

   But after the explosion, the bald man rushed out of the smoke unharmed, waved the super-large iron ball with a diameter of one meter, and smashed soldiers into a pulp with ease.

  Even the tank couldn't withstand the blow of the iron ball, let alone the soldiers' bodies.

   "Monster, monster...!"

  The soldiers could only watch helplessly as the violent iron ball that rolled the wind and rain was like a meat grinder, covering the surrounding ground with scarlet meat mud.

  Facing this monster who is not afraid of guns and grenades and can smash tanks with bare-handed iron balls, the soldiers' high fighting spirit suddenly fell to the bottom.

   "It's not painful or itchy."

  The bald man who was swinging the super large iron ball with his bare hands showed a ferocious smile.

  The only thing that could pose a threat to him in the barracks is the steel monsters of land warfare like tanks.

  But his companion's operating system ability helped him solve the threat from the tank in advance, so he was able to rampage in the barracks unscrupulously, responsible for attracting more and more firepower.

  As long as he maintains a "firm" state at all times, the number of soldiers is superior to him, and they are nothing more than a group of targets that he will smash into flesh at any time.

  He doesn't even need to attach too much thought power to the chain iron ball, and he can be invincible with strength alone.

   Even if the assembled soldiers are well-equipped and outnumbered, they can’t stop the bald man’s attack with chain iron **** at all.

  Wherever the iron ball went, the ground was covered with blood and flesh.

  The only tank that could pose a threat to the bald man just now has also been smashed into a pile of scrap iron by the iron ball.

   "It really is the reinforcement system."

  At the edge of the battle circle, Moyou came here alone, and at a glance he saw the fat man rampaging in the hail of bullets.

  Ada was to deal with the unknown operating system among the enemies, while Xiao Di and Men Qi went to the largest shed in the field.

  The unearthed objects transported from the mausoleum are placed in the largest shed, and they must be attacked at any time.

   Moyou was naturally attracted by the huge movement, and then saw the scene of the fat man wielding a large iron ball to slaughter the soldiers, and could conclude that the opponent was of the reinforcement system.

   "Einbo Sykes."

  Moyou stepped into the battle circle, staring at the fat man who was attacked by the hail of bullets and sputtering dense sparks all over the field, and whispered the name of the opponent.

  Einbo Sykes, one of the known members of the Elimo Bandit.

   That is to say—

  The information is correct.

  The people who suddenly launched an attack on the Luluxi Army were indeed the Erimo Bandit Group.

  After confirming the identity of the attacker, Moyou mobilized his mind and manifested a black knife on his right hand.

   "Just to feed you."

   Moyou's eyes were burning.

  Before he arrived here, he already had the judgment that the person who made the big commotion was from the reinforcement department.

   After all, only the strengthening department dares to confront so many heavily armed soldiers so arrogantly.

  Of course, the possibility that this reinforcement system is specially used by the Elimo Bandit Group to attract firepower cannot be ruled out.

   But Moyu didn't care.

  No matter what role this strengthening system plays in this operation, what Moyou sees is just a single prey.

  Moyu lightly jumped onto the roof of a shed, crossed his left arm, and supported it with the back of the knife, and the tip of the knife pointed at Ainbo in the arena.

  「Super Speed ​​Crossbow」

  When the power of thought expands and contracts, it pours into the black knife like an electric current.


  The black knife flew out in response to the sound, attacking Ainbo who rushed into the crowd again like a bolt of lightning.


  Ainbo seemed to have sensed that the oncoming strong sense of crisis stimulated his pupils to shrink sharply, and he moved his body without hesitation.


   As soon as he moved his body, there was a stream of light from top to bottom, slanting across his waist, drawing a wound as thick as a little finger.

   "It's a knife!?"

  Dodging the attack from the dark, Ainbo looked back in surprise at the black knife stabbed obliquely on the ground behind him.

   Strands of thought power flickered and jumped on the handle and blade of the black knife like electric sparks, but in an instant, the light disappeared like a burnt candle.

   "Release system..."

  Ainbo withdrew his gaze, ignored the soldiers around him, and quickly lowered his head to glance at the bleeding wound.

   Fortunately, the intensity of the attack was not too harsh. A wound of this degree would not affect his combat capability.

   After inspecting the injuries as quickly as possible, Ainbo turned to look in the direction where the black knife was attacking, and what caught his eyes was the empty roof of the shed.

   At this moment, he sensed the fluctuation of thought power coming from behind.


  Ainbo reacted very quickly, and didn't turn around immediately. Instead, he twisted his wrist and pulled the chain like turning a hula hoop, and threw the iron ball tied to the end of the chain across his waist and smashed it backward.

  Moyou, who used the ability of "Shape Shifting" to come to the place where the black knife was placed, did not expect Ainbo's reaction to be so fast.

   "Members of A-level criminal groups also have strengths and weaknesses. This guy... is much stronger than the three I met in the ruins."

  Between lightning and flint, Moyou kicked the shadow backward with his heels, and at the same time released the right hand that had just been attached to the handle of the black knife, and took two steps back.

  The iron ball drawing a semi-arc trajectory swept past Moyou's eyes with a gust of wind.

   Immediately, Moyou stepped forward calmly, reached out and pulled out the black knife, and slashed at Ainbo's back.

  Ainbo suddenly pounced forward, and while extending Moyou's attack distance with this move, that seemingly fat and bulky body turned around in the air like an ape nimbly.

  「Big iron ball planetary ring」

   Immediately, with the power of turning around and twisting his waist, Ainbo made the chain iron ball that had just been smashed empty along an invisible star ring, and hit Moyou again around.

Of course, it was impossible for Moyou to take the powerful blow of the strengthening system. He touched the ground with his toes, jumped into the air, hung his body upside down to avoid the oncoming iron ball, and then went straight over Ainbo's head, and at the same time swung his knife cut off.


  Ling Lie's sword slashed across Ainbo's bald head, leaving a **** skin wound on it.


   Ainbo's eyes were sharp.

  In terms of the reaction and strength of melee attack and defense, as a strengthening system, he will not let a release system that dares to get close to succeed.

   "It's obviously a release system, but you dare to be so arrogant."

   Ainbo confirmed Moyou's lethality during this short confrontation, and immediately knocked Moyou with his backhand elbow to the ground.

  He can counteract most of the damage from Moyou, so he can let go a little bit in terms of counterattack and offense.

   Facing Ainbo's elbow, Moyou's body turned around in the air, and immediately kicked on Ainbo's shoulder.

   There was a muffled bang.

  With the help of the reaction force generated by this kick, Moyou's body flew upside down.

   Ainbo's counterattack immediately fell through with an elbow.

at the same time.

  Moyou casually threw the black knife at Ainbo.

  But he saw the black knife turned into a stream of light and flew towards Ainbo's chest.

   Ainbo raised his brows, and he turned sideways again after reacting in time, but was still scratched by the black knife.

   "Don't be too arrogant!"

  Relying on the advantages of the strengthening system to offset most of the damage again, Ainbo suddenly threw the iron ball straight.

  The iron ball entwined with concentrated thoughts broke through the air and hit the unarmed Moyou.

  With a force as heavy as a thousand catties, Moyou's body was smashed into several pieces.

   "Really weak."

  A successful blow, Ainbo showed a disdainful smile.


  He noticed that the soldiers around him were smiling excitedly.


   Ainbo couldn't help feeling a little weird in his heart.

what happened?

New Year approached…

   So busy, so tired.

   Tomorrow's New Year's Eve, there are many things to do, and there may not be updates.

   If I have time, I will write it before the evening.

   First of all, I wish you all a happy new year.



  (end of this chapter)

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