MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 317 Scored twice (monthly ticket plus update)

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  Chapter 317 Scored twice (monthly ticket plus update)

  The head of the Nobunaga doll was taken off by Hisoka.

  The reason why Hisoka was able to shoot obliquely from the air to the back of the Nobunaga doll suddenly was because of the stretchable love that was stuck to the long knife in the hand of the Nobunaga doll with the help of playing cards just now.

  It's just that when arranging and using abilities, he used "hidden" to eliminate the traces of love that stretches freely.

  So his way of attacking suddenly gave people a strange feeling.

  The body of the decapitated Nobunaga puppet slowly fell to Hisoka's feet, and the long knife that chopped off the playing cards just now also fell to the ground together, making a clanging sound.

   "What a delicate doll."

   Hisoka threw the Nobunaga doll's head up and down as if it were a ball.

  His face is full of ease, and with the words he said, it seems to be expressing a point of view:

  This puppet seems to have no other characteristics other than lifelike.

  Mianying looked at Hisoka with surprise on his face.

  The dolls that were meticulously manufactured based on the main combat members of the brigade were destroyed so easily.

   This made Muanying suddenly think of the scene where Moyu killed the Nitero doll in a single blow.


   What is going on?

  Why does the omnipotent God Doll suddenly appear so weak.

  Mianying gritted his teeth, and manipulated the remaining Franklin and Finx dolls to attack Hisoka.

   Hisoka enjoyed Mukage's "how is this possible" reaction.

   "The hard-working dolls can't be thrown away at will."

   Hisoka suddenly raised his foot and kicked the headless body of the Nobunaga doll.

  The moment his toes touched the headless puppet's body, Hisoka wrapped the outgoing thoughts around the headless puppet's body to increase the attack power.

  The shadow of the face looked at the body of the headless puppet flying towards him, and moved sideways to the right, letting the body of the headless puppet fly past him.

   Almost in the next second.

  The head of the Nobunaga doll also flew over.

  At this time, the face had no power to dodge, so he could only mobilize the little mind power left on his body to condense on his right hand, and immediately waved the head of the flying Nobunaga doll to the ground.

   After blocking the attack, he looked at Hisoka coldly.

  At this moment, the Finx doll rushed in front of Hisoka, and the big hand that could easily hold flat steel covered Hisoka's face.

   Hisoka smiled and jumped back lightly, avoiding the palm of the Finx doll that seemed to crush his head.

   And the Franklin doll once again aimed at Hisoka's ability to launch two-handed machine guns.

  Accompanied by intensive gunfire, bullets swept towards Hisoka one after another.

  Even if this is just a counterfeit version of a two-handed machine gun, it is quite powerful under the blessing of "Nian".

  Under the unknown circumstances, Hisoka did not rashly try the power of the two-handed machine gun, but chose to avoid its sharp edge, using flexible movements to avoid the many bullets coming from constantly changing angles.

   "Suppress him like this, and then let the Finx doll find a chance to crush his neck."

  Mask stared intently at Hisoka, who was dodging attacks in the arena.

   Hisoka in the arena looked like he was beaten by the Franklin doll and the Finx doll and fled around, but in fact he was able to handle it with ease.

   "In order to control the dolls and ensure the strength of the dolls, it is necessary to distribute most of the 'display energy' to each doll."

  The corners of Hisoka’s mouth hooked slightly, showing a hint of a smile, and said to himself in his heart:

"This approach will undoubtedly make the ability user who controls the doll unable to retain too much display energy, resulting in a significant drop in his own defense, and even has no spare energy to use Ning, which is equivalent to telling me to hurry up and attack you directly. "

   "But it's too obvious, there should be corresponding precautions..."

   "Although I don't know what the specific method is, it is precisely because of this confidence that you ignore more important things."

   "So, I don't need to do anything to you myself."

   Hisoka avoided the attacks from the Franklin puppet and Finx, while turning his thoughts, using the little information available to infer intelligence.

  The puppet controller, since he can dispatch the puppet to attack without any worries, and also allocates most of the "showing strength" to the puppet...

   It means that there are means to deal with melee attacks.

   Hisoka realized this, so he didn't go over the doll and went straight to the shadow.

   It is common sense in combat to directly eliminate the operator with the ability to manipulate the system, and the controlled object can instantly lose its threat.

   But not all battles apply the same common sense.

   Hisoka didn't intend to shorten the distance to attack the shadow, and in fact he didn't need to make a move at all.

  Because when he kicked the body and head of the Nobunaga puppet to the shadow, he had already completed the arrangement that could kill the shadow.


   Hisoka will enjoy the good time before the battle ends.

the other side.

   "Mianying guy dares to make my doll."

  Finks scolded the face in his heart, and immediately gathered all his strength to punch Moyou who was within the attack range with an astonishing momentum.

  Moyu did not use the ability of the shadow clone, and freed up the "manifestation" for melee combat. At the same time, he gave up the idea of ​​counterattack and used all his mental energy to dodge Finx's attack.

  Because Finx is an enhancement system...

  So in this kind of tight attack and defense, it must not be hit by Finx's "effective attack", even if it is scratched.

   On the other hand, Finx, after mastering Moyou's ability information, almost no longer needs to fortify Moyou's limited attack methods.

  Even if it was a release-type attack that was not weak in speed and power, Finks had already resisted it once, and knew the power of it, so he knew it well.

  The fault tolerance rate of the two in close combat is not at the same level at all.

   This is probably the advantage of the reinforcement system.

   Facing Finks' powerful attack, Moyou could only rely on the cold weapon advantage brought by the black knife to blindly defend, and seemed unable to do other things.

  But the reason why he allowed Finx to play freely did not release the shadow clone to change the status quo.

  On the one hand, he needs enough "showing strength" to mobilize offense and defense, so as to improve the fault tolerance rate of melee combat.

  On the other hand, it was because Finks' melee combat to some extent sealed Franklin's release attack.

   Before thinking about the "next step", Moyou didn't mind maintaining this situation for the time being.

  Anyway, as long as Franklin has no substantive actions for the time being, the fatigue caused by the "two-line operation" can be temporarily relieved.


  The two sides only had a quick confrontation for more than a dozen rounds, and Finks suddenly shouted a word, which broke the deadlock.

   "Do what you should do."

   This sentence is what Finks said to Franklin.

   Franklin instantly understood the meaning of Finks' words.

That is-

   Don't care about his life or death, just attack.

  Franklin immediately mobilized the thought power in his whole body and circulated it on his left hand, and then turned into many thought bombs full of killing intent and flew towards Moyou and Finx who were fighting close to each other.


  Moyou raised his brows slightly, secretly lamenting the opponent's ferocity, and immediately found the right time to deliberately raise the back of the knife horizontally to hit Finks' fist, and mobilized the shadow that moved with the body to attract it to the calf.

  Finks was keenly aware of Moyu's intentions, but it was still too late.

  In this kind of wild attack that has the upper hand, the body's reaction can always be one step faster than the brain.

  The already swung fist hit Moyou's black knife **** the back.

   There was a clanging sound.

  A tyrannical force was transmitted directly from the back of the knife to Moyou's arm.

  With the help of this sudden force, Moyou flew upside down, out of the range of Franklin's bullets.


  The bullets from the flying attack hit Finks and the surrounding ground, and a lot of smoke and dust were raised in the blink of an eye, engulfing Finks.

  Seeing this scene, Franklin immediately raised the muzzle of his gun and chased after Moyou who flew upside down into the air.

  The bright diamond-shaped bullet pierced the night until Moyou left.

Moyou was the first to notice the mind bomb attack that followed, but he didn't pay attention to it. Instead, he controlled the shadow that was attached to his calf just now, flowing through his thigh and waist at an extremely fast speed, and then along the The arm covered the black knife.

  In an instant, the shadow completely fit on the black knife.

  Because the black knife has not yet been molded, the whole body is pitch black, so when the shadow adheres to it, it is actually difficult to see the difference.

  Put the shadow-covered black knife on his arm, aiming the tip of the knife at the smoke and dust below.

  Even if the smoke obscures the vision, the position can be locked through the breath of thought power on Finx.

  「Super Speed ​​Crossbow」

  During the burst of thought power, the black knife attached to the shadow on the arm suddenly shot towards the smoke and dust like a black dodge.

  At this moment, Finx waved his hand to disperse the smoke and dust that filled his body. When he raised his head, the image of the flying black knife was reflected in his pupils.

   It can be said to be as fast as thunder.

  However, it is not too difficult for Finx to avoid if he is prepared.

"is that useful?"

  Finks turned sideways suddenly, the pupils of his eyes moved with the black knife that was shooting obliquely, just like this, he watched the black knife with the power of thought all over his body pass in front of him, and then pierced deeply into the ground.

   This is obviously a release-type attack with enhanced penetrating power. When the mind touches an object, it will not trigger an explosion of energy, but will directly penetrate the touched object.


After dodging the blow, Finx quickly glanced at the surrounding environment, and immediately took two steps forward, and was about to repeat the trick to pull Moyu into close combat, when he suddenly heard Franklin calling his name .

at the same time.

  Suddenly the figure of Moyou was lost in the field of vision in front of him, replaced by a long strip of shadow floating in the air.


  Finks' eyes changed, and he suddenly realized something.

   But Moyu had already appeared behind him.

  The shadow sticking to the black knife just now pierced into the ground along with the black knife.

  So after Finx dodged the "Super Speed ​​Crossbow", he quickly glanced at the environment, and didn't see the shadow hidden in the tunnel-like hole for the first time.

   At the moment when Finx stepped forward and let the cave fall behind him, the shadow came to the ground along the cave wall at a fairly fast speed.

  After all the conditions were met, Moyou decisively used "Shape-shifting" to exchange positions with the shadow behind Finks.

   Immediately after—

  Moyou did not mobilize his mind power to materialize the black knife, but punched Finks in the back without delay.

  Finks only strengthened the defense of the mind force on his back a little bit, but was hit by Moyou's punch.


  The thought power brought along with the fist bombarded Finks' lower back, bursting out a white energy visible to the naked eye.

  Finks' body shook, and when he opened his mouth to spurt out blood, he flew out like a cannonball.

  It is precisely because Moyou chose to skip the step of "realizing the black knife", so even if Finx is aware of the upcoming attack, the space he can operate is compressed to almost nothing.

  If Moyu coveted the possibility of "one-hit kill" and chose to waste a little time to realize the black knife, then...

  Finks, who has already known Moyou's ability, is very likely to build a sufficient defense in time under Franklin's reminder to resist Moyou's offensive.

can only say-

  Moyou is very decisive in choosing and choosing.

   There is no such thing as "hurry up to reduce the number of opponents" because the opponent has an advantage in numbers.

  After a successful blow, Moyou didn't have the slightest thought of fighting. Instead, he withdrew his arms and moved around on the grass to avoid the bullets that Franklin called over.

  Because of Franklin's attack, Finx, who was sent flying, doesn't have to worry about the pursuit from Moyu.

  His body fell heavily to the ground, and the pain it conveyed was like fuel, making the anger in his heart even more raging.

  Compared to the pain caused by the injury, what Finks can't bear the most is that he was always vigilant about Moyou's shadow ability, but in the end he was tricked by Moyou again.

   "Damn stuff..."

   Suppressing the boiling anger in his heart, Finx slowly got up from the ground.

  The pain from the bone fracture at Yintang, together with the severe pain in the lower back, was transmitted to Finks' nerves.

  He still won't lose his combat power due to these two injuries, but it will more or less affect his body movements in battle.

  Moyu dodges the bullet attack from Franklin.

   Fortunately, he broke one of this guy's arms in the casino last time, which reduced this guy's firepower coverage by half, otherwise he wouldn't be able to always avoid those constantly flying bullets like now.

   "Obviously the attack has been hit on him with the fastest speed, but the effect is a little worse than expected..."

  While avoiding the read bomb, Moyou spared some spare energy to take a quick look at the situation on Finks' side. Seeing that the other party got up so quickly, he couldn't help feeling slightly regretful.

   If only I could break my spine...

  But the reinforcement system is the reinforcement system.

  Even if the speed of strengthening the defense of mind power is a bit slower, the basic defense strength can be used to reduce enough damage to the body.

  Plus the physical strength...

  Unless he can attack a position that is not covered by the slightest thought power, it is impossible to instantly kill a power-enhanced ability user of Finx's level.

  However, if the upper limit of "Revealing Aura" can be more, the blow just laid out should be able to achieve a more significant effect.

"Still a long way to go…"

  Although Moyou felt a little regretful, he was not in a hurry.

   This is a two-in-one chapter, which is equal to two chapters plus a monthly pass.

   I wrote more than 8,000 words today, and if I write another chapter, it will be a thousand changes.

   It's just that the state is a bit bad.



  (end of this chapter)

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