MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 307 As expected of Chairman Netero

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  Chapter 307 is really worthy of President Netero

   That's definitely not Nitro!

   But something else.

  Seeing Nitro's dark, empty eyes, Moyu and Bisji came to a judgment in an instant.

  Fiona, who was closest to Nitro, also realized this.

  Although the person in front of him was no different from the Nitero he knew in terms of appearance, size, expression and behavior, his empty eyes were enough to prove that he was not Nitero.

  It is a product related to reading!

   "Hey, although I can barely walk..."

  Wearing the "heart character battle uniform", Nitro walked towards Fiona like a stroll in the garden, stroked his beard and said lightly: "But the road is a little bit unclear, I really can't accept it."

  Seeing Netero approaching step by step, Fiona showed a look of vigilance, and at the same time raised her right arm to protect Koko, and retreated quickly towards the rear.

   Kou Kou retreated somewhat dazedly, being protected by Fiona.

How is this going?

  Why is the legendary professional hunter Nitro here?

  And why Fiona's reaction is so great.

   Isn't this a good thing?

  Kou Kou didn't know, so when he was about to ask, he heard Nitero, the president of the Hunter Association, say: "If you can't see clearly, you have to change to a pair that can see clearly."

  Afterwards, a golden light appeared in Kou Kou's eyes.

  Fiona opened her eyes wide suddenly, looking in disbelief at the golden shadow flashing from behind Nitro.

   "Avalokitesvara in Hundred Forms... How is that possible!!"

  In the blink of an eye, Fiona pushed Kou Kou back with her palm.

  The well-controlled power didn't hurt Kou Kou, and at the same time pushed her to the direction of Moyou.

  The next moment.

  A golden streamer bombarded Fiona's body.

  It was the palm strike of the Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara.

   This palm directly slapped Fiona to the ground.


  The seemingly powerful impact suddenly cracked the ground, and a wave of air swept away.

  When the air wave swept away the sand and dust, the golden Guanyin's palm still firmly pressed Fiona under it.

   And Nitro, who summoned the Hundred-style Avalokitesvara, paced towards the crushed Fiona.

far away.

  Seeing that Eyeless Nitro used the ability of Baishi Avalokitesvara, the pupils of Moyou and Bisiji shrank sharply.

   "Even the ability has been reproduced..."

   "But the strength and speed are far from the deity."

  Moyou and Bisiji glanced at each other quickly, and they could see surprise in each other's eyes.

  Although the hundred-style Avalokitesvara used by the counterfeit is far less powerful than the real one, it is a thing not to be underestimated that the Nian product can reproduce the Nian ability of others.

not to mention…

   Can even reproduce the ability of an old monster like President Netero?

  Even if it is a parallel import.

   Just the appearance of the Hundred Styles of Avalokitesvara can defeat the defenses of most professional hunters.

   I didn’t expect the members of the Phantom Troupe to have this ability…

   Is it the former No. 4 member who has not seen the shadow in the original work?

  Moyou's thoughts turned quickly, and he looked at Fiona, who was under the palm of Baishi Guanyin, and said in a deep voice, "Bisji, send Menqi and the others away."

   "Okay, take care of yourself."

  Bisji didn't care about the little problem that Moyou didn't call her sister, and ran towards Menqi and Xiaodi without hesitation.

  The appearance of the counterfeit Nitero and Baishi Guanyin abilities is simply adding fuel to the fire for the current situation, and it can't be worse.

   Before knowing the principle of the opponent's mind ability, the possibility that the opponent will summon some more powerful people is not ruled out.

  In this case, it is best to put oil on the soles of your feet.

at the same time.

   further afield.

   Kang Zai, who escorted Eredin to the gate of the courtyard, was looking back in the direction of Xuegong, with shock in his eyes.

   "It's the president's hundred-style Guanyin... But why is the president here? It seems to have popped up out of nowhere."

   It is not clear where Nitro came from, but in Kang Jae's view, this is undoubtedly good news.

   "President? Are you talking about Nitro, the president of the Hunter Association? So the golden light that flashed just now was Nitro's ability?"

   After hearing Kang Jae's words, Eredin couldn't help asking.

  Kang Jae withdrew his gaze, nodded and said: "Yes, although I don't know where the president came from, but if he is here, there is basically no need to worry."

   "Since this is the case, then we don't need to leave in a hurry."

Ai Ruiting stopped suddenly, turned around and looked in the direction of Xuegong, with a strange light in his eyes, and said: "The legendary professional hunter, if you can witness the demeanor with your own eyes, then tonight's trip... is worth it okay."


  Kang Jae looked at Eredin, who was covered with thin thoughts, and suggested: "Even if there is a president, my personal suggestion is to keep away from danger as the first thing."

   "Then let me confirm with you again, Kang Jae."

  Eridin turned his eyes, looked at Kang Jae's face, and said calmly: "Are you sure Nitro is really there?"

   "I'm sure, I'm not mistaken, that was indeed the ability of the president just now."

  Kang Jae nodded without hesitation.

  He has seen the Hundred Forms of Avalokitesvara many times, so how could he be wrong.

   "That's fine."

   Eredin pursed her lips and smiled, and immediately walked towards Xuegong.

  Kang Jae looked at Eredin's bold move, and then looked at Harvey.

   Harvey just frowned, didn't say anything, but followed closely beside Eredin.

   "Forget it, with the president here, as long as those people are not stupid, they will definitely flee."

  Kang Jae shook his head slightly, followed quickly, and stood in front of Eredin.

  This female superstar who wanted to see the legendary hunter for herself didn't know that she was taking the initiative to step into a big pit.

   Kang Zai, who was supposed to **** Eredin away and stay away from the battle circle, was also forced to turn around.

  Life is dramatic, nothing more than that.

  In front of the gate of Snow Palace.

   Eyeless Nitro came to Fiona who was suppressed by Baishi Guanyin.

  Fiona's lips were bleeding, and she struggled to lift the golden palm that was pressing on her body.

  The moment she was hit by Baishi Guanyin, she was further sure that the other party was a counterfeit.

  Otherwise, if it is the real Hundred-style Avalokitesvara...

  Just with the palm just now, she can be killed instantly.

   Instead of being like this now, only suffered internal injuries, and still has the strength to fight.

   "Hoo hoo."

  Nitero suddenly leaned in front of Fiona.

  Fiona's eyes widened immediately, and she looked at Nitro's dark, empty eye sockets that seemed to be emitting an ominous aura.


  In front of Fiona's eyes appeared long, slender and colorful filaments intertwined, and the other end of the filaments was actually connected to Nitro's dark eye sockets.

"this is?"

  Before Fiona didn't understand what was going on, she only felt that her eyes suddenly blurred, and then became pitch black, and she could no longer feel the existence of her eyes.

"my eyes…!"

  Fiona's heart trembled.

  At the same time, Netero's eye sockets were no longer dark and empty, but the same eyes as the deity appeared.

   "Oh? My luck is pretty good."

  A voice came from the gate of Snow Palace.

  The visitor was tall and slender, with long silver-gray hair. He was the face of the current No. 4 member of the Phantom Troupe.

   "I didn't expect that there are more memories in the randomly picked eyes."

  Mask looked at Fiona, who had hollow and dark eyes, with a wicked smile on her face.

  This fake Nitro...

   To be more precise, it is Nitro the doll.

  All of this is derived from the special memory ability of the face:

  「God Puppeteer」

  The effect of the ability is to create a puppet that reproduces others through the captured "memory".

  It can be said that memory is the original driving force of the doll, and it is also the precondition for replicating the real body.

  But when making a doll, the face does not need to capture the memory of the deity, even the memory and cognition of the deity by others can become the material for making the doll.

  Mianying was collecting the eyeballs of a professional hunter, and accidentally discovered that the memory in the eyeballs actually had Netero's fighting posture.

   (The memory comes from the action of destroying the Qinglin team)

  Having the memory of Netero, Mianying naturally created a Nitro doll full of excitement.

   And the most terrifying thing about his ability is that...

  The puppet can successfully copy the heart of the deity with incomplete memory, and copy the mind ability possessed by the deity.

  This is the reason why Netero dolls are so like the deity in words and deeds, and they can also use Baishi Guanyin.

  However, although the puppet can use the mind ability of the deity, it is far inferior to the deity in terms of the accuracy of the ability.

  If you want to further enhance the power of the doll, you have to take the eyes of the deity.

  Dolls with real eyes are different levels of existence from dolls without real eyes.

  Mianying certainly wanted to get the eyes of Netero himself, but this kind of thing can only be imagined in a dream.


  He just picked a target's eye at random to replace it, but he didn't expect that the owner of this eye also had memories about Nitro.

   And the integrity of its memory is even more complete than the "memory" he used to make the Netero doll.

   This windfall surprised him.

  With the blessing of the eyes and these memories, the power of the Netero doll will be further improved.

   "It's amazing."

  Mianying opened his arms and smiled happily.

  The Nitero doll that has eyes has removed the Hyakushi Kannon, so it ignores Fiona who lost her eyes, and stands quietly beside Muanying.

   Moyou came quickly from a distance.

   On the way, he saw the process of the Netero doll taking Fiona's eyes, and also saw the Netero doll that got the eyes.

  Just like his shadow clone, in terms of appearance alone, it is almost the same as the deity.

   "What kind of ability is this?"

  Moyou's eyes were slightly serious.

  The memory of the original work he has has no information about the previous members of the No. 4 Brigade.

  The face looked at Moyou who came in front of him, and slowly stopped laughing, and eagerness appeared in his eyes.

   This telekinetic person, who can make Franklin and the knight suffocate, is also a collection worth buying!

  If Mianying knew that Moyou had the memory of the so-called original book in his head, then Mianying would be deeply shocked and extremely excited at the same time.

  Because that means that as long as he can grab Moyu's eyes, he can use these memories to create various dolls with amazing strength, even the dolls of monsters like Meluem.


  Kou Kou, who was pushed away by Fiona earlier, got up from the ground. She looked at Moyou who was not far away, bit her lips and said, "Help Fiona..."

   "You step back first."

  Moyou glanced at Kou Kou quite unexpectedly.

  Under normal circumstances, employers only care about their own safety, not the bodyguards they hire.

   And this gangster lady was so concerned about the safety of a professional bodyguard hunter hired with money, that she didn't even stay away from the danger in the first place.

  In any case, it is impossible for Moyu to turn a blind eye to Fiona's safety.

   Originally, he planned to stay where he was and procrastinate for time...

  After drinking back Koko, Moyu rushed straight to Fiona.

   At the moment.

  Although Fiona lost her eyes, she still has the power to move.

  After the Netero doll removed the Baishi Guanyin, she got up from the pit, but her eyes were dark, and she didn't know where to go.

   "Fiona, come here."

   At this moment, Fiona heard Moyu's voice, and immediately jumped out of the pit without hesitation, and rushed towards the direction of the sound.

   This scene was seen by Muanying.

   "So it's another acquaintance?"

  Mianying sneered, signaling the Nitero doll to deal with Moyu.


   There was a burst of gunfire.

   It was Franklin who came outside the Snow Palace and raised his hand to release the mind bomb towards Moyou and Fiona who were approaching each other.

  「Close the gun with one hand」

  The diamond-shaped bomb with full attack power pierced the air and flew towards Moyou.

   "Sure enough, there is no way to hold back for too long..."

  Seeing Franklin's bullets coming in the air, Moyou sighed softly in his heart.

  With the half-strength Shadow Clone left in the hall, it is obviously unable to hold back the large and powerful Phantom Troupe.

   It is the limit to win these few seconds.

   "Fiona, relax."

  Moyu stretched out his hand to grab Fiona's palm, and immediately exerted force, like throwing a baseball, turning around and throwing Fiona towards Kou Kou.

   After finishing this action, Moyou didn't relieve his strength, but turned around and squatted down with his knees bent, and at the same time summoned a full-strength shadow clone in front of him.

  The many mind bombs that flew from the sky immediately bombarded the shadow clone.

  Chi Chi Chi Chi—!

  Shadow's body surface shot out dense ripples, but it was as stable as a mountain.

   It's just that the pain from Nian Dan's body couldn't be avoided, and it was completely transmitted to Moyou's body.

   "So powerful..."

   Moyou frowned slightly, silently enduring the continuous pain.

  Now he has long had the tough endurance.

   Outside the gate of Snow Palace.

  Wo Jin and other members of the main battle came out, and their eyes all focused on Moyou.

   And Feitan, Shelaev, and Maqi carried out Kuroro's order and went straight to Bisji and the others.

  Mask looked at Franklin, who kept firing bullets, and stopped him: "Franklin, don't do anything."


  Franklin ignored the words of his face and stared coldly at Moyou who was suppressed by the bullet.

  When Mianying wanted to say something—

   The Nitero doll who received the order to capture Moyu alive suddenly put his hands together and prayed.

  A burst of dazzling golden light emerged from the sky.

  In an instant, a beam of light hit Franklin's body.

  Franklin didn't even have a reaction, he was sent flying by the golden streamer, smashed through the wall of the Snow Palace, and disappeared in the blink of an eye.


  The sudden change changed the faces of Wojin and Finx, who attacked Moyou almost simultaneously.

   But then they also followed in Franklin's footsteps, one was slapped on the ground by Baishi Guanyin, and the other flew out by Baishi Guanyin.

   "It's a bad habit to intervene horizontally, huh huh."

   The Netero man said solemnly.

  Watching the three of them being sent flying by Avalokitesvara, they shrugged their shoulders and spread their hands, as if it was none of my business.

   "So I said don't do it first."


   The arena fell into a rare silence.

   Without the suppression of the bullet bombardment, Moyou straightened his body, and quietly separated a half-strength shadow clone to chase after Bisiji and the others.

  He saw Maqi, Shelaev, and Feitan go after Bisji and the others just now, but he had no choice but to create a shadow clone to follow them.

  After finishing the preparation quietly, Moyou looked at the Netero doll that sent Franklin and the others flying with strange eyes.

  Although it is a product of reading... But it can be said that the bad old man is reborn.

   No, the old man is still alive.

the other side.

   Kang Zai and the others who happened to come to the edge of the battle circle happened to see the powerful strength of the Nitero doll that knocked away the three members of the Phantom Brigade with a wave.

   "As expected of President Netero."

   Kang Jae sighed.

  Eridin and Harvey also showed admiration after witnessing the powerful attack of Baishi Guanyin.

  It's just that the three of them don't know it...

   This is really a big pit.

   There is a monthly pass event at the end of this month...

   I set up an event of 3000 votes plus updates. The original idea was that it would not be possible anyway, so there is no need to add updates, hehehe.

   But later, on a whim, I thought about not having a monthly ticket extra event.

   So last night I impromptuly wrote a chapter about monthly tickets, so the update was so late.

   It’s just that I didn’t expect that this monthly pass will directly help 3,000 votes plus updates...

   Good guy, so you have so many votes! !

   I would like to apologize to those who voted for monthly tickets before the event. In fact, there is not much extra content, and it is only part of the ability to show and interact with Xiaodi Night Swim.

   Although I have thought about writing some pornography, but in this environment, at most, I don’t need to be too curious.

   Don’t be too disgusted with the big guys who voted for the monthly ticket to watch the episode.

   This wave is true.

   So today's update is complete, and the next step is to code today's monthly pass.

   I am currently in a bad state, and typing when I am sick is very tormenting, otherwise I can write more.



  (end of this chapter)