MTL - Hunter: I’m Really Not a Mind Remover-Chapter 2 crazy ability

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  Chapter 2 Crazy Ability

   The voice appeared suddenly, and the content of the description was even more incredible.

   "Perception? How many times?"

  Moyu came back to his senses, his face expressionless.

  As a traveler, he immediately thought of the system.

   But, is this so-called look and feel really a system-like existence?

  Moyu didn't feel excited or happy because of this, but unconsciously thought about the nightmare last night.

   The resentment with a particularly amazing aura in the dream left a deep impression on him.

   And the timing of this "voice" is really...

   is such a coincidence.

   Coincidentally, he had doubts in his heart when he was here.

   Because where he is now, it is the world of full-time hunters.

   You must know that the mind power system that runs through this world is a power that can materialize "imagination" into reality, and evolve all kinds of strange abilities.

   That is to say…

  If last night's dream really happened, then—

  Under the premise of uncertainty about "ability", the possibility that resentment has acted on him cannot be ruled out.

   It is possible that he is still in a dream and has not woken up, or he may be rooted in the "hint" of the operating system.

The worst possibility    is "memory theft".

  Moyu thought more and more, and his thoughts slowly became a mess.

   It is precisely because he has a clear understanding of the ability system of this world, so this unexpected change of timing makes Moyu think more and more complicated.

   After all, even the "killing upgrade" mental ability has appeared in the original work, so what is impossible?

The idea of ​​   is full of infinite possibilities.

  Based on this kind of cognition, Moyou's thinking kept spreading...

   But he calmed down after a while.

   Instead of thinking wildly here, it is better to explore the source of the "voice" with practical actions.

   If there is a similar system, it would be best.

   Even if not, figure it out ASAP.


   "Look and feel?"

   "Removing thoughts?"

  Moyu began to try to call out the voice that appeared in the depths of his consciousness.

   However, there was no response.

   "Is it the wrong way..."

  Moyu muttered to himself in his heart, and then stopped trying to call, but concentrated on recalling what the "voice" had previously said.

   But after several attempts, still no response.

   "What the **** is this sound?"

  Moyou frowned slightly.

   Any system or something unknown.

   There is no such thing as a good thing in the world, and even if there is, the first reaction is not excitement, but vigilance.

   If you can't figure out the whole picture of this "voice", even your peace of mind will be a problem.

   However, before the investigation is clear, as long as this so-called "perception" does not adversely affect him, it is an acceptable situation.

   In addition, the authenticity of the so-called "removal of recitations" must be confirmed as soon as possible.

   This is not difficult, just find a little "thought after death" to verify it.

  Thinking of this, Moyu sorted out his mood a little, then washed and changed his clothes and left the room.

   came to the corridor, the morning wind blowing in the face brought a little coolness.

  Moyou subconsciously looked at the release pool in the yard.

   is very calm, nothing unusual.

   "Hope is just a dream..."

   Moyu thought silently in his heart, and then went straight to the main hall.

   soon came to the door of the main hall, Moyou raised his foot, stepped over the threshold, and walked in.

  The floor of the hall is paved with red bricks, and a vermilion beam and pillar stands on the left and right sides after the entrance.

  Located at the end just in front of the threshold, there are three offering tables, and behind the offering table sits a golden Angry-eyed Vajra with a height of four meters and three heads and six arms.

   In addition, there are no other decorations in the hall, which is very simple and bright.

  Moyu looked up at Angry King Kong.

   Every time I see this vajra, I always think of Nitro, the head of the Hunter's Association, who has a hundred-style Avalokitesvara.

   I don’t know if there will be an intersection with a legendary figure like Nitro in the future.

   After staring at Gloomy King Kong for a few seconds, Moyu turned to look at the altar on the left, with many objects placed on it.

   There are common items such as photos, cotton gloves, DVDs, pendants, etc.

   These objects are all relics left by the deceased here.

  Moyou came to the offering table, looked down at the many relics, and found a few faint black strands of air at a glance.

  The intensity is almost zero, and there is no threat at all.

  Moyu directly picked up one of the photos with black air threads attached.

   The photo is of a charming and well-dressed woman who looks familiar, like a female star.

   Flip the photo over, a line of words written on the back—

   "Eridine Nako, I'm so infatuated with you, but why don't you ever look at me, never, never!!"


  Moyu's mouth twitched slightly.

   The deceased who wrote this line of words should be the kind of groupie who is crazy enough to have no reason and thinking ability.

   No wonder he can pour out his thoughts after death as an ordinary person...

   "Then, let's take you to verify."

   Moyou's body was filled with the light of psychic power, and he used both hands to slowly gather the photo with "resentment" wrapped around it into his palm.

   The moment when this prayer action is completed—

  Moyu's head appeared without warning, some information about eliminating thoughts, like an innate instinct, it was naturally integrated into cognition—

  「Number of times of reciting: 1/1」

   There is only one chance to use it, and there is no need to bear any costs and consequences.

   And after completing the removal of thoughts, a piece of "emotional fragments" with various uses will be extracted from it.

   The essence of this remnant seems to be the crystallization of the soul...

   However, compared to emotional fragments, the ability to remove one's thoughts at no cost is enough to make most of the people with the ability to think in the world go crazy.

   This is equivalent to adding a "Purification" skill in the battle of the psychic, which can instantly remove the psychic effect exerted by the enemy on one's own body.

   If used properly, it is a hole card that can make a Jedi comeback.

  If you don't pursue it, you can also use this number of recitings to exchange for a large amount of money.

It is not without reason that    is regarded as the most precious profession.

   at this moment.

   As long as Moyu wants to, he can remove the "resentment" from the photo at any time.

   But he naturally wouldn't waste such a precious number of chanting times on a single photo.

   "Condition of use is contact..."

   Moyu knew this and put the photo back on the altar.

   As soon as he put down the photo, there was a rush of footsteps outside the hall.

  Moyou turned to look at the gate of the hall, and saw a bald-headed man with a beard in gray linen clothes quickly stepped over the threshold and entered the hall.

  The person here is the predecessor's father, Hawke.

   "What are you doing here early in the morning?"

  Hawk looked at Moyu with surprise.


  Moyu was about to find a reason to perfunctory, but he was interrupted by Hawke as soon as he spoke.

"I've made breakfast, you will remember to eat it later, and sweep the yard after eating, oh, by the way, I will be going out for a long time, and it may take ten days and a half to come back, during my absence. , if you don't want to receive tourists, lock the door, and don't call me if you have anything."

  Hawk hurriedly explained a few words, then turned and left without waiting for Moyou to react.


  Moyou was speechless for a while.

   From start to finish, he didn't have a chance to respond.

   "Speaking of which... Hawke can't 'read'."

  Moyu glanced at the top of Hawke's head, where there was a smoke-like life energy flowing naturally.

   (end of this chapter)

Read The Duke's Passion