MTL - How To Wear a Goddess Statue-Chapter 173 will

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The bleating of the sheep **** was just a conditioned reflex under shock. She quickly realized that she was a **** or not a sheep.

He paused for a while, then tremblingly, as if showing weakness, he baathed.

Luodus was unmoved: "Your acting is not very good."

Just in case, Luodus took out her godhead and held it in his hand.

Then picked up the sheep group and continued to rush towards where the princess was, feeling like a hard-hearted villain in a trance.

Well, the sheep **** is indeed a little cute, and it seems that it is completely different from her kin.

But this is not the reason why Luodus did not immediately destroy the godhead.

Looking at the direction, the Sheep God came from the depths of the wasteland—probably where the remnants of Eleuil and Sanur were located.

This sheep is not good at fighting, or basically has nothing to use in combat, but this does not mean that she will not affect humans.

Xie Lipu left the battle and returned to the wasteland, perhaps to interfere with the princess and protect the believers. In order to achieve this purpose, she may have some unknown means.

On the wasteland, the snow goddess wearing a silver-white fur cloak swept deeper, if not for the prisoner of war sheep dragging behind her, it looked like a large snow-colored migratory bird from a distance.

Soon, Luodus saw a tent below. The outer perimeter was almost burnt, but the inner perimeter was intact. Soldiers wearing Solan-style military armor wandered between the tents.

At the same time, I also saw the sheep **** who was rounded into a ball of hair.

Water Spirit: “…”

I forgot to salute for a while.

Luodus shook the water rope: "Has she been here?"

"We've been here, we only sensed the aura of this **** Sanur not long ago, and were taken aback."

"But she didn't show up, she didn't seem to do anything."

"The human queen is not abnormal either."

The elves answered with a lot of tongues.

From their mouths, Luodus learned that a elf had returned to Solancia to report to her before, but she did not receive the news.

Although the elves said that everything was normal, Luo Das was still a little worried. She dragged the sheep **** and floated into the largest tent.

At the moment, Eleuil is meeting the only remaining Sanur tribe witch doctor in the tent.

This tribe that believes in the sheep **** is actually a slippery fish in the eyes of Solanchia. It escaped the disaster because it was separated from the unified kingdom, but it is always going to be shot down.

I never thought that before Solan's army left, they would come to the door to ask for peace, or more precisely surrender, and the visitor was a tribal witch doctor, which shows his sincerity.

The witch doctor does not understand the language of Solancia, but Eleuil can speak Sanur, so there is no problem in communication, even the freelance translator of Ashino is not useful.

In front of the princess, the elderly witch doctor bowed his back deeply.

"I can represent the will of all the tribe, we are willing to offer loyalty to you, become soldiers of Solancia, obey your orders and dispatch; also willing to charge on the battlefield, even in the most Dangerous location."

"Your Majesty, I have only one request, please allow us to continue to believe in the goddess of the sheep, build a temple for her, and let our descendants continue to wear the sheep's amulet-"

"As long as you agree, the entire tribe will be your warriors from now on, fighting for you to the end."

After speaking, the witch doctor closed his eyes nervously.

He was afraid that the princess would refuse.

Although Solancia did not particularly reject the pagan believers, it was Sanur who started the war first, and Sanur who took the initiative to surrender to survive. They were at an absolute disadvantage.

Princess Solan can refuse this request, because even if refused, the Horde has no other choice.

Eliuil clearly knew this, and she stroked the snow tea-shaped amulet, noncommittal.

At this moment, the spiritual body of Luodus passed through the curtain, and the divine power condensed into a transparent lens in front of the princess.

Eliu Yildon's eyes lit up, in front of Sanur Witch Doctor, there was no extra expression on his face, but his spine was indistinctly straight.

Luodus glanced at the sheep horn ornament hanging on the witch doctor's chest, and while guessing his identity, he also guessed the purpose of this man.

"He came to surrender?" asked Luodus.

Eleuil blinked, indicating that it was.

Her golden eyes were deflected, and when she saw the sheep group behind the river goddess, she paused and raised her eyebrows slightly.

Lotus swings the rope: "This is their god."

Xie Lipu was looking in the direction of the witch doctor, when he heard the words, he froze and closed his eyes to pretend to be dead.

Eleuil thoughtfully, repeated slowly: "So, your tribe is willing to submit, as long as you are allowed to continue to believe in the sheep god?"

On the bright side, he was asking the witch doctor, but in fact he was watching the sheep **** secretly.

The witch doctor didn't know the inside story, but he still said firmly: "I beg you."

Exchanging glances with Eleuil, Luodus shook the rope lightly: "Your believers have surrendered to Solancia."

Xie Lipu was silent.

"If this tribe spontaneously chooses to surrender, or the leader makes such a decision, it will not be the witch doctor who comes to negotiate." Luodus said, "Is this your will? ?"

After a long silence, Xie Lipu said, "That's right."

"The human beings of this tribe are all good warriors, and they will be the help of Solancia."

Luodus frowned: "If that's the case, why are you fighting me?"

Xie Lipu said quietly: "When I saw you, I ran away first."

Then she was dragged back by the river goddess.

Lotus: "…" Oh.

Eleuil couldn't help raising the corners of her lips and let out a short chuckle in her breath. The witch doctor raised her head in confusion, not knowing whether it meant consent or a threat.

Luodus: "Then you—"

Xie Lipu bowed his head and whispered: "However, if I can beat you, I will still choose to fight you head-on."

"I am the **** of Sanur, and I will not turn my back on my civilization."

"But your followers will soon be Solan."

"Yes. They will become Sorans and live on, even if...even if they still believe in me, a new Xielip will be born after my death, which will be of the Solan pantheon Sheep God."

Luodus actually doesn't quite understand the idea of ​​this sheep, but Xie Lipu is obviously serious.

For example, if it were you, the goddess of the river, if it was Solancia who was about to perish, would you turn your back on it?"

Luodus pursed her lips.

"No if."

Eleuil sighed silently, looked at the witch doctor who became more and more uneasy because of the silence for too long, and bluntly said that he still had to think about it, and let him and the accompanying guards arrange a place to stay, waiting for the news.

And said to Ashino: "You go out first, let me think about it alone."

Arshino saluted and retired.

She is very happy now. So far, Sanur is doomed to perish. As for whether the only remaining tribe survives, is slaughtered, or returns to Soranchia, Ashino doesn't care. .

In fact, among the large and small tribes before the unification of the Sanur tribe, this was the only one that was pleasing to the eye in Ashino.

Perhaps because they believe in the sheep god, they do not regard people as reserve food, and they are not as proud of their brutality as other tribes, which is relatively better - but it is better to loot other countries, after all, the characteristics of wasteland residents , you can't live without looting.

Ashino and his guards left the tent together, leaving only Eleuil in the tent.

The princess finally no longer had to sit upright, pretending that she could not see the gods, she walked behind Luodus, stretched out her arms around his waist, put her chin on her shoulders, and stood half-hanging and half-standing, like A lazy cat resting.

"Luodus, you look so cold." Eleuil said, her tone a bit like a complaint and a bit like a spoiled child.

After all, she didn't let go, but held her tighter.

The Snow God incarnates in a silver fur cloak, with ice crystals hanging all over his body, and his long hair is also solemnly coiled. The winter temperament is added, and there is indeed a kind of cold and cold snow.

Xie Lipu widened her eyes: "You..."

Why are they hugging each other all of a sudden?

Luodus glanced at the sheep god, and there was divine power forming an opaque barrier, like a light blue wall, blocking her and the five-flowered sheep group.

Eleuil opened her mouth and wanted to say something.

Luodus turned his head back to look at her, raised his hand and hooked the back of the princess' neck, adjusted it to a suitable angle, and kissed the rose-colored lips.

Meticulous contact, tangled lips and tongues.


Gradually, the cold mouth is also soaked with warm body temperature.

"Now, is it still cold?"

Eleuil is still a little unfinished: "It's still a little bit, it seems."

Snow God is cold no matter how you look at it, even if it is stained with human body temperature, as for the inside, whoever touches it knows.

This kiss was not long, at least, when Luo Das removed the "wall", the sheep **** was still in a stunned state.

Although I can't see or hear, thank you Lippo! Know what just happened - or what it means.

Sanur's folk customs are much more open than Solancia!

As a **** with animal nature, she doesn't even have this consciousness!

Luodus said seriously: "Excuse me, where did you just say?"

Speaking, she took back the water rope and the water ring as if nothing had happened, but continued to hold Xie Lipu's godhead to guard against the other party's changes.

Xie Lipu: “…”

The author has something to say:

Happy Mid-Autumn Festival everyone!

I ate yogurt ice cream mooncakes during the day, woo woo woo woo very satisfied.

The little cuties who commented today are all given red envelopes, compare hearts!

Read Ultimate Level 1