MTL - How To Wear a Goddess Statue-Chapter 158 celebration feast

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Snow tea flower decoration, blue chalcedony inlay, white dress hanging over silk, this is indeed the unified image of the river goddess everywhere.

And Heffitt is indeed a city lord who has seen the world.

Faced with such a scene, he was just stunned, then lowered his head and saluted deeply.

Luodus nodded in response.

Because of the precedents of Eleuil's parents, Luodus didn't feel sudden at this time. Compared with the city lord Hefeit who also retained his consciousness, those who were confused and expressionless floated towards Ilu The undead of the river made her even more concerned.

Are most souls like this, unable to stay awake after death?

Concentrating her thoughts, Luodus asked, "Do you have any unfulfilled wishes for staying here?"

Heffitt paused and looked in Lena's direction.

She hummed the tune of farewell to the souls of the dead, the same tune that Luodus had heard the ravens play.

Lotus almost thought that Lord Heffitt would soon make a request to meet his daughter one last time, but he did not.

Just one glance, Heffitt withdrew his gaze: "It was my biggest mistake not to keep Tigbia, I have no regrets to see His Majesty take back the city and preside over the funeral for us. already."

The spirited old man raised his head and said cautiously: "I take the liberty to ask, where are you..."

Lotus thought for a moment: "I am the guardian of Eleuil."

Hefeit murmured: "So the rumor is true."

Luodus knows what rumors it is, the guardian of the gods and the people of the gods, this is the statement that came out when Eleuil "borrowed" her name to reject Horst's arrangement. Many Solan people are convinced of his talent and ability.

“I have witnessed your miracles, at the festival of the goddess Amira, the messenger you sent sent snow tea to show the favor of the gods.” Heffitt recalled, full of emotion, “Then were you there?"

Lotus nodded.

Not only is she here, but she also plays the role of the blue heron messenger.

Thinking so, Luo Das looked down at the princess' expression.

At this time, Eleuil could feel the spirit body with the help of divine power, and naturally he could also listen to the conversation between her and Lord Heffitt, but it was inconvenient to show it in front of everyone.

But when she saw the smile in Eleuil's eyes, she knew that she must also remember the scene of that day.

The blue heron holding the flower is actually a deity or something…

Hefeet was unaware of Eliuil's onlookers, he stayed for a moment, the wrinkles at the corners of his mouth loosened, showing relief.

"This is really nice," said the old city lord, salute again.

In those days when he was trapped in the human body, Heffitt also heard a lot of news about the status quo. The inciting aliens in the cities of Lange made him deeply troubled by internal and external troubles, and it was difficult to let him go.

But with the river goddess protecting the princess and protecting Solancia, he can finally relax and respond to the call of the Ilu River and the underworld to the dead.

After the comrades, the old city lord was the last to step into the Ilu River.

Obviously, the soul sinks underwater when it goes upstream through the Ilu River, otherwise every time Luodus sees the river, it is estimated that he will see the undead floating on the water surface strange picture.

So did Heffitt.

Before sinking into the water, the old city lord's sight always stayed on the river bank, so he saw Eleuil saluting in this direction.

Heffitt once received the same etiquette. In the city of Tigbia, the fourteen-year-old princess referred to the complicated laws to win herself the opportunity to join the army and gain merit.

That day, in the living room of the city lord's mansion, Eleuil saluted like this, and then raised his head, his golden eyes were full of ambition and perseverance.

It was also on that day that Heffitt realized inexplicably that this girl would go far.

The next moment, the river flooded the sight of the undead.

The deceased sank uncontrollably into the depths of the river, flying away against the current, as fast as a canoe going down the river.

The lord who is not ready: "…"

Wait, can the princess who has been silent since just now see her soul?

On the shore, the living people are still bowing their heads and praying for the dead.

All souls are sent to the underworld of the kingdom of God, and the most important part here is over. After the host Eluier performs his duties, he walks to the open space away from the crowd.

"It seems that there are very few people who stay awake after death." Eleuil said, gazing at the calm river, "I thought they were all like parents and queens."

What Luodus wanted to say, but thinking about what he had conveyed to Priest Rhea in the letter before, he still did not choose to mention it at this time, and said warmly: "You will not lose those. "

Eleuil's tone was light, with a lighter ending: "Of course not. Even if it is death, don't let me forget."

Lotus: "You..."

Eleuil: "Huh?"

Luodus said indifferently: "You're not young, so let's think about what happens after death? Let's take good care of your injury first."

Eleuil smiled: "You're right."

On the night of the funeral, a celebration banquet was held as usual.

The location is in the City Lord's Mansion, both to celebrate the victory and to miss their comrades in arms.

They raised their glasses to celebrate, and also toasted the spirits. The atmosphere of joy and sorrow coexisted, showing a strange harmony.

Eleuil sits on top, but there is more than one seat.

Two high backrest seats of the same size, the one placed beside the princess is empty, which is true in the eyes of others.

And in fact, Rhodes was sitting there.

…so why do spirits need a chair?

"Because I can't leave you without a matching seat." Eleuil plausibly said, "You may not sit, but you must."

If it wasn't for the fear of looking too strange, Eleuil even thought about sitting in the first seat on the lower left, leaving the only seat above empty - thinking about that scene and feeling suffocated.

So Luo Das sat in the seat "enough to match", his eyes swept across the center of the banquet hall, and silently retracted his gaze, out of sight is pure.

Yes, like all the feasts attended by nobles, the hall reverberated with the beautiful melody of the harp.

This is a traditional music to celebrate victory, usually accompanied by the wonderful dance of the dancers, the empty space in the middle of the hall is prepared for this, they can give all the guests the sight and hearing the feeling of beauty.

But no.

Right now, in the banquet hall, there are a bunch of generals playing the harp, and even the veteran who once debated with the princess mixed in, playing the harp happily.

If you want to say whether the music is in the ear, it is of course pleasant to listen to. After all, many generals are from nobles, and music art is also a compulsory course for them. Even if they do not practice much after entering the army, they can pick it up again listen.

However, visually…

It seems that I can hypnotize myself, and it is not these hot-eyed colleagues who are playing the piano there.

Looking around for half a week, Luotas missed the Quyi Goddess a little bit. When he returned to the kingdom of God for a banquet, he saw her playing and singing at the banquet.

However, in the past few years, the banquets of the Solancia nobles were extravagant. When Luodus played the role of a female official, he would occasionally go to the banquet with the princess, and there were many absurd scenes.

How is this changed now?

Received the questioning gaze of the gods, Eleuil sipped the mead lightly, and said casually: "In Acht, I looked at the eyes and asked them to rectify it."

In the royal city, after Horst escaped, Eleuil logically took over the kingship.

Not only does it curb the luxurious and chaotic aristocratic ethos, but it can also prevent some guys who fish in troubled waters from taking the opportunity to falsely report accounts and make money in their own pockets, killing two birds with one stone.

As for the music and dance that are essential to the banquet?

The princess's original words were: "Have I stopped you from enjoying singing and dancing?"

The original intention is that as long as there is no chaos at the banquet, the musicians, dancers, dancers, actresses, and actors are not prohibited. The atmosphere group still has to be in charge.

But the nobles who were frightened by the queen's methods would have the wrong idea. Quyi.

As a result, most of the unnecessary banquets in the royal city have been reduced, which is also a good thing.

Sitting at the top, Luo Das, who can see the whole banquet hall, sighed softly.

But why bother?

Eleuil couldn't hold back, the corners of his mouth drew a smile, and whispered: "If you don't like it, just look at me."

"I can play any song you want to listen to, and I can learn the dance I want to watch. They don't look good."

Luodus said it was hard to disagree with the last half of the sentence, and then heard the queen say: "Or, would you like to play a song for me?"

When it's just us.

Eleuil placed the hand that was close to Luodus on the table, palm facing up, and the slender and beautiful knuckles relaxed naturally.

The other hand was still holding the wine glass, more like a work of art than a delicate cup, she stared at Luodus' eyes with a smile that would not be so obvious that others would notice.

Lotus put his hand up.

Inter-finger fit, honey color and translucent ice white entanglement.

At this time, a personal guard behind him looked at the princess' open palm on the table with a tangled expression.

His Majesty's attendants in the royal city did not come to the border, but a good personal guard, isn't it just to be the attendant?

So, she winked at the colleague beside her and left from the back door of the banquet hall.

A moment later, the guard returned with what he found.

"Your Majesty, please use it!"

The guard presented a silver plate.

What? Luo Das looked sideways subconsciously, and saw a familiar set of utensils on the plate.

Includes a long gold tube inlaid with tiny gems, a small jade bowl, powder in an agate box, and a subtle aroma mixed with spices, mint and tobacco.

Luo Das's eyes stayed on the long pipe.

She once saw something similar at the concubine of the City of the Sun God, and at many banquets later - it was a pipe.

Luodus blinked, her silver eyelashes raised, and her eyes fixed on the princess.

Eleuil: "…"

The author has something to say:

The cat (?)


Also, I forgot whether Concubine Wen mentioned it when she lit a cigarette, but here I will say it:

Ancient Solan cigarettes are more popular among nobles, and are more used in religious ceremonies, using smoke to communicate with rain gods and so on, refer to ancient Mayan sacrifices.

The setting in the text is that the main ingredients of Guthran cigarettes are mint and spice powder. It will be fine if you don’t use it much. 2612 is only used occasionally. , about to face the scene of large-scale discipline cats (no)

But in reality all cigarettes are harmful!

Cigarettes, menthols, hookahs or e-cigarettes are all harmful to health, and there are many hazards, so please do not imitate them!

Shout Out.JPG

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