MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 158 Ruthless and unrequited

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"Love?" Lu Heng did not understand.

He does not understand, the word of love, why can it be called robbery. At the time of his youth, Lu Heng had read thousands of books, and he had read the words of the common customs. There were written words about love. The love words described in the words, after the two people fall in love, there is no other person in the eyes, the lover becomes the most special existence in the heart.

This is what Lu Heng, who is obsessed with repairing the truth, is something that cannot be understood. Too much to forget the truth is not to be moved by foreign objects, everything is in the eye. It’s just that in the mind of those who forget the truth, everything is equal.

Therefore, it is the highest way to forget the feelings, the way of heaven.

More than two hundred years ago, Qingshan Jun, who was looking for a chance to go down the mountain, brought back a baby and handed him over to his own pro-disciple, Xin Yue. This is the biggest gain of his own downhill, even if he failed to break through. The door is also a confession.

Even if the Qing Dynasty Jun Shouyuan is approaching, he will also be the baby, and he will still be a disciple. We must know that in the millennium, children who have been able to spend more days have entered the Tianyuan Emperor, and Qing Daojun has only received a pro-disciple from Xin Yue.

Also Qing Daojun and Xin Yue Dao Jun, all of them are Fa Xiu, especially proficient in Buddhism and the way of the Fa. Before Qing Daojun also received such a baby boy as a close disciple before the fall, it has its own reasons. When he promoted this baby, he was born to be suitable for practicing the supremacy.

It is suitable for people who are cultivating too much to forget the feelings. It is rare to see them in a thousand years. Once they appear, they will eventually step into the void and rise to the celestial. This baby named Lu Heng, or even the gold-based Tianlingen, is destined to be unimpeded on the practice road.

In the same year, Qing Daojun bluntly said that this is a pro-disciple, just to create a causal connection with him. In this way, Lu Heng will take care of Tianyuan Xianzong after he boarded the avenue.

After Qing Daojun fell, Xin Yue Daojun took the younger brother who was thousands of years younger than himself. At first, Xin Yuedao did not find that Lu Heng was different from ordinary children. He also loved to laugh and cry and curiosity. When I was naughty, I used to be so angry that I couldn’t wait for ordinary parents to put Lu Heng in a slap in the face.

Xin Yue Daojun even suspected that it was not the scorpion of the master.

Later, as Lu Heng grew older, Xin Yue Daojun felt a little different. Lu Heng does have emotions, laughs and cries, but these emotions can't shake his heart.

When Lu Heng was young, he once had a friend who was quite involved and had been with him for a long time. Lu Heng is very good to this friend. If you have any resources or cultivation experience, you will never be afraid to share it with this friend. Later, the disciple was discovered to have only used Lu Heng to obtain the best resources, and he was in a jealous heart. He did a lot of work in the door to discredit Lu Heng’s reputation.

After that incident, Xin Yuedao had some concerns about his younger brother and rushed to appease one or two. However, Lu Heng was found to be as usual.

"Teacher, are you okay?" Xin Yuedao said that Lu Heng was just laughing and smiling.

"Why do I have something?" Lu Heng asked.

Xin Yuedao Jun sees Lu Heng’s expression as a purely doubtful question. Without a look of unnatural and hard support, he said frankly: “Your friend, just using you, don’t you feel sad?”

"Since he does not regard me as a friend, then he is different from him in the future. Why is it sad?" Lu Heng said, "As for the wrong things he has done, he has been punished according to the rules."

"He even plans to harm you in the secret, you are not sad?"

"If he wants to hurt my life, I will report it in the same way. If a sword is killed, why is it sad?"

Xin Yue Daojun discovered that Lu Heng is really the best person to practice the past and forget the truth. These things, his heart will never be moved by foreign objects. Even this kind of thing that is unacceptable to others, such as being deceived and betrayed by the best friends, can't leave the slightest wave in Lu Heng's heart.

Therefore, in fact, Xin Yue Dao Jun does not believe this so-called love robbery. The red dragonfly movement is possible, but this sentiment became a robbery on Lu Heng’s practice road, but he did not believe it. Even if there is a woman who has a love affair with Lu Heng, that person can't influence Lu Heng's heart.

"Love robbery, nature is the robbery of love between men and women." Xin Yuedao Jun language with a little bit of ridicule, "You brothers should be careful, I do not know how many talented days of pride are falling on the threshold of this love."

"Why do men and women love love it?" Lu Heng said that there are reasons. Because it is generally only a matter of turmoil, even deviating from the way of repairing it, it will be called robbery.

"Probably, I am so fascinated by the person I love, all my heart is moved by one person, and the heart is no longer determined." Xin Yue Daojun said.

"I don't understand." Lu Heng said bluntly.

Xin Yuedao Jun Lang laughed: "If you understand that it is going to happen, it will happen. A few days ago, I watched this life star suddenly born, and there is a tendency to approach your life star. After deducting one or two, The result of this red star is moving. But the thing of the divination is not inevitable, and the brothers just tell you that there is something about it. Don't worry too much."

"I know, thank you brother." Lu Heng arched his hand.

After the speech from Xinyue Daojun, Lu Heng returned to ask Jianfeng, and raised his hand to close the whole questioning Jianfeng and decided to retreat for a while.

Lu Heng did not care much about this affliction. What is more important now is to stabilize the realm that has just broken through. In addition, during this period of time, due to the ruined swordsmanship practiced in the robbery, they must be supplemented one by one.

Since the self-cultivation of Kendo, Lu Heng has to take out the sword every day. Without the power, he only uses his own body to feel the sword and the sword. This asked the peak of Jianfeng, which he had smashed out in a hundred years.

This retreat is five years old.

It’s not a closed door to build a car. Now that the realm has stabilized, Lu Heng is preparing to spend a period of time on the mainland.

"It's still the old rules, you decide." Lu Heng will take off his long sword.

This handle is the sword of Lu Heng, Lu Heng does not like to put the life of the device in the purple house. In his opinion, the life-threatening device was carried on the back, letting him go through the thousands of miles of rivers and mountains, and he was more able to combine swords.

Lu Heng asked the sword to stand on the ground, and then let go, after the sword fell, the direction pointed by the sword tip is where he will go next.

"This time is the land of the East, or after the breakthrough of the realm, see how far this can go in the endless East China Sea."

Tianyuan Xianzong, in the center of Qiankun mainland, the four places in the southeast and northwest. Lu Heng is a free and easy person. Every time he goes out to practice, if there is no specific destination, he will use this method to decide where he will go next.

A sword light, asking himself that Jianfeng rises to the sky, all the way to the east.

The coast of the East China Sea. Linhai City.

Linhai City is the largest city on the coast of the East China Sea. Because this is the place where the comprehension went to the East Sea to hunt and replenish the supply.

This Linhai City master is in the hands of the Yan family. Among the Yan family, the highest one is the first strength of the Yuan Ying. Yan Jia has always been attached to the Tianyuan Emperor Sect, and there are Yuan Yingqiang who sit in the town, so even if the people here are mixed, it is orderly.

Lu Heng gathered the atmosphere of the powerful realm, and paid the city fee to enter Linhai City. I don’t want to step into Linhai City. He has a change in one of his storage rings.

Lu Heng took a look and found that it was the comet plate that the brothers handed him a few years ago.

"When you are close to someone who has something to do with your life, this chart will give instructions." When Xin Yuedao handed the star plate to Lu Heng, it was said.

Lu Heng was quite surprised. He didn't expect to pick a direction and experience it, and he could meet the person represented by this life star.

It is now five years since the birth of the person represented by this life star.

In the five years, it is not necessary for the practitioners to be a child. For children, it is a soft mass from the hustle and bustle, and it becomes a young man who can run wildly.

Since it is here, let’s take a look. Look at what this person in the brothers' deduction will bring to him. Lu Heng was a bit curious in his heart.

Following the instructions of the chart, Lu Heng came to the city's main government. Is this person actually a strict family? Lu Heng converges on his own breath and continues to go inside the Yan family. The entire Yan family, the highest in the repair, but the initial stage of the Yuan Ying, naturally can not find Lu Heng's trace.

In a remote courtyard, Lu Heng saw the legendary destiny. It is an ordinary girl. In the eyes of a mortal, it looks really cute. It’s just that Lu Heng’s attention is not on this. He poured spiritual power into his eyes. At first glance, I found that the girl’s spiritual roots are noisy. Even if I step into the practice, I can only stop at the refining period.

Although Yan Jia is in the family of comprehension, although it is considered to be a large-scale and powerful, the children of this family are also lacking in talents. And this girl, looking at the place of residence, should be only the side of the Yan family, the poor qualifications is not a strange thing.

Lu Heng was on the tree in the courtyard, his eyes were carelessly swept through the courtyard, and he found a breath in the side of the house. It seems that this girl is weaker than this girl, and she is afraid that she will not be able to embark on her own way of practice.

The life of the refining period is almost the same as that of the mortal, but it has been rushed for decades. I am a retreat, and the girl is afraid of being a bunch of bones. The so-called love robbery, it sounds a bit ridiculous. This girl is afraid that she will not have any entanglements with herself.

After satisfying the curiosity in his heart, Lu Heng turned and left. But did not see the house, there is a pale boy, staring straight at the direction of Lu Heng's big tree. Even if the figure disappeared for a long time, it did not look away.

"Brother, what are you looking at?" The girl who had enough in the yard, rushed into the room with sweat on her forehead.

"Imperial." The boy smiled.

"Where!" The girl looked at the boy's gaze with enthusiasm, but did not see anything.

"Is it ancestor? No, how can the ancestors appear in our hospital." The girl pouted, "You lied to me."

The boy just smiled.

The man appeared quietly, if not that he knew that at this moment, this person would appear here, he could not see the sound and shadow like the smoke.

It seems that everything is really not your own dreams. These are all things that have actually happened. The boy looked at his own hand and it was a bit of realism.

The girl saw that her brother didn’t answer any more, just staring at his own hand and wondering what he was thinking. Her heart was annoyed but she was careful not to touch the boy half. Her brother was born weak, and since she did not lightly hurt her brother almost died, she used her brother as a porcelain doll.

After leaving the Yan family, Lu Heng Yu Jian entered the depths of the endless East China Sea, hunting those tyrannical sea beasts.

It’s three years in a hurry.

On this day, he was tracking the sea beast that was seriously injured by himself on the East China Sea. He did not want the waist jade card to suddenly light up.

This is the distress signal attached to the Xiaozongmen of Tianyuan Xianzong. These small sects will regularly send excellent seedlings or precious resources unexpectedly sent to Tianyuan Xianzong, in exchange for the refuge of Tianyuan Xianzong.

Lu Heng coveted the flashing waist card and thought that the sea beast was not challenging. This matter involves the majesty of the Zongmen, or rush to see.

With the guidance of the waist card, Lu Heng came to a familiar place, Yanhai City Yanjia.

The protective array of Linhai City has been opened, halfway in the air. The Yan Jiaqiang of the Yan family is fighting with three magical repairs.

The three magic repairs are actually the magic baby strong. They joined forces to push the Yan Jiaqiang almost to the point of desperation, if not the Yuan Ying strong people have always had many means of life. This strict family is afraid that it will soon die.

"I advise you not to dying and rushing, and quickly hand over the different treasures. Maybe we can still leave you a whole body!" One of the wizards said.

"What kind of treasure!" Yan Jiaqiang angered, "Shameless magic repair, you have committed my strict family for no reason, this is a provocation against Tianyuan Xianzong! I have sent a distress signal, the people of Xianzong will soon come."

"Tianyuan Xianzong? As far as we know, according to the recent strongest of the Tianyuan Xianzong station, the realm is almost the same as you and me. I am afraid that he will not be able to save your life." The magic repair is a smirk.

Between the conversations, the Yan Jiaqiang is like the end of the strong, and when he sees it, he will be repaired by the magic.

A sword light emptied, the magic repaired by Jianguang, the reaction is also extremely fast, immediately propped up the body of the magic weapon to hold themselves firmly. I don't want to, he is proud of the magic weapon, in front of the sword light, but like a paper paste.

"What..." The last word of the magic repair, not yet exported, was strangled by the Jianguang on the spot, and even the magic baby has not escaped.

The rest of the two magical repairs are like gold paper, and one face kills the Yuan Yingqiang, how is this possible! Unless it is the head of the Tianyuan Xianzong, how can this happen?

A figure appeared outside the Yan Jiaqiang. The man wore a blue-breasted robe on white, and the black hair was neatly tied with a jade crown. The face was as cold as a jade carving, and the style was outstanding.

However, in the eyes of Mo Xiu, this person is simply the king of death. Tianyuan Xianzong asked Jianfeng Lu Hengdao Jun. In recent years, the most sensational news in the evil road is that the killing star of Tianyuan Xianzong has broken through the realm of the gods. When Lu Hengshang was in the Yuan Ying period, when the evil person mentioned him, he would not be afraid of the wind.

Now that the other party is already a sacred priest, the two sorcerers can't afford the half-resistance, just want to leave a life under his sword.

"Dao, Daojun." The two battles of the magic, "we are offended, we will go immediately."

"The magical repairs into my city, and I want to kill the murderer. I die." Lu Heng indifferently spit out these words.

The two demons looked at each other and said nothing, turning into a black light, urging the whole body of magic to go in different directions. They are also trying to survive and retreat. They only want to escape from birth.

Just, it’s faster than Lu Heng’s Jianguang.

Asked that the sword would smash one of the flesh and the devil into a meat, and Lu Heng appeared in the back of another person. This time, he left the magical baby.

These monks have been repaired, knowing that there is a Tianyuan sect behind the Yan family, why they will fight the danger of angering Tianyuan Xianzong, and they want to kill people and win treasures.

Lu Heng’s treatment of the magic has always been a hot and unrelenting experience. In his jade-like left hand, he held the magic baby, and his right hand raised his hand and squeezed a law.


Take the day to make Dan? This Yan family has such a different treasure?

Lu Heng did not talk nonsense, and asked the Yan Jiaqiang: "These magical repairs are for the sake of the heavens. Do you have such treasures?"

Yan Jiaqiang is a look of sorrow: "I have been retiring for a hundred years, I feel that the magic repairs are coming out, and I really don't know about it."

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