MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 136 The prince of the interstellar

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After a long period of time, the traces of human activity on this planet are slowly covered by vast forests. The pollution caused by the war has made this livable planet a crisis. Humans either die or avoid underground freezing facilities. Animals that remain on the ground do not have this treatment, and wild animals that are not aggressive enough are almost extremely aggressive.

For example, the violent rabbit that almost killed Lu Heng that day was considered to be the least dangerous animal on the planet.

The surviving number of humans is scarce and the fertility rate is low. The human being who was once the owner of the planet has given up control of the home field. Magnetic field disturbances lead to the failure of high-tech weapons, and traditional heat weapons do not cause much damage to dangerous animals.

Only a few humans who have awakened the ancestral gene chain can compete with those dangerous creatures by their own bodies. Ordinary humans can only be huddled in the remains of the city, relying on the resources left behind before the war to survive. In every large city, there will be a small area of ​​human settlements. The life of the people living in it is to collect resources during the day and exchange them at night.

After understanding the basic situation, Lu Heng decided to let Xia Mingming collect some resources for trading. It’s a waste of time because they both want to find a usable food processor in the wolf. Maybe he didn't wait to find himself and starved to death.

They have a lot of precious trading resources and fresh meat around them. Because the animals on this planet are extremely dangerous, fresh meat becomes a scarce resource. Humans basically eat their own vegetables and rice noodles, and the protein can only be supplemented by the nutrients left over from the previous ones.

Although Lu Heng’s light brain is already affected by a chaotic magnetic field, it is already a pile of scrap iron, but the space button that Lu Heng carries with him can still be used. In fact, Lu Heng did not know the brain circuit of the original owner. This space button contained a bunch of high-tech weapons, but there were few nutrients. If this were not the case, Lu Heng would not have fallen into such awkward situation.

Before he went out to hunt, Xia Mingming was hesitant. He looked at the soft milk cat in front of his eyes and felt that it was too uncomfortable to leave him alone.

"Master A Heng, do you want to go hunting with me?" Xia Mingming’s words are very skillful. Although the little milk cat scratches people, it is not painful, but he is afraid that he will hurt the other person. Paws.

"Since you sincerely invite me, I will barely follow it." Lu Heng actually wants to see the hunting situation in the summer, so that he has an understanding of the level of force in the world. After all, there is still a task to conquer the entire interstellar.

Xia Liangming smiled and rushed out of the cabinet to pull out a small cloth bag. He hung the small cloth bag on his chest and carefully put Lu Heng in it. See Lu Heng's body is petite, just stay in the small cloth bag, this is safe to go out.

Xia Mingming was very fast. He was able to shuttle through the jungle in a neat way, only to leave the cave not far away. He heard the angry voice coming from his chest.

"You are an idiot, stop now! I want to vomit!"

Xia Liangming heard the words and stopped immediately, and worried about the loss of Lu Heng from the cloth bag.

It turned out that the cloth bag, along with the high speed of Xia Mingming, kept swinging on his chest. Lu Heng, who is in the cloth bag, has a feeling of sitting on a super-high-speed pirate ship. If he hasn’t eaten much, he must have spit it out now.

Xia Mingming found himself negligent, very embarrassed to hold Lu Heng in front of his face, looking at the other side's wet eyes: "I'm sorry, it is my negligence."

He still wanted to use his face to lick the soft hair of a small cat, but he was shot by a merciless paw.

"I am so dizzy, don't approach me." Lu Heng did not take his breath back.

After Lu Heng regained his spirit. Xia Mingming thought about it, put the cloth bag as short as possible, and then stuffed it into his neckline.

In this way, the cloth bag is fixed and does not swing left and right. Lu Heng looked out from the neckline of Xia Mingming and looked outside. His head was just on the chin of Xia Mingming. Xia Mingming is obviously very familiar with this forest. He shuttles directly between the branches, but it makes Lu Heng feel like a cable car.

Xia Mingming felt that his chin was itchy, but his heart was never before.

With the little milk cat on his chest, he did not choose too dangerous prey. Anyway, it is not for Lu Heng to eat. The meat used for trading does not have to find those rare beasts that are hard to find. After some gains, Xia Mingming is ready to take Lu Heng to the colony for food cooking machines. At his speed, it is not a problem to reach the city remains before dark.

Ok? Xia Mingming suddenly stopped, and his ears carefully distinguished the movements coming from the air.

Lu Heng saw it and erected his ear to listen carefully, but he did not hear anything. This summer's clear ear force is better than a cat, it should not be. Has Xia Liangming already awakened the gene chain?

The small ears that he turned around, continually rubbed on the chin of Xia Mingming, and finally made the other side itch too much.

"It’s the cry of the little flaming leopard, Master Aheng. You should eat something first, let’s go to the colony again?” Xia Liangming gently pressed Lu Heng’s head down, not letting the pair The naughty little ears then licked to their chin. Otherwise, when the beggars are close to the gale, it is not good for the troubled ears to alert the female leopard.

"You want me to drink the milk of the female leopard?" Lu Heng felt that he was insulted. "I am not a cat who is not weaned, oh yeah, man, I want to eat meat!"

"The energy of the wind leopard's flesh is sufficient, and the milk energy of the female leopard is definitely more abundant. Maybe you can change it back to human form after this time." Xia Liangming patiently persuaded.

"..., that's okay." Lu Hengsi took a moment and finally succumbed to the temptation to change back to human form.

After obtaining the consent of Lu Heng, Xia Mingming traced the past along the traces left by the Gale Leopard. Sure enough, as he expected, he found a small gale leopard on a big tree that was not long before he was born.

The two waited for a moment, waiting for the returning mother-in-law leopard.

As soon as Xia Mingming appeared, the mother and the leopard entered a complete state of alert. It lowered its body and snarled, but did not dare to come directly. Because it can feel that this creature in front of him is much stronger than him, and it is easy to pinch it.

In the usual days, the mother of the wind leopard encountered such a dangerous opponent is quickly to avoid, but now is behind its children. It can't escape, it can only be vain and bluffing in vain.

"I won't kill you." Perhaps because of the little cat in front of her chest, Xia has clearly explained her intentions to the prey in the summer.

It’s just that the Gale Leopard can’t understand his words, it’s still a dangerous gesture of attack. Xia Mingming frowned, not much nonsense, and the action was stunned by the female fierce leopard.

Lu Heng was placed on the abdomen of the mother's wind leopard. He felt that there was indeed an energy in his eyes calling for himself. Lu Heng’s instinct told him that the milk of this gale leopard would bring endless benefits to himself. Maybe you can make your body bigger and become an attacking cat like Lu Heng expects.

However, Lu Heng is not a real cat after all, he is an individual, and the soul is still an adult. He looked at the fluffy abdomen of the female leopard, and it was really impossible to get a mouth.

"Aheng young master? What happened? You can rest assured that this gale leopard will not wake up in a short time." Xia Mingming saw Lu Heng walk a few steps in the direction of the female leopard, but hesitated to stop the pace, he thought Lu Heng was afraid of the leopard and explained it.

"Who said that I am afraid of this kind of thing," Lu Heng said with an angry look back at Xia Liangming, his tail erected high. "How can you let this son directly touch the dirty leopard?"

Xia Liangming immediately reacted, and Aheng’s young master is so delicate and soft, how can he casually eat things like himself, what should he do if he has a diarrhea? He has reflected on himself, and he has never cared about these aspects. He used to be alone when he was alone. Now it can't be like this. He looked at the soft kitten in front of him and felt that only the most delicate food was the most comfortable environment to match his Aheng.

In the small book in his heart, write down one: Master Aheng wants to eat clean and delicate food.

The two had a good communication on the matter.

As a result of the communication, Lu Heng and Xia Mingming returned to the cave with the unconscious female leopard and its children.

Lu Heng was satisfied with the squatting in front of the shallow saucer and nodded to Xia Liangming: "Not bad."

The leopard milk in front of it was carefully treated, boiled and then added with some herbs. Xia Mingming even added a little honey that I didn't know where to find it.

Lu Heng sticked out his tongue and took a sip. The taste of the leopard milk is removed by the fragrant herbal juice water, leaving only the rich milky aroma, mixing this sweet honey. More importantly, as soon as the leopard milk fell into the abdomen, Lu Heng immediately felt a warm energy into his body. Under the surprise, he couldn't take care of any dining etiquette and slammed his head.

Xia Liangming smiled and saw Lu Heng eating, but he felt that the shallow mouth on the table was a bit unsightly, and the silver-gray kitten was out of place. He remembered the beautifully crafted porcelain that he had seen in the Star Pirates, and the kind of tableware that was best used by A Heng.

In addition to the food cooking machine, there are many things added to Xia Mingming's list of things.

After Lu Heng’s three-fifth and second-two drinks, he sat down on the plate and sat down with satisfaction. Then he sat down and used his front paws to clean the stained hair next to his mouth.

[I see you as a cat is quite skilled, it is worthy of the induction training to get a new talent. The little helper suddenly popped out.


This abominable instinct.

Lu Heng is in the same place, his claws are still on his face, I don’t know if I will continue or take it down.

Fortunately, Xia Mingming’s line of sight has been placed on him. Lu Heng suddenly froze and immediately asked: “What’s wrong? Is it still not enough?”

Since the people in front of us have stepped over, it is silly that Lu Heng does not go down. He calmly lowered his front paws and walked to the front of Xia Mingming at the pace of holding it, then lifted his chin: "Gent the face of this world."

Xia Mingming also annoyed for his carelessness for a moment, then carefully cleaned Lu Heng with a soft cloth, except for the food residue on his face, even the pink small meat pad was carefully wiped with a soft cloth. Again.

He wrote down the second article in the small book in his heart: After the young Master A Heng finished eating, he should clean him up.

Perhaps the summer movement is too soft, perhaps because of the energy of the bowl of leopard milk. In short, Lu Heng only feels warm and full, and the whole person is a little drowsy.

Xia Mingming saw that Lu Heng’s rolling eyes had become a seam and quickly put him next to the pillow.

There, Xia Mingming had previously made a small nest with a soft cloth. Although he thinks that the fabrics are not soft and delicate, they can only be used now. I can only wait until the colony, and then change the fabric to A Heng.

Lu Heng’s heart still remembers to go out and exchange resources. He barely opened his eyes: "Don’t you go out today?"

"Well, today I figured that I couldn’t get to the settlement before the dark. Now the food problem has been solved temporarily, no hurry." Xia Liangming gently scratched the chin of the little cat until the other person closed his eyes and began to breathe. After steadily, I left with a light hand to sort out today’s harvest.

Lu Heng felt that he slept for three days and three nights. The warm energy in the body has been swimming in his body, making him feel like being soaked in the hot springs, very comfortable and warm, so that he can't break free from this beautiful realm.

He felt that he was scared to death by Xia Mingming.

Fortunately, Lu Heng felt his anxiety and barely opened his eyes and said: "I am fine."

Xia Liangming calmed down. He saw Lu Heng breathing smoothly, without any painful performance, slightly lowered his heart. Probably because the energy in the leopard milk is too abundant, the body of the little cat will not be completely digested, and will fall into a deep sleep and concentrate on absorbing energy.

Xia Liangming’s little book remembers the third article: When Aheng’s younger brother eats, he must carefully control the weight, and can’t eat too much.

When the warm feeling in the body finally disappeared, Lu Heng opened his eyes. He stretched his body and stretched his waist, feeling that he had a radical change.

"Master Ah Heng, you woke up, how do you feel?" Xia Liangming, who has been keeping his side, is immediately concerned.

"Very good, I think I can definitely change back to human form!" Lu Heng said confidently.

Xia is clearly happy and has some regrets. He likes Aheng's human form, but he can't bear to rely on his own little milk cat. Once you become a human figure, you can't put him on his pillow to sleep, and you can't go out on your chest. Xia Liangming thought so in his heart.

Lu Heng did not realize the entanglement of Xia Mingming. He was full of eyes and rid of the state of this delicate and soft milk cat. He recovered the shape of the child who was not pretentious but not drinking.

Well, the energy in the body is very abundant and very good. Lu Heng closed his eyes and tried to call the pure energy. Everything is very smooth, and it is not the same as awakening the returning gene chain, even if it is just a small milk cat.

A soft white light slowly illuminates from Lu Heng, and it is getting brighter and brighter. His figure is completely shrouded in.

Xia Mingming held his breath a little nervously. Although he was in a complicated mood, but A Heng wanted to change back to the human form, he naturally hoped for the success of the other party.

The white light slowly dissipated. On the bed, it was still the palm-sized little milk cat.


Lu Hengzhi opened his eyes with satisfaction and found that something was wrong. Why is there still no difference between when you look at your own cat? This is impossible. He obviously feels that his body has undergone some magical change.

"Mirror, give me a mirror!" Lu Heng did not give up.

Xia Mingming moves quickly, and the mirror immediately appears in front of Lu Heng.

In the mirror, it is still the silver-gray hair, the soft milk cat that is soft like a marshmallow, and the body shape has not changed. Lu Heng looked up and down carefully, even turned a circle back to the mirror, and then tried to look back at his back.

However, nothing has changed.

"Do you feel that I have changed? Is it a mighty domineering? Do you think that there is murderousness in my body?" Lu Heng did not give up, he lowered his body, facing the summer and fangs, posing for cat hunting. attitude.

"Well, Master Aheng has always been mighty and domineering." Xia Liangming nodded his face seriously.

A Heng’s young master is so soft and hobby...

"Bold! Not allowed to smash this world!" Lu Heng fried hair.

Ah, Xia is clearly stunned, can't you hold back and say it?

Seeing that Xia Mingming was surprised, Lu Heng was able to react. He just did not seem to hear the other party.

What is the situation, mind reading?

"Are you just thinking that I am so soft and hobby, I want to marry me?" Lu Heng directly asked Xia Liangming.

Xia Liangming blushes red, nodded honestly, but some doubts: "I just shouldn't say it, how do you know?"

Lu Heng tried again, but he could no longer hear the thoughts of Xia Mingming, but he could feel an endless love and intimate warm feeling from him.

Lu Heng also focused his attention on the tightly bundled gale leopard, this time the feeling of hatred of hostility and fear. The little gale leopard around it is a sentimental but curious emotion.

This is my own, can you feel the emotions of other creatures?

[Little assistant, what is the situation, there should be in the database. 】 Lu Heng, who searched carefully in memory and could not find relevant information, had to ask for help.

Congratulations, 666, this is an extremely rare gene chain. Although physical fitness is not good, but the awakening is the spiritual power! 】

[Is it possible to read the heart? 】 Lu Heng’s heart was happy, and he asked.

[No, it is the ability to perceive the emotions of others. As for the thoughts of others, it is only when the emotions of the other party are very strong. 】 Little assistant gave Lu Heng a basin of cold water.

[So, this ability is useless at all, feel the emotions of others, what can you do? Become a qualified pet? 】 Lu Heng finally could not help but vomit, this Xia Lingheng's return to the gene chain, in the end is how much waste.

Lu Heng feels that he is conquering the interstellar road. It is really dark.

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