MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 132 Extra 4

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Junlin is a warrior who has a plan to do anything. Here is his daily schedule.

【seven in the morning. Make breakfast for A Heng. 】

Lu Heng’s entire nest was on a soft bed, and he didn’t want to move. The warrior does not need too long sleep time, and sleeping for an hour or two is enough. This is true, but Lu Heng still spends a few hours a day in bed.

He felt that the people around him had already got up, as if they were in the morning, they couldn’t move. It is not very correct to say that it is not to be beaten. After all, sometimes when the two are too good, it is common to have a slap on the bed until noon.

Yes, Lu Heng has already moved to Gu Lingjun’s home. This is a long time ago, and the situation was like this.

Location, Gu Ling is home.

Time is still after the regular dinner date.

Gu Ling is pushing a brown paper bag.

"What is this?" Lu Heng asked.

Gu Ling did not say anything, just signaled him to open it.

Lu Heng found that it was a real estate license. The address recorded above shows that this is the property certificate of the house they are staying with. What surprised Lu Heng was the property owner's column, which has two names: Gu Lingjun, Monday Heng.

"At the time of the final, I and Cui Zhihang bet and won this house." Gu Ling met Lu Heng with a puzzled face and explained, "The game is what you won, so the house has half of you."

"and so?"

"According to common sense, after you have your own house, you will not rent a house outside." Gu Ling said.

So this is a cohabitation in the corner, Lu Heng smiled, and simply promised: "Good."

【Eight in the morning. Call Aheng to get up for breakfast. You can observe the status of A Heng, if you are in a good mood, you can take the opportunity to ask for a wave of benefits. Note: At this moment, you don't have to be obsessed with calling Aheng to get up for breakfast. In terms of military physique, it is also possible to eat lunch directly. 】

Gu Lingjun pushed the door into the bedroom and saw Lu Heng crouching on the bed with his pillow. The quilt was placed on the waist, revealing the entire white back and the thin waist.

The mark left on the previous night has disappeared completely. This is Gu Lingjun's most dissatisfied with the constitution of the military, especially after Lu Heng was promoted to the heavens. Before the day, the traces that you left on at least can still be kept for one day. After the day, it takes only two or three hours, and Lu Heng's skin will return to a clean and unrelenting state.

Gu Ling went over and sat on the edge of the bed. He tried to put his hand on the neck of Lu Heng and knead it gently. He carefully observed the side face exposed by Lu Heng, his eyebrows stretched and his expression was lazy.

A Heng is in a good mood and can continue. Gu Ling made a conclusion and then replaced his finger with his lips.

Even if it can't exist for too long, Gu Ling is still obsessed with the traces of a beautiful color on Lu Heng's back. This made him hide his possessiveness deep in his heart and was greatly satisfied. At this moment, he has a sense of stability that holds the front of the person firmly in the palm of his hand.

Today's breakfast is probably a waste.

[Two o'clock in the afternoon. Visit the forum and delete posts. Cult cp died. 】

That's right, oh yeah, the live broadcast platform is now the industry of Gu Lingjun. He entrusted the management rights to the professional team to handle, and he only needed a maximum administrator account.

This account is not used by Gu Ling, unless it is to see what is the king of the word × as the moon's constant blood of the dog abuses the heart. He will use the authority to delete it, and the reason for deleting the post is naturally a rumor.

However, in recent days, Gu Ling has been logged into the administrator account for more time, just to deal with the sequelae of the small storm caused by Gu XIII.

Gu Thirteen is already a ground warrior. In the recent live broadcast, a small accident occurred. This day happens to be his birthday, and the fans are all brushing the screen to let the 13th wish a birthday.

Gu Thirteen is a person who moves faster than the brain. He only sees his hands clasped, and his mouth has a word: "I hope to see the teacher once again, my dream goddess."

The live broadcast room of the Master of the Master has been abandoned since Lu Heng began to broadcast live on the live broadcast platform of the Exorcism. However, such a character with a degree like the moon, even if the ID of the teacher is not used, it does not appear on the platform, his live room is still preserved.

Gu’s birthday wish, caused a small storm. There are good people who have turned over the live broadcast room of the master, and found clues in the gift record.

Record display. The ID with the highest gift-giving record is naturally a glimpse. Followed by the ID, called Gujia thirteen. This simple and rude ID, combined with Gu's birthday wish, can know who the owner of this vest is.

A stone provoked a thousand waves, and the video of the 13th and the month of the semi-final was also turned over. The careful netizens found that when they finally shook hands, there seemed to be a few short exchanges.

Netizens are always Crouching Tiger, Hidden Dragon, and netizens who are proficient in lip language have speculated about the dialogue at the time.

"Teacher, you are my goddess! Can you give me a hug."


"Is it because your mindful weapon has been ruined by me, and you hate me, I didn't mean it."

"No, I am thinking about the safety of your life."

It was a terrific drama, and the amount of information in it was really too big. To sum up, basically the following two points:

First, a trick to win the game, such as the moon, is to slap him on the ground. At that time, Junlin appeared on the ground at almost the same time, separating the two. This is the jealousy of red fruit.

Secondly, after Gu Thirteen made a request for a hug, he glanced at the moon and then refused. This is obviously a feeling of the eternal vinegar.

At that time, Jun Lin and the moon were always hooked up, no, it was a sympathy. When netizens once again revisited this video, they discovered that the famous duo dog live broadcast duo group. From that time on, it was already crazy to sprinkle dog food.

Although knowing that Junlin and the moon are always in love, Gu XIII is only out of a mentality of a younger brother. On the network, there will always be a small group of people with special tastes.

On the third day of the month, the cp circle revived.

Therefore, recently, the mysterious administrator with the highest authority on the live broadcast platform frequently deleted the posts.

"Below the neck, delete."

“Not in line with core values, delete.”

"Heterodox, delete."

[11 o'clock in the evening. If you have the right prey, live with Ahheng. Without prey, he practiced with A Heng. 】

Junlin & the live broadcast of the month, is being broadcast live.

In the picture, it is a mutant eucalyptus with claws and claws. The dense air roots hanging from the branches are all turned into the weapon of the gods. This variant of the banyan tree, in addition to not moving, both offensive and defensive, extremely difficult to deal with.

After several local warriors failed to hunt and returned, the Ancient Wushu Association contacted the moon. Because they know that as long as the monthly shots, the Junlin must be accompanied by the two, the two heavens together, the strength of this mutant Eucalyptus is strong, but also to be shackled under the knife.

The facts are also true. The two people, as always, have the tacit understanding and the same mind. Soon, the mutant eucalyptus was beaten, and the air roots as weapons have been cut without leaving a few. The next step is to take the heart of the tree.

It’s just that there is always some inconsistency in the action, and he seems to deliberately expose his left hand more to the lens. The battle was fierce and the fans did not pay too much attention.

At this moment, the battle has been decided, and the strangeness of Junlin was immediately discovered by the fans of the eye.

"What happened to Junlin adults? Is it in the show?"

"The hand of Junlin adults looks good, hehe."

"You are not looking good, look at the ring finger. I am the first person to discover the truth!"

"The ring! There is also a man in the moon!"

"The cold dog food is shot wildly on my face."

"Hey, full, pleading for the adults to stop stuffing the dog food, I am dying!"

"Sneeringly holding the torch, oh, I can't beat them, or just a fireworks celebration."

"On behalf of the Small Animal Protection Association, you are condemning you, single dogs also have dog rights! No dogs are allowed to differentiate!"


Very good, today's Junlin & the live broadcast of the moon, is a harmonious and loveful scene.

[Two in the morning. Take a shower and exchange feelings with Aheng. Note: In-depth. 】

Below the neck, no records are allowed.

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