MTL - How To Die As Heavy As Mount Tai-Chapter 130 Exorcism warrior

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Mongolian tree is sitting in his exclusive performance gymnasium. He wanted to beat the stakes to vent their feelings of depression.

However, he found himself unable to condense his powers.

It doesn't matter, because the mood is too complicated now, it is normal to be unable to condense the power of the mind. On Monday, the tree grabbed his trembling right hand and tried to breathe deeply.

After a while, he finally calmed down a bit.

On Monday, the tree closed his eyes and looked inside, and the mindfulness of storage within the cycle of reading power was still sufficient. I have to say that Zhou’s public opinion on the Internet during this time has played a certain role. Although it is not comparable to the finals, but under the bonus of Qiu Ling Ling, compared with the general warriors, the speed of absorbing power is still a lot faster.

A long rifle was gradually formed in the air, and the tree opened its eyes on Monday, watching the partner who accompanied him for a long time. He reached out and tried to hold his power weapon.

At the moment when the finger of the tree touched the gun body on Monday, the long-necked gun that had been almost formed in the handle exploded in the air and turned into a little star.

The tree was stunned on Monday, and he only saw it in books. When the warrior is rejected by his own power weapon, a touch will occur and the power of the mind will dissipate.

At that time, the tree in the heart of the day was secretly ridiculed, and was rejected by his own power weapon. This kind of waste also repaired the martial arts, and honestly became an ordinary person. Unexpectedly, I would have fallen into such a situation.

Is it really necessary to please the man as the father said, to bow to him? On Monday, the tree was not willing to fight a boxing hit on the ground.

"I want to know why this is?"

On Monday, the tree jerked back and saw a middle-aged man with glasses standing at the entrance to the military field. He is thin and looks ordinary and can be drowned in the crowd at any time.

On Monday, the tree was like a savior, and the light of hope was released: "Teacher!"

"You are really ugly at the moment of this family dog." The middle-aged man walked in. "But it doesn't blame you, after all..."

I heard that my teacher’s mouth seemed to have an unsatisfactory intention. On Monday, the tree hurriedly greeted him: "Teacher, what do you know?"

The tone of a middle-aged man is still not slow: "Nature is the reason why you can't unite the power of the weapon. Do you know why you lose to the moon?"

On Monday, the tree clenched his fist. He had a hunch that the teacher’s next words should be an earth-shattering secret.

Zhou Jia.

"You have called Xiaoheng home to eat after two days," said Zhou.

"What about the little tree? I don't think he has figured it out. At this time, Xiaoheng came back and he was not affected." Zhou mother said with some anxiety.

"Don't care about him, it's not time for him to be willful. Xiaoheng squatting at home to practice martial arts must be a bit chilling about the family. Now we have to swear that he hasn't completely centrifuged him to help him back."

"But the little tree..." Zhou Mu is still frowning.

"Small tree small tree! He is like you are like this now, narrow-minded and short-sighted, a little bit of frustration can not stand!" Zhou father was a little upset by the Monday tree, now see this week Grinding the look of the cockroach, suddenly came to the temper.

Zhou Mu was also ignited by Zhou’s unrelenting attitude: “If it wasn’t for me, the little tree would not be born to be weak, and I’m so much more to him!”

When the tree was born on Monday, it was not good because it was delayed for too long. Zhou Mu has always blamed herself because she did not insist on it and let her younger son suffer this kind of suffering. Out of this mentality of redemption, she has been eccentric to the tree of Monday, and even the change of heart at the time, she only agreed with a little consideration.

After all, in her view, the eldest son has the advantage of being born first, so it is understandable to make a slight compensation for the younger brother. Besides, this is also to make the life of the eldest son safe.

At this moment, the door in the house was opened, and the tree came in gloomyly on Monday.

Zhou mother greeted her: "Small tree, you are back."

On Monday, the tree didn't take care of her. She sat directly on the sofa and said to her father, "I know, everything about everything."

Zhou Fu and Zhou Mu face each other, and there is a strong uneasiness in their hearts.

On Monday, the tree saw their faces, but they laughed: "No need to be nervous, I just want to return to what should be my thing."

Zhou father hesitated and said: "What do you mean by this?"

"Of course is my heart, my talent." Seeing the father-in-law's mother-in-law's change, Monday's tree made a pleasant addition. "My good brother kept it for me for so long, is it still coming back?" "

The things of the year were really known by the Monday tree, and Zhou’s father missed the teacup. However, he did not care about anything else and asked: "What are you talking about?"

On Monday, the tree was laughing and not saying anything. He turned his hand and the power weapon was formed in the air. Then, the scene that was just playing the battlefield was repeated.

Zhou’s father looked at the stun gun that dissipated in the air and murmured: “How could this be?”

Rejected by his own power weapon, for a warrior, it means that his martial arts road has come to an end.

"How can this be? Of course, because this heart is not my own, it is not a normal thing to be rejected by a power weapon that is not your own," said Mon tree.

Zhou father sat on the sofa, and he never thought that things would become like this. After all, on Monday, Monday and Monday, the trees were identical, and after the exchange of hearts, there was no problem. On Monday, the tree was unimpeded on the road of martial arts. How can it be suddenly rejected by the power weapon?

Slowly returning from the shock, Zhou’s thinking gradually became clear. He has been immersed in martial arts for many years and soon thought about the key. On Monday, the tree was rejected by the power of the mind, not because of the heart, but because of the problem of his own martial arts.

The little tree has been abolished, and he can no longer lose another son. Zhou’s heart has a calculation.

On Monday, the tree continued: "I want to get back my own talent."

"Impossible." Zhou father categorically refused. "This is not a child's play. You are now an adult. If you change the heart surgery, you don't know what unpredictable consequences will happen. Xiaoshu, don't be tempted."

"Is it a good thing? Don't say so, you just see Monday, he has the value of using it now, and he has transferred the target." Mon tree sneered, "but don't treat everyone as a fool."

Zhou’s father still wants to say something, but he was directly interrupted by the Monday tree: “With Monday’s current talent and promotion speed, the heavenly step is just around the corner. Wait until he becomes the day’s warrior, if you know the same year Change things, guess what he will do?"

"How could he know?"

"As a good brother, how can I bear to let my dear brother be kept in the dark?" Mon tree shrugged on Monday. "You think about it, how is it best for Zhou."

"You are crazy, you are crazy!" Zhou's face was flushed, and he was so angry that he could speak a little.

After Zhou Mou took out the shocking secret from the tree in Monday, she was sitting on the sofa with pale face, tears falling.

"Isn't it mad, aren't you, today's situation like this, isn't it caused by your two madmen?" After the tree fell on Monday, he made it on the sofa and looked at the two people in front of him indifferently.


It’s a good show.

The sound from the mobile phone slowly subsided, and Lu Heng lay back and fell on Gu Lingjun's body.

After the two men negotiated to closely monitor the family's movements, Gu Ling was sneaked into the Zhou family to install a bug at various key positions. With his skill, no one in Zhou has found it.

Sure enough, in a few days, I heard the big changes that took place in Zhou’s family, including their conspiracy.

Zhou Fu’s mother-in-law is a man who can make such vicious things for the sake of profit. He was persuaded by Monday’s tree without being struggling for a long time, and then the three began to discuss how to change their minds again.

"What are you going to do?" Gu Ling's brow wrinkled tightly, and he did not expect that there would be such vicious parents in this world. For the sake of profit, I don’t care about my flesh and blood.

"Of course it will be counted."

"No." Gu Ling is decisive and negated.

Lu Heng knows that this matter involves his own safety. Gu Ling’s strong opposition is also normal. He rolled over and sat on Gu Lingjun's thigh, looking directly into the other's eyes, patiently explaining: "Even if I am prepared, I won't let Zhou's plan succeed, and then they will definitely use morality to press me. After all, from On the surface, for nearly two decades, they have not treated me with the slightest."

"If you have been entangled with these things, they will know how hard it will be." Lu Heng stroked the face of Ling Ling and found that his tight jaws were somewhat relaxed. After entering the heavens, life expectancy will be extended for decades, and I hope to accompany you all the way to the end."

"So, Zhou’s business must be completely solved. The hospital must still keep the surgical records of the year. This is the best opportunity for us to find the hospital. If you get this evidence, these things will be It will not be a hindrance to the road of my martial arts. Besides, my safety issue is not there for you?"

Lu Heng’s remarks finally convinced Gu Lingjun. The two men have properly prepared a plan for the plan that they have just monitored on their mobile phones.

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