MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 94 All villains

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The shopkeeper's doubts immediately aimed at Tang Zelizi. He stared at the middle-aged woman with black eyes.

"Hey what are you talking about!"

The woman was startled for a moment, but when she saw who the speaker was, her eyes suddenly lit up, her waist straightened instantly, and she retorted loudly: "I think it's your hand! Don't think I don't You know, you have long held grudges against that old guy."

Gee! There is also a love-hate relationship involved.

Xin Haikong clasped his arms and looked at the quarrel in front of him with some dispensation, and the corner of his eyes always focused on that corner.

The blond man in a baseball cap thought he had not been found, and was careful to hide behind the crowd.

Why hasn't Officer Mumu arrived yet, the case will be solved if he doesn't come, and all the guests can leave the venue freely, how could he stop that person alone?

"It's obviously your heart of snakes and scorpions, and you want to blame me for poisoning the dishes." The shopkeeper blushed and had a thick neck, and shouted like a competition.

"Oh! That guy was fine in the morning and late at night. He just happened to have an accident when he was eating in your restaurant. Who else could have done it if you didn't do it?" "Mr. Police Officer! This guy had a conflict with my husband in high school. It lasted for so many years. Every time we met, he would fight or quarrel, and he said more than once in public that he wanted to kill my husband. This time, I asked my husband to come to this store for no reason. Eating, must be unruly!"

"Stop talking nonsense! Mr. Police Officer, don't believe him, I really don't have a good relationship with Tang Ze, but this time I really didn't invite him here, this guy went to my shop to eat by himself. I didn't poison at all! And did you just want to take the opportunity to escape!"

The two guys became more and more arguing, but Xin Haikong, who was standing on the side, couldn't talk.


The doorbell rang, and the Mumu Police Department, who received the call, finally arrived at the scene.


"The deceased's name was Kazuo Tang Ze, 41 years old this year, an employee of an insurance company, but he was fired not long ago."

"There are two suspects, one is the owner of this barbecue restaurant, named Hasegawa Tetsuya, 41 years old, and the deceased was a high school classmate. They had friction with each other and once threatened to kill the deceased."

"The other named Tang Zelizi was the wife of the deceased, but the marriage between the two existed in name only. Tang Zelizi took the couple's only daughter, Tang Zelizi, to study in Osaka. Before the death of the deceased, Tang Zelizi He was the only one who ever entered the box where the deceased was."

"In addition..." Officer Mumu hesitated for a while, looking at Xin Haikong who was standing aside. "According to the preliminary inference of the medical examiner, the deceased may have died of carbon monoxide poisoning."

Is it really carbon monoxide poisoning?

Conan looked at the Xinhai police officer in shock. Could this deceased be the scapegoat who was unfortunately shot when the organization assassinated Xinhaikong? . . . . .

"Look, since it's carbon monoxide poisoning, it doesn't matter to me!" Tang Zelizi stepped back, his toes pointed towards the door, and he clenched his bag tightly. "This guy must have done it! This is his shop, and he must have put the carbon monoxide." She pointed at the shopkeeper, her tone a little impatient.

The shopkeeper, who had been arguing with this woman at first, was silent for a while after hearing Officer Mumu's inference. His face was extremely pale, and his eyes stared blankly at the direction of the box where the deceased was.

Conan looked at the pale face of the shopkeeper and was a little puzzled. How could this guy's reaction be so big? Is it because you are afraid that the death of someone in your store will affect your business?

The Mumu police department looked at the owner and asked seriously, "Mr. Hasegawa Toruya, as far as I know, a restaurant like yours must be installed with a carbon monoxide concentration alarm among the safety indicators that must be met during renovation. When the indoor carbon monoxide concentration exceeds the standard, why is the alarm that should have sounded silent?"

Because the alarm was dismantled by a certain policeman one night in advance.

Xin Haikong twitched the corners of his mouth helplessly.

This guy believes in a full set of dramas and insists on removing the alarm in this store. However, due to safety issues, the carbon monoxide that was originally intended to be released was replaced with other gases that have similar effects but are not explosive.

It's just that this shopkeeper... I'm afraid he's going to take the blame for Amuro. However, this guy was not a good person in the first place, and it was nothing to be blamed.

"Alarm..." The owner frowned, showing a look that he couldn't explain, and said in a low voice, "The alarm broke last night, but I really didn't break it! When I got up to check this morning, I found out The alarm is broken."

"No, who would believe you if you say that! Find a more reliable way to make up lies. Mr. Police Officer, my husband just came to this restaurant for dinner, and their alarm just broke, and my husband followed suit. Something happened, how is this possible! This guy must have broken his alarm and put carbon monoxide in the room to poison my husband."

"Yes, didn't you just say that the concentration of carbon monoxide in the air exceeds the standard? Maybe it was accidentally leaked when the shopkeeper poisoned people."

"And just now the owner turned on the exhaust fan, and now there is no proof at all."

"Wow, I foolishly thought it was a gas leak, but it turned out that the owner was killing people..."

The crowd of onlookers expressed their opinions in vain, and pushed the pot onto the shopkeeper like a trend.

The alarm that broke down by coincidence, the carbon monoxide concentration that once exceeded the standard, the time to turn on the exhaust fan, the grievances between the deceased and the shopkeeper for many years, the momentary blunders in public, one by one, it all turned to point to the shopkeeper. Evidence of murder.

The shopkeeper, who was at a loss for words, didn't know what to do for a while, and stood in the middle of the crowd in a hurry, looking at the police officers standing on this side with expectant eyes. "I really didn't kill people..."

Xin Haikong glanced at the owner of Zhang Huang, who should not pretend to be frightened when he first saw the deceased. People were not killed by him.

If it wasn't for the shopkeeper's work, then only the middle-aged woman Tang Zelizi would be left behind. But the deceased once came out after Tang Zelizi left. How to explain this?

Wait, if you stand in the position of the deceased to sort out his movements, inexplicably run to the barbecue restaurant of the enemy who has been grumbling with him for a long time, and ask for a whole box by himself. A former employee of an insurance company who was fired, a middle-aged man who was separated from his wife and had a daughter, died of carbon monoxide poisoning, which was more unexpected than an accident...

Combined with this, this is a restaurant under the banner of charcoal barbecue, and the visual sense is really strong.

"Mumu Police Department, is there insurance on the deceased Tang Zeyixiong?"

Xin Haikong reached out his hand to stop Tang Zelizi, whose face turned pale instantly, and asked with a firm look in his eyes, who wanted to leave the scene.

"Huh? I need to confirm." Mu Mu was stunned for a moment and made a phone call.

When Conan heard Xin Haikong's words, his eyes suddenly lit up. It turned out that he was indeed a Xinhai police officer!

If so, there are no traces left at the scene that the only clue should have been taken. Conan's eyes fell on the red leather bag that Tang Zelizi had been holding in his hand, he quickly reacted, pointed to the leather bag and shouted loudly.

"Wow! That aunt's bag is so beautiful!"

"Huh? Miss Tang Ze, if you don't mind, please give me your purse for inspection." Takagi stepped forward and stopped Tang Ze Lizi.

The latter firmly held the leather bag in his hand and refused to let go, his face pale. "What's there to check, don't think you can search other people's bags if you are the police!"

This reversal made the onlookers puzzled, but they still shouted in the direction of the wind:

"Just check it out, what can it do?"

"Yeah, it's not your job, it doesn't matter if you check it."

"Please let us check the bag." Xin Haikong raised his hand and pressed it on Tang Zelizi's arm, gently and firmly took the bag from her hand, and opened it.

Inside are some common cosmetics and a cylindrical air-jet bottle.

He took out the jet bottle and carefully handed it to Takagi. "Go check the ingredients in this thing."

"Hey! That's my daughter's medicine for asthma!" Tang Zelizi continued to entangle at this time. "If you take my medicine away, what will I use to treat my daughter's asthma!"

The face of the police department, who was on the phone, gradually darkened. He hung up the phone and turned to face Xin Haikong. "Tang Zeyixiong has insured accident insurance with the highest compensation amount, and the beneficiary of the insurance is his daughter, Tang Zeyishan."

Conan lowered his eyes, a little lost.

So far, things are basically clear.

"There is no murderer in this case, the deceased committed suicide."

"Suicide? Why? For insurance?" The shopkeeper's eyes widened in shock.

Xin Haikong glanced at the crowd, and swept lightly in the direction of the blond man. After confirming that the other party was still there, he continued to speak.

"When carbon monoxide poisoning is on the verge of death, people will be in great pain. Even if they can't cry out for help, it's perfectly okay to sweep the dishes off the table. But the deceased died quietly in a separate box. Under normal circumstances, this It's something that everyone has a hard time understanding."

"But what if the deceased was willing? He watched himself step by step into the abyss of death, trying his best not to struggle because he wanted to fake a common diner who was poisoned by carbon monoxide leaking during the barbecue. "

"You seem to need a lot of money, maybe for your daughter, maybe for other things. But Mr. Tang Ze was unfortunately fired from the original insurance company and lost his source of income. He chose to defraud the insurance and came to this place. The barbecue restaurant opened by Toruya Hasegawa, who has been grumbling for many years, wants to use the charcoal fire here to burn himself with charcoal, defrauding both the insurance of his company and the compensation of Toruya Hasegawa. Am I right, Tang Ze Miss Lizi?"

The black-haired police officer lowered his head, and his amber eyes looked a little cold under the light.

Tang Zelizi had already knelt on the ground when he mentioned cheating, and couldn't say a word.

"Even if the alarm in the store is not broken, you will manually break the alarm. This is your original plan. After Kazuo Karizawa released a large amount of carbon monoxide in the box, you took away the empty can, and you wanted to To see how things end, so stay on the scene."

"I think you should have left the scene as soon as you took the bottle. Only in this way can the evidence be completely destroyed. But for some reason, you couldn't leave, and you didn't leave until Kazuo Tang was confirmed dead. I remembered that I should go, but was stopped by our colleagues. Because of such negligence, your plan failed."

The crowd fell silent.

"I... I just want to take another look at him, we have no choice." Tang Zelizi opened his eyes, and after a long stalemate, he finally couldn't continue to pretend. She sobbed, tears rolling down her face.

"He was expelled from the insurance company because of lung cancer. The insurance company tricked them into applying for insurance a long time ago. My husband said that it can only pay for personal accidents, not lung cancer. Our daughter is sick and needs money. , a lot of money..."

"No matter what the reason is, it's wrong to cheat insurance. You probably don't know that, this shop is just under the banner of charcoal barbecue, but in fact it still uses an ordinary stove, which can't make people poisoned by carbon monoxide at all. . Your plan was doomed from the start."

Xin Haikong said the most heart-wrenching words in a very calm tone.

Tang Zelizi raised his head and looked in disbelief at the shopkeeper who was standing aside a little embarrassed.

The shopkeeper looked at her and nodded helplessly.

"Instead, it was your husband, Kazuo Tang Ze, who, after he had already inhaled some of the gas, forced himself to come out and walk away to clear you of the murder suspicion."

The last straw that supported Tang Zelizi was taken away, and she slumped to the ground as if she had lost her strength.

The dark yellow lights of the barbecue shop were like a faint fire, and the whole world was spinning in front of her eyes.


"Oh, it was a case of fraudulent insurance after a long time. The shop owner is really pitiful. He almost got caught."

"Yeah, even if you can say you don't want your own life, you don't want it. Fortunately, there is a police officer here, and the owner can be innocent."

The crowd became restless again, and what happened tonight was a rare topic for most people to talk about.

Or chat with their original relatives and friends, or share with others on various electronic software.

The owner, Toru Hasegawa, barely kept a smile on his face as he greeted the familiar customers around him.

His heart was far less peaceful than it appeared on the surface.

The police are still collecting clues in and out of the box, and the case will definitely end in suicide.

The one named Kazuo Tang Ze is actually his high school classmate.

Back then, when he was young and ignorant, he often played with gangsters on the street, and bullied several classmates along the way. Kazuo Tang Ze was one of them.

But this guy is a tough guy, he refuses to bow his head no matter how bullied he is, and often fights against him.

Hasegawa Toru also walked into the back kitchen. He carefully stuffed a silver jar back into the cardboard box and carried the cardboard box back to the locker.

He had been looking at that guy for a long time, and this time he really wanted to teach him a lesson.

When I saw the guy in the store today, he suddenly remembered that the carbon monoxide alarm in the store was broken. I heard that inhaling excessive carbon monoxide will damage the brain nerves, people will become stupid, and his brain will instantly become hot.

It's just a small lesson. Anyway, his shop doesn't use real charcoal fire. Even if someone is poisoned by carbon monoxide, it has nothing to do with him.

He took the silver jar out of the cardboard box. Each box has a dedicated exhaust vent, and the guy's box exhaust vent is just within his reach.

Isn't this just a good thing?

The rough big hand slowly closed the locker door, and the cold iron sheet irritated him all over. The owner, Toru Hasegawa, also sighed deeply.

Just as he was about to act, the police officers standing at the door suddenly started shouting something like carbon monoxide, which scared him to hurry and hid the silver jar in his hand in the kitchen preparation room.

Fortunately it wasn't there yet.

Hasegawa Toru also recalled that he had just seen the corpse, and the whole person shuddered.

Otherwise, he really couldn't explain it.


"Sir, please stay!"

After the case was solved, the blond man wanted to go outside as soon as the door to the barbecue house was released.

Xin Haikong's eyes kept an eye on him, and when he saw it, he used the excuse of wanting to sober up by himself, and chased him all the way.

The narrow and dark alleys seem to be endless, and the moonlight stretches the shadows of people very long.

"This gentleman! I think I should know you?"

Xin Haikong hurried forward a few steps, and the blond young man not far away heard the words, and his body paused.

"I know who you are, why don't you stop!"

Xin Haikong didn't know who this guy was at all, but he could only cheat him in this way.

The blond youth's movements slowed down for a moment, but soon picked up speed again.


Xin Haikong pretended to be in danger and exclaimed, but in fact continued to chase.

The blond youth really stopped in place and looked back.

Their gap quickly narrowed.

The dim moonlight and the shadow of the cap made it impossible for Xin Kaikong to see the latter's expression, but he could clearly see the other party's inorganic blue eyes and the typical foreigner's high nose bridge.

It was completely different from the black-haired version of Zhufu Jingguang that I saw that day.

But Xin Kaikong had an inexplicable intuition, the impulse that surged from his blood, accompanied by logical inferences about all potential possibilities, and finally led him to say—

"is it you?"

The black-haired youth stood two or three meters away, the dim moonlight mottled on his face, and his amber eyes shone brightly.

"Zhu Fu Jingguang."


in the ward.

The cold wind blew into the room through the half-opened window, and the thin gauze curtain fluttered along with it.

The blond youth stood in front of the hospital bed with a troubled face.

"You said you failed?" The old man lying on the hospital bed propped up half of his body, his turbid eyes looked up and down around the young man, "Bourbon, I thought that such a simple task, as long as you are willing to do it, will not fail. ."

"I'm very sorry. I have no intention of defending, but..." The blond youth showed a difficult look. "I really did it. I wanted to sneak into his house last night, but I just came out of my own house and saw two people in plainclothes guarding the door of the policeman's house. Because the floor is very high, there is no Maybe through the window, I really can't find a chance to get close to the policeman..."

"Could it be that with your head, you can't think of the second way? If you can't do it at home, you can't do it while he's out?" The old man sneered, not believing that the young man in front of him would really be helpless against a mere policeman. Although the policeman was indeed a bit difficult to deal with, it also caused his base to be destroyed.

I really didn't expect that the police would be so serious this time, guarding them 24 hours a day, what the **** is the origin of that smelly policeman.

"The defense of the other party is really tight. This policeman is a police officer from the General Affairs Division of the Public Security Department of the Metropolitan Police Department. His usual work is done in the Metropolitan Police Department, and he will not easily go to the front line. There are people from the entire Metropolitan Police Department to protect him at get off work. After work, the police will take him home in person, not to mention the plainclothes police who are always there to guard him. It’s really hard to take advantage of the loopholes.”

The blond-haired youth frowned, as if he was really worried about the tight-fitting defense beside Xin Haikong.

"Last night was their year-end party, and it was rare that plainclothes did not enter the store to guard, but chose to wait outside the store. But there were dozens of police officers sitting at a table beside the policeman. I can't kill people directly. The barbecue restaurant's meals are all self-service, and no one knows which dish they will take, so I can't do it. I tried to release carbon monoxide. The banner of charcoal barbecue is actually not a real charcoal fire at all, so it was not able to detonate successfully in the first time. Those plainclothes guarding outside rushed in immediately..."

"Why is it so troublesome to use carbon monoxide? What about bombs? Wouldn't it be better to put a bomb on that guy's car?" "It's also my negligence. I didn't allow you to apply for tools after the task was arranged. It's really hard for you to come up with a carbon monoxide trick. If it's a lack of bombs, just tell the guy at the door."

"Actually... I'm afraid it's not enough to use a bomb. The policeman has a friend who is an experienced bomb disposal expert. He has just defused the bombs he organized a few times. And I missed the dinner last night, I'm afraid it's hard to find a chance to get close to him again. police…"

The blond youth continued to maintain a helpless appearance.

"This doesn't work, that doesn't work either, so what do you want?" The old man really took the bait, and his tone became impatient.

In fact, Amuro Toru deliberately pretended to be this way.

Rum is very arrogant and impatient. If you want to lure this guy out, it is difficult for ordinary plans to succeed. If he really pretended that he had caught Xin Haikong and asked Rum to see the body, the other party would suspect that this was a trap set by him and the police.

Only by pulling a bit first, showing enough examples of failure, arousing the opponent's rebellious psychology, and doing enough preparatory work, can you be able to hit it with one blow.

"I need more people. Only by forcing that guy to the front line can we find an opportunity to get rid of him aboveboard."

The blond youth showed a smile of determination, and his purple-gray eyes were full of vigorous desire.

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