MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 92 year-end party

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"Oh! It's all thanks to the Xinhai police officer this time!" The young man in a police uniform scribbled on his body said with a smile, "The former officers always took us to that kind of high-end hotel, but it's not that it's bad, just alone Nothing to eat."

"Indeed..." The other young man with brown hair said vaguely as he gulps the meat: "If I want to say that this kind of restaurant can eat meat and drink big glasses, it will be very good."

"That's right, we have so much to eat. Only when we come to this kind of self-service barbecue restaurant can we let go of the belly and eat it." A young man in his thirties sitting on the corner stretched out a piece of rolled paper and wiped it hastily. mouth, and said loudly.

Looking around, dozens of young men were sitting around a rectangular table, and the left and right sides were full of people. They were chatting and laughing with each other, or burying their heads in hard work, but they were happy. On this long table, there is an oven every two positions, and beside it is densely filled with large glasses of beer and various raw foods to be roasted, with more meat and less vegetarian food.

The black-haired young man sat in the middle with a smile at the corners of his eyes. He slowly stuffed the barbecue into his mouth, and smiled and nodded in response to what he said to the people around him.

"Officer Xinkai..." Yamamoto Ye, who was sitting on Xinkaikong's left hand side, held a glass of wine awkwardly, trying to speak but was unable to speak.

"Do you want to honor me?" Xin Haikong obediently raised his glass and took the initiative to touch the glass in the hands of his honest subordinate.

"Yes," Yamamoto heaved a sigh of relief, suffocated the wine in his hand, lowered his head and said slowly: "Fortunately, the Xinhai police officer has returned safely, this time is really too thrilling, we were all deceived at the beginning. I can't get any news, and when you know, officer, you have been rescued."

Xin Haikong didn't really want to talk more with him, so he just smiled politely.

This is the year-end dinner of the General Affairs Division of the Ministry of Public Security.

In fact, Yamamotono had reminded Xin Haikong from a long time ago that it was time to start preparing for the dinner. But there were too many things happened in the middle, and he was responsible for the security of the Stone of Life, he was framed for murder and imprisoned, and he was kidnapped by a carjacking.

Therefore, after procrastinating, it took until today to really find the opportunity to solve this year-end dinner that had been arranged on the agenda for a long time.

The dinner was originally a public fund allocated by the Ministry of Public Security. Most of the people in charge in the past wanted to get some hotel rebates, and they always chose that kind of flashy high-end hotels, ordered dishes that were only enough to stick between their teeth, and spent a whole set of money for a full meal.

Xin Haikong was not short of money, so he simply found an all-you-can-eat self-service barbecue restaurant, so that these young men who could eat would have a good meal in one go.

They sat in a place similar to a semi-private room, slightly higher than the hall, with a thin bamboo fence blocking half of the view, which was not too closed but not too closed. To their right are individual private rooms, and the main entrance of the private room closest to them happens to face them.

On the left, is the gate of this barbecue restaurant.


The doorbell rang, the glass sliding door was slammed open from the outside, and several familiar figures walked in.

"Dad, let's eat this!"

The girl walking in front turned back and pulled the middle-aged man in his forties, and said with a smile.

"Whatever, whatever." The middle-aged man waved his hand indifferently, looked into the room with his probe, and met Xin Haikong's gaze.

Xin Haikong raised his glass and smiled at Mouri Kogoro who walked in.

The latter bowed his head with some guilt, and did not look in this direction again.

On the contrary, Maurilan, who turned around, followed Mauri Kogoro's line of sight and saw Xin Haikong sitting on the table a little higher than the hall. She widened her eyes in surprise, and pulled Kogoro Mouri, who was beside her, to step forward.

"Officer Xinhai?"

Conan, who was left alone at the end, also noticed Xin Haikong sitting among the police, and he whispered.

The case of the police officer Xinhai being framed and murdered was not exposed by the media until it was completely resolved. It was as if he had touched the water without a trace, leaving no trace. This was undoubtedly the best intelligence work of the Metropolitan Police Department. .

The "truth" that most people know is limited to subsequent media reports. All they know is that the Xinhai police officer was accidentally kidnapped by an illegal organization on the way to the mission. He cleverly used the signal receiver to cooperate with the Metropolitan Police Department, so that the Metropolitan Police Department successfully destroyed the illegal organization's underground den.

All in all, a huge credit.

What is confusing is that the media, who were originally best at catching the wind and doing nothing wrong, also spoke the same voice this time, and did not mention the mishandling of the Metropolitan Police Department in this "kidnapping" incident, but focused on the new sea and air. The police are using the signal receiver to make clever cooperation, and the police officer of Xinhai is boasting more and more magical.

I have to say that the Metropolitan Police Department's funding for this wave of propaganda is too sufficient.

I just don't know what happened to the police officer Xinhai, Conan looked at Xin Haikong who was sitting in the middle of the crowd with some worry. He only knew that Mr. Anshi led the public security to rescue the Xinhai police officer, but he did not know what happened after the Xinhai police officer was kidnapped by the organization...

"Officer Xinhai, you're all right now!" Mao Lilan took the reluctant Maori Kogoro to the table where Xin Haikong was. "My father wants to apologize to you for having no reason to doubt you before."

Saying that, she twisted Mouri Kogoro's waist fiercely, revealing a threatening smile.

Mouri Kogoro smiled embarrassedly at Xin Haikong, and under the eyes of the police officers who had heard of the incident in the Public Security Section, Mosquito hummed and said sorry.


"Alright, alright, Miss Xiaolan." Xin Haikong still knelt on the seat and said with a smile, "Under the circumstances at that time, Mr. Mauri just came to the most reasonable conclusion, after all, none of us thought of it. The prisoner would use such a method to frame the blame."

On the surface, he is smiling and tolerant, but it is actually a faint hint that Maori is a fool, and he can't even see through the prisoner's blindness. However, on the surface of his words, he has done enough humility, and with the original image, no one can tell that he is intentionally connoting Maori. Everyone just thought according to Xin Haikong's words, and felt that Maori was a little stupid.

However, Mr. Mauri didn't seem to understand this, he smiled and accepted Xin Haikong's comfort, and rubbed his head, "Yes, it was originally based on the judgment of the scene."

Is it really not covered? Xin Haikong rubbed the wine glass in his hand and glanced at Mouri Kogoro who was standing in front of him with a half-smile.

Is this guy really stupid or fake?

"Miss Xiaolan, are you also coming to this barbecue restaurant for dinner?" Xin Haikong turned his head and said hello to Conan who was following Xiaolan. "Conan is here too."

"Yeah, Dad's office has done a big case today. The client gave us a lot of money, so we decided to go out for dinner. What about the Xinhai police officer?" He smiled knowingly covering his mouth.

"It's a year-end dinner." Xin Haikong laughed.

After they got off work at 5:00 in the afternoon, they went straight to the barbecue shop. I also took three rounds of meat. Xin Haikong couldn't eat anything, but the colleagues around him seemed to be in high spirits.

"If you don't mind, you can actually eat with us. There are four empty seats over there." Xin Haikong pointed to the far right of the long table, where there was a vacant road and four cushions, just enough for four Individuals sit down to eat.

"Anyway, I will also apply for reimbursement for the meal expenses this time. I remember that Mr. Mauri used to be a policeman, so it's just like the Metropolitan Police Department invited the old policeman from many years ago to have a meal."

"Huh? Is it that good?" As soon as Mao Li heard Xin Haikong's words, he suddenly got excited, and pulled Mao Lilan back to sit there.

"Not good Dad..." Mao Lilan was very embarrassed and frowned unhappily.

"Miss Xiaolan, it's all right, it's the Metropolitan Police Department's invitation to dinner. The sleeping Mr. Kogoro Mouri has solved so many cases for the Metropolitan Police Department. Thank you very much."

Maori Kogoro, who was touted as a little flirtatious, sat on the cushion, shared a large bottle of beer from the policeman beside him, and soon became drunk.

Conan sat on the mat, stuffing meat into his mouth, and stared at Officer Xinhai intently, his eyes full of curiosity. Layers of smoke rose from the barbecue stove, making the police officer Xinhai shrouded in a thin layer of mist, somewhat erratic.

"Ke-Nan-" Xiao Lan, who was beside her, seemed to want to say something, but couldn't help yawning.

In fact, when the case ended tonight, it was almost eight o'clock, and it is now nine o'clock. It is normal to feel sleepy at this time.

Conan raised his hand and rubbed his sore eyes, feeling a little pain in his head. Last night, because I kept thinking about the Xinhai police officer, I stayed up until two or three o'clock in the morning and didn't sleep. It is estimated that the sequelae came.

These police officers on the long table, all those who drink alcohol, all fell to the side early and lay on their backs on their backs. Mouri Kogoro, who was beside him, was also drunk a long time ago, snoring loudly. The few who didn't drink could still hold on, but few were still eating meat.

Conan stared at the Xinhai police officer in the middle of the crowd. The other party seemed to be a little tired. He tapped his head first, then covered his mouth and yawned, with a few tears flowing from the corners of his eyes.

He chewed slowly, only to feel that the more he chewed, the more tired he became, and he couldn't hold it for a while, letting the chopsticks slip from his hand.

The scene in front of him slowly distorted with the rising smoke, as if entering a fantasy world, Conan blinked, his eyelids were too heavy to lift.

isn't it...

Conan subconsciously looked down at what he was eating. He had only heard of the current situation when he accidentally ingested poisonous mushrooms, but he was eating meat.

Strange enough, he reached out and rubbed his eyes again, took a sip of the ice water next to the table, and wanted to wake up a bit.


A harsh female voice came from the door of the box next door, passed through the thick smoke of the barbecue shop, and hit Conan's eardrums.

Almost instinctively, he jumped up from the seat cushion, but then he was choked by the water in his mouth that he hadn't had time to swallow, and he kept coughing.

Following him was Xin Haikong, who had only been dipped in a little wine. The still-sober police officer looked at the box next door for the first time—

The box door, which was originally closed, was opened at this time. The cleaner who was about to go in to clean up the empty dishes slackened her legs and slid along the box door to her knees on the ground. Her back couldn't stop shaking, and she looked very frightened.

From their point of view, they could only see the decorative paintings in the box and the corner of the table. There were many full plates on it, and the meat inside was still untouched.

When Conan stood up, he realized that he was a little nauseated, and what he had eaten before was now heavily stuck in his stomach, neither up nor down.

The dizziness in the head became more and more serious, and the whole person was a little out of strength.

This feeling…


The next second, the door of the barbecue shop was knocked open, and a large stream of fresh air rushed in with the cold winter feeling, which made Conan wake up a lot in an instant.

The man who broke in was a man in his early thirties in a blue suit. As soon as the black-rimmed glasses on his face entered the room, they were covered in a white mist by the heat, and a somewhat mature face was rigidly tense. There were also two strong men in black suits who were also expressionless behind him.

Conan frowned. The meticulous suit on the man who broke in shows that he is rigorous and pays attention to details. He walked at a great pace, and as soon as he came in, his eyes wandered around, as if he had a clear goal long ago. I just don't know who this guy is targeting...

"Feng, Mr. Fengjian?" One of the police officers sitting at the long table was barely sober. He put his arms up, stared blankly at the person in front of him, and shouted.

"Kaizian Police Department make up!" Yamamoto quickly woke up, stood beside Xin Haikong, and greeted him quite solemnly. In fact, he also reported the rank of Kazami Yuya with a hint of reminder.

Police supplement? is a policeman?

Conan followed and looked over, a little confused. This man doesn't look like an ordinary policeman, and he always has a kind of arrogance. If it is the police department, is it to come to the Xinhai police officer? He hesitated for a while, but still didn't pay attention to the few people who came in from the door. At this time, it is more important to solve the immediate problem first.

Conan's eyes fell on the glass door that had just been knocked open and closed again. When the door just opened, he felt a lot more relaxed, as if the outdoor air was extraordinarily fresh.

The sudden drowsiness and headache, the loss of vision, and the exhaustion of everyone, the culprit behind all this is self-evident.

If this is the case, they need to make rescue measures as soon as possible.

And the box where the accident happened, they haven't had time to look at it yet.

Conan stretched out his hand, trying to hold Xin Haikong who passed by him. "Officer Shinkai—"

"Officer Shinkai!" Conan's words were interrupted by Yuya Kazami who was standing at the door.

Feng Jian helped the glasses that were gradually disappearing from the white fog, strode forward, grabbed Xin Haikong's arm, and said seriously, "Officer Xinhai, please go out with us immediately."


The target is indeed the Shinkai police officer, but why do you want to go out? Could it be that this guy found it too?

Conan stared at the scene in shock, and didn't have time to react.

The Xinhai police officer, who was also too late to respond, was dragged out several steps in a row.

"Wait, wait a minute!"

The black-haired police officer raised his head blankly, staring at Kazami who was pulling his arm in front of him. "Fengjian Police Department Supplement, I know you. But now is the time for our department to have dinner. If you have anything, you can wait until you go to work tomorrow."

"Officer Xinhai. The environment you are in is extremely dangerous. Our duty is to protect your safety. Please go out with us." Kazami Yuya said righteously.

"I'm afraid it won't work." The black-haired police officer was equally righteous. "Just a few minutes ago, there seemed to be some kind of accident in the box next to us, and I was about to check it out. Although I don't know what the danger you are talking about is. I mean, but I need to solve the case first."

Feng Jianyu also heard the words, and seemed to be stunned for a moment. His eyes followed the direction pointed by Xin Haikong, and he happened to see the half-open box door and the waiter who was kneeling at the door and couldn't get up for a long time.

Seeing that the two were about to stalemate again, Conan finally found the right time and successfully interjected:

"Officer Xinhai! The air here is so strange. I feel sick all over. I feel sick and want to sleep. Is there something wrong?"

The little detective held his head high and kept blinking his big blue eyes, desperately hinting at the new sea police officer.

Xin Haikong was made to laugh a little by him, but he still managed to suppress his laughter and cooperated with the performance.

The black-haired youth pondered for a moment, then suddenly raised his head to look around the room, his amber eyes slowly widened, revealing a look of shock. "Could it be that... the carbon monoxide concentration in the room exceeds the standard?"

"Is it carbon monoxide?" Feng Jian nodded suddenly, as if he knew that the air in the room was abnormal.

"Is this what you call danger?" The black-haired police officer stepped forward and asked in surprise.

"That's right, that's what I want to tell you. Just now, we saw a man in black with a gas can hurriedly leaving this barbecue restaurant. Although we didn't react immediately and stopped that The man in black, but we quickly realized that something was wrong." Kazami almost seamlessly connected Xin Haikong's words.

"We suspect that the person deliberately released some kind of gas indoors and wanted to hurt you. We just didn't expect it to be carbon monoxide. Fortunately, this barbecue restaurant uses only pseudo-charcoal grills, not open flames. But after the carbon monoxide concentration exceeds the standard, once the Move the stove, and the tiny sparks in it may detonate. This barbecue restaurant is still very dangerous. This must be another attack on you by the other party. We hope you can leave this barbecue restaurant as soon as possible.”

"But you also saw that there seems to be an accident in the box inside. I have to stay and solve the case." Xin Haikong bypassed Feng Jian, who was in front of him, and blocked it with the waiting chair next to the door, which would automatically close. glass door.

The mysterious man in black didn't know how the carbon monoxide was released, but he even controlled the position precisely. The carbon monoxide concentration in the semi-enclosed private room they were in was the highest in the store.

The drunk people have long fallen asleep. The few who were barely sober heard the conversation between him and Kazami, and were so frightened that they began to slap their colleagues around them. Conan also returned to his seat long ago, and tried to wake up the drunk Kogoro Mouri with Xiao Lan, who was still sober.

The rest of the store was fine, with only minor impacts.

When the crowd who was dining heard the carbon monoxide leak, they rushed outside.

The store manager, who trotted out, heard the warning that the carbon monoxide concentration in the store exceeded the standard, and froze in place.

"Are you Mr. Store Manager?" Xin Haikong frowned and looked at the man who ran out thoughtfully.

The owner of the shop is a middle-aged man in his early forties, with light brown hair and a Chinese character face. He is very dignified when he is stretched, but when he is panicking like now, it looks ridiculous.

"Yes, it is."

"Is there any equipment such as exhaust fans in the store? Hurry up and open it." Yamamoto reminded.

The store manager's expression was a little embarrassed, but he still ran to the door and manipulated a knob.

Accompanied by the loud noise, the exhaust fan started to run, and a large amount of fresh air was replaced into the room, and the carbon monoxide, which was not too high in concentration, was quickly replaced.

A potential crisis thus disappeared.

"Anyway, please do me a favor, the concentration of carbon monoxide at the scene is now very safe, and no one should leave the scene for the time being." Xin Haikong glanced at everyone. "I have to go and see what's going on in that box first."


In the small private room lay a middle-aged man in his early forties.

He slumped on his back on the sofa chair, his lips were red and purple, his face was pale, his eyes were closed, and his chest was no longer up and down. This state, combined with the lights in the box, is indeed a little scary at first glance, and it's no wonder that the waiter who came in to clear the dishes was so frightened.

"Is this... carbon monoxide poisoning?" Yamamotono whispered while standing at the door.

The store manager standing beside Yamamoto heard the words and glanced at the corpse in the box with a trembling glance.

Before the forensic staff arrived at the scene, Xin Haikong did not intend to let too many people in. Everyone was blocked by Yamamoto from the narrow box door, but Shinkaikura himself put on the disposable shoe covers and gloves from the shopkeeper and walked in cautiously.

The deceased had no wounds on the outside, but his lips were so red, which was indeed in line with the appearance of carbon monoxide poisoning. Not to mention that the carbon monoxide concentration in the room just now exceeds the standard. Xin Haikong walked around the corpse, but did not find any more intuitive clues at the scene.

"But..." His eyes fell on the dining table.

"He is the only one in this private room, but there are three sets of tableware and dishes on the table, and the piles of meat and vegetables have not been touched in the slightest. If he came in to eat alone, it would be too unreasonable. "

"Ah! I remembered! This guy doesn't seem to be here alone." Yamamoto scratched his head, "The people at this table came in earlier than us, and I seem to have seen a few people in and out of this room in the middle."

"About this, the monitoring should be able to check, Mr. shopkeeper?" Xin Haikong tilted his head and glanced at the shopkeeper standing next to Yamamoto.

From the moment the store manager saw the corpse, his expression was not quite right, and his whole person was about to shake into a sieve.

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