MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 73 Stone of Life 7

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"Police! Security!"

The woman kneeling by the side had tears in her eyes, an angry expression on her face, and she shouted with her mouth open. People could even see her messy teeth and faintly blackened roots.

She had also been brainwashed by Yuko Ninomiya's brainwashing bag at this time.

"Quickly catch the phantom thief Kidd! Quickly catch the murderer of my husband!"

"Yeah! Hurry up and find out who Kaitou Kid is!"

"Quickly catch the murderer!"

The angry crowd shouted repeatedly.

Thousands of people point to, nowhere to hide.

Kuroba Kuito stood on the spot, his brain was completely solidified by the paste, and the speed of operation was extremely slow.

The little detective was unreliable.

With his current identity, it is impossible to clear his suspicions without exposing Kidd's identity.

What should I do!

He looked around the crowd with anticipation in his eyes, and finally lowered his head in disappointment.


A figure suddenly appeared in his mind.

Maybe that guy could sort things out if he was here.

No, not right!

If that guy is here, his identity should be revealed first!

His eyes landed aimlessly on the closed door not far away, and slowly opened it—

A very familiar figure pushed open the door and walked in.

The hair on Mr. Monster Thief's back stood up like a conditioned reflex. He clenched his fists, his body trembled slightly, he couldn't tell whether it was excitement or fear, and there was an inexplicable look of hope in his eyes.

I am afraid that even he himself does not know what he is looking forward to.


Noisy, complaining and cursing, it boils down to the sky.

The dissatisfaction in the crowd is constantly brewing, and it is about to reach a critical point of gushing out.

It was at this time that Xin Haikong pushed the door and came in.

In this case, the phantom thief Kidd, who was lurking in the crowd, was named as the suspect, and the panicked crowd needed a guide.

He came in.

If he came in earlier, he might have been included in the category of suspects.

If he came in one minute later, Mr. Monster Thief, who could not accept that he was accused of murder, would blew himself up, pushing the situation at the scene in another direction beyond his control.

At this moment, it was just right.

The young policeman was wearing a neat light gray suit, with short black hair that was simple and clean, and he was tall and straight.

His face was calm, his steps were strong, and he walked neatly towards the center.

Lined up behind him, followed by several police officers.

The crowd subconsciously gave way, allowing the policeman to walk to the center without hindrance.

"Officer Xinhai?"

Conan raised his head and looked at the young policeman walking all the way in surprise, and then nodded to himself. The doubts that had just popped up in his heart were quickly resolved by himself.

It is normal for New Sea police officers to appear here.

Kidd sent a notice letter in advance, and the Metropolitan Police Department should send someone to deal with this matter.

Officer Shinhae had nearly caught Kidd before, and it was reasonable to send him over this time.

However, if the Shinkai police officer is here, things should be resolved...

"Officer Xinhai!"

Ninomiya Jiro, who had already stood up, shouted to Xin Haikong with some excitement:

"Didn't you say you can protect the gem? Why!"

This guy didn't put the blame on Kaitou Kid.

Jiro Ninomiya knew that the master had cut this gem out of the organization's hands, and knew that the phantom thief Kidd would not kill people in general.

Then the person who killed Kenzaburo Ninomiya can only be that **** organization.


He originally thought that the organization would just come to get the gem back, but he didn't expect to kill the owner of the gem in order to get it back.

He said that the police alone can't stop the people of the organization!

The feeling of suffocation and the anger that he couldn't pour out to the organization was thrown to the young policeman in front of him.

"Didn't you say that you will be able to protect the gem! Look at it now!"

The gray-haired old man once again showed his arrogance when he first met him, staring at Xin Haikong with anger on his face.

"Mr. Ninomiya, calm down first."

The young policeman's tone was calm and his eyes were firm, which made people unconsciously believe what he said.

"Please believe that the police will definitely find the murderer."


"Mr. Police Officer!"

Jiro Ninomiya's swear words that he couldn't say were blocked by another female voice.

Yuko Ninomiya, who was still kneeling on the ground, raised her head halfway, her scattered black hair covering half of her face, revealing a pair of black eyes full of tears.

"Mr. Police Officer, the murderer of my father is the phantom thief Kidd, can you help us catch him?"

The gray-haired youth whose name was called suddenly raised his head and stared at the policeman in front of him.

The black-haired policeman frowned slightly and looked a little sad. He said in a very peaceful tone:

"Miss Er Gong, please calm down first."

"The police have sealed off the scene. If the murderer is really the phantom thief Kidd, he can't escape. But the problem now is that there is no evidence to prove that it was the phantom thief Kidd who killed..."

"How come? Can't I check the surveillance?"

Ninomiya Yuko slowly stood up from the ground and looked at Xin Haikong with a pale face.

"The site is indeed equipped with monitoring, but just now, the switch was cut off, and the monitoring was also cut off at the same time. So we have no way to find out what happened."

The young policeman sighed helplessly, with a thin line of worry in his eyes.

According to the habits of Xinhaikong, when installing monitoring, you will definitely choose a night light mode, and you will provide your own power system.

Guaranteed to capture everything even when the power is cut off, but…

It's not very necessary here.

More is more, less is less.

The monitor that comes with the art gallery is just enough.

"Even if there is no surveillance, what about the gems?"

Yuko Ninomiya pointed to the empty gem showcase.

"Kid took the gem, is there any problem with that?"

The young police officer turned his head to look at the empty glass showcase, his eyes were unclear.

"Yes! Officer, the thief took the gem. To take the gem, you must open the glass showcase, but the key to the glass showcase is my husband!"

The woman was still weeping silently, but she stood up when she heard this.

Her fingers trembled slightly, and her originally dull eyes turned nimbly. She couldn't let all the credit be taken away by that dead girl, Yuko Ninomiya.

"According to normal circumstances, it is indeed the case."

Xin Haikong hesitated.


but what?

Conan, who was standing on the side, was a little anxious. He knew Kidd's tricks well, and things like this were not uncommon.

Kidd really wanted to steal the gem, but based on his assessment of the guy's character, that guy was definitely not a murderer.

If the new sea police officer really misunderstood...

He anxiously searched for his target in the crowd, and finally turned his eyes on Sonoko helplessly.

Then I'm going to trouble you again, "Queen of Reasoning" Miss Sonoko.


Kuroba Kaito clenched his fists secretly, and his eyes briefly glanced at the police officer in front of him.

He doesn't want to reveal his identity, but solving murder cases and catching the murderer may be more important than his identity.

And... even if his identity is exposed, it's not that he can't escape.

Kuroba Kaito reached out and touched the mask on his face, and finally made up his mind. Just as he was about to speak, his ears moved, and he swallowed the words abruptly.


"However, Kaitou Kid didn't take the gem."

The black-haired policeman finally spoke slowly and completed what he had just said.


"What are you kidding!"

Ninomiya Jiro grabbed Xin Kaikong's shirt angrily and dragged him half a step forward.

"Officer... please let go of the officer!"

The subordinate Yamamotono, who was brought by Xin Haikong, stepped forward immediately and pulled Jiro Ninomiya's hand away.

This idiot subordinate with thick eyebrows and big eyes is very useful at this time.

Xin Haikong took a breath and smiled gratefully at Yamamotono.

In exchange for the other party's blushing face and the walking posture of the same hands and feet for a long time after that.

"I'm not kidding, the gems are still in the glass display case. Besides, Mr. Ninomiya, if you continue like this, I can sue you for assaulting the police."

"You! Just a little—"

Ninomiya Jiro's sarcastic words were just halfway through, when Ninomiya Yuko blocked his throat again.

"Officer Xinhai, can you explain in detail?"

The daughter who lost her father has gradually calmed down at this time, and her voice still has an uncontrollable cry.

"Why are the gems still in the showcase? Obviously we can't see it."

All eyes are directed to the glass showcase in the middle.

The gem was originally placed on a black stand, placed in the middle of the glass showcase.

At this moment, the showcase was empty, and the black brackets and gems disappeared together.

"I think... no amount of words can compare to what you have seen with your own eyes."

The black-haired policeman took out a laser pointer from the pocket on the right side of his suit and aimed it at the center of the glass showcase. A red light shone straight on the glass showcase, shot through the transparent glass, and touched a whole body. something blue.

He manipulated the light to circle around the outline of the gem, restoring the entire gem.

Immediately after that, let the light continue to move down and land on the black bracket below the gem.

Where the laser light hits, in the transparent glass showcase, gems and black brackets appear out of nowhere.

But as the light moved away, the piece returned to its original state of nothingness.

Exclamations erupted from the crowd.

"Treasure, gem?"

"Where? I want to see too!"

"Look at that light! The gem is still in the glass case!"

"Really! The gem is still there!"

"It's amazing! Why can't we see the gem when it's clearly there!"

"Yeah! It's amazing. After the light is moved away, it can't be seen again."

Amuro had already stepped forward at this time, just witnessing the "experiment" of Xin Haikong

"Is there something wrong with the glass?"

He pointed out the key points sharply.

Xin Haikong glanced at him sideways, and there was a trace of affirmation in his amber eyes.

"Yes. Just after the lights were dimmed, Kaiju Kidd should have painted some material on the glass, so that the completely transparent glass could not show the contents inside. What material is it, we will take a closer look after we remove the glass. Research."

"The point is that the phantom thief Kidd didn't really take the gems, so he might not be the one who killed him."

The crowd fell silent.

I only heard a female voice shouting happily: "Great! I knew that Lord Kidd was not the murderer!"


Xiaolan pulled Suzuki Sonoko's hand in embarrassment.

In such a situation, it is better not to speak like that.

Kuroba Kaito finally breathed a sigh of relief.

He stepped back slowly, trying to get out of the middle.

Never once had he felt so happy after being exposed by someone else.

It's great that this police officer can clear his suspicions for him.

But even so, if you continue to stand in front of this guy with this mask, there is always a sense of panic that will be exposed in the next second.

If you can't steal the gem, you can find another chance. If you are caught, it is really not good.

The last time he had no idea what was wrong, he was caught by this officer.

This time the officer saw through his modus operandi again.

Run now!

As he looked around, he moved back carefully.


"Now, please step aside for a while, we need to examine the body of the deceased."

The black-haired police officer waved at the rear, and the two little policemen immediately stepped forward and surrounded the body.

Xin Haikong also stepped forward, bent down, frowned slightly, and pretended to check the clues he already knew.

"Purple on the lips, poisoning."

"Is it normal for the dead to go out before the lights go out?"

The black-haired police officer raised his head and looked at the family members beside him.


Meeting the policeman's gaze, Ninomiya also dodged a little, and nodded in a panic. "My husband was fine until the lights went out."

"Father was fine until the lights went out."

Yuko Ninomiya added.


Xin Haikong held his chin in his hand and made a contemplative look.

"Did the previous poison get stuck at this point in time, or did the murderer strike after the lights went dark? Did the deceased eat anything before?"

"Just... a normal meal."

Seeing that everyone's eyes were focused on him, Ninomiya hurriedly added:

"We ate together, dinner as a family."

"In addition to the poisoning caused by taking poison, it may also be caused from the outside. Are there any external wounds on the deceased?"

Xin Haikong lowered his head to look at the two little policemen who were examining the bodies.

"police officer!"

One of the little policemen held Kenzaburō Ninomiya's wrist with a terrified expression.

"There's a pinhole here!"


The black-haired police officer knelt on the ground and approached the wound.

On the inner side of Kenzaburō Ninomiya's left wrist, near the blood vessels, there is a small pinhole.

The diameter of the pinhole is very small, and if you don't check it carefully, you will probably just let the wound go.

"Is it an externally injected poison?"

The black-haired police officer frowned slightly, lowered his head and pondered: "If this is the case, then the murderer is likely to have moved his hand after the light was dark."

"Who was the person standing beside the deceased before and after the lights went out?"

Xin Haikong raised his head knowingly, his eyes filled with fake doubts.

Ninomiya Yuko's face became paler and paler, her **** eyes were full of disbelief, she turned her head, and pointed at Eriko Ninomiya next to her in shock.

"It's you! You've been holding your father's left arm!"

"What nonsense are you talking about!"

The woman in a bright red dress and heavy makeup turned pale in shock, the powder on her face faded a little, and she took a few steps back in fright.

"I didn't! I didn't kill it!"

"Then why are you nervous? And... before the lights went dark, the person closest to your father was you!"

A trace of anger appeared on Yuko Ninomiya's pale face, as if she wanted to fight for the innocent dead father.

"Thanks to my father, he was so kind to you and the oil bottle that you brought over. You are so kind and revenge!"


Ninomiya Branch also took a few steps forward, trying to climb up Xin Haikong's arm, but was stopped by Yamamoto Ye who was already prepared, and the whole person was extremely embarrassed and stopped halfway.

She looked at the black-haired police officer behind Yamamoto wildly, with a worried look on her face.

"Mr. Police Officer, you have to believe me! I really didn't kill anyone!"

"I believe it or not, I'm afraid it won't change the truth of the matter."

The black-haired police officer closed his eyes slightly, showing a hint of helplessness.

"Everything is based on evidence. Yamamoto-kun!"


When Yamamoto heard the words, he immediately stood up straight in the direction of Shinkai, with his head half lowered, waiting for his boss's instructions.

"Organize the police to search the belongings of everyone present. If it is an external syringe, no one can sneak out to deal with the murder weapon now, and the syringe must still be in the murderer's hand."


Xin Haikong raised his eyes, showing a gentle smile, and his amber eyes looked straight at Zhang Huang's bewildered Ernomiya Branch.

"Let's start with the handbag that Mrs. Ninomiya carries with her."

"Mrs. Er Gong, please rest assured. After our search, we can rule out your suspicion and restore your innocence."

The smile of the black-haired policeman made people feel a sense of peace out of thin air.

Ninomiya Branch was also holding her handbag nervously, her knuckles turning white.

Conan raised his glasses thoughtfully.

To be honest, most of Officer Xinhai's deductions are not much different from his own.

It's just that the Xinhai police officer locked the prisoner on the person who was closer to the deceased and had the conditions for committing a crime from the perspective of criminal methods.

From the perspective of criminal purpose, he locked the murderer on the people of the organization.

In fact, according to the thinking of the Xinhai police officer, there is no contradiction.

Finding the murder weapon is indeed the most practical solution at the moment.

The only problem is that…

Conan glanced thoughtfully at the woman in the bright red dress not far away.

Madam Ninomiya, why are you so flustered? At first, no one doubted her, but now it seems that everyone has got everything.

"Where do you want to go!"

A young police officer grabbed a young man by the hood behind his back.

Everyone's eyes focused on the past for the first time, only to see—

The young man raised his head awkwardly, revealing a tender face from under his grandmother's gray hair.

This is Kuroba Kaito who escaped and was caught halfway through.

His facial features were extremely embarrassingly wrinkled together, showing a somewhat comical smile, and hesitantly said:

" stomach hurts a little."

"I think you are the murderer!"

The young police officer firmly blamed.

"Everyone else is still waiting at the scene to be checked. Why are you so nervous and want to escape?"

"I do not-"

"He's not the murderer."

Just as Kuroba was about to defend himself, Yuko Ninomiya, who was not far away, suddenly spoke up.

"He's my boyfriend and I brought him in. Just before the black light, he stayed by my side. He was a long way from my father and was unlikely to be close to my father."

Kuroba Kaito raised his eyes in surprise and met the eldest young lady's black pupils.

The eyes of the other party were full of trust, but it made Kuroba Kuito feel a little uncomfortable.

He opened his mouth awkwardly and nodded several times.

"That's it..."

The young police officer smiled apologetically at Kuroba Kaito.

"Then you need to go to the toilet, just tell us in advance and let us check your belongings."

"Sorry, I'm in a hurry... You can check my belongings now."

Regarding this point, Kuroba Kaito was relatively relieved.

All his magic props are stored properly, and ordinary police can't search them without seeing his identity.

The crowd had just returned to silence. Several police officers searched the guests' belongings one by one. The young police officer at the head suddenly exclaimed: "Police, police, police officers!"

He held his hand high, holding what looked like a tiny syringe.


exhibition site.

Huge crystal chandeliers illuminate every corner clearly.

The woman in the bright red long group had her hands handcuffed behind her, and her heavily makeup-painted face was full of panic.

"It's really not me, Mr. Police Officer!"

"Then how do you explain this?"

Xin Haikong held up a transparent plastic bag containing a syringe that the young policeman had just found.

"We searched all the guests at the scene, and only found this suspected murder weapon in your bag."

"This is…"

Ninomiya also hesitated, unable to speak for a long time.

"You can keep silent."

The black-haired police officer said sternly.

"Speak quickly!"

Next to Ninomiya Branch, the yellow-haired youth urged angrily.

"Hurry up!"

"I said, I said."

Ninomiya also turned pale.

"This is... when I used to eat that."

"Which one?"

"Just that... white powder."

Some of the police officers who responded had expressions on their faces that were indescribable, but the vast majority of people still didn't understand which "that" was.

"Oops! I'll tell you. This is what my mom used to get her drugs."

The yellow-haired youth was also a little impatient, and he bluntly broke things down.

"She is addicted for a long time, and she can't leave it for a moment. She has to take it with her when she comes out to participate in the exhibition."


Conan couldn't hold back and took a deep breath.

Unexpectedly, this person was taking drugs.

Her explanation made sense. In order to take drugs, she carried a syringe with her.

But what to say, there are too many coincidences.

There were so many coincidences that he had to doubt it.

The person closest to the deceased in the audience was Eriya Ninomiya, who had been holding the deceased's arm.

If someone killed the dead, why didn't Ninomiya notice?

In other words, the easiest person to kill the deceased without attracting attention, isn't it the Ninomiya Branch?

And she just so happened to have a syringe.

With all the evidence and evidence, it's hard to say there's no suspicion.

Just the reason? Why did she want to kill her husband?

And why do it in front of everyone? If it is a husband and wife relationship, will there be a lack of opportunities in daily life?

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