MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 65 exposed

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The black-haired youth stood up, opened the shutters on the window, and the fine sunlight sprinkled on the paraffin-milled wooden floor and the cool leather chair back.

The comic forum can be projected on any object, and it also moves with the movement of the new sea and sky.

At this time, a line of replies are arranged on the transparent window glass, and the shutters that are pulled open define a natural horizontal line.

He continued to scroll down the comments, and his eyes paused on one of the comments.

Sherlock: Wait a minute, haven't you noticed Conan's dislocation? Hattori called Conan Kudo in front of Sora!

Back to the truth: I noticed that, but I feel that they should have communicated with each other long ago. Tou Zi has already told Kong Ge about the winery, will he have also told him about Conan?

Sherlock: That's right, the content of the showdown between Brother Kong and Touzi has been hidden for a long time, and the content of the showdown with Conan this time is definitely the same.

Actually not.

He and Conan had never experienced a showdown.

In fact, at this time, he, Conan, and Toru Amuro are now in a very special state.

When Amuro Toru was in Osaka, he revealed to him that Conan was unusual;

And Conan's attitude towards him is becoming more and more casual, and he is more and more lazy to pretend.

It is estimated that Amuro Toru should have also said something to Conan.

But on the bright side, it would be better for him to pretend he didn't know anything.

The only pity is that now I can no longer use Conan's identity to scare Kudo Shinichi.

But it doesn't matter, apart from this, there are many other places that can scare him.

He hastily swept through the remaining comments, half expecting M's appearance, and half sighing about the case this time.

The HCCG, who had been bouncing all the time, didn't know where to go.

Xin Haikong was a little bored, and he closed the forum.

That night, the moment Amuro deduced the truth, he really came up with the idea of ​​finding an opportunity to kill this guy.


But what to say, on the one hand, Amuro Toru did not cause any substantial harm to him.

According to Xin Haikong's character, he rarely takes the initiative to find trouble.

And there was a problem that he never wanted to understand.

The first time he really met Amuro Toru was in a cafe. In the comics at that time, Amuro Toru added a huge filter to him.

It can be simply inferred that it is a matter of time line.

But now, when he was eighteen years old, he completed his "first meeting" with Amuro Toru.

He admits that this first meeting was not a good one at all. The two kidnapped hostages are disgraced, look at me, and I look at you.

At most one thing is the mutual sympathy of the fallen people from the end of the world, why is Amuro Toru such a big filter for him.

Could it be that they had met before the age of eighteen?

He wouldn't take it easy on Amuro until he had thoroughly figured out what had happened in those earlier years.

On the other hand, there is a very helpless reason.

- Toru Amuro is very popular.

If something really happened to Amuro, the readers on the forum would try to find out who the murderer was.

These people on the forum are really smart sometimes, like the incident in Easton Manor before, even he didn't notice it.

And this time against Yoshimura Hirohiko, in the final analysis, it was also an idea given by the forum readers.

If he really wanted to get rid of Amuro, it would be too difficult to leave no trace.

Even, according to his reasoning about the system, if everyone holds an identity card, what he has in his hand is the devil card that will be revealed and overthrown at the last moment.

Then Amuro Toru must be holding a knight card that protects the protagonist and maintains justice until the last moment.

The plot will not let such a character simply die.

If he really kills Amuro and plans a case, it is very likely that he and Amuro will perish in the end.

Not worth it.

But that doesn't mean that he really has nothing to do with this guy.

The black-haired youth sat back on the chair, his slender fingers making circles on the wooden desk.

His amber eyes stared at his fingers, and an unconscious smile twitched at the corners of his mouth.

It is too dangerous to continue to let such a time bomb be by your side.

If Amuro was smart enough, he should have thought of that step by now.

The flaw he deliberately left behind, the key point that would make Amuro withdraw voluntarily.


At about the same time as Xin Haikong closed the forum, a new visitor came to the gate of Doro Amusement Park.

The gate of the playground on weekdays is sparsely populated, and the window that originally required a long queue can now be seen at a glance.

Amuro was bored and waited for the staff member at the window to enter the information, leaning his arms on the table.

What happened that day was too strange. There were many details that he still hadn't figured out. It was not his character to let go of everything hastily.

So he was going to return to the haunted house to find out if there were any clues the police had missed.

Since he wants to go back, the sooner the better, so this morning, he asked for leave again. I just hope that Miss Enomoto will not be too angry...

It's a little guilty to say that, but he's been really busy recently, and he doesn't have a few days at work in total.

Holding the ticket he just bought, the blond youth passed through the gate decorated with balloons and streamers, passing the tourists in twos and threes.

With some inexplicable intuition, he stopped at a wooden billboard.

There are many small partitions under this wooden billboard, which are filled with advertising paper for publicity.

He bent down and took out a random piece of advertising paper from the piles and piles of advertising paper underneath.

When he unfolded the piece of paper, his whole body froze, his purple-gray eyes widened involuntarily.

That's a park map.

A completely different "new map" from the one he got from Yuan Tai that day.

The green background color, white simple strokes-like fonts, and various bells and whistles cartoon paintings present all the amusement facilities in the entire park in a simple and clear manner.

Only, there was no haunted house they went to that day.

The dazzling sunlight made him a little dizzy. He approached the propaganda column, took out three or five pieces of propaganda paper one after another, and unfolded them one by one.

These are all park maps, the same layout, the same content, and none of them have that haunted house!

At this moment, it was clearly broad daylight, but he felt inexplicably bumping into a ghost.

He took several quick steps in succession, backing up to the neglected tourist sign next to the entrance to the park.

The last time he came to Doro Amusement Park, he relied on the fact that he visited when he was in college, and because these children always thought of what to do, he didn't look at this sign.

Now, he went around to the back of the signboard, where a map of the entire park was drawn.

No haunted house.

There is no Sadako and the pen immortal fighting against the coconut.

A chill engulfed his body in an instant, and cold sweat broke out on his back.


The phone in his pocket brought him back to his senses.

He answered the phone, and the voice of the familiar police officer Mumu was on the opposite side.

"Mr. Amuro! Excuse me. We compared the records of the people involved in the haunted house wounding incident on Saturday and found a little problem. I want to ask you, why did you go to that haunted house?"

"Why, ask this question?"

The youth's voice was a little hoarse, and instead of answering Mumu's question directly, he threw his own question in turn.

"Uh...because the confession from the Xinhai police officer is that the police officer Matsuda got the park map from the clown on the side of the road, and they valued the haunted house with a novel theme at a glance, so they went. But we only met the person in charge of the park this morning. , according to the other party's feedback, there is no themed haunted house called 'Sadako and the Pen Immortal vs. Gaya Coconut' in the park."

No haunted house.

So what did he see on the map that day?

"There is a big gap between the confessions of the two sides. Another team of staff is now re-confirming the incident with police officers Xinhai and Matsuda. I also need to confirm it with you again."

"I also… got a map."

The blond young man clenched the real map in his hand, expressionless, every word.

Aside from the nonsense about hitting ghosts during the day, just looking at these two completely different maps of haunted houses, you can also see that there are definitely people behind this.

Whether it is the piles of maps under the propaganda column or the tour diagram engraved on the board, they are things that ordinary tourists often come into contact with, and there is no chance of fraud.

If these are true, in turn, it will prove that the map he saw that day was fake!

The haunted house is no longer an open amusement facility at all!

No wonder there are neither staff nor NPC, the whole haunted house seems to be abandoned for a long time.

Because it has been abandoned for a long time!

"Sadako and Pen Immortal vs. Kako", if he remembered correctly, this was the theme of the haunted house eight years ago.

Someone faked the map?

The map at that time was handed to him by Yuan Tai, but Yuan Tai was only a child, so he could not get a map out of thin air.

It's only possible that someone handed Genta the fake map.

What is the purpose of the other party doing this?

To lure them to that haunted house?

The map of Xinkaikong was handed to them by the Joker.

It is also very likely that they are holding fake maps.

The person hiding behind the scenes, using two fake maps, successfully tricked him and Xin Haikong into the haunted house?

This is a bit outrageous.

"Mr. Amuro? Are you still there?"

On the other end of the phone, Officer Mumu seemed to be talking to someone else at the same time.

"I suspect now that I got a fake map."

"Huh?" There was pure doubt in Mu Mu's voice.

"It's a coincidence that the Xinhai police officer also thinks so! But their map seems to have been dropped in a haunted house. I don't know why we didn't find it at the time. We are going to send police officers to the scene to search again."

"On the spot?"

The voice of the blond young man suddenly became louder, and a whirring sound of wind came from the other end of the phone.

Mu Mu took the phone away in confusion, and then brought it closer to his ear.

The loud wind continued for a few seconds before the phone was hung up.

"Hey! Why is Mr. Anshi like this!"

Mu Mu put down the phone helplessly and looked at Takagi beside him.

"Let's arrange for two police officers from the forensics department to take a look at the scene."

At the other end, Toru Amuro squeezed the phone tightly and ran towards the haunted house.

The map they had at that time was lost by the group of children in the end.

The fake map that still exists should only be the one in the haunted house!

In the name of revenge for Fangmura Hirohiko, the culprit behind the scenes led Xin Haikong and him to the haunted house. Could it be that they simply wanted them to witness the death of Ajibu?


After the entrance and exit of the haunted house was blown up by bombs, if they wanted to go out, they could only choose the third channel left.

And a bomb was planted at the exit of that passage!

If Yoshimura Hirohiko hadn't given up on the murder plan, and the bomb was detonated when they just reached the exit...

Everyone will be buried in that passage!

The murderer was not the only one who was staring at Atobe Keigo.

In the plan that Yoshimura Hiroshi gave up, it was clear that he and Xin Haikong would be killed together.

Calm down and think about the cause and effect.

First of all, he saw the "map" and entered the haunted house amid the unrelenting roars of the children.

This incident was essentially a coincidence. All the other party did was hand over the map.

He can go to the playground today, and of course he can go tomorrow.

He can let the children go to the haunted house, or of course he can strictly refuse and take the children to a safer amusement facility.

It all depends on his own choice, and there is no way for others to interfere.

Even if he saw the map and the haunted house, he could choose not to go in.

He believes that all actions are under the control of his own will, and all choices are made by himself.

However, his "own choice" perfectly fits the murderer's goal.

How did the person hiding behind the scenes manage his and Xin Haikong's psychology, and just throw out a strange map to successfully lead the two of them to the haunted house?

This is also outrageous.

It turned out that way, but the process was illogical.

Why exactly?

He had never felt so frustrated before.

The haunted house had already appeared in front of him. His stomach hurt from running for a long time. Amuro gasped heavily and approached the exit of the staff passage.

The yellow line drawn by the police at the scene is still in place. It is located in a remote place, and usually few people will come.

He stretched out his hand to lift the yellow wire, bent down and jumped into the staff passage, turned on the strong-light flashlight in his pocket, put it in his mouth, lowered his head and searched inside a little bit.

The dark passage was full of dust, and the ground was dusty. He didn't let go of any corner. He used his feet to dust off all the places covered by dust. Finally, he found the map at a corner.

The police search is really careless.

With the light of the flashlight, he stood there and checked the map.

It was exactly the same as what he got from Yuan Tai at that time.

It is certain that the mastermind behind the scenes did forge two maps and gave them to him and Xin Haikong respectively.

Although I don't know why the other party can grasp their psychology so accurately, they are indeed led to the haunted house like this.

The murderer wanted to kill Xin Haikong and him for only one reason: the kidnapping case eight years ago.

But the problem is, in the kidnapping case eight years ago, he was Jianggu Zero...

The light of the flashlight flickered in the long, dark passage.

The map was pinched rustling.

Why, the murderer who wanted to take revenge on Zero Valley, handed the map to Toru Amuro?

Why, the mastermind behind this plan, knew that Amuro would go to Doro Amusement that day?

His heart was hit and pulled by violent and ferocious emotions, as if to lead him down into the abyss.

He hadn't waited for the organization to collapse, he hadn't found the person who had not been heard from, and he hadn't had time to avenge Jing Guang.

However, there is no other possibility.

The mastermind who planned this plan and wanted to use the hands of Fangmura Hirohiko to kill Xin Haikong and Amuro Toru, the mastermind who had already had a place in the organization eight years ago, already knew that Amuro Toru was Yugu Ling.

He was exposed.

"Huh? Haven't you checked all of them?"

"Oh, the police department asked you to check again, you just need to check."

On the other side of the staff passage, two male voices came from the place connecting the haunted house. The police who searched the scene came.

The ability he has cultivated in his undercover career for many years is that he remains calm at times like this.

Toru Amuro bent down and placed the map in the middle of the passage. As long as the other party was not blind, he would definitely be able to find this map.

Immediately afterwards, he stood up and walked quickly towards the brightly lit place at the end of the exit of the staff passage.

Even knowing he was exposed, he couldn't run into these cops.

The figure of the blond youth was submerged in the light.


Police Department.

On a calm afternoon in winter, the mild sunlight filters through the gaps in the shutters, arranging and combining several patterns on the ground.

Xin Haikong leaned back on the soft and comfortable leather seat, and the hot heating made him drowsy, his cheeks became extremely hot, his eyelids couldn't help, and he kept fighting.

The large stack of documents before was quickly resolved with his reviewing speed of ten lines at a glance.

On the jujube red wooden desk, there is a special book for the national civil service examination.

The owner of the book was almost asleep.

"Knock, knock, knock! Officer Xinhai!"

Yamamotono's rough body voice sounded at the door, accompanied by a series of knocks.

The black-haired young man who was leaning on the back of the chair opened his eyes in confusion, rubbed his eyes, and grabbed a document from the pile of documents to cover it on top of the professional book.

"Please come in."

Yamamoto's personality seems to have very high requirements for courtesy, sometimes he feels old-fashioned; sometimes, he can't help but admire him.

This is actually a kind of wisdom.

Just imagine, what if he was very unlucky and was in contact with the organization, and Yamamoto suddenly broke in and witnessed the scene where he contacted Black, it would be a pity...

So this guy is polite, but he can save his life.

"Officer Xinkai," Yamamoto slowly pushed open the door of the office that was originally unlocked, his strong body squeezed in through the small crack with a sense of contrast, and walked to his desk with small steps.

"What's the matter?"

With his back to the sun, the young man had a gentle smile on his face, and his black hair turned dark brown in the light, which complemented his amber eyes.

Every time he sees his boss, Yamamoto feels very relieved.

It's so gentle.

I heard before that the General Affairs Division is going to transfer a new police officer from another department to be a counselor.

He worried for a long time, for fear that a stern old pedant would be transferred over.

For this reason, he was also laughed at by the family member for a long time, saying that although he was born tall, he was only a little bit daring.

As a result, a young man about his age was transferred over, who was so orderly in his work and so easy to get along with.

So lucky.

"Is something wrong? Officer Yamamoto?"

Xin Haikong looked at the big man who was dumbfounded and didn't speak, and frowned without a trace, suppressing his dissatisfaction.

For someone who doesn't know him very well, he doesn't really need a lot of good acting skills.

A good old man's coat of the same wholesale style will suffice.

He maintained a calm tone, raised his eyebrows, and asked.


Yamamoto stood up straight, and then remembered that he was actually dumbfounded in front of his boss.

"Officer Xinhai, about the year-end dinner in a few days..."

Yamamotono said awkwardly.

"Oh, that thing..."

Xin Haikong recalled what he had just seen on the document.

Now that the end of the year is approaching, various departments have started to organize dinner parties one after another. For example, Matsuda and the others had already held the year-end dinner party yesterday.

This is the first year he has been transferred to the General Affairs Department. It stands to reason that the year-end dinner should not be planned by him. However, several other counselors in the class all found reasons to shirk, and the matter fell on him instead.

He flipped through the calendar on the table. Today was Monday, but it was only December 6th.

"When are the dinner parties in previous years?"

"Uh... In the years I've been here, some have dinner parties at the beginning of December, and some have been pushed to the end of December."

Xin Haikong nodded thoughtfully.

"I see, I will arrange it."

He looked up at the clock hanging on the wall, stood up from the chair, and lifted the coat hanging on the back of the chair.

"It's time for get off work, let's go here first today."

Not active after get off work, thinking problems.

"Huh? Good!"

Yamamoto is very particular about etiquette and will never go out first. He took a big step back, almost standing on the wall, obediently waiting for Xin Haikong to go out first.

Xin Haikong was stunned and looked at Yamamoto Ye.

Yamamoto's wild black bean-like eyes looked back seriously.

It seems to really have to wait for Xin Haikong to go out first.

But his civil service exam books are still on the table!

Is he going to study when he gets home?

Xin Haikong turned his head and said:

"Go outside and do some research to see what kind of dinner party everyone prefers."

"Ah?" Yamamoto raised his head blankly and looked at his new boss. "Isn't it up to you to decide?"

The new boss smiled gently, and the whole person was bathed in sunlight.

"Everyone's opinion is also a very important reference."

Good, very dazzling boss.

Under the watchful eyes of his boss, Yamamoto walked out almost hand in hand, not forgetting to bring the door.

It's really polite.

Xin Haikong put the professional book pressed under the document into the briefcase.

To be honest, this bag has been used to hold bombs and bomb disposal tools, and at this time, it has to be used to hold professional books. Baosheng is too wonderful.

In other words, his life is really wonderful.