MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 63 poke the kidney

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Toru Amuro, who was standing next to him, felt equally uncomfortable.

The death of Fangmura Katori that year was a shadow that could never be erased in his heart.

Such a close distance, such bright red blood, such a profound sense of helplessness.

After graduating from college, it is hard to say that he chose to enter the police academy without this influence.

However, he had to interrupt the Ajibu, and the truth has not yet been found out.

"Then when did he stab you?"

Toru Amuro stood in front of the hospital bed and asked.

Atobe was stunned for a moment, calmed down his emotions, and said slowly after thinking:

"When I said that Fangcun stood up to replace the male high school student, he was very emotional. He kept asking me, is it true? Let me repeat that short paragraph over and over again. It makes me feel that this person I seem to know Fangcun too."

"Also? Did you know Fangmura Katori before you entered the haunted house?"

The Mumu Police Department seems to have already thought of something, and his face has not been very good since the beginning. At this time, he seized a small point in the words of the trace department and asked repeatedly.

"She is the manager of the Nagoya Hoshitoku Tennis Department. I met a few times when I was playing before. When she stood up, I recognized her."

Ajibu's eyes were a little dazed, and his face darkened.

"and then?"

"And then he kept saying, it's impossible, it's impossible, lied to him and things like that. Then he stabbed me and ran away."

"I don't know what happened after that... I woke up again, right here."

There was silence in the ward.

Conan tucked his fairly thick hair, feeling a suffocation that was about to go bald.

This case is too difficult.

Fangmura Kato?

It looks like revenge eight years ago, but the murderer is very strangely concerned about Fangmura Katori's affairs.

Combined with what Mr. Amuro said eight years ago, and the inference that the murderer was a police officer, it seems that the police officer can be locked down?

He raised his head and looked around the ward, looking at police officers Matsuda, Mr. Anshi, and police officers Shinkai who were more reliable than the other, and decided to wait a little longer. These officers must have already locked the suspect.

"I remember in that case, Miss Fangcun, the hostage who died, her father was a policeman."

Toru Amuro slapped sideways.

In fact, the Mumu Police Department had already thought of Hirohiko Fangmura, but because of sympathy and past colleagues, he did not speak.

On the contrary, Takagi hadn't figured out the situation yet. After hearing Toru Amuro's words, he boldly continued, "Are you talking about the bomb disposal police in Nagoya City?"

"He's a bomb disposal cop?!"

Matsuda was shocked and interrupted Takagi's words.

He then turned to look at Xin Haikong, and the doubts in his black eyes were about to come out.

"Yes, he's a bomb disposal police officer, what's wrong?" Takagi touched his head in confusion.

"Speaking of which, he seems to be in Tokyo. The last time he came here in the car with the bomb, he never went back. He said he wanted to sell his house in Tokyo or something, and he took several weeks of vacation."

"He's in Tokyo?"

Amuro Toru's reaction was a bit strong.

Among the clues he had, the only person who would have such a great interest in this girl was his father, Fangmura Hirohiko. His daughter died because of Atsube that year, and he had every motive to do something to Atsube Jingwu.

He's the bomb disposal cop.

And he is in Tokyo now.

Not only motivation, but also conditions and abilities.

But why didn't Yoshimura Hirohiko kill Keigo Atobe directly?

He waited for eight years, so he hated the Ministry of History, why did he give up at the last moment?

Could it be that Ajibe's sincere revelation moved him?

But what about his last performance?

He recalled his own confession back then, and compared to what Ajibe Jinggo had just said, a terrible guess slowly emerged.

Shouldn't it, when Hiroshi Yoshimura started, he didn't even know that his daughter took the initiative to stand up in order to replace the high school boy...

Well, now that he knows, wouldn't he—

"The Mumu Police Department, this police officer Fangmura Hirohiko has a major suspicion, and he is likely to continue to attack."

"Mumu Police Department, we received a report!"

The door of the ward was slammed open, and a rash little policeman rushed in.

"Mumu, the police department", the little policeman hadn't caught his breath.

"There was a call from the police station on the Osaka side. There was a knife wounding case on the train from Tokyo to Osaka. The police officer Tono Koichi was found down in the toilet of the train!"

Amuro Toru's pupils shrank suddenly when he heard Tono Koichi's seemingly unfamiliar but very familiar name.


Apartment living room.

Around the small coffee table, and on the sofas around, three people were sitting in a state of danger.

Conan, Toru Amuro and Shinkai.

The transcript of the trace department was interrupted by the little policeman who broke in.

Since the train had already traveled to Osaka at that time, this time the case was directly taken over by the Osaka Police Department, and the Mumu Police Department brought Takagi and others to Osaka.

There is really no reason for Conan and Toru Amuro to continue to follow the police to collect evidence.

After they left the ward, they scattered, and after Matsuda delivered Xin Haikong to the apartment, he also went straight home.

What Matsuda didn't know was that two people, one big and one small, were standing at the door of Xinhaikong at this time, waiting to exchange information with the Xinhai police officer.

This wave of new sea and air is really laborious, not only for the requirements of acting, but more importantly for the level of memory and logic.

He has far more information than Mr. Public Security and the little detective, and must always be careful not to reveal too much information.

He sat down on the sofa helplessly, his eyes inadvertently swept across the monitor on the opposite closet.

Toru Amuro put his hands together and began to sort out the existing clues.

"The characteristics of the murderer are as follows."

"First, the murderer must have something to do with the hostage Katori Yoshimura who died eight years ago."

"The murderer's original intention is very likely to avenge Fangmura Xiang." Conan added.

Toru Amuro nodded in agreement and continued:

"Second, the murderer has a very high anti-reconnaissance ability, and the occupation is likely to be a policeman or a soldier."

"Third, the killer was very familiar with bombs."

"To sum up, Yoshimura's father, Yoshimura Hirohiko, who is a bomb disposal police officer, is a major suspect."

Toru Amuro concluded.

He recalled what Atsube said at the time, and the murderer imitated Xin Haikong's voice and asked Fangmura Kato as an excuse to ask Ajibu.

"Maybe one more and one more. The murderer should know very well the relationship between you and Keigo Atabe, police officer Shinkai, and can use your guilt towards Kagori Fangmura to ask Keigo Abube."

The more Amuro said, the more strange he felt, and he frowned.

"That's not right, if the murderer knew that Atobe felt guilt towards Fangmura Kato, why would he kill someone?"

Conan made something unreasonable.

Xin Haikong opened his eyes subconsciously.

It was here.

His plans are sparsely sparse, and the sparseness is here.

He knew of Atobe Jinggo's guilt and guilt, but Fangcun didn't know it.

The method planned by Xin Haikong to ask out Keigo Atabe is based on the guilt of Akabe towards Fangmura Katori.

When Fangmura uses the plan that Shinkai has offered him to successfully make an appointment with Keigo Abube, he soon realizes that something is wrong.

Shouldn't Akibu be a rich second generation who ignores human life?

Why does he feel guilty about Katori?

This doubt made him ask Ajibe one more question, and asked the truth of the matter.

No wonder.

When making plans, in order to avoid errors, he just stood completely from his own point of view, and did not consider what Fangmura Hirohiko would think.

Although he was known, Atobe Keigo did not die eight years later.

But in fact, he has never understood the difference between the plan he set and the specific implementation of Hiroshi Yoshimura.

Now, he understood.

"The reason why the murderer was able to date Abubu Jingwu was to take advantage of the other party's guilt towards Kagori. But since there is guilt, doesn't it just show that there are other hidden things in the past, and Abube is not a rich second generation who ignores human life? ?"

Xin Haikong picked up what he could say and slowly guided the thinking of the two.

"It's weird, it's so contradictory."

"Indeed, there is a paradox in motivation and behavior."

An Shitou's mind was a little confused. Seeing this, Xin Haikong took out paper and pens from the drawer under the coffee table very thoughtfully, and placed a copy in front of the three of them.

"Jumping out of that first, let's get back to the haunted house case itself."

The black-haired youth held the pen in one hand and the paper in the other, and drew the entrance and exit at that time and the approximate location where several people stood.

He spoke softly, like a persuasive teacher:

"At that time, the murderer blew up the entrance and exit of the haunted house, and the original plan was to let Ajibe die inside."

"But on the premise that the murderer was Officer Yoshimura Hirohiko, he neither stabbed the fatal wound with a knife nor blocked the third exit, which shows that he gave up the plan to kill Keigo Atobe at the last moment."

Amuro's eyes brightened.


"Then why did he give up killing Akibu?"

Seeing that the situation was just right, Xin Haikong threw his own questions.

Questions are thrown, and hopefully they can actually answer them.

"According to Atobe Keigo, the murderer doesn't seem to know what happened in the haunted house. I preliminarily infer that Fangcun was deceiving him when he was taking notes for the hostages."

In fact, Amuro had already pushed it to this point a long time ago, but his thoughts were too random, and he couldn't make it clear for a while.

After Xin Haikong gave him a good start, he followed that road and walked out slowly.

"His refutation of Abubu played a role, and the murderer realized that he had misunderstood the truth of the year. So the murderer gave up killing Abe at the last moment and left the scene."

"And the marshal. I remember that among the hostages back then, there was a man named Tono Koichi?"

Amuro Toru looked at Xin Haikong inquiringly.

Xin Haikong shook his head with a bitter face.

"I can't remember. I didn't pay attention to what happened back then."

You can start in the general direction, and there can be no guidance in the small details.

Even if Toru Amuro finds out that something is wrong, it will be because his thinking is too divergent to find the guidance of Xin Haikong.

But Koichi Tono?

The marshals on the Shinkansen?

Xin Haikong still remembers him.

On the Shinkansen train with the bomb at the time.

After all, it was the first time in his life that he saw a strange creature like this, when he first saw the bomb, his legs trembled, but after discovering a new way of escaping, he rushed to jump on the opposite train.

And eight years ago, when the staff member found the staff passage, if he remembered correctly, the high school boy who jumped down was probably Koichi Tono.

Yoshimura Hirohiko chose to take revenge on Tono Koichi. Could it be that this guy was the one who gave false testimony back then?

He was really a little curious, what did this guy say back then that made Fangmura Hirohiko hate the upper traces thoroughly.

Looking at the black-haired youth's completely confused expression, Amuro paused helplessly, cleared his throat, and continued:

"I remember that there was information on this in the dossier at the time. Among the several records at that time, one record was a little strange. Now that I think about it, it should be Tono's record."

"Hirohiko Yoshimura's misunderstanding probably came from the record of Koichi Tono. Maybe Tono said something to the police officer Yoshimura at that time. Now, through the confession of Ajibu, Yoshimura realized the problem and turned his gun to question. Tono."

"Uh... so he ran on the Shinkansen and stabbed Tono?"

Conan finally kept up with the progress of the two police officers. As soon as he understood it, he discovered the fact and his face was a little stiff.

This is too outrageous.

He still couldn't believe that an old policeman who had worked for decades would kill so recklessly.

In Conan's eyes, every policeman should have a very clear and firm legal awareness.

Why not choose to bring the killer to justice?

The reason why the law exists, it must have its meaning.

If everyone insists on revenge, is it not disregarding the law?

Even in such a situation, Conan was reluctant to suspect a police officer.

He supported the glasses that were about to slide down, and asked thoughtfully:

"Is it possible that we misunderstood the Fangcun police officer, and the murderer is actually the kidnapper who escaped back then?"


Toru Amuro immediately rejected this possibility.

"Most of the kidnappers in those days were shot and killed by the police on the spot, and only a few were caught. But soon, I remember that there were reports in the newspapers at that time that a fire broke out in the prison where they were being held, and all the kidnappers who were still alive were all alive. All died in the fire."


Conan asked in surprise.

"Is it such a coincidence?"

Xin Haikong also echoed without emotion.

"It's really a coincidence."

It's almost time to think about it, I hope he won't waste his painstaking efforts to bring people home.

The words of the two of them made Amuro suddenly recall what happened when he was still in the police academy.

At that time, he was still brooding about the kidnapping case of that year, and he always felt uncomfortable for his failure to save the girl who died in front of him, so he went to read the file of that year.

It recorded the events of the year, and the case was simply closed on the grounds of gang fights and accidental injury to passers-by.

But there is no sentence for the still alive kidnappers.

At first, he thought it was the gangs that directly closed the case in a gang way, and he was still a little indignant in his heart.

Until he later turned to the file, which recorded the fate of those kidnappers.


And that picture!

When the police cleaned the scene, only one photo of the body was taken.

In the photo, it is a corpse with extensive burns all over the body, and it is completely indistinguishable from its true colors. There is also a large hole in the temple of the corpse.

At that time, he mistakenly thought it was a trace of fire, but now it seems that it was clearly the result of a bullet shot at close range!

This is revenge!

When the truth was about to come out, a sense of panic grabbed his heart.

The blond young man suddenly stood up from the sofa, facing the puzzled gazes of Conan and Shinkai, and searched the room.

To be honest, from the moment he came in, he had always had an uncomfortable feeling.

It was as if something had been staring at them.

With his extraordinary intuition, he has escaped many fatal dangers, and at this moment, he wants to trust his intuition again.

His gaze shifted from the large and small pieces of furniture in the room. He had inspected Xin Haikong's room before, so this time he inevitably relaxed a little bit of vigilance.

Now that I think about it, it is better to hold yourself to high standards at all times.

Purple-grey eyes locked onto the plain vase in the closet.


Amuro rushed forward in three steps and took two steps, took the vase from the closet, and put the vase in his hand to check it back and forth.

Sure enough, he found the monitor stuck to the black pattern on the mouth of the vase.

He held the monitor with his thumb and index finger, and the remaining three fingers were tightly clasped together, and the joints were extremely white.


Conan screamed, and immediately turned to look at Xin Haikong on the sofa.

The black-haired youth's pupils enlarged unconsciously, his face was white, his lips trembling and he was speechless.

He seemed to have realized something, and reached out his hand slowly, trying to look at the monitor.

Toru Amuro gritted his teeth, and obediently handed the monitor to Xin Haikong's hand.

"There's a surveillance camera in your house. I need to double-check, maybe more than one."

quite a while.

Toru Amuro was holding the wiretap he found under the dining room table, his face extremely ugly.

He crushed the bug in his hand, put the monitor lens down, and pressed it on the dining table.

"The last time I checked for you was before I went to Osaka, and there was nothing at that time. It's only been a week or so..."

He hesitated.

"During this week, did the Xinhai police officer notice anything unusual?"

Conan's worried question.

The black-haired youth shook his head.

"As you can see, I installed two devices on the door, and I carefully restored them every time I went out. After I came back, these two devices were the same as the beginning."

Shinkai was referring to the thin thread he had attached to the door and the pencil lead inserted into the lock cylinder.

When they entered the door today, Amuro Toru paid special attention to these two things, and there was indeed no problem.

"How could it be? Is someone eyeing me?"

The black-haired young man sat on the sofa, as if he hadn't recovered.

"His anti-reconnaissance ability is really strong."

Toru Amuro returned to the sofa.

"At least now, we've figured out how the murderer learned about your relationship with Ajibe, and how he recorded your voice and faked that phone call."

"There is only one question left. I still have no way of understanding the murderer's use of guilt to lead out Keigo Atobe. If the murderer knew that Atobe was guilty of the deceased, why would he be blinded by what happened back then? ."


Conan hurriedly took out his vibrating mobile phone from his pocket and connected the call.

"Hey! Kudo! The police investigation has come to an end!"

Hattori Heiji's voice rang from across the phone.

"How is it! Did the marshal have an accident? Has anyone found out who the culprit is?"

"Marshal Tono was stabbed in the waist with a knife and has been taken to the hospital. The doctor said that the knife went between the ribs and penetrated the kidney on the right side. The life of Marshal Tono is not in danger, but this kidney... I'm afraid It's impossible to keep it. But it doesn't matter, everyone has two kidneys."

Hattori strayed while talking, and in the end he couldn't hold back his laughter.

"The police at the scene felt that this must be some girl's revenge, not a murderer. How can someone stab someone's kidney..."

"Hey! Hattori..."

Conan, who was on the speakerphone, stood awkwardly in front of the phone, and smiled helplessly at Xin Haikong and Amuro.

"Okay, I know what you want to ask. All I can say is that the criminal's method of crime was very meticulous. The policeman was stabbed when the train entered the tunnel. According to his account, he was covered with a cloth at that time. Lost consciousness all at once. The next time I wake up is to be awakened by severe pain on the kidney side."

"He doesn't even know who stabbed him, let alone other passengers. There were no fingerprints and no murder weapon left at the scene."

"Police later searched along the train tracks and found the murder weapon, but the fingerprints on the murder weapon have been wiped off."

"However," Hattori's voice paused.

"But what?"

"It is worth mentioning that the Fangcun police officer you suspected happened to be on the train, but he said that he had been sleeping at the time, and the police did not have any more evidence. He is an old policeman himself and is familiar with the case handling process. The police now There was no way to arrest him."

This is embarrassing.

The suspect was locked on the basis of motives, but there was no evidence to point to him.

The police can't even rely on some conventional interrogation methods to get the information they want.

It was so tight, so tight that it seemed as if it had already been prepared.

The phone hangs up.

"What should I do, Mr. Amuro?"

For Conan, the case is really tricky.

"Listening to Hattori, this Fangcun police officer seems very calm."

Amuro lowered his head and pondered.

There are fearless actions, interlocking plans, extremely high anti-reconnaissance capabilities, and deviations from behavior and motivation.

And the most important point, eight years ago, Fangmura Hirohiko had actually completed part of his revenge.

In the dossier that year, the records were ambiguous.

But through the fragmented facts to restore the truth behind it, the prisoners who died accidentally in the prison, the gun holes on the corpses and the fire that concealed people's eyes.

"Eight years ago, where did he get the ability to get out of his body after taking revenge on the kidnapper?"

Toru Amuro murmured softly.

"Mr. Amuro?"

Conan looked at him suspiciously.

"What revenge?"

"Revenge. Those kidnappers were shot in prison eight years ago. This is Fangcun's revenge!"

Toru Amuro seems to have finally settled down.

"Eight years ago, someone was behind Fangcun's revenge. This case should also be planned by the other party."

"This can explain why there is such a big departure from Hiroshi Yoshimura's behavior and motivation!"

"Because the plan wasn't made by him at all, he was just the executor."

Amuro Toru's analysis is intertwined, and it actually points to the final truth.

Conan digested it with difficulty.

Xin Haikong pretended to be thoughtful, but there was a sudden worry in his heart.

This guy is really good, and with this information alone, it can be pushed to this point.

Stepping on the wire on the red and black sideline, he is bound to need a lot of help.

If he can use it well, Amuro will be the best knife for him to stab the red side, but if it is not used well, this knife will in turn hurt his own life.

If you want to strike first, you are also afraid that you will not lose rice by stealing chickens.

Should we just find an excuse and plan a case to send Anshitou away?

The latter is something he has been doing, but the former should also be on the agenda.

Outside the window, the street lights have been on for a long time.

The lights in the city are dotted together.

His absent-minded eyes looked at the ground lightly, then he turned his head up as if he had come to his senses.

"It's getting dark."

Xin Haikong's remarks interrupted the thinking process of Amuro Toru and Conan.

"Is Conan going to class tomorrow?"

"Tomorrow is the weekend." Conan pushed up his glasses and glanced out the window.

"But I really should go back." If she doesn't go back, Xiaolan should worry again.

"How about you, Mr. Amuro?"

"I'm going to go back."

The blond young man said something pointedly, looking at the ground, as if he was still thinking about that.

"Do you suspect that this has something to do with the organization?"

Xin Haikong has never wanted to get used to this group of riddlers, so he just made it clear.

"Organization? Is Mr. Amuro going back there?"

Conan grabbed the hem of Amuro's clothes and asked excitedly.

Amuro nodded helplessly.

"To be honest, eight years ago, there were not many people who were able to avenge Fangcun. The organization happened to be one. Plus they are now targeting you, police officer Xinhai, which makes me even more suspicious..."

"Then be more careful yourself."

There was deep worry in the eyes of the black-haired youth.

"I know. You have to be careful yourself at home. He has come once, and there is no guarantee that he will not come a second time."

Amuro Toru took Conan and took the elevator downstairs.

He was going to send Conan home first, and then go to see the contact person.

With his intelligence network, it only takes a little investigation to find out whether the organization has privately contacted this police officer named Fangmura Hirohiko.

If not, look elsewhere.

If there is, he will not tolerate it.

Two people, one big and one small, were walking down the street.

The street lights along the way are very bright, and the gray and white floor tiles are clearly illuminated.

Outside, both Conan and Toru Amuro want to defend their vests.

The primary school students wanted to behave like a primary school student. Mr. Public Security was full of worries, and no one took the initiative to discuss the case.

A blond-haired foreigner hurried past them.

Amuro frowned, looked the wrong way, and withdrew his gaze without realizing it.