MTL - How Real Wine Became the Light of the Metropolitan Police-Chapter 132 reboot

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Okiya Subaru had already fallen into complete confusion at this time.

He still doesn't know what happened to Xin Haikong, but just based on his own judgment, he questioned and said these words:

"I can't figure it out now. Is Xin Haikong an undercover agent sent by the organization to the Metropolitan Police Department, or a double-faced undercover agent who was dispatched from the Metropolitan Police Department to the organization and then returned to the Metropolitan Police Department by the organization's villain. Maybe this guy from In the beginning, I was an undercover agent of the organization, and it was me who was deceived."

Matsuda Jinpei, who was already immersed in guilt, heard Subaru Okiya's questioning words, his anger instantly surged into his head, his emotions were out of control for a while, and his body was under the control of his brain, and he acted unconsciously. .

With his smashed, **** right hand, he violently grasped the collar of Okiya's Subaru's uniform, which was sitting on the bed, and his other hand was raised high, clenched into a fist, and waved with a gust of wind. In the past, he ended up at a dangerous stop just a few centimeters away from the bridge of the opponent's nose.

Just a little bit, the tip of Okiya Subaru's tall nose was about to be smashed with a fist mark.

Under normal circumstances, the agile Mr. FBI would definitely be able to avoid this attack, but now, he is sitting on the hospital bed with a thick layer of bandages wrapped around his waist and abdomen. The double blessing of the bandage and the wound made it difficult for him to move as a whole, just like a fixed target, stunned in place and unable to fight back.

Seeing the fist in front of him, Okiya Subaru couldn't help taking a deep breath.

At this time, he didn't realize that something was wrong, so he was a little too slow. He always felt that the information he had grasped and the information in the hands of the few people in front of him were completely asymmetrical. During the period of hesitation in Scotland before, I am afraid there is still something that has not been said directly.


Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was still calm on the side, hurriedly spoke out to stop him.

Matsuda maintained that movement, and after a stalemate for a few seconds, he let go of Okiya Subaru's collar angrily, and turned to stand aside.

Seeing this, Subaru Okiya frowned slightly. He hesitated and asked, "You seem to have something to tell me."

Zhufu Jingguang was a little hesitant, he glanced at Subaru Okiya in front of him, and turned his eyes full of help to Amuro Toru, who was standing aside.

The blond young man on the side has maintained a standing posture since entering this ward. His back was straight from habit, but the expression on his face became more negative.

His brain has been completely overwhelmed by this series of complex events. He once doubted Xin Haikong, but because the doubt brought great danger to the younger generation, he warned himself that he could never doubt Xin Haikong again. But just when he made such a determination, Xin Haikong took the initiative to reveal his identity in front of him, and also showed a strong tendency to self-destruct.

Good luck.

Fortunately, this time, when Xin Haikong took the initiative to reveal his identity, he still maintained that trust. Fortunately, he did not cause harm to the younger generation again.

The young junior, it turned out that it was to save his former best friend, so he went into the darkness alone. He bet his life and future, and Xin Haikong, who was originally spotless and could walk his Yangguan Road, took the initiative to jump into the abyss of organized crime.

He owes Xin Haikong, whether it is him or Zhu Fu Jingguang, they all owe Xin Haikong.

The younger generation in front of him, in a place that no one could notice, walked alone in silence for a long, long time, bearing the burden and suffering that should not have been borne by him.

He was only twenty-two when he accepted all that.

But even so, Toru Amuro couldn't help recalling that at that time, at the murder scene in the hotel, Xin Haikong was holding a knife with a blank expression. I couldn't help recalling that time, when Xin Haikong looked at him, his eyes full of help.

When Xin Haikong, who didn't have much memory at all, woke up alone at the murder scene, when he found that he had a knife in his hand, but he had no memory of murder, how desperate he would be.

Will he mistakenly believe that he really killed people.

Because he was holding a knife, because it was a secret room, because the surveillance video showed that he was the only one who entered the room. If the case was not found out at the end, would Xin Haikong definitely think that he really killed the person?

Even Xin Haikong will show such a strong tendency of self-destruction this time, and will take the initiative to admit that he has done so many wrong things, and repeatedly reiterate that he is a big bad guy, thinking that he has been trapped in a quagmire and cannot escape. , is it also that the organization misled him?

Because Xin Haikong always loses his memory, he doesn't know why he loses his memory, nor how many times he will lose his memory. So he was used to using various clues to speculate what happened.

Will the organization, the legendary M, just take advantage of this weakness of Xin Haikong and blame all the crimes he has committed on Xin Haikong?

The organization forged a scene similar to the hotel murder incident, allowing Xin Haikong to enter the scene by coincidence every time.

Xin Haikong, who had lost all his memories, through the clues at the scene, through these clues that had been covered up and decorated by the organization, under the deliberate guidance of the organization, speculated that the person who committed all these crimes was actually himself.

The Shinkansen, Tokyo Tower... The person who did all these wrong things may not be Xin Haikong, he just had such a misunderstanding under all the clues.

A kind person, even in the dark, even if he loses everything, will still do good things by instinct. When he found out that he was the culprit of everything, when he speculated that he had done so many wrong things, and when he was extremely emotionally broken down, it seemed to be completely understandable to choose to self-destruct.

And he, when the junior who was owed by him was facing such a huge crisis, not only stood by, but also looked at the junior with suspicion.

In the process of the younger generation's emotional breakdown and self-destruction, did he take away the last straw?

Compared with the rescued Zhu Fu Jingguang and the repeatedly approached Matsuda Jinping, he who always looks at everyone around him with skeptical eyes, stepped into the trap of the organization, and doubted his younger generation, is he the genius? The meanest and most unforgivable one?


"So what are you playing with? Is there any information I don't deserve to know?"

Okiya Subaru, who was sitting alone on the hospital bed, sighed deeply. Up to now, he has not received any information, and has been watching the three people make eye contact silently, as if he is isolated from the outside of a wall.

"Tell him." Toru Amuro's purple-gray eyes glanced at Subaru Okiya emotionlessly. "He should also know what happened to him."

Focusing on the condemnation and scrutiny of the three people, Subaru Okiya felt like a scumbag who betrayed his wife and was being judged by his wife's family. ...No, what kind of weird metaphor is that?

He was the one who was shot, he was the victim!

Subaru Okiya wrapped his quilt tightly with aversion to the cold, carefully tucked the corners of the quilt, and looked at Zhuofu who seemed to be about to speak with anticipation.

Once again mentioning such a painful past, Zhu Fu Jingguang still bears a lot of pressure.

He tried his best to use an understated tone to explain what happened four years ago and how Xin Haikong was pulled into the abyss of the organization by him. But no matter how frivolous the tone was, the heaviness of the matter itself was still there. When he said that Xin Haikong had undergone the organization's experiment and the memory was restarting repeatedly, Okiya Subaru finally couldn't help but interrupt.

"What you said is really heavy, and I also admit that if all this is true, Xin Haikong is indeed very difficult, and I do owe Xin Haikong a lot. But I have a problem. In the past four years, Not only did I see Xin Haikong once, but every time I saw him, I didn't notice anything unusual."

Subaru Okiya paused and asked his question: "If Shinkai is really losing his memory repeatedly, how did he know my FBI identity two years ago?"

"It's not difficult to know this. Maybe Gin told him, maybe he figured it out with clues. Xin Hai is... much smarter than you think."

Zhu Fu Jingguang once again fell into memory. "Several times, when I met Shinkai again after my memory was reset, he only got along with him for a few days and speculated that I was an undercover agent of the Japanese police. He was able to grasp very detailed information and draw imaginative conclusions. In many cases, he can directly hit the truth very coincidentally. But it also makes him very easy to be induced to make wrong judgments.”

"Okay, even if he knows that my FBI identity was conjectured by himself. As you said, he had another memory reset around October or November, so just a month ago, I was in the hot spring with him. When we met at the hotel, how did he respond fluently? At that time, he should not remember anything, but in the conversation with me, he did not reveal any flaws."

"A month ago? A hot spring hotel?" Matsuda Jinping exclaimed again. "It turns out that at that time, you were talking about that matter! He didn't remember anything at that time. What did you tell him?"

"...Me? At that time, because the environment was not good, I didn't say anything outright. I just used some modifiers and said some specious words."

Matsuda's mood became extremely violent, and he rushed in front of Okiya Subaru again.

"You make it clear! What did you say at the time? Do you know that he didn't remember anything at the time? Every word you said had a very strong guiding effect on him."

Okiya Subaru was a little confused by Matsuda's questioning.

"I said he was dancing on the tip of a knife and was about to stop. I said he was an undercover agent sent to the Metropolitan Police Department."

Okiya Subaru said, feeling a little guilty.

"But I hadn't finished my words at the time. My original intention was to say that he was a double-sided undercover agent, but he was interrupted by you..."

"...So, what Xinhai heard at the time was that he was an undercover agent sent to the Metropolitan Police Department, dancing on the tip of a knife, right?" Matsuda asked through gritted teeth.

"After his memory was restarted, he found that he had both the identity of a police officer of the Metropolitan Police Department and a member of the organization. He didn't know anything at first, and after hearing your words, he confirmed that he was sent to the Metropolitan Police Department by the organization. undercover, isn't it?"

Okiya Subaru's logic was completely carried into the groove by Matsuda Jinhei's words.

In his mind, it suddenly appeared at that time, the black-haired youth made a hippie smile, raised his head and asked curiously: Do you know who I am?

"who I am?"

He silently repeated the question of the youth at that time.

"What are you?" Matsuda frowned slightly and asked impatiently.

Okiya Subaru's expression was blank. "Xin Haikong, Xin Haikong asked me this question at the time..."


Amuro Toru and Zhu Fu Jingguang looked at each other, and a storm surged in their hearts.

According to the time calculation, Xin Haikong did not know anything at that time. He would ask Okiya Subaru this question. Could it be...

"So, he really didn't know who he was at the time. He was really asking me, right? He hoped to get information from me to judge his identity?" Subaru Okiya still squinted his eyes, At this time, it was fully opened, and the dark green eyes widened in disbelief.

Seeing Subaru Okiya's expression so bad, the three present felt a bad premonition unknowingly.

"So how did you answer this question? Didn't you tell Xin Haikong that he was a double-sided undercover agent? Isn't this your own speculation? Even if you told him that he was a double-sided undercover agent, it would be better for him to completely mistake him for himself. It's an undercover agent of the organization! At least...he's still a policeman."

An unprecedented and strong feeling of regret suddenly swept in. Okiya Subaru said with difficulty: "I said...he is Moscato."


This is the code name of the new sea and air in the organization.

When his memory was blank and he was dazedly facing the dual identities of the Metropolitan Police Department and the organization undercover, when he sought approval from a stranger who seemed to know him well, the answer he got was that he was Moscato .

He is not a policeman of the Metropolitan Police, a just, bright policeman.

He is a member of a huge black-clothed organization lurking underground. He is an undercover agent who betrayed the trust of his friends and lurks in the Metropolitan Police Department alone. He is an unforgivable evil person who has committed all crimes.

When Xin Haikong experienced a memory restart again and fell into a misunderstanding under the guidance of the organization, the four people present either contributed to this misunderstanding, or stood by, or were too late to arrive at the scene.

No one came to help.

They are all laissez-faire, even fueling the fire.

Therefore, Xin Haikong will be emotionally broken, will choose to self-destruct, and will lie on the hospital bed next door.

The entire ward fell into a suffocating silence.

Until the closed door of the ward was knocked again, the familiar little nurse stuck her head out from behind the door.

There was a faint excitement on her face, and a hint of excitement.

"The gentleman in the next bed is awake!"


On the hospital bed, the expression of the black-haired youth was blank, a little dazed. He opened his amber eyes and looked around curiously.

But when his eyes fell on the door of the ward that had just opened, and his eyes met with Matsuda Jinpei who came in first, the black-haired youth subconsciously bent the corner of his mouth, revealing the gentle smile that Matsuda Jinpei was very familiar with.

Matsuda Jinping froze in place.

He didn't dare to go any further, didn't dare to confirm whether the young man sitting on the hospital bed at this moment still remembered him. The young man's appearance looked so normal, without revealing the slightest bit of strangeness. But that kind of shrinking and slightly tentative eyes clearly indicated that the other party had lost his memory.

After Matsuda's back, Zhufu Jingguang, Amuro Toru, and Okiya Subaru passed him and entered the ward, a trace of panic flashed on the black-haired youth's face.

Zhu Fu Jingguang, who first arrived in front of the hospital bed, was very familiar with the current situation.

In front of him, Xin Haikong had pretended that he had not lost his memory countless times after losing his memory. At the beginning, Zhu Fu Jingguang could still be fooled, thinking that the other party really did not have amnesia. For a long time, he thought that Xin Haikong was all right, but it turned out that during that time, Xin Haikong actually had three amnesias.

This child's acting skills and observation skills have really reached a height that ordinary people can't match. If he hadn't been brought into the organization by accident, maybe he could really make a breakthrough in the police world.

Zhu Fu Jingguang sighed without a trace, and forced a gentle smile, trying to appease Xin Haikong in a state of amnesia first. He knew that at this time, Xin Haikong must be very wary of everything in the outside world. He tried to replicate the penultimate success, but he didn't know how he gained Xin Haikong's trust at that time.

"How are you feeling now? Are you dizzy?"

The black-haired young man lying on the hospital bed was stunned for a moment, and replied cautiously, "It's okay."

He was really cautious.

There was no title, and he didn't say any more besides answering questions, and when answering questions, he also used very simple sentences to avoid exposing his personality changes.

Zhu Fu Jingguang's heart shrank suddenly, and his hand hanging under the bed could not help but slowly tighten. His throat throbbed, but he couldn't utter a word.

Okiya Subaru, who was standing on the side, completely believed Zhufu Jingguang's previous inference after seeing the situation in front of his eyes.

Thinking about it carefully, the other party seems to have been using this kind of similar but irrelevant words, replying to his questions euphemistically, never exposing the loopholes in his own information, but prying a lot of information from him.

It's a pity that the young man has lost his memory again. In this world, no one will ever know what kind of bad script the young man in front of him has put out under their misdirection.

Subaru Okiya's calm and Matsuda Jinhei's excitement formed an extremely strong contrast.

Matsuda Jinping rushed to the front, with deep regret and guilt suppressed in his dark eyes. He opened his mouth, tried to speak several times, and finally closed it silently. After standing there for a long time, under the doubtful eyes of the black-haired youth, he spit out a very short sentence: "You... wake up."

The black-haired youth lying on the hospital bed nodded for unknown reasons.

Amuro Toru, who was blocked in front by the Matsuda formation, could no longer bear this kind of tempting conversation. He pushed Matsuda Jinping away and said bluntly: "We already know, do you remember nothing? It doesn't matter if you don't remember, we will help you."

"Zero!" Zhu Fu Jingguang said disapprovingly, but it was too late.

The black-haired youth has already heard the words completely. His expression was stunned for a moment, but only for a moment.

A smile soon appeared on his face again, and he asked in a natural tone:

"What are you talking about? Mr. Amuro, I haven't thanked you for taking me to the hospital."


Seeing the black-haired young man say Amuro Toru's name so smoothly, the four present were shocked.

Amuro Toru was also taken aback. He turned his head to look at Zhu Fu Jingguang for the first time, "Isn't the memory completely emptied? Will there be a part left?"

Zhu Fu Jingguang shook his head hesitantly. "Either it is not emptied, or it is completely emptied. There will be no such half-clearing situation."

Although the law is like this, the current situation Zhu Fu Jingguang is also a little confusing.

However, in view of Xin Haikong's multiple criminal records and strong observation ability, Zhu Fu Jingguang had no doubt that the other party should have lost his memory, but obtained new information with his own observation ability. He turned his head to look at Xin Haikong, and asked softly, "Do you remember your name?"

The black-haired youth showed a suitable smile mixed with doubts. "Isn't my name Xin Haikong? What else can I be called?"

? ? ?

The black-haired youth in front of him seemed to have no flaws in his reply at first glance.

As long as there is only one of them standing here facing Xin Haikong, they are all likely to be deceived.

But standing here, after all, there are four people.

Zhu Fu Jingguang has experienced many times the script of Xin Haikong amnesia but pretending not to have amnesia, from which he has long since summed up the rules.

Okiya Subaru and Amuro Toru, although they have never experienced it, they are attentive and observant after all. They are good at inferring the truth from all kinds of clues. When it is known that Xin Haikong may lose his memory, they will observe again. The opponent's actions, it is easy to find the flaws.

Not to mention, there is Matsuda Jinping standing here. He and Xin Haikong have known each other for such a long time, and he is very familiar with each other's character.

The black-haired youth Gu Gu made a somewhat haggard appearance and said, "I'm a little tired and my head hurts a lot. Can you let me rest for a while? Other things, I want to tell you after I wake up. "

Matsuda has experienced Xin Haikong's method of pretending to be sick and sleeping many times.

An anger surged in his heart that he could not explain, but with a smile on his face, he pulled a chair from the side and sat down in front of Xin Haikong's hospital bed. "If you don't have amnesia, why didn't you come out of that mall? Do you remember what you promised me?"

The black-haired youth's eyes blinked a few times nervously.

"I promise you... get out of the mall. But something went wrong."

Matsuda was amused. This guy can really answer him. "Why haven't you called me by my name? You already call him Mr. Amuro, so what about me?"


"I know that you are very vigilant. When your mind is blank, you will indeed feel nervous when facing the four of us. But please also believe that I will not hurt you." Matsuda's black eyes looked at him seriously. Xin Haikong promised in a solemn tone. "Your name is Xin Haikong, and my name is Matsuda Jinping. We are friends who have known each other for three years and are police officers from the Metropolitan Police Department."

The smile on the face of the black-haired youth gradually faded, and his eyes became a little indifferent.

"It seems that the four of you already knew that I would lose my memory?"


Xin Haikong began to suspect them.

The reason why Zhu Fu Jingguang wanted to stop Amuro Toru just now was because of this.

Xin Haikong's personality is very sensitive. If he tells him the memory loss bluntly, the other party will be aroused by rebellious psychology. He even turned to doubt the person who told him about it, whether his amnesia had something to do with the other party. In this case, the relationship between them will be extremely deteriorating, and Xin Haikong will always be cautiously guarding against them with that kind of suspicious and tentative look.

This is definitely not a scene they want to see.

Only by letting Xin Haikong discover the relationship between them can he gain his trust.

Excessive impatience always backfires.

But this is the end of the matter, and no amount of thinking will help.

Zhu Fu Jingguang sighed helplessly, and said sincerely: "I know, you will definitely not believe what we said. Now, your mind is blank, I don't know what kind of intelligence you used to infer Amuro. The names Tou and Xin Haikong. But please believe that we will never hurt you. We just want to help you."

"Then I appreciate your help. So can anyone explain the situation to me?"

The black-haired youth curled the corners of his mouth, and his tone became gentle again.

But Zhu Fu Jingguang knew very well that the other party didn't let go of his vigilance at all. The other party is just judging that he is in a weak position now, so it is appropriate to show weakness.

He glanced at the few people standing next to him and felt that the situation was very difficult.

Xin Haikong no longer trusts them so much, how should they tell each other that information? Is it a complete and straightforward statement, or an appropriate concealment?

From the selfishness of Zhu Fu Jingguang, this time, he didn't want to tell Xin Haikong anything about the organization at all. Zhu Fu Jingguang hopes that in the cognitive world of Xin Haikong, he has always been the young police officer who grew up in the light. Seniors with police academies have the simplest happiness.

But he is very worried about his concealment, which is likely to cause a second misunderstanding of Xin Haikong. In a mess, he didn't know where to start.


Zhu Fu Jingguang, who was standing on the side, fell into silence. For a long time, no one in the entire ward spoke.

Amuro Toru is too aware of the tangle of his young taming.

Why didn't he want to completely pull the younger generation out of the quagmire of this organization. Why didn't he want to do his best to wrap his junior in a brand-new information cocoon room and prevent him from touching anything related to the organization.

But they all know that this is impossible.

What is the position of Moscato represented by Xin Haikong and Xin Haikong in the organization? What kind of thoughts does the legendary M have towards Shinkaikura? Organizations still exist, evil lurking in the shadows, spying on new seas and skies all the time.

New crises could come at any time, in the last moments of the organization's imminent collapse, on the eve of a storm.

They must tell Xin Haikong the truth, and they must let Xin Haikong really recognize everything.

Only in this way, Xinhaikong will not be misled by the organization again.

After thinking about this clearly, Amuro broke his heart and broke the stagnant atmosphere in the ward. He took the initiative to speak, and explained everything they had speculated to Xin Haikong.

Xinhaikong is smart enough and has strong enough logic.

Amuro believes that the other party can make a correct and reasonable judgment after obtaining all the information completely.

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